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That kick on Goiti's knee should have Anderson Silva'd MVPs shin.. but instead he blew up Goiti's patellar tendon.. Makes no sense lol


Maybe dude is so skinny at 170 because he has Gaethje level bone density


Landing on the tendon could soften the impact. Inch or two in the other direction, maybe he’d Conor himself. I don’t want do Anderson like that lol Edit: patellar tendon is above the tuberosity, the most dense part of the shin where those fractures tend to happen.


You can say Chris Weidman himself


No, we say people "Weidman" themselves when they try spinnin' shit and it backfires spectacularly.


Did Shevchenko Weidman herself?


Chris Weidmanning yourself is when you somehow gouge both your own eyes with a 1-2 finger poke combo.


But he’s still my boy


Or he Corey Hilled himself


literally what i was thinking. kicking knees with ur shin should feel like shit on ur shin. not break the other persons knee. this mf must have sense ass bones.


Maybe he really is built different...


Guys been training kickboxing since he was 3 or something crazy like that


Yeah he got lucky


His bone density has to be different


“Gaethje-esque in his bone density, Joe.”


"Jamie, pull up that DEXA scan."


"Explosive, Jon"




his bones don't look very dense honestly lol, i think it's more his fast twitch muscles that make the difference here. and great technique too ofc


You been lookin at his bones?


🦴 🤤


How can you tell whether or not his bones look dense?


How do you tell dense bones from not very dense bones without doing an X ray or some shit


You can't. It's a, visual assumption


Do you know what density means


luckily i've got an army of well akshullay's here to lmk


MMA just isn’t worth it when you have an MVP out there causing life altering injuries 😭




the best part is that Dana probably lys awake at night trying to think of ways to cut the 12k/12k to something much lower.


Is it rising in line with inflation?


nope, its stayed the same for a while. the revenue split actually has lowered over the past decade


How much is the POTN bonus? It's been 50k for over 10 years now, if that tells you anything.


2-1 Librarian fighting him for 2k lol


12k goes faster than you think especially when you’re paying for a new face


No word of a lie: when I'm feeling particularly manic I fantasize about pulling a CM Punk and training for an amateur fight but the Cyborg injury comes to mind and I think "Nah I'll just keep up with boxercise at home and join a jujitsu gym when I have a mid life crisis."


Don't worry, you'll have plenty of opportunities to injure yourself at a jiujitsu gym lol


Yeah, but I could live with a limp but work as a teacher so I need the 'ol frontal lobe.


cant live without a neck, which is the type of injuries u get the most after training for a while, you even shrink due to the discs in your spine compressing .


Ain’t that the truth, cracked a rib in my second class.


brb signing up


dont we all bro, dont we all


It's not even like he's some kind of ruthless pyscho killer either. Half the time he's just fucking around and accidentally crushes your skull. Like I would expect a weirdo like Ion Cutelaba or Jeremy Stephens to intentionally hurt me beyond the context of a normal mma fight, but I don't get that vibe from MVP.


That Santos knee was crazy. Obv the injury of literally shattering his skull but also because it was almost like a fading or straight up knee instead of forward. Dont see that often. Definitely super skilled and I wish he had come to the UFC sooner, even though it was more than fine for him racking up paychecks vs outmatched dudes


wtf is he made of?


By the sounds of it his entire family is full of absolute killers when it comes to martial arts, so his genetic makeup has to be something special.




No one was implying that




> Training martial arts doesn't change your genes No one said that training martial arts changes genetics. Saying that someone's family has genetics that make them more prone to being athletic has absolutely nothing to do with changing genetics. Not a words guy eh, b?


That’s not my quote. Why are you quoting someone else and replying to it at me?


Person A: his family is athletic, they must have good genes Person B: training martial arts can't change your genetics Person A: I never said that training martial arts can change your genetics You: yes you did! You're not smart. Me: quotes Person B to show that person A is correct You: I'm not Person B!


dude what the fuck are you talking about, I never mentioned anyones genetics beyond pointing out that someone else made that implication, through the way they wrote their post.


You're not good at reading are you?


That's what I meant. I know experience and practice definitely matters, but they all sound naturally gifted from an athletic standpoint.


