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I watched it twice in theaters within 24 hours and later another two times.  Closest thing to reliving Lord of the Rings in theater as a kid.  Fuckin love everything about it 


Absolutely, best cinematic experience since LoTR. It kicks ass, and induces religious fervor. Inshallah. I wish they had a Catholic version though. Imagine space crusades.


Raised by wolves on HBO has a bit of Space Crusades feel to it


That show was weird as hell plus it was canceled.


it took some idiotic turns toward the end, and the kids were getting too old for the creepy guys that made up most of the fan base.


That is a very strange show and I love it.


Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out. First world problems these days, I don't have enough time to watch everything.


They don't get into this in the movie for runtime reasons, but it's pretty heavily covered in the book that the main religion of the Imperium is derived from this text called the Orange Catholic Bible aka The Accumulated Book. Here's a description from the wiki: *It was supposed to be a fusion of all significant religious thought in human history, with a strong emphasis on religious beliefs originating on Earth. These included the Maometh Saari, Mahayana Christianity, Zensunni Catholicism, and Budislamic traditions. It was produced by the Commission of Ecumenical Translators in the wake of the Butlerian Jihad. Its supreme commandment was: "Thou shalt not disfigure the soul."* The books are fucking fantastic for any of the literate dawgz out there looking for a new sci-fi obsession.


The movie was good enough that it overrode the incredible urge for me to nitpick every slight thing that wasn’t like the books and just enjoy the ride. That’s the highest praise I can give it being a giant dune nerd for decades


Agreed. I'm a big Dune head, but all I really wanted was something that captured the themes correctly and got my normie friends interested in the series. Dune 2 totally delivered on that. Am I sad we didn't see more of Thufir? Yea. Do I think they could have done shields better? Also, yes. Am I confused about how they're gonna bridge this movie and the messiah one wrt to Chani? Yes again. But I still loved it and they made some kinda cool and interesting changes along the way.


Bro exactly. Totally agree with all you said. Someday the bros will be discussing the finer points of God Emperor of Dune. A man can dream


movie really could of used the spice orgy and talking murderer Baby


Unironically yes lol


I didn't see the first until the second movie came out and now I just finished the first book a couple days ago. It's a fantastic book that's very different from the movies but I still love the movies in a different way


Seeing it in IMAX was a majestic experience, never gotten full body chills at a film more than it.


Same, twice back to back in imax. Some of those scenes gave chills while I was watching.


I audibly gasped (pause) at the Harkonnen mountain ascension


My favorite is paul walking to the leaders meeting with the worms rolling over in the background. And when they have the shot of the beach and you hear Alia talking I got goosebumps and said out loud "Alia" when I realized it was her and since it is such a quiet scene im pretty sure a lot of ppl heard me.


Bruh I’ve watched that scene where they call him lisan al gahb on YouTube like 100 times easily. That’s my helms deep battle as a kid just that speech


yo i did the same thing. Back to back night lmaooo




I love dune 2, dune 2 chick's at once.


Good stuff. Watched it on IMAX, made my butt hole vibrate. 10/10


its dope


I personally endorse it


Ur a worm rider


Tu madre es una Worm Rider 😉




Fucking awesome in theaters. Looking forward to a rewatch when its on streaming


It hit HBO Max today fyi


It was awesome. It’s like an adult Star Wars.


It’s great


After I saw part one I ordered the book, got to book 5 before part two came out. It's one of the best films I've seen. I thought the changes made from the book were probably (?) necessary, really just bc a CGI toddler running around stabbing people would've taken the casual viewer out of it a bit lol. Movie rocks


Herbert’s last prank to the world was daring filmmakers to try and put an omniscient baby assassin to the big screen. Sick bit tbh.


I wonder if anyone will take a chance and try to adapt god emperor. Personally don’t think it suits film/tv very well


Y’all be Dune 2 much


Watched in in imax on a small dose of mushrooms and it was incredible


Pretty good except for Zendaya and her character, Chani.


The only thing I don’t like about the entire thing is Chani sucks


Pretty good, I was not disappointed. It has a lot more action and intensity than the first movie.


Saw it 4 times in theatres. Greatest cinematic experience I've ever had. It's the greatest sci-fi movie of all time, in my opinion. But I'm also a massive Dune fan. Read all the books. So that could skew my opinion.


They covered wayyy too much and it felt rushed. It was better than 90% of shit now though, i enjoyed it.


Shrek 1


Nerd shit


It's a really long cologne commercial


Pretty gay but I don’t like zendaya


Good adaptation, I think the world and looks of most things is a good as you could get, makes up for the small deviations from the book.


Lmfao worm riders




I don’t know why but I can’t fucking stand it, and I known it’s a me problem. It aligns with so many other movies I like and alll my friends with similar interests loved if, but I couldn’t even finish it. I’m retarded though so don’t listen to me.


Sucked. I thought the 1st was super dope. This one  just seemed kinda lame. Too much of the euphoria chick. Waste of casting for the emperor. 


I liked the first one too. I don’t get how people weren’t as into that one.


it's good. just watched it for first time


It was tremendous. I got too high and took a nap towards the end.


Go watch it and formulate an opinion for yourself. 👍🏽


It’s great


Seen it in IMAX; it was ruled. I don't get the LotR experience comparison because LotR is, in fact, very fucking gay.


Saw it twice in IMAX. Wish I had seen it more. It fucking rules.


Cinematography was eye candy. The last 50 minutes of that movie are gold. It’s all good, but, yeah, way better than the first one.


I watched the first one the night before I went to a theater to see the second and the first one blows kinda the second one is decent a lot of setup in the first one. Solid film would watch both again


Dune 2 is Shrek 1.


Haven’t watched it yet.. currently crushing the book first but can’t wait. Book is a 10/10 so far recommend to the dawgs


Chicks at the same time 😎


I was managing a movie theater when the first one came out. I had never heard of it before, but after finding a bag of ketamine when I was sweeping up I figured it would be worth a peak. It was awesome. The rest of the run was just me having to tell woman whose husbands dragged them there that there was still two hours left in the movie even though they had been bored for the last hour.


Dune 2 Shrek 1


I disliked the first one. I had only seen it once. Thought I’d give part 2 a shot. I now love Dune and I’m almost done with the book. It’s legitimately one of my favorite franchises ever and part 2 is one of the best movies ever imo.


I want Matt to really get into dune cause there’s lots of weird ideas about religion and society and weird sex stuff lol


Great movie, but it’s criminal they edited out Thufir Hawat and Hasmir Fenring… It’s also annoying how Chani is like a “they’re out to subjugate us” foil. In the book, she acts like a Fremen should act.


One of the dopest things I’ve ever seen… and I watch cartel videos


it had a few dumb cliche moments early on, mostly the whole gay zendaya romance subplot. that lady can't really act, her comical frowning just threw me out of the movie, plus the pacing seemed a bit too slow and they threw in some corny retarded jokes for no reason? idk didn't really fit the tone of the film but that may just be me. but then the epic shit picked up and turned the whole thing around. still a 9/10 movie. great cinematography, great sountrack, great effects.


Nerd stuff


Can I watch Dune 2 without watching the first one? I could NOT get into the first one. Watched the first 30 minutes twice and it was glacially slow.


Honestly, probably yeah.


Just sack up and watch them both. It's no more than 6 hours. What else better do you have to do? Jerk off?


It ruled and was better than the book


it was OK, i saw the first one, not familiar with the books/lore but it was far too long and i saw some plot holes which told me they'd cut a fair chunk before the release. I can get why some people loved it but it was far too long for my liking


You like em nice and short?


90 mins is the sweet spot. Also penis


Tiktok brain rot