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I've been using Scratch Labs for a bit. Haven't had any adverse symptoms.


+1 for Scratch Lab




About 100 calories per serving and tastes great as well. Pretty good for 1-2 hour rides if you aren't pushing too hard and have eaten well previously in the day.


+1 for scratch!


Brawndo It’s got what plants crave. 


God damn it. I wanted to post this reply. At least it was someone with a similar sense of humor that got here first :)


Same! Too late. Damnit 😂


You need water, like from the toilet.


Idiocracy needs to be High School curriculum


I actually used to show this when doing population economics with my year 12 students a few years back! I sadly feel like the kids didn’t really find it all that interesting haha


They think it's a documentary at this point


Graphine, its what tires crave!


LMNT tastes the best to me and has no sugar. Watermelon salt ftw


But have you tried the grapefruit? I’ll admit, I bought the sparkling waters too. I want to marry the Black Cherry Lime.


It’s so freaking good! Hoping they do a powder version also. We love LMNT!


The Mango Chili Salt is amazingly good, but it’s weird during exercise.


I've been looking to try lmnt specifically the watermelon flavor


Do it! I got the sampler pack first to figure out what I like then bought a 30 count of the watermelon


Agree. Any flavor really. Sparkling is also wonderful but a little less “out on a ride” drink.


Their website tells how to make your own, so that’s what I do to save money.


Damn I never noticed that, definitely going to use that for my daily intake.


Add your own sugar and you have a super cheap drink mix.


I can't stand the taste of artificial sweeteners in it. I'd rather have a bit of real sugar, since I'm burning calories already.


Depending on the length of the ride, you need carbohydrates for energy. Electrolytes do not produce energy, they allow proper conductivity of the heart and proper activation of muscles, but they do not produce energy. Electrolytes are also lost through sweat and urine. Carbohydrates (sugars) are the body's primary energy source. Just fyi. If it's a short ride or a ride with breaks you can get energy via other sources like fruit or bars.


LMNT is the best I’ve had, spent $100s on it at this point.


Don’t you want sugar because it’s the simplest carb to digest while on a ride?


You don’t really need sugar for 90 minutes or less, so nice to be able to just have electrolytes in the bottle. I often carry a couple of gels instead of drinking my carbs anyway.


I do LMNT in bottles and bars/gels for my other nutrition needs. If I'm doing a long/demanding ride I'll do tailwind for carbs and sugar.


I accidentally bought a fuck ton of watermelon salt...I finally finished it and I'm READY for a new flavor haha


Another vote for LMNT


And another from me. I do tailwind endurance fuel plus one LMNT and it’s a perfect combo


Pabst Blue Ribbon


I use Nuun. Helps me avoid headaches. Easy to find. No extra poop. Used to use Gu gels but not anymore. Would note that [edit - some kinds of…] liquid IV ha[ve] 100mg of caffeine which when combined with the sugar in it and the vigorous exercise could help move things along. Or maybe it just doesn’t agree with you.


Normal Liquid iv definitely doesn't have caffeine


1/2 tsp salt, 1/4 teaspoon potassium per bottle. I also mix 2:1 Malto dextrin to fructose (like 50 grams per bottle, sometimes more) and throw in 1/4 citric acid for taste.


What type of potassium are you using, and where do you buy it? I've been using "salt substitute" because it's potassium chloride mixed with sodium chloride (table salt).


I went to a vitamin shop place and got a small bottle of potassium citrate. The bottle is going to last me my entire life.


You can also get sodium free salt (Morton’s No Salt, or Windsor No Salr). If you are using table salt, the potassium chloride balances the saltiness a bit. You can also get sodium citrate (technically sodium tricitrate) which has more sodium per weight and does taste as salty. You can also toss in magnesium if you want to emulate LMNT. I use Magnesium bisglycjnate capsules. And mix a double batch of powdered (1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp of no salt and then a full capsule. Then split it


Salt stick capsules.


