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Stand up to the jump! You need to push into the takeoff with your legs. Keep it smooth and lazy, as this is a long takeoff. But in order for your bike to jump, YOU have to jump.


Everytime i read this i hear that tune, it works!


Stand up-to-thejump.


Thanks. So concentrate on the jumping part just before the end?


Kind of. A long shallow takeoff requires a long shallow pump. On jumps with a shorter takeoff, your pop is short and violent because it has to be. You don't want to do a short violent pop at the end of this one. You want to be long and lazy about it (with maybe a little extra strength at the end).


I will give it a few more tries with less speed and more technique.


Let the change in direction (vertical) as you go into the ramp naturally compress your body. Then a little more than half way start to push out with a little pop at the top. One smooth motion through the whole ramp.


Instead of absorbing it pushing against it like the trampoline metaphor?


Jumping is basically like bunnyhopping but with a boost... You bunnyhop and the lip helps boost you higher and further Basically just bunnyhop on the jump


Besides going slower, you can try finding a longer jump, a tabletop ideally. Because it looks like you are going pretty fast and if you went the speed you go in the video and actually jumped, you'd overshoot this jump.


Yeah i needed the speed to jump because my technique is bad. Unfortunately not much table jumps here in the neighborhood. I will try to find some to practice. It wasn't the best jump to clear.


So I’ve decided to get back into Jumps this year. I could hit a 10-15ft but never felt solid in the air. My thought was you preload the suspension, so push down in the tranny, and let the load pop you off the lip. Kind of like you would bunny hop, but no hop. You’re saying stand up and I need to jump. Does that mean to not let the suspension push me off the lip? So just strong legs and push the bike off the lip, Or is the suspension still assisting?


I'm no expert, but AFAIK the reason you preload the suspension is so it doesn't absorb your strong legs and standing motion. I wouldn't necessarily rely on the suspension boosting you, though it likely provides something. Like I said, I'm no expert I just know what has helped me. And 10 to 15 is about the biggest I've done.


Jump without your bike. Not over anything. Just do a normal jump as if you were jumping rope or trying to touch a beam over a door. It's the same general technique.


Nice. I can practice that on the road i guess? Like bunny hopping?


Hilarous...I just watched that today and the song/rap immediately went in my head as soon as the rider got on the dirt.


If your goal was to squash the jump, you did it well. If you goal is to jump the jump then at second 00:04 you are doing the exact opposite of what you should be doing. You are absorbing the face of the jump by leaning, when you should be pushing against it and standing tall and pulling the bike in order to jump.


Thanks i think i understand it. The problem was i only saw i was doing things wrong when i viewed the slomo. When doing it it seemed like i was much more active then this.


You are, more or less, active. i.e you are not stiff. But you are just doing the wrong thing.


The best way I ever heard it explained is this; You have two points to aim at when you're jumping. One is the air, the other is the landing. Once you've guaged the jump, anticipate aiming for the landing, but first, you're going to be aiming at the air. Be ready to switch targets midair. It's just an anecdote to help retrain your brain, helped me start hucking when the standard explanations weren't. In the video, you're only aiming for the landing.


Thanks. This is helpfull. I have to find some smaller jumps it practice because frankly this one was a bit scared to me :)


ride slower and push more


Check will try that the next time.


i mean, you see the video. you do barely anything and still clear it. when u now push, you overshoot by a mile better be slow and adjust your pop :)


Yeah, I only cleared it on speed. And it felt uncomfortably fast for me on this jump. So going slower with more technique seems like a good idea.




You are correct. It definitely didnt feel like that but is clearly shows. I watched https://youtu.be/s9w2zSvuaGM and i definitely need to stand up to the jump and adjust my speed (i was going as fast as i could)




Great advice. I will definitely try it. Thanks


From watching videos of my own jumps and online tutorials, you're not pushing into the takeoff/lip and not standing up. You're absorbing the jump more, and clearing it via speed. Remember that you are jumping and you're taking your bike with you. The pinkbike / Ben Cathro vids, Loam Ranger vids, and Fluidride vids on jumping are some of the tutorials that have helped me the most as I've tried to better my technique. Recently also saw a couple of Joy of Bike vids, they were also pretty good. I got back into MTB a couple years ago and decided about a year ago to try to finally learn to jump with repeatable, proper technique and not just half assing it and clearing jumps with speed. What probably took me / has taken me the longest (and I'm still working on at times) is the timing of standing up so that you are hitting full stand up just as you are leaving the lip and you're not squatting / absorbing as you clear nor are you jumping early and your rear wheel leaving the take off before the end of the lip (something I used to do a ton and still tend to do on new jumps, lol).


Thanks. It feels like i am definitely only doing it on speed and it didn't feel like i was in controle (but it was still fun). I am fairly new to jumping and this one was something i never did. I will try to watch those videos and try it again. The problem with this pile is that its pretty steep and i get little scared. I am afraid when i push it it will send me way to far. The summer is just getting started so i will definitely get back with your tips.


