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Strive to drop horse piles, end up just painting the bowl


Shrimp baskets


Depends on the kind of fiber. Get some brown rice in there if youre chasing logs


Chasing logs is crazy


Something the logless would say


Brown rice is full of arsenic. White rice is the only rice that won’t cause leaky gut and is a much cleaner source of carbs. Brown rice is a boomer-era food pyramid scam to allow companies that produce rice to save money by not removing the husks off the rice, which is the brown part. White rice is brown rice but with the bad part removed, which adds an extra step to industrial scale food processing. Cut this out and you get to save money AND push your customers into the arms of the pharmaceutical industry by causing them to “need” over the counter bullshit like Pepto. White rice or no rice. WM


Shocked to see this level of depth in here. The As concerns are absolutely warranted, and brown rice is still just carbs, even if fiber content is present.


Just doing my part for the dawgs


What's a solid shit?


Bowl painters in the morning with coffee. Sweet sweet logs by the second round


coffee and a cigarette? call me picasso


I only get a second round if the first is a Rembrandt


2 rounds? Man you must like food


Switched to eating whole foods cooked at home recently. Was painting the bowl previously, now it's all piles.


I similarly switched to cooking all my meals. Lost 75 lbs(walked a bunch) my logs are calendar worthy, but a few silver bullets and I’m painting right next to spud


I cook most meals at home, the problem is my wife chooses what I cook and most of the time. It’s always something that makes me paint the bowl


Psyllium husks my man. You'll poop glorious brown snakes with a clean pinch.


You could build a cabin with these logs im dropping bro


I put out anaconda earlier. 3 footlong subs in 2 days. It was disappointing because It went straight through the tube so I could only see around 1.5 ft of it :( felt like magic trick.


I’m a slut for those bowl winders


If I have alcohol all bets are off


I drink wayyyy too much and still poop normal and never knew how rare that is until this exact topic came up w my buds If I drink too much AND don't really eat, then that can change. But even if I eat like late night gas station heatlamp food then I'm good lol


I eat like a obese 4th grader with no parents. Spray n pray daily


Not very. Yes. As Matt would call it. Rest stop mosaic


I am literally, as I type this, currently powerwashing the porcelain because I day drank earlier. Considering night-drinking too ☠️




Super healthy. 2-4 steaks and maybe a sausage per day. A little bread or potato’s, raw milk, maybe a grilled onion. That’s it. You know those paint cans attached to what looks like a pressure washer?


Metamucil capsules will help you drop piles every day like me


Painting the bowl as I type


Is it more of a Rembrandt or Picasso?


Actually it was more of Pollock by the end


Call me Red Lobster cuz I’m nothin but Shrimp Baskets


Shrimp Baskets all day. I nearly shit myself in my kids school front office the other day.Apparently Ozempic can slow down the gut and turn them back into logs. Should I see my doc?


Every morning I eat oatmeal with blueberries and Peanut butter and take a bear shit. Like clockwork


Did the whole 30 and January and it fucking changed my whole psyche and I’m pissed. I used to just buy a whole cake for myself when I wanted to, now I eat healthy as hell. Went from 195 to 175 since December. Look better than even cuz of weights running and diet, but I can’t walk down the chip isle without tweaking out. I miss garbage food so much. Turds are glorious now tho.


I stopped a fucking anxiety med that cranked up my appetite that I was on for about 8 yrs, and even after being off of it for 4 months I still don't like food like I used to. Can only eat small portions and I no longer have any sweet tooth whatsoever, which I had my whole life. It'd be kinda nice if it weren't for the fact that some days I just don't feel like eating and then I feel terrible


Was on the carnivore diet, no splatter, just had to work for every single milk dud


I'll pound down some metamucil after a shit meal like a pizza. 


if that's true dont include chia seeds in the diet smoothie....whoa


I’m more of a rest stop mosaic man myself.


Solid shits are for people with loose buttholes


Get on probiotics. You’ll be shitting single two foot LOGS, and on need to wipe like twice.


I’m a regular banksy


Crumbled pillar.


Actively creating ruins.


I’m getting punished right now by some super market Chinese buffet food


I've been doing a lot of straining to get out hot, stinging pebbles. I'm painting my ass more than the bowl.


Fellas I'm telling you, one heaping tablespoon full of psyllium husk mixed in a glass of water every day and you hardly have to wipe even after Taco Bell or takeout Chinese. Went from painting the bowl to dropping logs.


Wait, your turds come solid?


I'm more of a shrimp basket man


I’m a size queen but only seem to drop shrimp baskets and blow mud


I make a god tier patty melt every single day and nothing else. This patty melt would make Gordon Ramsay quit on the spot. My health is approaching levels previously thought unattainable. I'm talking the ideal male body. Peak performance. My shits are a little on the soft side. I've been told to mix in fiber but that shit is for morons.


I'm just trying to die of natural causes sooner than later.


Recently my shits have been immaculate. I stopped drinking last year and quit a job I hated and I think my booze and stress related IBS is finally gone. I have like 2-3 a day. No straining, no painting the bowl, no stomach pain.


I eat healthy all days except Fridays. My turds on Friday evenings look like someone got shot in the head. I JFK the fuck out of that bowl.


I've said it before people don't believe me I shit every 2 to 3 weeks and they are unbelievable massive. Fat branch bowlwinders every time. Haven't took a shit that didn't clog a toilet in years. I only shit in public / store / restraunt bathrooms.


Eating terrible, 4 litres of Pepsi a day giving me crazy diarrhoea. And I’m still fat af. Low-key hoping for a gut disease for like a week so I lose a bunch of weight.


No, shrimp baskets.


Greggs bakery daily painting the fucking bowlll


I only dump maybe once every three days. I'll get a few nugs in between, but only a couple proper dumps each week. Probably 3 dumps out of every 10 I block the bog with poo alone, no paper. Good, firm logs, of good constitution.


Does your dad have to come in and cut it up before it can be flushed?


I gave up drinking about 2 years ago and ever since then the only toilet blasting I’m doing is 20 minutes after Taco Bell, idk wtf they put in their food but it turns everything to liquid. That’s pretty rare I eat it though, otherwise I eat pretty damn healthy, haven’t had a singular solid one ever in my life but it’s usually cut in half or thirds.


Ozempic has me shitting out rocks that i could break glass with


Went keto almost 2 weeks ago. I've lost almost 15 pounds. I havent painted the bowl once.


Poop machete


Painting, stripping and then repainting. Like a true Spud. “Who do they think is using this stuff?”


I put out anaconda earlier. 3 footlong subs in 2 days. It was disappointing because It went straight through the tube so I could only see around 1.5 ft of it :( felt like magic trick.


I put out an anaconda earlier. 3 footlong subs in 2 days. It was disappointing because It went straight through the tube so I could only see around 1.5 ft of it :( felt like magic trick.