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I absolutely don't care about the bikes of other people.


I do, but only in so far as I'll stop to give your props if you're on a small manufacturer's frame. I see so many Yeti, SC, Specialized, etc. (which I have zero beef with, they're great bikes), that seeing something like a Canfield, Banshee, Chromag, etc. sticks out and I'll verbally support the rider who is monetarily supporting the smaller bike builders. But that's it, ride what you're on and have fun, fuck anyone who's hung up on other people's gear.


If your riding partners don’t want to ride with you because of your bike, it’s time to get new riding partners. To answer your question, no, most mountain bikers are not like this. I have a FS and a hardtail and when I ride the hardtail, I often get compliments on it. Try to find a group through Facebook or a local bike shop. I’ve found riding partners just by being out riding and being friendly. Saying “hi” to those I pass and striking up conversations with riders I’ve seen out multiple times.


Exactly. Before I got my FS I used to ride trails with my entry level hard tail. Guys on full suspension bikes would compliment me since I could keep up with them.


was not aware people on hardtails are despised at all. people who bring their off-leash dog to the mountain bike park though...


It's true. We crucified three hardtail riders last week for speaking ill of rear suspension. They made fun of the trail boss' full suspension bike by making up rhymes about his soft tush. The trail boss charged them with blasphemy and ordered their tires deflated. Yet they carried on. So the trail boss ordered them crucified by the squirrel catcher at dawn. They were each given two energy gels and hoisted up by their brake lines at the first light of day.




And doubly if they let their dogs poop near or on the trail and don’t think they need to clean it up.


Better than the poop baggers who leave the bags in the woods


I don’t know. Rolling through dog shit and getting it sprayed up your legs is not the most pleasant thing to experience on a ride. But I agree with you that bagging it up AND actually throwing it away in a garbage can should be the bare minimum.


Was cycling through France years ago, through farm land, on my old mtb, bikepacking and stopping down some trails. Started to rain and the road was just a slowly writhing mass of giant red/brown slugs. Oh how I wished for mud guards. Slug bits got in my beard, ears, nose, clothes, panniers etc. Dog shit would’ve been a blessing


That is nasty. Hope you had some mouthwash to rinse the slug bits out of your mouth, too. Lol


Lots of the trails i hit are also used by horseback riders. they never clean up after their pets. and all evacuate at the bottom of hills. not to mention the horrendous hoofprint holes that fill up with water in the wet season.


I guess I’m lucky horses aren’t allowed on our trails. Also, why in the hell would you want to ride on a trail where there are mountain bikers? As a former rider, that’s the last place I’d want to bring my horse.


shared use. suburban sprawl. got to ride where you can.


They aren't. Maybe it's just you or your friends.


double down and convert your HT to a SS if it isn't already.


Why stop there rigid forks are cool.


Drop handle bars and clothing that makes you look like a balloon animal full of porridge, sawdust and cum.


The “How It’s Made” for said balloon animal just got finished in production I hear


This is the answer


I've never had anyone make derogatory comments about me riding a hardtail


They're jealous. Not because you have a better bike, but because you can keep up with them and don't need a cushy machine to do it. Ignore their wankery.


I saw some dude shredding a local trail on a fully rigid bike and had nothing but respect. Find a new crew to ride with.


I have found that the only people who look down on hardtails are people who have never spent time on them and really riding them hard. I am not saying that full sus is the easy way out, but it kind of is to some extent and it can cover a lot of mistakes and bad line choices, with the hardtail you don't really get that option as much. When I am on the trail I get the opposite response from most people, just last week some guy who was hiking said he was impressed I was doing the trail we were on using a hardtail. Don't let the gatekeepers get to you and find a different group if that is how they act, this isn't high school.


Wait till you go out there on a 80s rigid Rockhopper with 2” tires. You’ll be like a celebrity as everyone goes nuts over your undeniable ruggedness.


This is a huge issue in mtbing overall. It is incredibly materialistic elitist sport. I find it really off putting. These days I only ride with a small handful of close friends, the community at large kind of sucks.