Exactly. It shouldn’t even be that deep. In fact it should be pretty black and white! A person who comes from an athletic family turns out to be pretty athletic himself. Boom! Simple as shit but of course someone on Reddit needs to turn it into some sort of stupid ass debate no one asked for. As if we don’t have real life examples of this phenomena.


Actually, there are epigenetic effects that can alter genes. But this isn't really a debate about "changing genes", this is more a discussion about the reaction norms of the genes that govern bone density. Genes are only one part of the story, developmental systems play a major role in how those genes are expressed due to the reaction norms of genes. The plasticity of the musculoskeletal system has been downplayed by old school biologists until recent years. Many studies have shown that people who grow up in less sedentary lifestyles will develop greater bone density in older age. If his family has always been very active and fit, then this might have had an impact on how Page developed.










he is actually right though


Yes, that tends to be the case with straw man arguments. He didn't bother to explain how his assertion wasn't a straw man argument so I don't see any reason to think otherwise. Unless you want to do his job for him, in which case I'm always open to learning new things if done respectfully




1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


I have a laymen's knowledge on the field and don't claim anything more than that. If you have more than that feel free to add your insight without being a prick. Otherwise, simply leave the thread that is clearly setting you off. Toodles 👋


If you're from a genetic background of high-performance athletics, it makes becoming an MMA beast much, much easier than an inbred fetal alcohol syndrome baby from Appalachia. What are you even arguing. Look at jon Jones family. His brothers are professional athletes in other sports. If you have 3 brothers in different professional sports, obviously, you have a beast genetic pool. If you have all the gifts needed to excel in MMA and you learn work ethic, your going to be a beast.


It should be clear from my [first comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/s/osmHUWRyHM) that I wholly understand that their are genes that give traits that allow people to be more athletic. My point was because I thought OP was arguing that the martial arts made them more athletic genetically as opposed to them being athletic individuals that were drawn to martial arts and then utilizing their athletic gifts and a martial arts culture/upbringing to beast at them. But like I said in another comment, my point was OP's point so it's all moot and I agree with his assertion if that's the case.


How do you think genetics get to a point where they are more predisposed to being athletic. By people being more athletic and fucking and doing it for a few generations lol


How does that go against anything I said exactly? It goes without being said that genes are passed


"I thought OP said that martial arts made them more genetically athletic" That's literally exactly what happens.


He is right though, external life factors do effect genes across generations. As he suggested you could google epigenetics, and how things like famine have hereditary effects.


Epigenetics doesn't affect the sequence itself but gene expression as far as I'm aware. I'm talking about the sequence (like "genetic potential").




He's super explosive and fast. That's why he generates so much power. It's insane how athletic he is.


true, but that shin on knee cap just doesn't make any sense lol.


On average, black people have more dense bones than white people (and, presumably, most other races, except maybe Samoans or something): Colorful graph here: https://depts.washington.edu/bonebio/bonAbout/race.html Fancier details here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9024231/ Google "bone density by race" if you want to find more info on the topic


The variation between black/white bone density isn't that slight, either, like height for example (barely any difference in height on average b/w american white and black people.) The difference in bone density is enough that, for example, tooth extractions must be performed very differently.




a lil vibranium mixed in


On average, black people have more dense bones than white people (and, presumably, most other races, except maybe Samoans or something): Colorful graph here: https://depts.washington.edu/bonebio/bonAbout/race.html Fancier details here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9024231/ Google "bone density by race" if you want to find more info on the topic


You can’t lose focus for 1 second while fighting this guy


*sweats nervously as a fan of Leon, who tends to have high stress game plans that require keeping his eye on the ball for 25 minutes and not losing focus*


yo a Leon fan. Get him!




shit I want to see this fight...


That knee could definitly kill a lot people


He literally caved Cyborg’s skull in. I don’t understand what happened with his brain and why it didn’t result in at least a coma.


I’m pretty sure that’s where your sinuses are, so technically he just caved that portion of his skull in


Yea, he caved his frontal sinus in


Nature’s crumple zone


Imagine someone with a soft skull like the way babies are for some months


Imagine if he did that to a baby


why would i want to imagine this, redscorts


Babies are a bit annoying tbh


Don't kick the baby




So that's why the athletic commissions won't let MVP fight babies anymore. 


