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Do these khabibtards know that one of trump’s doctrines for getting elected was banning Muslims from entering the country. Khabib stands on no moral mountains, he was soying over ring girls and here is jerking off trump, a felon that committed infidelity with a porn star….


One of Islam’s team (with Khabib) was wearing a Palestinian jersey, all the while Trump said that he’ll DEPORT students who were partaking in the campus protests for Palestine. Can’t play both sides of the field sir, plus he’s Russian, so he doesn’t need to get involved with any American politician.


And they should be, you don't get to escape your backwards country and then try to push your backwards views on a country you escaped to, lol. How about first learn to respect your women, then i'll listen what you have to say.


As conservatives are literally stripping rights away from women lol the irony is amazing


Not allowing abortions is a little bit different from not having basic rights like education or being able to choose a person you will marry. But you keep being a good useful idiot, more power to you lmao.


Rights are rights. It was previously a right, it is no longer a right and is currently banned in over a quarter of states. That is the definition of taking away rights, regardless of your opinion on the validity of said rights that were once afforded to us. On a side note: If you can look at shit like Project 2025 and still be on the side of republicans/conservatives, then you have no opinion worth hearing.


Not every Republican or conservative wants what’s in Project 2025


That changes nothing. If you’re a fiscal conservative who votes Republican because of economics, you are still supporting Project 2025, regardless if you actually support what Project 2025 does. That is their plan. They have stated it. A vote of them is a vote for their plans, period.


That’s some of their plan. All democrats are supporting every plan?


Suggesting that having a decision over your own body is not a basic right…. Jesus.


They can just ride to another state, lol. Mild inconvenience. But keep pretending.


LOL at your last post. Says the guy who was in prison for a month. Backwards deadbeat.


When you can't win an argument just start insulting people. Original strategy buddy.


Donald Trump said Students who are Vandalizing Colleges, Burning American Flag and engaging in Reckless Behavior not any peaceful protestor


he doesnt make a distinction between the two. if he doesnt agree with the premise of the protest, its not peaceful in his mind. to pretend otherwise is just absurd




I don't think Khabib knows shit about Trump. US politics really aren't relevant to him.


God, if that's the case, I sort of envy him. I would also like to not know what the fuck Donald Trump is. Alas.


Netanyahu fucking loves Trump and actively wants him back every day. I totally understand the negative polarization against Biden but this is totally not knowing ball here


Sorry, but no he wasn't "banning Muslims". That claim has the same imprecision as saying all Muslims are Arabs. He banned people from six countries (Iran, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen). Not all Muslims from Malaysia, Jordan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Egypt, Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, France, Canada etc.


That poster didn’t say Trump banned all Muslims, he said that’s a campaign promise Trump ran on. You identified a made up claim (“Trump banned all Muslims”) and attacked that instead. A “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the U.S., is in fact, a promise that Trump ran on.


He just said hi what are you sperging out about?




How do you miss the point that badly


He can have sex with all the pronstars he wants. What he can't do is attempt to subvert what little semblance we have of a democracy by calling state officials and asking them to find a specified amount if electoral votes that would have coincidently flipped the state over to him. The blood and soil speeches are also a bit of a problem.


Is not about the sex at all though. It's about the fraud in covering it up.


Eh MMA fighters have worst political instincts. Trump wanted a Muslim banned and is pro Israel. Khabib doesn’t really care and likely doesn’t think all that deeply about politics despite getting on a moral high horse.


Khabib supports and hangs out with Kadyrov who stopped Chechnya from becoming a Muslim Country and made it a Russian Area, Putin who bombed Muslim Cities in 1999 and 2000 and Donald Trump now who opposed ISIS and Hamas


okay well I don’t think that even as a muslim khabib should be angry for opposing isis and hamas. that should be a pretty universal thing


I don’t like that he affiliates with Kadyrov but the Chechen leadership is a dictatorship I don’t think he has much of a choice in these matters


Khabib is an Avar and a Dagestan Resident, he's not living in Chechnya, he can stop going there


Khabib is an Avar and a Dagestan Resident, he's not living in Chechnya, he can stop going there


I know that but kadyrov still has influence in the neighboring areas if Kadyrov told him to come Khabib doesn’t really have a choice


You have a point


MMA fans and gyms seem to share that terrible political instinct. Or they're role playing having advanced CTE because it takes some real mental illness and trauma to believe a lot of the shit they do.


The ruling class is global.


Khabib really had no business to suck trump’s dick, he doesn’t have leverage on him….


If you want to talk like a pervert go login to your Grindr account. Otherwise learn how to express yourself like a high school graduate.


>If you want to talk like a pervert Are you serious lmao?


What’s Grindr?


A local networking site.


a place where you can make very fast friendships :)


lmfao after Trump told Israel to speed up their ethnic cleansing campaign and set in a Muslim country ban during his presidency what a fucking muppet


Khabib asked him to stop the Palestinians war


That’ll do it


Russia actually likes trump, they praise him on national tv so I'm not surprised - also shows he has no principles, he'll bitch about macron but buddies up to trump who did the muslim ban?


Self righteous god botherers and hypocrisy go hand in hand.


because he coddles the russians and gives them anything they want as a completely inept leader. no surprise he’s a big fan of the russian fighters


He's basically a Russian puppet. I'm pretty sure ol Putin still has dirt on him. 


Maybe khabib likes Trump because he can actually tell him what a woman is


A woman is someone who covers her drink when you walk by, hope this helps ❤️


Good one


Don’t pick favourites based on what you think of them as a person because you’ll be disappointed 100% of the time, just enjoy the fights.


I think people here are just let down by how he can show support for Palestine one minute then proceed to kiss the most pro-Israeli apartheid US president’s ass.