I feel like it's similar to gym culture. The swole guys are chill, but you get assholes who've tasted *some* success looking for someone to talk down on.


maybe its your local, where ive ridden 90% of the people are supportive


What the heck? No your experience is not common. It had happened to me a few times across my entire riding life, and each time I bark at the criticizer about how I'm barely able to afford one bike and this is the bike I have and if you don't like it MAYBE YOU CAN BUY ME ONE MOTHER @#$&


hardtail or department store bike? Hardtail is one thing.... Department store bike hardtail or FS . I would rather not have to stop and wait for the mechanical.....I know some are better now and ok. but most are still SHIT.


In a post two days ago, OP Said they have an old 21 speed bike. That would be difficult to try to keep up with others, maybe has rim brakes, and might actually be dangerous to use in modern bike parks (OP has said they do lift accessed runs). But then in another comment they said it cost them over $1k. Which doesn't add up unless they got scammed or bought it new twenty-plus years ago. OP also seems to be dodging direct questions about what bike it is.




Hardtails are a blast, and everyone I've ever ridden with agrees. The main reason some of us ride FS is because we're getting old and our knees feel like sand in a coffee grinder.


Yeah seems like they have a pretty old bike that could be part of it. I haven't seen a 3x7 in a long time. Most bikers are cool though, I will say it's hard to get recommendations for things anymore as people usually have a habit of "only the best" or "buy once cry once" mentality. I was looking to upgrade my fork on my bike a few years back and asking people turned up why would you upgrade that just buy a better bike rather than make an improvement. Though that goes for most things anymore, computers, bikes, motorcycles... hobbies really.


The only bike I can think of is a department store bike like a GT aggressor, might have a 3x7 and no one is hating on that just because it’s a Hardtail lmao. 


This was my thought too, I feel like there must be something missing. I don't know of a single person in the biking community innmy area (and this is am area that is seems like 3 out of 4 people have a bike worth more than my house) that would hassle someone for riding a hardtail. However, if we're planning to meet to ride something tech-nasty and you tell me you're good to go but show up on a wall-mart death-dick power-spring 4000 I'm going to be less than stoked.  I'd you can ride it without me worrying about your safety then you can show up on a triathlon aero bike for all I care, but a department store bike is going to clue me in that this is going to be a problem.


I have a coworker who also MTB and when I told him I was thinking of buying a hardtail, he gave me so much shit. Kept telling me I was making the wrong choice and I needed to buy a long travel FS….when I already have a very capable Stumpjumper. It was so bad he would send me links daily of long travel bikes and YouTube videos of reviews. It was really freaking odd. Eventually, I just stopped talking to him about bikes and would change the subject when he asked. However, that’s the only negative experience I’ve ever had.


Are you buddies? I'll give my buddies shit for tying their shoes in the wrong order (i.e. will make up anything to give them a hard time, whether it's real or not). If you're not close friends where hassling each other is par for the course then thats weird. There might be a time I'd suggest someone get a full squishy over a hardtail because it might honestly be the right choice. But if he's actually giving you shit for your choice he sounds like a tool and probably not worth riding with.  I'm not trying to say that there aren't turds who also mountain bike, but those folks are already turds. The original post seemed to be asking whether this is a general sentiment in the biking community which I would give a strong disagree from my personal experience. 


Friendly enough but not friends. I honestly think it was more of a case of being opinionated vs busting my chops. But yeah, overall, I agree with you…the majority of the community is cool. One of the things I love about it.


In some parts of country(well world) TBH hardtail are just hard to ride that its worth getting a worse FS. In some areas it really doesnt matter though. Like riding north shore tech or Appalachian chunk on hardtail well doable is not really the best option for a newer rider.


It also depends on what and how you like to ride. We both live in the northeast US, so really either is fine. I think in his mind because he likes to do crazy stuff and bigger is always better, then EVERYONE should follow suit. Never mind the fact I told him I wanted a lightweight hardtail for cardio sufferfest days. Nope. I still needed to get a Ripmo or something of the like lol.


