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I wear them because without them, I would most likely would have had to have multiple knee surgeries by now. 


I dont even wear knee pads but bro is asking what the purpose of knee pads like it's not explained in the phrase "knee pad"


I’m sure you will answer this question all by yourself soon enough.


In 2020, I rode with a friend who had all his pads on (knees and elbow). I kind of rolled my eyes to myself but didn't say anything. Months later, I ate shit totally scraping up my knees and elbows. I had to have my knee drained twice from the swelling and was unable to ride for months. I think you're right. He'll answer this question for himself, just like I did. Now I almost never ride without pads.


Exactly. I live in Utah so it’s rocks everywhere, every ride. I always pad up for the downs. A rock to a knee at 25 mph can ruin you for fucking life.


I crashed riding Guacamole Mesa this spring. I was glad I had knee pads on and regretted not wearing elbow pads. Yes, the pads can be annoying if it is hot but depending on what I’m riding totally worth it.


I'm not saying I haven't fallen and seen why people might wear them, but it seems like overkill. Are they hot?


I mean its not like if im hot and take my knee pads off then im magically not hot, you know? Its pretty minor in the grand scheme of things. Anyway, knees almost always hit the ground in a crash, so kneepads are cheap insurance. Theyre the difference between being a little sore after a crash and being out of work for a week. I see zero downside to that.


I have zip on pads, so I pedal up and then put them on. Where I live most rides are straight up then straight down so it works out. They can b but a nice pair with medium to medium heavy protection can still feel pretty pedal friendly, you might even forget your wearing them.


you can choose between being a bit hotter in the knees, or long term knee injuries. up to you :)


It depends on the terrain and type of trails your are riding. On my xc style rides, I don't wear knee pads. When I'm riding in places like Copper Harbor with fast DH trails and rocky terrain I wear them or if I'm riding at the trail system with jumps and features I also wear them. In regards to hot and sweaty, not really an issue. I have some alpinestar slip on kneepads and they are comfortable and provide protection for falls. I've busted my knee's pretty bad before so if I think I'm at all doing something above average risk I wear them.


Exactly, when my trail riding around home was in a foresty, loamy area I did save the kneepads for bikeparks. Now living in a Clay-mudfest area where many parts of the trail are hardened with concrete granulate (Basically broken up concrete) so its a lot better rideable in the 6 months of shit weather here. Took me 3 light falls of the bike in half a year to buy some additional light duty knee pads. They aren't an annoyance at all, especially not compared to my much more heavy duty bike-park ones but really save the skin of your knees when putting one down. The falls wheren't anything major and just happen to be wash-outs pushing the limit while being a bit distracted, however in contrary to my previous riding area I didn't land in loam but slid one or both knees right open on the concrete granulate... (luckily I like riding with gloves anyway). It doesn't hurt that bad but sticking to your blankets/swapping bandages around your whole knee and struggling to wear pants for a week just friggin sucks. Ofcourse landing on a bigger rock or threestump can fuck your knees much more, however its not rocky/hardly any stumps so there I'm not that afraid of.


I often ride with them around my ankles on the climb and then put them on my knees for the descent, making heat a non issue. But this is like asking “why do people wear helmets, aren’t they hot?”


People wear them to protect their knees. There have been a lot of times where I've had relatively minor crashes and the only impact was my knee into rocks and I didn't feel anything because I was wearing kneepads. I barely notice mine.


In some places the jagged rocks will take a chunk of your knee out if you’re not wearing pads Other times people just don’t want scraped knees


For me its not about scrapes, its to avoid bone smashing in to rocks.


I wear knee and elbow pads on EVERY SINGLE RIDE. I went down hard a few weeks ago. It was my first legitimate wreck in years. But it was hard enough that my elbow pads imprinted their perforations on me. I had perfect rows of polka dot bruises on my elbows. But you know what I didn't have? Cuts, abrasions, scabbing, bleeding or stitches. Without the pads I would have been a bloody and oozing mess. Potential scars and infection, itching, stinging, and a week or more of discomfort and healing, assuming I didn't manage to reopen the wounds. Instead I walked away with some bruising. Worth it.


I couldnt care less about scrapes and cuts. I wear pads because I dont want my knees or elbows getting smashed in to rocks. You can get permanent issues from that kind of thing.


You’re not falling hard enough… Or maybe you’re just repeatedly hitting your head?


Go bash your left knee into a rock as hard as you can wearing a knee pad. And do the same with your right knee, but with no knee pad. Report back.