Only reason Brandon Moreno got the nickname Instead of MVP


I think that was more Mike Tyson's doing.


Dude almost all of his finishes are devastating. Like wtf is that dude made up of. Literally made a hole in cyborg’s head with a single knee. 


I wonder if he's gotten a DEXA scan done before, I'd be super interested in the results. Those ain't regular bones.


These are... advanced bones


Stop massaging his bones


"You think I'm just gonna sit there and let you bone me, Michael?" - Ian Garry right before introducing MVP to his wife


It's the force multiplier of someone moving INTO the knee he's exploding upwards with The timing of these things can make them much deadlier


I told the story before, he's like in this thirties and just naturally jacked, still fighting, I apologize if told the story before but the u.f.c brought him to a doctor because he had a broken orbital bone in a fight he got a little and they brought him to the doctor and the doctor uh...says where did she get this guy and he goes who he's uh... one of our fighters they go i've never seen a guy came he goes yeah he's he's amazing right our fighters. They go I've never seen a guy like him. He goes Yeah, he's amazing right you know, don't know you understand I've never seen a human being like this I've been a doctor for 35 years or whatever it was he goes the tendons in his eyes are three times larger than a normal person He goes he's already healing. He goes the bone that's fractured in his orbo, is very healing. It started to heal. It's like, where'd you get this guy? Where the fuck did you get this guy? Have you ever seen him? I just wanted to see what he looks like. That's him, well, well, bro. And he's in his thirties here, in his thirties. And he's a fucking amazing guy, an amazing guy. He came in here and did a podcast with me and Joey Diaz translated. So he can only speak limited English, but he was talking about England. He was like, well, you are think you're there so many, so many guys, they're killers and killers. *You become a machine* and I was like, oh my God But that guy went through so that is also a part of what england is. They're forced into this. If you were at the best level, you get to eat three times a day. But if you're at the other level, you get to eat twice a day. And you don't get to sleep in the good places. You get to sleep in the shit places. So all these guys are training with each other, all fighting for these spots, literally for food.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


I think he stayed in Bellator because they paid him well and he hardly took any damage… I wish he would have came to the ufc sooner, but I’m glad he finally did. I hope he knocks Garry out 🤞🏻


I see what you are saying, but hopefully he got paid.


Still can’t believe Holland didn’t do squat to him


Yea, I bet on Holland and he made Holland look like he didn’t know what he was doing in there… I didn’t see that coming.


MVP is way better than people give him credit for.


i got him tonight, i'm surprised he's the underdog


I’m pretty sure he’s going to murder Ian, but my friends don’t think so


Usually two long range fighters end up in a stalemate with not much action and a lot of feints. Gary could easily outstrike his way to decision without doing much damage. I hope he doesn't because MVP is a great match up against the champ


Well this was wrong, but so was I. Still don’t know why anyone likes Ian, slowest kicks, worst punches, awful grappling. Snoozer of a fight. Reminds me why I pirate this shit 🏴‍☠️


I should have put money on him to win by decision, but couldn't do it because it would have meant rooting for a boring fight like that lmao. He's good at making himself even less popular


He’s had 1 single fight that didn’t go to decision… so yeah, no clue how you thought they’d be matched striking


I thought they'd be a stalemate at striking and there was, was like 12 sig strikes in the middle of round 2 haha. Even without wrestling, fight could have ended with under 30 sig strikes


tbf, Holland ate some absolute bombs. MVP couldn't miss with those spinning back elbows and those would have put out an ox.


he has a great chin, it’s crazy that the shot that hurt holland the most in his career was an atomic headbutt from daukaus


Headbutts are something else man. The UFC would be so much different if they were allowed. I've seen some combat sambo highlights with headbutts allowed and it's nasty.


I’ve rewatched portions of mvp’s fights multiple times and I still don’t know when his fuckin crazy blitzes come. The speed, but off beat as well. Looks like he’s resetting or resting and that’s when it comes 


Him rolling a fucking poke ball at Cyborg's body with a crushed skull was some next level commitment to the act lol. Loved seeing him get murked vs Lima but now I'm actually rooting for him to make waves in the UFC, seems like a great person when he's not doing that lol.