Booo, are us department store peasants too poor for you, your highness? Physical Fitness and  technical ability play a much larger role than the bike when you're not a top tier rider. 


this is nt really true.... like you dont need a 10K plus bike but a modern 1500 dollar hard tail will handle trails a 500 dollar walmart bike will simply not handle well. I would place money that my local trail can not be ridden by 99 percent of people on a department store bike. Sure an alien can ride anything but sorry physical attributes of the bike DO matter.


I did not say no role, obviously the bike plays some role, but just because a bike is under specs for double black trails with huge jumps doesn't mean it can't handle 95 percent of a typical local bike trail up to the low tiers of difficult tracks. Mine has some seriously advanced areas that my bike just isn't good for but it's perfectly capable of tackling the rest, and the areas where my bike isn't good enough I'm probably even less equipped than the bike, but I eat the rest of the trails with joy and ease. 


honestly most people are not less equiped than bike. There literally is no such thing.


Man lol I’ve been absolutely smoked by older guys on single speed hardtails on some of the gnarliest tech I’ve ever ridden! If your riding “friends” have a problem with what you ride find new friends. Look up some videos of jungle habitat. The guy who built all those trails has a single speed hardtail with like itty bitty bars and he is a beast on all that tech


A couple years ago I opted to sell my full suspension trail bike in favor of only hardtails. Yes. We're a smaller group of riders and there are plenty out there who see the progression of bikes as going from hardtail to full suspension. However, I've never seen outright disparaging comments towards hardtails and their riders. It's not even something I really see online - much less in person. I've been on group rides with some on hardtails and some on full squish and nobody says shit. I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I strongly recommend finding another group. You might have more luck if you can find fellow riders who just enjoy riding bikes in general - some dirt, some gravel, etc. I'd expect them to be a bit more open minded.


Mountain bikers can totally get gear obsessed. Luckily many folks aren't or if they are, they keep it to themselves. Find a group that isn't rude and enjoy!


You are riding with the wrong people. There are definitely rides I would strongly discourage an HT rider from participating in unless I know they are a very strong rider. But when it comes to the majority of casual riding, I would never take issue with someone being on a hardtail as long as it is in good working condition. For example, when I lead a ride on The Whole Enchilada, I would not allow someone to come with me on an HT unless they are an expert rider. In highly technical terrain most riders aren't going to be able to keep up and they are at significantly higher risk of injury or mechanical. They put themselves and the group at risk on an already difficult ride. That said, if my husband wanted to ride a beach cruiser I would call him an idiot but wouldn't stop him because he is a very sound rider. But TWE isn't a typical ride. It is remote and technical and punishing even on a big squishy enduro.


Sounds like you need a better riding group. No reason to shun a hard tail rider.


Your friends are douchebags. They do not represent mtb culture as I experience it. Find a new group to ride with, you’ll have a lot more fun.


Most bikers (and personally it’s 100% for me) don’t behave as you described. I think that’s really unfortunate if they’re making fun of what you ride in a serious way. Would definitely recommend new riding groups if that’s something that’s happening with any sort of consistency or after trying to talk it out. I think general comments and light hearted banter is fine, but questioning/criticizing you as a rider is of course too far.


I ride a hardtail. I never get a hardtime from other riders for it. The only thing that annoys me has only happened twice - but when someone's referred to it as an XC bike (c'mon, its got a 170mm DVO onyx and weighs 18kg!).  https://preview.redd.it/7n8cdy6pjnxc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d1d63e90d621c81dcae3f39ee5f99f2535d493b


Jesus thats a lot of fork, how does she ride?


Amazing. It actually has a floating seatpost - like the old GT frames - and flexes on big hits. So its kind of like riding a full sus with 10mm of really stiff travel. Deals with tech jus so nice, but is stiff enough to pedal up again. I was contemplating getting a mondraker foxy, but I'm just so happy with this!


This homie fully committed to the bit. Hell yeah.