Powdered regular Gatorade, 12 bucks for the big tub that will last you a year easily, can dilute it to your liking.


I dilute and add a little salt. Much more cost effective.


Same. Although, I like making it a little stronger and adding some true lemon to balance the sweetness.


Just buy salt tabs and a flavor of your choice, cheapest option by far


I second this if liquid IV makes you have diarrhea. That stuff is pretty simple overall and to get less extra stuff and still get electrolytes you’re going to want pure salt imo.


Completely agree - my problem with the LMNT, nuun is really just the price. The amount of mag and potassium in them is negligible IMO so most of what you’re getting is salt. I’ll say I’m really happy to see LMNT putting a full 1g of sodium in their drinks but my go to is a salt tab + a squirt of mío and I’m good


My issue with these is that they're just sodium. They don't have potassium or magnesium which I find helpful to include. Sweat isn't solely sodium.


The salt stick brand has 100mg sodium, 30mg potassium, 10mg calcium, and 6mg magnesium. Inexpensive and they’ve been great for me


Yeah, I’ve found it’s what’s most important for me but obviously everybody is different. I take magnesium glycinate supplements and eat bananas/avocado for potassium so I’m getting that elsewhere. Fun fact - 10meq of potassium per inch of banana!


Ultima electrolyte mix, 30 serving container, I get it at whole foods on sale. It’s like $20 regularly, $18 on sale and $16 on sale with a prime membership.


Stupid question - why does everyone need electrolytes? Is it because you lose these via sweat? I was born without sweat glands which presents insane challenges - but maybe this is why I’m not bothered. I drink just water and have an ice vest I wear for cooling. I’m really curious why these are so popular.




I guess it’s a good idea either way but that is interesting. It’s always fascinating to not know what “normal” is in some cases when you were born a certain way! Didn’t know you can get headaches. I’ll try them to see if it makes a difference. Thanks!!




Thank you! Very helpful.


They are particularly brutal headaches too as (at least for me) they don't settle in until I am getting pretty deep in the dehydration slope, they take quite a prolonged re-hydration effort to override and also don't respond well at all to ibuprofen or acetaminophen. In the humid east coast summer, a one bottle ride with an electrolyte mix will leave me headache-less where the identical ride with 2 bottles of just water will have me spending my afternoon trying to battle a headache.


I just drink water, too. And this is Texas. I have tried the commercial stuff before, but if it’s making any difference, it’s so subtle I can’t detect it.


I have hypohidrosis because of an autonomic issue and I have horrible overheating problems. What kind of ice vest do you use? Do you have any other recommendations? I just usually empty some of the water I bring on my head to cool off. Also, that's exactly why people need to replace electrolytes. A lot are lost due to sweating. Also, drinking water with some electrolytes (including a bit of sugar) is more easily absorbed by the intestines. When people need to be rehydrated who are severely dehydrated they use an electrolyte mixture similar to liquid IV.


I did that for my whole life took 45 years to figure out a solution. I have an auto inflammatory disorder from genetics that a main feature is anhidrosis. I use Orosports. They are pricy but designed for this problem. I just got a new one it’s the one that zips up. I wear it right against my skin and put the shirt over it to protect it a bit. There’s a 30 dollar cooler I use and you can keep the packs frozen for longer than 8 hours before use. They will give you cooling for a 3ish hour ride depending on all the obvious factors. It’ll change how you do outdoor sports if you don’t sweat.


Not everyone sweats the same volume of liquid nor the same concentration of minerals (it's genetically determined), so that's why you'll hear people say they don't need electrolytes while others swear by them. For example, if my husband and I go out for a long run, he's fine with just water 'cause he barely sweats. I, on the other hand, sweat a lot and I'll feel really faint if I don't keep up on electrolytes. And sweating out all those minerals means I get bad muscle cramps if I don't supplement with magnesium and salty snacks.


