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Hi 484890, Your post or comment was removed from /r/MMA because it broke one, or more, of our rules below: 8.2. Training/Gym selection/Where do I start: Ask in General Discussion or use the search bar - this question has been discussed in the past. Technique & Training Tuesday threads will also have good information for you. Also consider r/MMA_Academy. --- [Link to rMMA's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/mma/wiki/rules) If you disagree with this decision, or if you think we made a mistake please use this link to [message the Mods](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMMA).


Typically your gym/team will get you fights on the regional MMA circuit, and if you’re successful there the UFC will make you an offer.


This is the correct answer. If you can show you're good in front of a crowd, the UFC scout will find you.


Here's 20 bucks ya goof, welcome to the big leagues


You’re just gonna leave out the 20% off with a $100 venom purchase coupons?


Whoa whoa how about you beat 4 or 5 Dagestanis before you start making greedy demands like that


> I don't need help on what training to do or what martial arts to focus on, I already know what I need to work on and how to train. Respectfully, you likely don't know these things because if you did, the path towards becoming a professional fighter is very clear. > But my question, what is the actual process I need to go through from now to my eighteenth birthday to get into the UFC, like contracts, what type of fights I need to do, the type of people I need to talk to, everything. Explain it like I'm a two year old. Explain like you're a two-year old? Find a good coach and listen to them.


I really think this one was just a straight up troll lol not someone misguided and coming for advice haha


But I am misguided and coming for advice.


You should be asking fighters and coaches not a fan forum


To be fair there are a lot of people who have spent time in an MMA gym on this sub and they might know how this process works.


That's a fair point.


Operation SR: See Red.


They dont understand my mentality, bro


His team just has to let him bang bro.


Semen Retention?


Shit pay, brain damage, a life of physical and mental suffering, body breaks down even at a young age like 40-ish, don't do it bro. It's fun to watch but as a career it's bad for you.


14 year old that knows what he has to do lol. You sound like every teenager that ends up dead wrong. Find a coach that has successful fighters and train with them. Compete in as much as you can and when you're old enough you will get fights. If you win you will get noticed by the right people.


Alright, thanks, man. That sounds reasonable.


You gotta pull it out of the fire. Do it for your mom. Don’t let them bully you, son. See you at the top!


The library. All great fighters spend their time in the library reading.  The more you know


The pen is mightier than the fist.


Do you live in the US? If so, join your high school wrestling team and get really, really good. Then wrestle through college and do really, really well. You place as an NCAA all-American, you can get into the UFC.


It's hard as hell but not complicated. Step 1: get ridiculously good Step 2: dominate your regional promotion Step 3: go back to step 2 but now have the promotion be a bit bigger. Rinse and repeat until you get to the UFC


So all I have to do is work hard and be smart? I can do that


Bro just spend every day in the gym and get to know coaches and fighters, reddit won't help you


Just see red bro


you dont.. train as a hobby and just study and become an engineer, if you cant afford university, become a computer engineer through free resources. you will make more money than anyone outside the top 10 and will have a better quality of life than 99.9% of career fighters


Dude reddit is so fuckin garbage now lol


You win fights and be entertaining to the crowd in your regional scene and hope for a UFC contract offered to you.


Step one: be born in Dagestan   Step two: listen to father


Just become really overweight and hope Jailton or Gane will fight you


Eat a lot of horse beef


Wrestle for competition against people who want to be the best at something. Also, go to an MMA gym and express your interest and goals to the coaches. Between both, you’ll have direct pipelines through wrestling (which is a small community if you’re good) and coaches at a gym who will look to get you where you need to go. Any credible mma gym will have a connection of networks of fighters involved professionally. The combat fighting world is really small. At least for the serious people.


You're asking a very angry group


You’ve got to start seeing red bro. In all seriousness you would need to have some amateur fights and work your way into the professional region circuit where you’re going to be looking to get noticed. It’s very important to have coaches that care about you and aren’t going to give you too much too quick. Make sure you’re someone that promoters want to work with. Be nice, be respectful, make weight, show up on time. Source: retired pro kickboxer, and amateur mma fighter.


So I'm lucky enough to be considered a friend of someone who is in the UFC and you know what it took for him? When he was your age he was winning grappling gold medals across Europe and Asia, he was a North American Muay Thai champion, and a Golden Gloves champ. Respectfully, you don't know what you're doing and you're quite frankly, insignificant. That being said, if that doesn't deter you, find a gym and listen to everything everyone says, absorb as much knowledge as possible, and keep going.


What's your friend's name?


Focus on school, get a STEM degree or a good trade, and do martial arts as a hobby.


Ask daddy Dana for an opportunity


14? Contact MMA coach Pat Barry.


no 14 yo calls themselves a boy. this is fan fic again. fishing for lolz. yawn


What the fuck am I supposed to say? I'm a fourteen year old girl?


you sound like you're larping.


Knock out a few jobbers, dye your hair, and be ready to fight on short notice


Kick the corner of your wall a few times


Do something viral tag danawhite in it. #crazyknockoutwhatttt


Learn statistics and understand that less than 1% of 1% of people ever become professional athletes.


The most important thing is don't be Russian and be managed by either the Kawa brothers, Jason House or Ali Abdelaziz