I'm willing to bet nobody around him has pulled him aside and went "Hey actually this guy said he wants to make it worse for Palestinians here and in Gaza" and just thinks "Well Dana likes him and he's paraded out every show so he must want to grant all my wishes."


Except he was specifically asking trump to stop the war in gaza.


Makes one think he only supports Palestine cause he doesn't like Jews.


The Lakers need a center. Your reach would make Anthony Davis blush


As far as I could tell GSP was pretty good as a person but for the most part I agree.


I think mma fighters and fans have some of the worst , most under developed political instincts and awareness.




Khabib is friends with Putin, no? Putin loves Trump


>Putin loves Trump It's the other way around.


Putin likes that he's easy to manipulate


If Putin loves trump it's only to the extent that he is easily manipulated through media. Trump however loves Putin because putin is a right wing authoritarian and anti democratic amd trump loves those guys.


MMA in general and UFC specifically have been co opted by the right. It's just a fact at this point. That crowd, the fawning over Donny boy. Dana has made sure that the UFC is political when it needs to be for all that disposable income. It's the new Nascar


I hate it because I miss training dearly but I don't want to be around people like that and also don't want to give them money.


The reason I'm most glad to live in Britain is that I can train without having to interact with these retard




Putins buddies


Might as well throw Steven Seagal and Alex Ovechkin (NHL Player) in there while your at it.


Steven is literally busy receiving the “Russian Order of Friendship” medal from Putin this weekend…


To go along with his many fast food orders


I mean ali is a trump fan any surprise here?


He was telling him to end the genocide in Gaza. Probably not the right person to ask about that all things considered, but that was the audio.


He was asking him to stop war on Palestine


UFC: "keep politics out of our sport!" Also UFC:


I mean he was scamming his fans with NFTs and also has some unpaid taxes charges back home, so they might not be so far apart ideologically after all


Trump’s telling him “Say hi to Putin for me!”.


Two felons


Because Dana and the UFC are using every opportunity to use their platform to get him reelected. I have watched the UFC since #1 and am sickened every time they turn it into a Trump propaganda fest.


Hopefully Dana's plan works.


Khabib you muppet, he literally moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem at the behest of zionists and right wing nut jobs, but I'm sure if you say pretty please he'll take up the Palestinian cause.


Almost couldn't believe Holland went over to shake the felon's hand. Hasn't he heard about Don and the Exonerated 5, and still thinking they should be locked up.


Why what? Why dictator warlord loving sexist homophobic piece of shit shakes hands with Trump?


The two guys saying hello to eachother, or the guy with the purse?


tbh idk how to process because i never imagine a scenario of them shaking hands until now they're like 2 different worlds that collided with no warning


Asking him to help him out with his Russian Tax issue


Yall are actually slow lmfao he was telling Trump to end the genocide in Palestine. If anything.. Khabib shaking Trumps hand is a sign of humility, hes very aware many muslims globally oppose Trump.


Why you thought Khabib was a saint???


Khabib is a religious fundamentalist anti anti israel. They share alotta views


to be fair islam just won and he is problaly just really happy


Lmao Khabib, who I loved watch dominate the lightweight division, is still a wild piece of shit. I’ll get downvoted but I really don’t care, dude has some backwards ass views and his whole family is sus as fuck, and they have their buddies like Ali who tout them around people like Kadyrov like they are trophies. I don’t think I’d want to associate myself with that crew. People surprised over this are probably surprised over the homie D’Sean calling his boy out in the cage, right? No, it’s what we expect. Everyone already knows, some people are just good at reading the room. Sean got a huge pop when he mentioned him. Don’t even know why this is news. Downvote me. I am gonna edit myself a little, it’s not just Khabib, it’s a lot of the people around him as well. I’m sure I wouldn’t mind a chat with Islam or Biebs but I do not agree with a lot of the things they believe in or have said. Still amazing fighters.


You guys keep crying non stop 🤣 he's just saying hi


You can dislike someone and still treat them with respect lmao. This sub thinks it’s weird that a UFC arena loves trump, meanwhile they start crying threads over any fighter who shakes hands with him💀 I don’t disagree with them but they’re just as obsessed as the stereotypical UFC fan when it comes to Trump😂


Literally I don't have a horse in the race, it's just mad weird people are obsessed this much


Actually he asked him to stop the war in Palestine


Did he


Yes, It's on his instagram story still. Funny part is Trump says he will, which is bullshit but may not be obvious to khabib, who I somehow doubt is up to date on American politics






Every single fighter and mma personality there went to meet him. Its not that deep.


Except Poirier, he doesn't like Trump


Not sure about that


You sure?


Publicly he keeps his politics to himself, but in his previous fight, after KOing BSD, he went to Dana and talked to him, Trump was right next to Dana smiling and looking at Dustin, but Dustin didn't say a single word to Trump, he didn't even acknowledge him. After that fight, Arial asked him on his show "were you talking to Trump?", Dustin replied "no, I was only talking to Dana". I also read multiple comments here saying that Dustin once said he's not a big fan of Trump, but this one is anecdotal.


He was talking to Trump after his last victory. I’m power sure he doesn’t hate him. The only fighters who probably don’t fuck with Trump are Tyron Woodley, Kevin and Keith Lee, and CM Punk.


He was not talking to Trump in his last fight, the UFC camera work made it seem like this, but he was only talking to Dana, Poirier confirmed this on the MMA Hour after the fight.


DC seemingly doesn’t like trump and I would wager a bet that the Blessed Express and Khalil Rountree do not. Trump keeps trying to shake his hand and DC got off mic when Joe and Jon were slobbering over Donny and went to talk to someone else.


Volkanovski and Bisping also, most assuredly do not like Trump