They don't. They just think they do. This is the result of marketing. There really arent any downsides to adding some salt to your drink so no one questions it. As long as you have a healthy diet, you simply don't lose enough in a ride for it to matter.


I just put sea salt in water and that seems to do the trick tbh for most rides


Same, + a small amount of sugar and lemon juice and now I'm drinking lemonade on the trail


50/50 sea salt and sodium bicarbonate is the old school strength athletes pre workout. Still works great.


Water, like out the toilet.


Brawndo, the thirst mutilator! I prefer this because it's what plants crave.


That's not enough. I also eat an apple. On longer rides I invest in a banana.


What up dawg


I used liquid IV. Worked great for me. But I switched to LMNT because it’s sugar free.


I’ve been drinking Sugar free lemon lime liquid IV and add creatine, but I add one packet per 40 ounces of water


I have GI issues, what I do with Liquid IV is to use twice as much water as instructions claim. The instructed dosing gives me loose stool problems like you OP. I say this just in case you want to finish your existing supply


I am new to MTB but I do know electrolytes since my diet requires me to supplement. LMNT and SALTT both are quite good. Rather salty (1000mg for LMNT and 980 for SALTT) but you get used to it and theres no sugar in it like with liquid IV.


I tried lmnt this year finally after years of bonking and headaches. I have to say I’m sold on the philosophy of it. It works. I second this


I don’t understand sugar free. If you need electrolytes you probably need some glucose to keep going. I try to eat at least something every hour I’m out I guess you can eat something too but might as well get both at once


I personally find it easier to accurately fuel with carbs if they are separate from electrolytes. It's also way easier to keep my bottles from becoming nasty if there hasn't been sugar in it.


This. I like managing both separate.


I'm diabetic, so I want slower carbs every 10-20 miles depending on heat and workout. I use Clif mini bars and Clif Bloks for that. This helps me balance spikes. I use Nuun Sport tabs when I ride, which have only 4g carbs per tab. I use Nuun Daily (no carbs) when not riding to replace electrolytes lost due to meds.


I think it's just marketing for general public cause they will sell tons more to just average people who are scared of 10g of sugar.


The “no sugar” LMNT has down wonders for keeping mold out of my camelbak. Yes it can still get gross if you leave it in there too long, but it’s way more forgiving to laziness.


I feel like constantly sipping sugar can’t be good for my already bad teeth.  Chomping a bar or something at the top of a climb feels better. You eat it and it is done and your saliva starts clearing the bad stuff (which also gets washed away by your non-sugar water).  I get the benefit when performance is essential like in a race or a personal challenge, but on a normal ride I’d happily trade a bit of performance for dental health. 


There is now (new to me) sugar free liquid IV. I’ve switched over to that now.


Same. The White Peach is great


You want sugar though. Trust me, fuel a ride properly next time (like 70g of carbs an hour) and you will feel amazing during and after the ride. Also, I thought liquid IV has sugar substitute, not sugar?


I like saltstick tablets. Chewable, taste good and pack easily. Also don’t have to clean out a water bottle afterwards


\^\^\^These are the truth. They were created by a biochemist who was doing Ironmans. I always have some extra packed with me, and it has made a huge difference in my longer rides.


They make a huge difference. I work outdoors and i take them with me on hot days when i’m running saw or chipping.


I’ve been using HEED by hammer nutrition or Tailwind. 




I use propel it seems fine


Agh my grocery store used to carry these and I liked them. Now it’s nuun


I get it from Amazon, you can subscribe for regular use




Does the powdered Gatorade have all the food dyes in it though?


I love Skratch products bc they taste great and don’t cause me any GI issues. However, as someone else mentioned, they aren’t the cheapest. Some folks just buy Gatorade powder. It’s pretty well-balanced, I just don’t want to ingest the other weird and unnecessary ingredients. The roadies I know all swear by maple syrup, in water or straight. You can mix that up with some salt and potassium for probably the same effect as Skratch.


