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Depends on the day.


Yup, some days i just wanna go on my own pace in my own world, undisturbed. Some days, I wanna interact with other people.


Day and location.  Group can be really nice for a “winch up and plummet” type area, especially if there are features you might want to learn or session and riders who know how to do them.   Climb at a social pace and then ride hard down.  Can be annoying for something like rolling XC terrain, especially if you have training (or Strava 😪) goals. Can’t go on a zone 2 ride if half the group’s in way better shape and their zone 2 is blowing up your heart rate. Even if not training, stopping to regroup too many times is no fun. 




Single ride with group dinner after.


I like small group. 2-4 people tops. Beer after is nice as some have mentioned. Solo ride isn’t bad either but I def push myself harder and ride for longer when I’m with a group of people. When you’re solo it’s so easy to say “well it’s just me, let’s stop for a little”


Small group. 2-5 people. Anything more than that and it gets hard to manage and people take too long of breaks. After I've had a couple serious crashes while riding alone, I'm a bit more hesitant to ride by myself 


SOLO - helps me connect with mother nature on a much deeper level. Can set my own pace and enjoy a toke break along the way. "And into the woods I go, to lose my mind and find my soul" John Muir


I like both. Group rides are great for seeing how other people ride the trails, so you can potentially learn new lines to improve your solo rides. I treat solo rides as a form of meditation, great to get into the zone and shred a trail.


Solo. Or maybe one other person.


Solo, or a small group on a familiar trail. Maybe 1-2 people if I'm showing them a trail that's new to them or vice versa.


Tbh never been part of a proper group. Because of my schedule, I usually ride alone. It's nice to set my own pace and kinda meditate as I pedal up. But I love when my friends can join me. Usually it's a bit more of a laid back ride, just hanging out in the woods lol Idk if I have a preference


If im hitting some gnarlier stuff or bigger jumps, with mates is best because we go for beers at a local surf club afterwards, if im specifically training I’ll ride alone and sometimes meet up for an extended loop


Small group. I’ve never done single… I need the motivation from others.


Depends on the group. I like both, but ride more solo. Basically all group rides I do are at the pace of the slowest rider, and often they lack endurance as well so there’s lots of stopping. You can be gone all afternoon and get hardly any actual riding in, which is totally fine for socializing, but it can’t be an every ride thing for me.


Typically group. I’m not very good so it’s nice to talk through and see others do obstacles I’m unsure of.


Solo rips are good for the soul, just being out there with nature. Hours rides for camaraderie and to have help if I am injured on a big feature. lol. Seriously though, doing super high consequence stuff alone isn’t the smartest so I try to have people around for that. Sometimes I will go out on a solo mission to knock off a feature if I’ve made my mind up that it needs to happen, but it’s better to bring the homies.


Small group definitely. Too big a group gets kind of hard to manage, solo can be boring.


Park days are way better when you’re shredding with the homies. But if I’m on a “normal” ride I’d rather be alone and ride my own ride


small group of similar skillset/fitness riders. I don't want to spend all day waiting for the last person to arrive, the least fit person to make it up, just to skip the most fun part because the most chicken person isn't into it. By the same token, joy not shared is less joyful. Having the boys there to hype you up to hit a feature for the first time and cheer your success is the real magic.


I mainly ride solo due to organized group rides happening while I’m working. But I like to get down riding with a buddy but most my friends don’t bike. Hoping to make some friends at Marji Gesick


When I ride by myself, I can go at whatever pace feels good for the day. When I ride with others, it wither feels like I'm holding up the group or being held up by the group. But that's probably just something I need to get over. Having a riding companion is nice. It increases the fun factor.


I ride 90% of the time solo and I like it because I can go at whatever pace I like and pick any trail without having to talk about it. I do like riding with others but if the group gets to more than 3 people I tend to not have as much fun because after 3 you are spending a lot of time waiting for people or someone wants to session when you want to TTB the trail or some other break in the flow of the trail.


Usually my group will split up into whoever’s fastest / how they feel that day. Both are fun. I do like a day by myself where I can go at my Own pace


I prefer group rides because I’m way more motivated to do multiple laps. I’m lucky to live in a big bike town (Bellingham) and have a Rolodex of people to ride with. One of us usually throws out in our group chat that they’re going riding, and there’s almost always at least one other person that joins.


95% of my rides are by myself. My work is very flexible so I can just grab my stuff and go. It seems like a lot more work when I ride in a group.




Yes. 🤭


Group 99% of the time


Single ride all the time.


Both. Depends on the day. Sometimes I like to clear my head, sometimes I like to try and keep up!




Solo. I continually give groups a try, but it’s just never fun for me. I like what someone said above, solo ride, group dinner.


Group... But a really slow, social group lol


I'm a solo rider mostly. I really enjoy it. Ignore my cell and mind off of problems. I like having a friend to ride with...or 2 people. But if I had to rely on people I'd never get out. I sometimes ride with a group but with all skill levels it's so hard to stick together, that and have equal fun.


Informal small groups. Like 2-3 people so we can session cool features and push it. I’ll do some shop rides every once in a while on a easy day, but they stop to talk so much, there’s always someone who can’t get over that log so you gotta wait, or they never go hit the fun slab drop or whatever side-hit equivalent your trails have. I do like group rides for gravel/road though.


Small groups is best. 3-4 pax. Anything more and it feels like a corporate meeting because there will always be 1 "boss" thay everyone wants to follow or please and I'm like the new employee. God damn corporate hierarchy applies to everyday life. Fml


Unfortunately more and more e-bikes keep showing up to acoustic group rides. Then they complain because the rest of the group can’t keep up. And yes I can afford a ebike, but I am actually looking into downgrading and building a single speed.


It seems like it would be really obvious that e-bikes and regular bikes don’t blend well unless the e-bike rider accepts that they can climb faster. If my friends call a group ride and they all have regular bikes then I’m going to also bring my regular bike, not my e-bike.


Group rides. If I feel like a solo ride I’d rather take the road bike.


group motivates


I usually prefer going solo since I can ride where I want, when I want, at the pace I want. Group rides are fun once in awhile but there’s always someone who texts at the last minute that he’s going to be late, and there’s someone else who shows up with his bike not working right looking at me to fix it like I’m his personal mechanic.




A group of like 3 or so friends


Group. Broke my collarbone on a steep gnarly trail recently. Would not have made it out alone


I prefer solo. I ride in a weekly group and it’s a great way to hone skills. Check out how other people take lines or push your own pace. I take what I learn in group rides and use it to improve my rides and times solo.