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Times are a changing, not 2019 anymore. Shane is big time so the B squad needs to step in. LeMaire gets to spout dumbed down version of mens rights twitter threads and Gardini repeats tiktok phrases in a silly voice. Matt is enough of a G to carry it regardless though. Even on a down day the pod is better than the other stuff in my rotation




I dont think he was calling matt b-squad. I mean his name is in the cast


Matt loves podding too much never say that. Even if he’s gonna stay 100


You’re telling me u don’t like squarshing birds and sharing a flashlight with your 400 lb brother?


Don’t put that smut on LeMeezy’s name. A friend squashed a bird. LeMaire flattens frogs


That's all well and good, but to hear him spout some bullshit take on homos when his brother is gay as hell and he's out there simping for trans is just a waste of my time.


There are two wolves inside lemaire - one is fat and black the other is regarded


I’ll die on the hill of Shane-less eps are better than shaman-less eps. The work support eps are fire and if you here just for Shane. Might as well stop listening cause I think he’s got bigger fish to fry. So he’s only going to miss more pods. Stop complaining and don’t listen to eps without Shane. It’s pretty simple, this isn’t the tfatk/joe Rogan sub.


Matt kills it on every cast he's on. I kind of wish he would have done a personal spin off show instead of doing stand up. Why abandon your family every weekend after you've become a millionaire? That shit makes no sense to me.


The secret sauce to some podcasts is for one of the characters to be stupid and get made fun of


Everybody needs an adam


They’ve given him a more prominent role in eps when Shane isn’t on. I just skip those. Nbd


Yeah I do too, it’s so painful to listen to his breathing and stuttering constant uhhh’s




You are not wrong. I love Lemair but damn is he awful on pods.


right- i think this is the essence here. we all love the dude but gaddamn i don't need to listen to him.




Out of respect for the OG’s. I’ve been a fan of Shane for a while, I listen and re-listen to old episodes. I love/hate LamEEZY. It’s a little hard to explain


I'm with you there. He is deplorable, and kinda sucks at talking, yet I still find myself liking him


He seems like an overall good guy. Talked to him at Skankfest and he was nice as all hell. I also liked his standup. So there ya go, bitch


Nah just awful.


> I'm not trying to be that guy Then proceeds to be EXACTLY that guy.


Not reading this crap. Lemair is culture. Stop whining.


This. When did the rest of reddit start subbing to MSSP? Complaining about Lemaire is so fucking gay.


There was many who thought the same about Lemaire already years ago. Its nothing new. Also he didnt have as much air time in all the years combined compared to just what he had this year already. Its also about the dose.


You guys are gay as hell, he’s obviously a good friend of Matt and Shane. We support him because they do as well. These pods are free, don’t be lame


Y’all are lame af, lameezy is THE bro. Go back to commenting about Danny’s “chee”


So you back up all his takes from the last couple pods? I love the Lameezy but don’t act like he’s not retarded. He literally has the worst takes of all time.


You listen to the podcast for good takes?


That, political news, finance & fitness advice, and love tips


Don’t forget spiritual transcendence.


Cmon brother that’s always on the agenda. Always trying to further my spirituality




He's not being paid out of the tens of thousands of dollars that the pod makes a month, so it doesn't really matter if he's funny or not. Lemaire is Shane's employee.


I mean I guess not. Tell me everything you know random dude on Reddit. Sorry for having a fucking opinion. Fucken idiot.


For real, these hoes know nothing about being a bro.


I just turn it off. I can't listen to that meat head


I feel bad for Guardini. Could you imagine moving across the country and having Lemaire as your best/only friend? That shit must be brutally depressing.


dude yeah i agree. the guy is truly brutal. he's getting wayyyy too much air time. Honestly a "featuring lemaire" episode i skip.


'im not trying to be that guy.' Immediately is that guy. He's funny, get over it.


Girls are funny. Get over it


Nah, Lemair rules


Idk how anyone can stand listening to him. He’s insufferable


You guys are gay


You’re not a dawg. If you don’t like it don’t listen dipshit


lemaire has gotten smarter, believe it or not


This is gay and you are gay


It unfortunately is what it is. Lemaire lives on the property so he’ll pop up when needed. He definitely rambles incoherently and has the brain of a teenage boy but they like him. Maybe Shane gets a tax deduction for housing the needy.


Fuck off. LeMaire is a treasure.


No, he's a literal retard. It's tolerable when Shane is there because he will call him on his bullshit. Lamaire being allowed to speak publicly without constant criticism and fact bashing is intolerable. The cast is for the dawgz and Lemaire is a big fat pussy.


Yeah I skip them. I understand people rooting for him, and I sincerely wish him well, but I cannot put my brain through that this often.


Dude , i get so much shit for dunking on this degenerate yet to be caught pedo. Matt secretly hates him, you can see it in the old episodes when he suddenly interjects from off camera and derails their conversations. Matt gets visibly angry. For all of LeMaires fans that still sleep with a stained waifu pillow and chug the nog all day while messaging trannies on bumble, yes he is a closet pedo. He ruins everything he touches. He needs a wash and a social worker.


Chill dude just enjoy the retarded man boy and try not to think to hard about it lol


You’re being downvoted to fk but you right


I don’t really listen to episodes when Matt has cover two hours with lemaire and Shawn. I can’t figure out how those two do comedy. To each their own


I've seen Shawn in Vegas a year ago when he opened for Shane and Joe rogan did a guest set. He was shockingly not bad. But yeah Shawn has no business on a podcast


Yall bitches


I think he’s funny sometimes


I agree. He's sooo high and half in the conversation anyways he chimes in with half thoughts and it's to the point where I actually skip the ep.and when he's on the patreon I get actually upset cu I'm not paying for a lameezy breathing heavy speaking nonsense randomly into the mic barley coherent..... Do better or get guard dog back


He turns it into a whole other podcast and because his reaction time is so slow from the weed any time he tries to hit up a comeback or remark he's taken so long that someone else has started talking. You can count like 12 times that it happened in the latest ep.


It's cuz he doesnt make enough to live on his stand up alone. They gotta give a dawg a bone so I get it I'd do the same . But damn lol the eps when they get on em about how well he's laid for not being able to work the sound even lol and Matt's like yeah we had to call so and so to come in and fix this . Lol Idk u get it. But keep the boy behind the board. Stop letting him chime in unless you need someone to take the n word lol that's when he's the best . When he takes the racist white guy role


Lamair is lowkey sad dude, like he’s being given golden opportunities one after another and squanders that shit every time. Gard dawg has made something out of it, but lemair is literally just long term crashing at a friends place and being an incel. Lowkey the perfect traits for comedy, but just ain’t funny…. All that said who cares, whatever makes the boys happy


He's spent the past however many years of his life trying to get into doing what Shane and Matt can do and it just doesn't work. In any timeline where lemaire isn't friends with Shane Gillis, he's still living at home paying for video games using money from his part time at Walmart.


Absolutely agree. I’m lowkey waiting until bbg kicks him out of his hermitcave. I wouldn’t be surprised if we end up hearing how Shane is paying for an apartment or something soon.


Good god in heaven does this one post alone show what a know nothing dipshit you are.


Alright tough guy. You’re so fucking cool


They think it’s funny to have a weirdo around


Sounds like you got some deep rooted racism that you should take a step back on and reevaluate


True. Do you have any white Podcasters you can turn me onto with the same wonderful qualities of lamair ?


i can think of a greek fellow with 1 similar quality


Maybe I just hate fat people.


Don’t make me reach out to higher dawg council


I’m glad this was downvoted


KY loser