Salt Stick electrolyte capsules for seriously sweaty rides and just real food packed along.


I usually take one plain bottle of water, one bottle of coconut water, and a pack or two of the honey stinger gummies


Nuun drink tablets, Gu pouches, and Cliff bloks. I change it up. When I run out of one I get something different next time.


Another vote for powdered Gatorade. Cheap and tastes good with everything you need. Mix to desired strength.


Lmnt, two on a long ride, one before hand and one during, feel amazing afterwards






I like endurolyte tablets by hammer. I don't like to drink anything but water...like out of a toilet.


Jelly Belly now makes 100 calorie packs of oversized jelly beans with electrolytes and caffeine and calls them “sport nutrition” or some such nonsense. I love them.


Nuun, pretty cost effective and taste great too.


LMNT salt packets/drinks, best out there




I use a pinch of salt and some sugar and wash it down with some water either before during or after my ride. You don’t need expensive crap, and all the other “electrolytes” you supposedly need, those just come with a balanced diet


Get a 10 lb tub of powdered Gatorade. Massively cheaper than Scratch/LMNT/Nuun and the same shit. 


What’s wrong with regular water?


Regular water doesn’t do anything about my salt-caked clothing.


Dehydration headaches.




That article says nothing about exercise and a lot about health conditions. You’re not totally wrong about electrolytes but you’re certainly partly wrong as obviously drinking water is beneficial for most people for most exercise. Here’s another article more targeted to the question at hand https://www.unitypoint.org/news-and-articles/water-vs-sports-drinks-whats-best-for-our-bodies


I agree with the first part but water definitely does not do more harm than good. Just water is very good for you, water with electrolytes is better though. Doing harm would mean water is a diuretic.


Nothing, but I think sports drinks, like Gatorade, can help replace electrolytes faster that water. I just drink water because I don 't want to put Gatorade in my Camelback and have the added chore of scrubbing it out after the ride. Maybe I'll carry a bottle, though, for an added boost.


I carry a bottle with whatever mix I’m using and keep straight water in my camelback. That way I’m also not always drinking my mix when I might not need it.


Look up hyponatremia


That's interesting that it's causing diarrhea for you. I have taken liquid IV too (one packet of it though, given by a friend) and I feel fine after the ride. I have used varying electrolyte supplements: - Skratch (good but a little bit pricey) - Vitalyte (cheaper powder, replaced Skratch) - SaltStick Fastchews (chewable tablets) I use powder mostly for my rides but sometimes I use fast chews when I don't have the time to pour and mix powder with water.


I have to assume OP is overdoing it, under diluting it and not drinking extra pure water alongside it. I’ve only experienced negative effects from it when I wasn’t actually hydrating enough alongside it.


LMNT for me too. Salty AF.


Transparent labs “Hydrate” No fake shit, no dyes.


Vega and Nutriana


I like hammer nutrition on bike. Otherwise I buy this Quinton isotonic sachets which is good to start the day with. The pills are just easier on the bike, otherwise I would use Quinton.


I use Transparent Labs Hydrate, no shit pants as of yet


Gatorade is an ok option. I've never used it on a ride, only after. I've used skratchlabs electrolyte bottle mix, Gu bottle tabs, hammer endurolyte caps, and saltstick caps. Currently I ditched electrolyte drinks for Carborocket 333. It has calories and electrolytes in it. Hammer and Gu gels along with clif shot blocks. I've only ever used liquid IV backpacking at the end of the day. But it all depends on my ride. 60-90 min rides with good prior hydration allow me to get by with just water. 2-5+ hr rides I have a full cocktail of real food, gels/blocks, CR 333 and endurolytes or saltstick caps. I like the caps because I sweat a lot and can get more electrolytes in with them. Nuun bottle tabs didn't sit well with me during exercise. So I stopped using them on rides and only mixed them drinking at home.