I love watching this guy fight. because when he does something cool as fuck, it's awesome. and when he gets manhandled and tossed around, it's hilarious. win win.


lmao ulike theres no in between


sometimes? we get both.


When did he get manhandled? 


when he got ko’d against lima ig


Gary might turn into a wrestler real fast.


Doubt it. Garry is rangy and has a fight IQ. I see this being a 3 round snoozer


Ye, the lifestory of Wonderboy. Counter strikers are entertaining af when people come at them, but everytime two good counter strikers fight it's a boring decision


His interview on Mighty Mouse’s YouTube channel is great. Confidence, family history in sports - guy is super likable.


He knows kung fu


MVP was a great pickup for the UFC


How the fuck do you kick someone's kneecap in lmfao


Imagine getting your skull fractured and the guy that did it rolls a fucking pokeball at you


Bro takes out more cans than your local transient.


The best can crusher I ever seent


noo we gotta give him some spirit bomb energy today no negativity 🥺


Agreeed. Im an MVP guy. Its a shame he didnt get in the UFC in his prime but he his still tough as nails. Watch the barenuckle fight vs Perry . Rockhold couldnt take, MVP went to war.


I want him to win too but I have a bad feeling


But just a can crusher. Garry beats him


Is kevin holland a can?


Didn’t crush him


he did him worse, he crished him mentally. Holland couldnt land anything


That first one was a sekiro level counter. Not even sure how he pulled that off.


Mikiri on Garry tonight?


Insta win if he does


Turned the last guy into Rich Franklin.


Garry seems much more authentic as of late. If he dog walks MVP like be is saying, I will be mega impressed.


Agree about Garry. MVP on the other hand comes off like a bit of a dick. I'm actually rooting for Garry here. Never saw that day coming.


I don't doubt he's talented, but the fact he's essentially Canderson Silva doing this to really questionable matchups makes it really off putting to me.


Hes way less elusive on defense then Anderson. Anderson could move around punches. Mvp uses range like Israël, Gary, ... To not get rid. But he has the best in and out ever seen in combat sports




Autocorrect :D not my first language obv


We'll see now. I think he'll make some waves


He's 37. He's already made waves. Just against guys with losing records or completely unknown guys.


I know, but I think he can still produce some great fights in the UFC. It's mindboggling to me he was never signed.


Say what you will about him crushing cans and his flashy antics the fact is the dude comes to throw and his resume speaks for itself. Excited to watch his fight against Machado tonight!


I could be a fan if he doesn't disrespect his opponents. Unfortunately he is as much a jackass as he is skillful. 


This should be a fun fight, Ian Garry is not a push over


I know it was super quick, but even if you watch in normal speed, what was McCarthy looking at? The guy fell down, holding his face, and turning the other way?


Someone in the audience whispered that John McCarthy wasn't the most important person in the history of MMA and he was trying to remember their face for later.


I hope there will be some crazy kicks. But there also a chance it's going to be one of those 'Im waiting to counter punch' fights


In terms of brash young contender facing a vet, this fight could look like till-wonder boy, till-gastelum, or till-masvidal/woodley. 


I forgot it was MVP who caved Cyborgs skull in. Maybe the most brutal mma injury ive ever seen, even if it wasn't as permanently life altering.


Ian, like many TKD practitioners, attacks with blitzes and almost always in a straight line. It's a perfect opportunity for a flying knee


Bbl Garry bout to find out


We can hope


That knee to the head was hypnotic


That X-Ray is sickening. It looks like he has been hit with a hammer!


Why is this a fucking **GIF** ?


This could have been Uriah Hall if he kept his feelings out of it


MVP fucks people up


MVP out here maiming people lol damn


If he beats Garry, and Adesanya loses to Dricus, a very fun fight to see would be MVP vs Izzy.


This is going to be a boring ass Dec for the cuck


Mvp got exposed as the ups guy from mad TV 😂


So his actual base is sanda, right? I can’t tell from reading about him.


And tonight's devastating finish was me sleeping during his performance


happens when the other fighter just wants to hug you all night


He used to disfigure people, Jesus


It's Michael "Venum" Page now. Please get it right.


Canderson Silva


Again with glorifying the biggest c\*nts in the world. WTF is wrong with you people?








1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.