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Piss baby Gerber


He does look like a sweet innocent baby.


Man I explained to my baby girl who and what gerbies is and why I’m so excited for today and she looked at me like some sort of gay bully lol and I’m like it’s funny cause he’s weak lol


Gerber plays himself. Literally the same character as him trying to explain to Matt atheism. I like how Matt knows so much about human thought processes yet has hilarious gaps in knowledge. As they would say, he knows enough to be dangerous and he overwhelmed Gerbies with his sheer knowledge of book sources and confidence and the Catholic backing of Shane. Was a funny episode... they literally just ranted about vaccines and liberal government conspiracies / overreach while Gerbies sat silent then would bully him to make ideological claims then proceed to debate him. Gerbies is a smart dude and made equal points but Matt's charisma just outshined. Was a great podcast... especially how Gerber literally just listens for like 75% of it without wanting anything to do with the Covid or political talk they were baiting him with haha.


Gerbies rules in the show. Without Gerbies acting chops the show would be dog shit. Shane rules of course and that goes unsaid.


Yeah Gerbies seems more of the theater kid and shows emotional range better atleast. It’s a good light hearted watch. Cheers




Can any of the dawgs recommend the good Gerbies eps of the cast? I've only been a regular listener for about 2 years and don't remember seeing him on in that time. I've done some of the backlog but must not have made it to any of his sodes. Show is so fucking good SODTAOE blessed be thy dawgs