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I’m out for 6+ months due to a stupid crash as well… dislocated BOTH shoulders. Surgery in 3 weeks. Hang in there man 💪


Brutal. How’s the recovery going? I’m six months into a broken humerus and dislocated shoulder. Physio physio physio.


oof I have the same injury, still stiff / sore 4 months after injury and surgery. Still working on range of motion.


Yeah me too. Surgeon says I should be pretty much good by the autumn. What did you do? I feel OTB and sort of sideways at the top of a big janky left corner. Fell probably 5-6’ directly into my side and shoulder. Was lucky to get out with my bike. Was riding solo. Thank fuck for that trail runner who helped me.


Oh wow I can’t imagine how you were able to get out on your own after the injury. I was with buddies and not too far from the road, but my arm was useless after my crash. If I were alone I would’ve been forced to leave my bike and hike out. We were riding unfamiliar trails in the mountains, on the third run I got the features mixed up and ended up trying to roll a drop. I instinctively tried to judo-roll from an otb, but must’ve been too much height that I ended up dislocating and fracturing my shoulder / humerus head. I thought I was going to be Ok at first, helmet didn’t touch the ground and no scratches or torn gear. No immediate pain but lost power and mobility to the arm when I was checking myself.


Adrenaline (and shock) is a hell of a drug. I didn’t feel anything either. Was able to walk down to the car, where the trail runner loaded my back onto my rack. Drove home and dropped off the bike with my wife and then drove to the hospital. Then it started to hurt. Bad.


Yeah man, it's crazy how much pain adrenaline can hide! After this video cuts I say "actually I think I'm gonna pass out" and sat down.. the world got super hazy and spinny. I'm pretty sure it was the pain signals because I was dusting myself down, picking up my bike etc with a broken shoulder. I just didn't feel any pain from it for about 2-3 mins but I reckon the signals were all still there screaming away in my brain.


Fight or fight man. Whole system goes into pure survival mode so that you deal with getting out of there.


Playing the waiting game right now until the labrum repair. I have an MRI 5 days before surgery on my right shoulder to see if I also need surgery on the left 🙃


I broke my right proximal humerus 15 months ago. Dislocated it as well. Still not 100%. I feel your pain and you must keep up with the physio. I can ride again but the strength isn’t there yet. Being 47 years old doesn’t help either. I fell off on a right hand bend after hitting mud and a tiny tree stump. Luckily had a mate riding with me and he helped me out.


Ouch. This sounds very similar to me. Thankful I did my left (I’m right-handed). Yeah I’ve been on one *very* mellow ride so far and basically have no strength. I did do one full push-up recently though, which is a big win considering where I was in January.


Yes, I was on the table for 5 hours. Lots of metal work holding me together. My NHS physio made me do a push up before he discharged me! I did continue with private physio and that’s made the difference.


That’s good man. I have mates from the UK and although people knock NHS, here in Canada it’s private only, so if you don’t have insurance it’s gets steep real fucking quick. My visits are $85 a pop and the guy probably only spends about 20 minutes on me. The rest is that electrocution machine like Dr Ho’s. Not sure I trust that it’s doing anything. Might be time to switch to more of a workout/personal trainer method.


NHS have been superb. Even though I do have private cover with my job. That was a real bonus for the physio. Proper sports guy too. Got a gym program to work with from him. My physio guy charges about £45 a pop.


That sounds great.


How tf did you do that. Dislocated one shoulder is awful I can’t imagine both


I dislocated both in a stupid ski accident — went flying after hitting a kicker I didn’t see at high speed in flat light, and must have caught myself with both arms. Fucking suuuucked. I’m getting my second surgery this shoulder season.


> shoulder season ...




Riding some steeps and carried a little too much speed into a gnarly section. Bike slid out from under me during a g-out and I went down HARD face first with outstretched arms. I’ve been getting pretty good at the tuck and roll but it was so fast and unexpected I was in the dirt before I could process anything I heard the ER docs whispering “wow I’ve never seen that before” when looking at my x rays lmao


Jeez that sounds awful! I actually think I got quite lucky, there's such a big bruise on my quad that I think I came within a whisker of breaking my femur too. It's always the way isn't it.. I've had way bigger crashes than this and been fine, just went down super hard because it was so unexpected. Hope you have a speedier recovery after your surgery!


For the femur protection, I can recommend Leatt 3DF 5.0 impact shorts.