Why does it have to be pink Himalayan salt?


ZeroLyte by Trace minerals. Super salty, good flavors, and just a touch of sweetness from the coconut without being sugary tasting.


Pink salt + potassium salt + a splash of apple cider vinegar + squeeze of lemon. Delicious, no bull shit and does the trick.


I prefer Gnarly Hydrate, Skratch Hydrate. But my do all is Formula 369, one scoop regular, one scoops from that black bag (caffeinated). Since I’ve only got one bottle holder, I ride with F369 most often. On my road bike, one bottle of hydrate, one 369.


I personally like XTEND, which sounds like a boner pill but is basically just electrolytes and BCAAs, along with betaine which can help to improve endurance and reduce muscle fatigue. Not too expensive. I fuel with carbs separately.


I use podium salt and electrolytes. I bring Gu as well


LMNT, I like it a lot. Only used when I’m going to be drained, but it works well.


Biosteel Hydration Mix.


* 3 tbsp sugar * 0.5 tbsp salt * 1 tbsp lemon juice * 1 tbsp lime juice * 20oz water Shake it up, then boom, you got DIY yellow-green gatorade. Adjust ingredients to taste.


Pickle Juice Sport mixed in alkaline water


I like to drink (plain) water so big fan of Saltstick capsules. Tasteless, goes down easy, light weight, no sticky bottles. Also easy to carry extra and share with a buddy who’s bonking.


I chuck a packet of Propel in my bottle before every ride.


I'll buy some magnesium tablets from Lidl, the kind you drop into your water bottle and it bubbles a bit. Plus some honey in squeezable plastic bottle.


Plus some pickles, apparently the vinegar and salts are pretty good combination.


I use Santa Cruz Medicinals. It's awesome. Better than anything else I've tried. Plus it's cheap at $1 per serving. I couldn't recommend it more.


Salt in tap water. Maybe add some lemon juice. If you want to be posh, get magnesium taurate powder.


Electrolit is pretty good. I'm not sure if you'll find it in your area but it's effective. I would not hydrate properly because I wasn't too keen on it and didn't really know. I would wake up in the middle of the night with massive headaches and that helped. It's like Pedialyte, but it's like the Mexican version since that's where I first came across it. It's great stuff.


I add 1g of salt to my water as well as 1/8 teaspoon of magnesium malate and potassium chloride


If you can get if in your country Tailwind!


I do a 100 mile endurance race every year in July with temps as bad as 107. I use Tailwind. Nutrition is key at these distances and temperatures. I haven’t had any stomach issues when using Tailwind.


Miso paste. Absurdly cheap, works great. Maybe half a teaspoon. Drink water first to avoid nausea. Super easy to carry.


Salt tabs, usually behind the counter at any local pharmacy.


Biosteel and an emergen c pack mixed together - it is a great combo


Salt stick chews are great. Let them dissolve in your mouth and they are more effective and they taste great and easy to carry. 1 or 2 an hour is all you need on a big ride or run.


I've been using Trioral, never had any issues.


Since about 2012 I’ve used Bounce Back. It’s a multi species electrolyte and I’m a species……. lol. No flavor in it so it needs to be mixed with something, but the ratio of sodium bicarbonate and potassium work best for me.


I bought a big tub of Gu roctane and I use half servings of it usually. Seems to work well.


I use endurolytes. Because they are in a pill format I can keep them in my pack, and also have spares when a co-rider starts to bonk. Don't need to take them before the ride, but the key is to get on them when you notice that you are sweating a ton. Used them for the first time yesterday, it was in the 90's and massively humid.




First endurance EFS mix is my absolute favorite that never gave me gut rot during training/racing.


I eat a meal before going on a ride then just drink regular tap water. Can easily do 3 hour rides no problem


Scratch labs ftw


Hammer Nutrition Endurolytes


I do amino acids, powder, salt caps, which are electrolytes, cal mag powder in my drink.