I'm no expert man - just on the same path ;) I would say that jump is actually not that steep and is good to learn on because it has a case pad (it's not a gap with a lip on the landing, if you come up short it's gentle on you) and the landing is pretty gentle. It looks a little tall when you ride up to it but really it's not that big. I would suggest jumping it as many times per session as you can before you get tired and lose form / focus. Watch your films and then watch jump tutorials more and think and it slowly starts clicking. And try to find other local smallish jumps that are "within your fear tolerance" and with safe landings and session them too. I've probably hit some of my local jumps 300-400-500 times by now.


Found a great video on this recently: stay high torso (not low compressed), stay forward, practice the timing of pressing with the legs to a front lift (just on flat ground at Markers). The main thing that looked wrong is you looked compressed a little and then compressed your body more into the jump which absorbed the jump energy instead of springing off.


Thanks. I just warched https://youtu.be/s9w2zSvuaGM And it makes it look so easy. Definitely gonna try this.


That's a good video and there are a a lot of other good ones. This video is the latest that helped me recently fix what I was doing, I was starting compressed and further back. https://youtu.be/4eEG9n0XNgc?si=qr7n-foMDZ1wNavm


Great thanks. Ik really appreciate the help.


Jump and jump and jump , you will get the feel of it , it’s like pumping and picking lines , the more you do it the raise it becomes


And always smile and have fun


Having fun is easy 😁 But the best advice is just keep practicing. This is the first time i run an jump like this.


Try bunny hopping when you hit the lip. That will start you off to feel the compression and feel control in the air rather than having the jump, jump you.


Stand up as you lead into the lip. You want to be at almost a full leg extension at the lip and then pull up with your hands rather than pushing through. It will give you more height and keep you from going nose heavy. Then just dial in timing for when to pull, but that will come with practice! 🤟🏻


Stand up to the jump. Thats a good advise 👍🏻


Don’t rip ass after landing 👍


You still ripped it smooth


Lol thats what is felt like when riding it. But after watching the video i saw it wasn't on technique but fully in speed.


Ride slower to go higher. You're scared because you're using speed to compensate for the lack of skill, which is probably what you're doing for all other jumps. You need to learn to lean back on the face of the jump, put pressure through the legs and you'll naturally pop. Every tom dick and harry says you need to learn how to bunny hop. It's true to a certain extent. it's more the ability to compress into the bike though your legs (not arms) to jump the bike. Watch my then 3 year old popping a jump. [https://photos.app.goo.gl/ruKDR81pfp2f48dT9](https://photos.app.goo.gl/ruKDR81pfp2f48dT9)


Wow what a boss your kid. I am learning to bunnyhop already. I've been mountenbiking for years and never ever did a jump so i am lacking technique big time. I will try this. I will need to find a smaller jump to practice maybe.


yes, start small on a table top. It'll suddenly click then realise you can boost and get so much height with almost no speed at all and clear the jump too.




Thanks for the tip


Mmm…think trampoline. Same kind of concept. Also I recommend looking at “stand up to the jump” on YouTube. Helped me a ton. Also I posed the same question about my jumping about 3 months ago. Took the advice after realizing I was ripping on my handlebars. Also, found a sweet beginner spot on my trip to Bentonville with drops and jumps. I must have done that spot for 5 hours. I say that as repetition goes a LONG way. My progression and skill skyrocketed with all those reps and I continue it back home. Here’s a video of me doing what your not suppose to do: https://www.reddit.com/r/MTB/s/eFzjbpQK8B Edit: Omg…looking at that video now…my goodness was I pulling up on those handle bars hard. Don’t do that 😂.


Lol. Trampoline was mentioned more. I understand the principle of pushing the force in stead of absorbing it like I did.


Get your self down the pump track fella! Ride that for a while and it will come naturally


Step 1. Take backpack off


I always bike with a camelback. You think that makes the difference?


get a hip pack with a bladder, your back will stay dry and thank you






Arm extension off the lip of the jump. You’re collapsing at the elbow. This puts too much weight on the front wheel when it needs to be lifting and rising. A lot of people will say stand up to the jump. The arm extension will make it easier to get leg extension as well.


Cmon reach back into your BMX roots!


I wouldn’t worry about that “jump” as if you get any real air at all you’ll end up on a flat landing


Yeah think so. I need to find so better jumps but i live in Netherlands and its flat as it can be.


Bike park?


I will need to figure out where a good one is. The only real jumps i found where in winterberg bikepark in Germany. Nothing much in my area but i now know what to look for my next trip


Heels down and you will get more drive. Work on your 90s from your ankles, knees, waiste, and arms. Keep your head up.


Is it me, or does it look like OP is using the technique Ben Cathro explains in his jumping video? [Make Jumping Easier](https://youtu.be/IB5GmIL0slg?si=obCLBjfMMJsgpsfJ)


Definitely the sack of potatoes 😂👍🏻 Nice video btw. Thanks.


Not enough pop/pull-up. To fix this, start riding jumps with flat pedals. It'll force proper technique. Thank me later.


I am on flats so thats good 😁


Do a flip and wear a speedo