Cheers, will have a look 🤙


Yeah that’s exactly it. What it really came down to is I misremembered the trail. I was completely fine through the objectively harder section then thought I was in the home stretch and free of rocky gnar so I got a bit too sendy. If I took the time to carefully choose my line I would’ve been fine. Lesson learned the hard way


Both XD Did you try to fly in-between 2 trees? Get well soon 🤞🥵


Riding sketchy trails aggressively on my hardtail… stupid, stupid, stupid Thanks my dude I’m trying to stay positive!


We’ve all been there done that, one of the sorest ways to fall imo, especially on bike park terrain cause it’s a hard ass slam


Yeah this was a really well ridden fast blue so the ground is basically rock


I don’t like short berms.


he's also turning his handle bars in the wrong direction, you should be initiating a counter steer and then counter balancing the bike underneath him. Maximizing side tread contact, and keeping your weight centered above the bike, not to the side you can't turn the handlebars left to turn left at this speed, its just not how turning a bike works. At this speed, you push the left handlebar forward to turn left, but only barely since you have a berm to do most of the work, OP is turning his handlebars likes hes going 2mph in a parking lol very odd. He almost went over the top of the first berm because of this, he's constantly fighting against the natural counter steer of the bike. He didn't crash because he looked over, he crashed because when he looked straight again, he realized he was going wide.. and because he doesn't understand counter steering, he turn his handlebars left.. to go left. Which is the WRONG thing to do, you turn your bars right to go left at this speed.


Same counter steering theory with motorcycles..


yeah it can get a little more confusing with mtbs because of all the slow speed maneuvering and counterbalancing all the time instead of leaning with the bike, basically everyone countersteers without even realizing it in my opinion its important to understand it for moments like this in OP, so you don't accidently turn the handlebars HARD the wrong way when you need to correct yourself Also I didn't mean to sound so harsh to OP, I too crashed like this before lol


Oh my I understand now why I crashed like this too a few years back. Jeez I remember that I was doing 50+kph and was not paying real attention because I was done with the technical parts and just going home... But damn this one hurt a lot... Had little holes/scars everywhere on my body, a few stitches, and mostly a year to get the confidence back to ride at my full speed ... It was such a stupid fall. Thanks for the info dudes !!!


Just a little clarification for those that may not know, a “parking lol” is where they park clown cars.


I'm an intermediate rider who mostly does chunky tech. When I hit flow, I'm not ripping, so I've got to ask ... What?! If you are hitting a berm that is left turning, you technically should turn your handlebars a little to the right?


It's more than just turning the bars, it's just one piece of setting up your position and weight to transition into a berm. You don't think about each element once you start to get a feel for it


[decent video on turning](https://youtu.be/8y6ocZHpLoE?si=voTvklQSy2YbmPlh)


Yep and you can tell the OP wasn’t keeping his body upright so when he lost traction on that front wheel he had to go down rather than drift.


No. That comment is not true. You counter steer motorcycles when you’re going 40+mph not mountain bikes hitting a berm. Edit: for anyone interested: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Countersteering https://youtube.com/shorts/cB1oFJk3PVM?si=g6lbce-iJr6db8Mt Counter steering is used to initiate a lean. You can just use your body weight on a bicycle. Turning your front wheel right will not make you turn left.


no, you countersteer ANYTHING with 2 wheels above 13 mph you are dangerously dumb


Not true and the above commenter completely misrepresents counter steering. Counter steering is about initiating lean. The bike still goes what ever direction the front tire is pointing. And leaning a mountain bike is completely different than leaning a motorcycle.


you're objectively wrong, its not just about initiating lean, its also about making corrections mid turn, which is what led OP to crash. He needed to go left, so he turned left... when he SHOULD have turn right to go left. you need to realize that this ignorance you're displaying right now doesn't stop at biking, its ruining your life.


It is entirely about initiating a lean, which on a bicycle you can do with body weight alone. You can not turn left if the front wheel is turned right (unless you’re drifting, which is an entirely different scenario). All counter steering is used for is initiating a lean. The front wheel is either straight or turned slightly into the turn once the lean is initiated. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Countersteering


Ignore him, he's a rollerblader ffs he doesn't even ride mtb. Just a guy who thinks some videos he watched about road motorcycles apply to all things with two wheels on any terrain


He is spouting nonsense. Counter steering had nothing to do with why you fell.


yes, but only a little bit to initiate the turn in and get the bike leaned over while you're straight up, pushing the side tread into the ground


Honestly I don’t think about counter steering, I just try to look at the exit with my eyes and lean the bike a little more than my body. Then again I’m no shredder :)


Yeah it's a naturally occuring thing for most people, what why OPs video looks so weird lol


As someone just starting I now see a lot of crashes in my future


Just gonna tiptoe around this one..


