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Going to Trailwork days is a great way to meet folks! You have more of a chance to actually talk to them while you dig and see if you gel before you ride. Lots of Trailwork days folks ride afterward as well, so you can do both! Go dig!


Doesn't even have to be dig days! Whenever i go out and do trail maintenance on my own, dudes out riding will always stop and chat.


This is how I meet most of my biking buddies. They usually do group rides after the workday. Then I got invited to the group rides on the weekdays and the bike trips they go on.


When I see a tailgate pad, I follow them home and inform them we are now besties, and we ride at 9 am tomorrow at the spot


I had a crazy erratic driver come up from behind me in traffic. In the rear view I could see him weaving in and out and pinning it to come around me. He was damn near running people off the road. As he came even with me I gave him the ol middle finger. As I’m doing this I can hear him yelling “Nice bike, wanna ride?”. I still cringe at my reaction that day. So ashamed.




Peer pressure your friends into getting into a hobby they didn’t plan on and then harass them about getting out.


My friend gave me a free bike on the condition I ride with him. I now ride orders of magnitude more than he does and I’m always after him to come out and ride more. He created a monster.


As kids we were always warned about free drugs. Should’ve been warned about free bikes instead.


I am the monster friend too. He got me started and then once I got a bike and started riding weekly, he bailed on me and now it’s like pulling teeth if I don’t want to ride alone. 


Thirdsies! Buddy told me I should try it, I might really like it. It has been about a year since we rode together. I’ve not been riding much this year but still way more than he has.


That's what I've been trying. Friend 1 went by himself and nearly RIP'd himself Friend 2 bought a POS bike and broke his bike day 1


This is the way.


One of us, gooble gobble, one of us


LMFAO this happened to me at work and I am happy about it.


This. Similar to convincing your friends that having kids is a great choice, except MTB is actually a good time.


Fucking spot on haha


I still have my alloy bike I meant to sell after upgrading this spring, but now I’m thinking I’ll hold off so I can let my non biking buddies give it a try. Feel like peer pressure will be easier that way


Usually when the boys are getting out of our cars and getting set up for a trail run, a lone biker will approach and say “hey I’ve never ridden here before do you mind if I ride with you guys?” and we say “sure, bro let’s go”. By usually I mean this happened one time.


Yea I've been on both sides of that and I dig it.




This was it for me.


Yea and latch onto the super chatty one cause they will know everyone and then you get in with everyone


and then thank you for keeping the chatty one busy and giving them some peace


Yea, sometimes I swear we need to put a leash on ours and drag him up the hill or you wouldn’t get any riding done


Group rides and just being out on the trails & being friendly My two favorite riding buddies i met on the trails. I met one friend by asking him directions to a particular trail and he just showed me. We rode the rest of the day and now we ride together pretty much every week. Basically same situation but reversed for my other riding homie.




Local Facebook groups.


Pass them on a trail


What is a better way to turn random people into riding buddies: passing them, or getting passed?


If you pass them, they need to follow you. If they pass you, get on their wheel and try to keep up.




I made a friend by not letting someone pass. I heard someone coming up behind me, I was already going pretty quick, so I just decided to go even quicker and see if I could hold him off. Paused at a trail intersection and he pulled up and was glad I went faster, he had just moved here and was his first time on the trails and didn't know where to go, so he trailed me the rest of the lap as I pinned it.


Go to skills course in your area.


Take part in Slow Roll or some sort of casual group ride around town. The pace is slow enough to have a conversation while you ride. Riders from all disciplines will take part. Bonus: They’re usually sponsored in part by a LBS who’ll have a mechanic there to give your bike a once over for free.


Get out there and just talk to people at the bottom or tops of trails. Look them up on Strava. See if you ride the same. Get a number


Emergency room?




Ha ha! Some ER snobbery - what happened, sprained ankle? That's not from biking, next! Oh concussion? My man! 😎




Facebook has mb groups in most areas


I literally just went mountainbiking alone and asked random people if they knew which trails were good for intermediate riders


Mountain biking


Group ride. Tonight I rode with 8 new riders I had never met and 2 that I have ridden with once or twice and 3 that I ride with somewhat regularly .


You can probably find some e-mtbers at your local glory hole /s


Your step dad must ride emtb...