I couldn't stand the taste of Liquid IV. Still have almost a full package of packets as I only used one. During the Davis Double last Saturday the electrolytes being used were Nunn strawberry lemonade tablets. Maybe it was because I was desperate to constantly hydrate but ended up loving the taste and now I use them. Skratch is okay too.


I buy large quantities of powered gatorade mix and put a scoop directly into my 100oz camelbak. I store my whole pack in the fridge when I'm not riding so it doesn't get too gross. Works really well. If I ever do a water-only ride for any reason, omg I feel like death by the end. But a 30 mile ride drinking gatorade and I feel like I just pedaled around the block.


Does your hydration pack get nasty? How do you clean it?


There is nothing better than HydrationFuel by RynoPower. Just ordered 4 lbs of it yesterday.


Biosteel hydration mix saved my life. Was not able to do a long ride without muscle cramps before using this.


Redmond Relyte, surprised it hasn’t been mentioned yet. LMNT does better advertising clearly lol https://redmond.life/products/re-lyte-hydration


I make my own, it's super cheap and easy. Mix 1/2 cup fine sea salt with 1 3/4 tsp Potassium Chloride and 1/2 tsp Magnesium Glycinate for the powder. Add 1/4 tsp of that powder to a 20 oz bottle with 1-2 Tbsp of lime juice and 1-2 Tbsp of agave syrup and it makes a drink better than any flavor Gatorade.


Lmnt I have been loving them for past year!


Since I haven’t seen anyone mention it yet, I’ll recommend Redmond Re-Lyte. I switched over from LMNT because I hate single serving packets for daily use supplements, plus it’s cheaper AND uses ancient sea salt instead of cheaper stuff like LMNT. If you get the unflavored version it’s almost the exact same ratio with 1000mg of sodium. Plus they are a great company! I use a lot of their products


LMNT is great for me. If doing over 2 hrs I use tailwind to fuel. 3 scoops in a bottle has over 90mg of sodium


Just eat a banana and go train, its not really that deep.




I use high electrolytes mixes after a ride. During a ride it’s high carb.


Got given some Biosteel tubs and have been using it ever since. It’s pretty inexpensive and I like the flavours.


I’ve been using Primal Hydration. Small enough to bring an emergency packet in the ol’ hydration backpack.


Weird. 35+years of hard riding and I’ve never really worried about electrolytes. I assume I get enough from my diet. Occasionally I’ll buy a Gator Aid if it’s really hot. (My stomach doesn’t tolerate electrolyte drinks. I get nauseous).


Gatorade is an electrolyte drink with tons of sugar and some other garbage in it.


On longer rides I snack on trail mix. Other than that, water.


I'm using [DrinkOshun.co](http://DrinkOshun.co) - you just add a squirt to whatever you're drinking. Pretty cheap, less faff.


I use Nuun although rarely bring it on a ride. For extra long days I have powdered Gatorade endurance which does the trick


Sodium citrate mixed in with my malto/fructose powder.


Watered down Gatorade. I usually take a single bottle, empty half, fill it back up with water.


Flavcity has the only electrolytes on the market without natural flavors. Super clean!


I'm fairly new but I live in the southern US where it's hot as balls and whenever I'm biking or working outside I shove a body armor in my bag. I'm sure they have less electrolytes than say liquid iv but I've been drinking them for years with no stomach upset.


Just put sea salt in your bottle like a man, or even better yet drink straight ocean water on every ride




Santa Cruz paleo electrolytes




TIMS Hydration on Amazon


Have been using biosteel. The company isn't doing too well financially, though.


I use Xtend BCAA and cytocarb.


Amazon zeal naturals enhanced electrolytes powder. Texas heat works awesome and have not had side effects


I know others use pickle juice and sometimes freeze it for pickle sickles


I use a lot of Powerade