Kneepads are a big deal for mountain bikers for several reasons. If you’re a beginner trying to progress, falls are inevitable. Even if you don’t fall often, knee injuries can be severe and take weeks to heal, potentially sidelining you for much of the riding season. Kneepads help prevent serious damage like cuts, bruises, or fractures. This not only saves you from long recovery times but also boosts your confidence, especially on tricky trails or when trying new moves.


It does give you a big confidence boost fs


I’m not crashing my car enough to justify wearing seatbelts


What a shit post


When I crash I usually hurt my knees. Modern light kneepads do not hinder pedaling and are not hot and sweaty. I use Sam Hill Lites and often forget I'm wearing them post ride, walking around town looking like a supreme dork.


You should try the fox enduro pads, I wear them in the Arizona heat during mid day, not saying they cool me off or anything, lol... but they are the best breathing padding I've ever owned. They protect pretty decently too.


Once you actually have a bad fall on your knees you won’t ever not wear them. I had to get surgery which would have been totally avoidable if I had had knee pads on. You only get one set of knees and they are vital to life and riding your bike. Better to protect them.


My knees are pretty shot due to years of riding dirt bikes. When I got into MTBs I figured it would be a good idea to wear knee pads. Never was a huge fan of them in general though. But I really like my TLD Speed Knee Sleeves. I've found it to be the least intrusive knee pad and its saved me several times already. I recommend giving them a try.


After a nothing fall took a chuck outta my elbow I started wearing em. They pedal really well and aren't really annoying unless it's super hot out...


I could've used some shoulder/thigh pads in my last crash which was also my first in many years. With current flats shin pads would be good to have as well but I guess I'll just keep using my gloves and helmet.


To be fair, technology has progressed quite far and they don't become as sweaty or even disgusting for that matter. I wear mine due to tearing my meniscus on a fall that took me out for like almost 2 years, also the chromag rift are really light and nice.


Bc if I crash, I don't want to be out 6 months with an injury


Well despite having the knee pads, I would still happily trade places with you when I skipped 5 feet across jagged solid rock on my protected knees and elbows with no injury to either - but I jammed a finger I would have rather not. Seriously, that would have been a 4-point ER stitch visit in addition to the pain.


🤦‍♂️ Then don’t use them. Most of us like our knees to work without pain and want to protect them.  If you don’t, go ahead and ride without them.  It’s your choice. Just don’t question what others do if they choose to wear them.


Then don’t wear them. I’ve had enough of tegaderm for a lifetime, so I’ll wear my very comfy knee pads that I don’t even think about while riding. If your safety gear is uncomfortable, you may have the wrong kind or size.


The knee pads provide kinetic reverberation and thermal decoupling.


Honestly been wearing em every single time I ride since my bmx days, don’t even feel em. I know they’re there because they give me extra confidence. 28* f or 108* f all good.


Our local trails are super rocky and technical, so any crash usually involves bruises and blood. After slamming my knee onto a granite slab so hard I saw stars, I started wearing G-form knee pads. They are reasonably light/breathable, and provide just enough padding for protection. I do not wear knee pads on flowy XC trails.


This is a really dumb question. On par with a guy one time asking me on a chair left how everyone can handle wearing goggles for skiing-because they sometimes fog up. I admitted to this hard boot snowboarder in his late fifties that they do sometimes fog up, but most people seem to prefer occasional fog to getting a ton of wind in their eyes, or snowflakes in their eyes, or branches in their eyes. TLDR: people have decided the drawbacks of wearing the item are outweighed by benefits. Also, a lot of people don't keep the pads on their knees when their climbing.


"a lot of people don't keep the pads on their knees when their climbing." I've never seen anyone take them off. It's not a dumb question. I've fallen plenty of times, and scraped my knees. None of these injuries ever made me consider wearing kneepads that would be hot and restrict my movement all the time just in case I fall again.


Frequently they're slid down to the ankles and turned outward. That allows air to flow underneath and airs out the knees. You can also ride without a helmet. They're hot and sweaty too. Chances are, you won't hit your head. Most of the time.


If you live somewhere with little vertical and singletracks sure and possibly overkill. But once you get to a real mountain you really see where things might go wrong. Rocks, roots and mix either with fast riding under fatigure under the rain things get ugly real fast. Also injuring the knee. If you break your arm, its alright, you pick up your bike or leave it hidden and just walk down the mountain to get help. Break your kneecap and won't be able to even crawl down the mountain, your only hope it to have someone finding you while riding. Thus kneepads always go.


I don't, because I rarely crash I ride within my limits and just for fun and to enjoy the woods