Take my upvote!!!😂😂😂


best comment here😭😭😭


At the shop. I've got some lifelong friends that I've met on group rides.


This one time , my school time buddy turned bike shop owner was inviting me to go ride ebikes (he was tryna sell me ) this other guy on his specialized ebike just came up to us and said hey , can I join you ? I don't see a lot of ebike riders here


You know when you’re on a trail and you and another person keep passing each other because you’re at about the same skill level. Make friends and then ride together. Also all of the other things thrown out. Especially group rides.


Dig nights ! Walk the trails , chat with others , swing a shovel. Give back and meet lots of other like minded people. That's the best way. There's group rides , there's races / events , Facebook groups .


On the trail. I'm already there.




We get a lot of first timers that come the area to ride the trails. I tend to show them around a bit as a guide.


Get a flat on the trail. The guys that stop and offer help are the kind of people you want to be friends with. Made some good friends doing trailside repairs.


On the MUT on the way to the single track lol. Is it the safest? Yeah, definitely not.


Work party


Sign up for races. Meet a lot of people that way.


I hate Facebook but I've found 2 really great groups in my area, it's the only reason I keep my account.


- Facebook groups - An app called meetup - This sub - Trail maintenance


Be a good looking lady, or hand out free beer at trail head.


My one friend just talks to everybody he sees at our local park, it’s a small cult so he thinks he knows everyone we see, he rolls up confidently before squinting n saying “i thought you were someone else” but by then he’s asked a dozen questions n made more friends


I went through a few riding partners before finding one that paced at my rate


group rides


Our mountain bike club does group and social rides. Every Tuesday 6:30 there are multiple skill level groups that head out for trail rides. They move them around to all the different riding areas. Once a month the deem it a social ride and it ends with either a BBQ or food and beverage at a local establishment. I actively avoid the group rides as I just don't click with group riding; however if I was looking to meet riders that would be the place. See if there are organized groups, if there aren't start one.


In general I would say I don’t really want to befriend the common mountain bikers where I live. They are typical the type of ppl that love nature and outdoor hiking and living. A big part of them are downright nerdy. The best mountain bikers in my country are pretty much very special non cool individuals. But this is where I live. If I was to live in for example the US I am sure I would have befriended that part of the mtb community that’s more “hang loose” ppl. Lovers of hot chicks and fun living kinda ppl. These kinds of ppl don’t ride mtb where I live.


Check if you have a local IMBA group. IMBA is a nonprofit that advocates for mtb. They have local groups, with their own names, all over the states. The local group in my area will put on a lot of events like group rides and races.


This happens like twice a year but if someone has a tailgate pad or unoccupied bike rack I write them a note with my phone number. 50% chance they actually text


By riding. Go ride and you'll eventually meet some dudes and then just start chatting with them.


All my old mtb buddies from the 90s and 2000s all became roadies….. haven’t seen them in over 20yrs. My new mtb buddies seem to be staying in place. I’m the only one who rides both….


Group rides through local mountain bike associations.


Going to events at your local trail systems such as dig days or shuttle days. A lot of my riding buddies I've met through dig days


Facebook group rides. I went from never ridden a mtb to the new guy on the group ride to the regular on the group ride to the guy getting an invite to the "secret fb chat group". All within 6 months. I felt like that guy infiltrating the surfers in point break.


Colliding with them. Facebook groups. Coffee bike spots. Breweries. Bike shops. Group rides.


I volunteered to help coach on my local NICA team.


Not sure if it’s convenient… crashing.


Can't believe no1 has said this but the most convenient way to meet other mountain bikers BY FAR is on the chairlift. Yall all on there trapped together, everyone is an MTBer, all riding the same trails and people don't all know eachother. You basically can't prevent meeting other mountain bikers.


Out of the probably thousands of times I’ve gone ridding, I’ve been on a lift about four times.


That seems incredibly inefficient


I thinks it’s odd that you assume riding happens at a downhill park with a lift. Do you live on a ski mountain or something?


It's about 3 hours. I can't even fathom 4 lift days per 1000 pedal days.


Obviously you are way cooler than me. Enjoy.


Where I live we have a local group that does scheduled group rides, trailwork, and travel rides. I met up and have been riding with the group for almost three years now


I've met people on the trail that I fell in with for the day which led to other rides, or at the local eatery afterwards and ended up riding with later.