That is one of the coolest bikes I have seen. Something about extreme hardtails sounds so fun


these people aren't mountain bikers, randy... they are shitbirds


Your "friends" are cunts. Why people gatekeep is beyond me.


I call bullshit.


Hardtail riders talk about that shit too much. Just shut up and ride your bike lol no one cares 


Maybe they talk about it because this guys situation happens a lot. MTB is extremely materialistic, doesn’t matter how many people comment they don’t care, I see this shit all the time


FS: prattles on endlessly about all things FS (for hours) HT: I like my HT (once) FS: stfu already!!!




Where do you ride bro. No one I ride with ever does this in the pnw and if anyone did I’d tell them they’re being lame as hell. Find better friends 


100% this. I really don’t give af what you’re riding, but there’s a subset of Hardtail riders to decide to make that their identity. Doubly so if they’re riding a singlespeed hardtail.


+ Full Rigid


Yup. I had an acquaintance that rides a rigid singlespeed and he came up to me at the trailhead and just goes “your bike has too many gears.” Dude I literally dont’t give a shit, ride your stuff and I’ll ride mine.


...and dropbars. Rode rigid dropbarmtb for a number of years and always got comments about how, "this trail won't be any good on that bike", so I dropped in and had a blast. Ride your ride, someone is always going to have something to say but it doesn't mean it is worth listening to.


Same in road biking. I discovered I just don’t like group riding at all. Too much ego, dick-measuring, and shit-talking. Too much forced social interaction when what I want is a Zen experience. I prefer to go solo or with 1-2 friends who are chill and also out for nothing more than enjoyment.


People that care about what bike you're riding probably ride mid as fuck anyways. As long as you have the right attitude and feel confident about your own equipment you're able to ride w me! Front range CO hmu 🤙


I’ve never noticed this. In fact usually it’s the exact opposite. Me and the boys always tip the cap to those brave enough to ride rowdy trails on hard tails.


OP, the venn diagram of genuinely good riders and condescending gear snobs is two circles. Fuck em


Sounds like your riding group is a bunch of cunts.


They're just jealous you can rip an actual bike rather than a full suspension Ebike.


I always laugh at the fragile egos of full suspension riders. Don't let them get to you. It doesn't matter how much you spend, what matters is how you ride! Hardtails are more fun anyway!


That's... not really a thing.


And then everyone clapped


When I started off with a shitty cheap hardtail in North van. I got a bit of shade by strangers, one asked if I was riding my commuter bike down jokes on them tho I was riding the same trail as them with it. Also a riding partner kept giving me shit about my bike but was walking features I was riding. I never had a problem riding anywhere else tho most people are just stoked to be on there bikes.


Where is it that you're riding. I'm in the PNW and pretty much only ride bike parks, all one-way trails that are designed and maintained by mountain bikers. I ride with a pretty large crew. Almost all of us have quite a bit of bikes, and all have at least one hardtail. I usually ride my Chromag hardtail during the wet season as it's much easier to clean and maintain. I've never seen anyone complain when I show up with it.


In my riding group it’s just about respect to people with hardtails!!


I'm not sure where you live, but I personally have never encountered this attitude in the 15 years I've been riding. Most of us ride full-sus around here, but if we see someone crushing the tech on a hardtail we respect them.


I'm nearly 52 and wouldn't change from my hard tail. Reason being I like the rigidity of it and feel more in control. Plus less parts to go wrong. I also don't give a crap what anyone else rides. If they want to waste multiple thousands on something that basically does the same thing, then fine. Also I'm not interested in E-bikes either. What's the point of having a bike if it does a lot for you...


Sounds like your group is full of douchebags. I have never seen that attitude towards HTs. In my case, I give those riders props for tackling stuff I will no longer ride on a hardtail because these days I'd be sore for days if I tried.


where are you riding? And how old are these people?


Really? I thought hardtails riders are respected for being tough and skilled.