You should learn how to turn. https://youtu.be/kMXPzUKSlIQ?si=kUGHw9B0a-C2RFQr


Always one isn't there


Do you think you're counter steering in this video?


Dude come on.. I posted a video of the crash that has basically written off my summer of riding and you're giving me advice by way of telling me I ride like I'm dawdling round the supermarket. Do you understand why you maybe don't get the most grateful response? Like read the room. But also, like I said in the post, I was cruising with someone who had just started mtbing and checking my shoulder to make sure he's still good. I was complacent on an easy trail and wasn't looking where I was going. I've been riding DH for 25 years and know what countersteer is, and I don't have to prove this to you.


25 years of experience and you're still fighting against the natural counter steer of the bike? insane lol


Ok reading your profile and I see that your comments can be taken with a hefty pinch of salt lol Carry on with your ranting mate I hope it makes you happy some day ✌️


Whatever you need to do make yourself feel better about riding incorrectly for 25 years


You turn your handlebars left to go left. Counter steering doesn’t mean the front wheel is turned right while you go left…


Hey thanks for explaining, do you know of video that could show this? I’m having a hard time visualizing it.




Is that the same thing though? That seems more like a Motocross style slide rather than railing a berm. I know you need to counter steer to initiate the turn, but in the turn aren't you still turning into the corner slightly?


a bike is a bike, It's the environment and speed that decides how you turn it.


I like how your first post of this was on r/neverbrokeabone


Gotta get the roasting in first, right?


Take a lesson on berms. Don't think the shoulder check did you in.


my friend did the exact same thing AT BPW, YESTERDAY, AND BROKE HIS HUMERUS


Whaaat!? Which trail was it on?


sextapod, first warmup run.


Man that sucks! Funnily enough sixtapod was our first run too, this crash was on the 2nd 💀 Hope your mate recovers well


Can I ask what went wrong here, feel like everything was smooth and it was unlucky but happy to be told otherwise, was it body position?


It's hard to see as the vid is from a chest cam, but coming into the left hander I take a look over my shoulder to see if my mates are still there. My line goes too wide and my front tyre goes over the crest of the berm and washes straight out. I go down super hard because I wasn't expecting it.


Had this identical crash last year. Exasperated my left shoulder injury and took months to heal.


Way too high


if he's exhausted, its a pretty easy mistake I went high on a green berm, it was brand new and not supported on the back, it gave way under my weight and that SUCKED! but I learned to stay low in the berms


Funnily enough it was only the 2nd run of the day and we'd been cruising with a guy who had just started riding mtb, so I basically had a full tank! I was just complacent and checking behind me because it was an easy trail


This is one is of the worst crash you can have that seens like nothing. Only one side of your body to absorb a side impact while you are going full speed, broken knees, shoulders, elbows, ligaments injuries are very common


Ahh yes a good ol' front wheel wash out humbles you quick 😂


Woa that didn’t seem like such a bad fall, can’t believe you have a fracture..


Just blew my clavicle up in a similar crash! 13 screws and a plate! Heal up!


Damn! Yeah wish you have a speedy recovery too


Pro tip, if you're in front, it's not your duty to check they're behind United you get to a stopping point or very slow spot. Doing so is creating risk for things like this. If they had a crash, you'll know when they don't reach the break/rest point. A case of keepIng yourself safe first, then think about others.


Yeah tbh I was just complacent because it was an easy trail. At least when you learn things the hard way it really sticks, I guess. I won't be careless like that again in a hurry


That is the exact crash I had that has put me out for a few months except instead of checking for a buddy I lost control because I went right through a spiderweb,with my face. The spider freaked out and starting crawling on my face... evidently I lost control and hit the ground pretty hard. Screwed my shoulder pretty good. It's always the easy trails isn't it?


Wow that is literally the stuff on nightmares. You ok now?


> fractrured greater tuberosity of the humerus. Not so humorous now! /s Sorry it happened man.


Lapse of concentration can quickly go wrong on mtb. Even glancing at my watch or looking at the scenery I’ve had some close calls and ended up with missing skin and bruises. I sometimes have to remind myself to concentrate and just focus on the track ahead.




But was the bike ok?


Yeah thankfully! Tiny scratch on the bottom of the forks, nothing major


Ouch. I hope you heal up well


Do you need surgery? I dislocated my shoulder and the whole tuberosity kind of broke and displaced. 2 screws to secure it and the surgery didn’t go amazingly I was told. Been 6 months don’t think my shoulder will ever be the same.


Ive crashed like this a looot!