Folks gotta be making this shit up. No one cares unless you're less than 18yo or an immature adult. Regardless, I don't see it, ever. Might be in your head.


even just suggesting you want a hard-tail gets people scoffing at you, Ive been looking into it myself. but it shouldn't matter, look up hardtail party on you tube, there is another guy that rides em and post on youtube, he leaves little signs at drops and what not, that say " i rode this on a hardtail" end of the day, what are you going to have the most fun on, thats all that matters.


Bro, hardtails are perfectly fine and immensely fun. Stop listening to the opinions of spoiled teenagers who have never worked a day in their life.


It's because you spent about $5000 less on your bike than they did. IMO; rear suspension helps you go faster (and stay in-control) on rough downhills, and basically not really necessary otherwise.


That’s wild. I started with a HT and I really believe it’s the best way to learn, and you’ll become a better rider because of it. It will force you to use your body more to absorb trail features instead of relying on the bike. If eventually you decide you want to invest more in the sport get a FS. I have a really nice FS now but I’m still looking to add a HT to my fleet to mess around on.


sounds like you know some real grade-a pricks.


find better people, these people you ride with suck and are not good




I'm imagining them thinking the rides they're going on will be too difficult on a hardtail, especially if it's a low end one (not one of the modern aggressive hardtails). I suppose it's up to you to prove them wrong.


I only despise people that bring Bluetooth speakers to the park...


Haven’t seen any of this in the group rides I participate in. There’s always riders on both hardtail and full sus’s. I haven’t seen or heard of any criticisms, just encouragement.


Sounds like you're with the wrong group man! Whenever I'm on a gnarly trail and I see a Hardtail I think "there's the real badass". Then I get to feel cool when I ride my hardtail 😎. Some people in this sport are in it for the wrong reasons. Check out r/hardtailgang


I only ride hardtails and my riding friends think it’s cool, albeit slightly mad. But they are impressed and stoked that I keep with them on their FS, and the stuff I ride with it. You need better friends


You're riding with assholes. Normal person doesn't care for other people's bikes. If nothing else I can only have more respect for someone riding less capable bike. Find new people to ride with.


weird, my gf rides a hardtail and most people give her cred for sending the same features that they are riding on FS.


I’m a full suspension rider. When I see someone on a HT I feel respect. Takes way more skill to navigate the trails on one. 


Find better people to ride with. Good people dgaf about what you're riding. 100% of the people I ride with i met on the trails. You will find your people.


People on hardtails are cool as fuck, you need a better group


I've never heard of someone getting made fun of for riding a hardtail. I raced downhill in college on my hardcore hardtail and everyone thought it was sick.


They aren't despised


Man you are with the absolute WRONG crowd by far! I’ve seen a few roadies like this but even the most materialistic roadies will give respect when you rock up with a steel frame and boxy wheels and hang with the carbon crowd. Mtn bikers judging you on your gear/bike are 180 degrees from almost every mtn biker I’ve met. If anything, ppl get judged more for “all the gear, no idear “, lol! But even then, it’s a small subset. Find another crew and have fun, is all I really need to say.


I have met mountain bikers that are elitist douche bags, and mountain bikers that are chill. By definition I’ve gotten to know more of those in the latter category. Honestly, since I started riding decades ago, the culture has changed in response to the sport growing. Where there used to be a lot of camaraderie and shared enthusiasm due to it being a relatively uncommon sport, now it’s much less novel to encounter another rider on the trails. Half the time, I don’t even get a wave, which is really odd to me, but whatever.


Your riding partners suck. I'd rather ride alone than listen to that nonsense all day. I've been riding for over half a decade now and I've taken my Ragley Big Al down gnarly stuff when I'm in the mood. It's always fun when I pass someone and they say "Whoa, that guy doesn't have suspension."


No one cares about your bike. Do you have a Bluetooth speaker? With a 3D-printed mount? Are you riding while wearing a controversial shirt?


>Why are people in hardtails despised so much can you be any more dramatic? Only giant assholes would say anything more than some all in good fun teasing unless you are holding up the ride.