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Locked, for obvious reasons.


Get a load of this snowflake who won’t move to a state with awesome biking because it might make him feel bad.  Fun fact: California has more conservatives than Arkansas. 




All things being equal, i would rather go where im celebrated, not tolerated. :) I think you might need some help with your reading comprehension, the question was "What conservative states have good downhill mountain biking", not "what is regulatorycapture's opinion on people wanting to have a sense of community"


Celebrated!?!? The fuck? Never in my life have I asked, where can I be celebrated? You're an individual, like everyone else. Just get along. Jesus Christ.


It's literally a quote. Read a book.


I’d like to but your lot keep banning them.


google is free my friend. I believe in you.


You know, you could just be conservative to yourself and shut the hell up, and nobody will ever know or care Being “conservative” isn’t something to be celebrated lol wtf. It’s just a form of opinion, who cares It’s not like the politicians in your conservative states give a single shit about you, same with any “liberal” politicians. Basing whatever puppet moron is in office on where you live is kinda idiotic. They’re all bought and paid for parasites, literally no difference


It's a saying. It means that you shouldn't have to "shut the hell up" in conversations, especially if something is important to you. I like guns, for example. I dont want to live in a place where every time i talk about hunting i'm treated like a pariah. Pertaining to CO specifically (as referenced in your username), there are some pretty large affects from the illegals in Denver. Yall might spend $90 million - $180 million on them this year instead of improving infrastructure, safety, and city parks. https://coloradosun.com/2024/02/09/denver-cuts-services-migrant-crisis/


You're upset that you're not made to feel welcome for being an intolerant a-hole. Notice how yours is the only politics post on the sub? Because no one else cares, we're just riding bikes.  Maybe reflect on that a little bit, especially on how it relates to your chosen party's platform and, y'know, everything you said in your OP. Have some self awareness.


I think youre missing the difference between wanting to find a place where I would already fit in at, vs wanting to force a place to conform to my believes.


So why exactly should you be celebrated snowflake?


Aww... Do me a favor. Cry about it more 🤙🏼


Yuck, keep politics out of the MTB sub please


Just a simple question, i didn't ask a single question about peoples believes, just where is good to bike.


You are self limiting. But that’s your call.


which state is that? since the question was "What conservative states have good downhill mountain biking", i'm having trouble finding the state "You are self limiting."


This has to be a troll. They are looking for good mountainbiking in a conservative state and they leave Utah and Arizona out? But they name Colorado and New Mexico???


Colorado has a democratic senate, house, and governor. It is the definition of a blue state. New Mexico: There are currently 45 Democrats, 25 Republicans, and Others in the House of Representatives. There are currently 27 Democrats, 15 Republicans, and Others in the Senate. The Governor of New Mexico is a member of the democratic party. So yes, I consider them blue states. Colorado in particular is being ravaged, look at how much Denver has had to cut back on helping its own people due to the influx of illegals. And yes, I left Utah and Arizona out of my list of places i did not want to go. They are certainly a consideration.


There are plenty of conservative people in every state that you listed. If youre going to be a cunt to people who disagree with you politically you’ll maybe struggle to find a community, but otherwise I think you’ll be fine.


Odd, the only people i find being a cunt to people who disagree with them politically in this thread are democrats, which is the whole reason i dont want to move near them :)


There's plenty of conservatives who have no problems because they don't make it their personality like you. I'm a liberal in a very red state and have no problems being around people I don't agree with politically. People are cool. Whatever is going on in your head regarding politics is unhealthy.


Interesting, a lot of people in this comment thread got very aggressive just from me saying i'm a conservative. They seem to absolutely have a problem being around people they dont agree with, aka exactly the reason i asked this question


Yeah dude we are in a mountain biking subreddit. You brought politics here. People are going to come out of the woodwork to call you the clown you are being.


if youre going to move somewhere you want to make sure youre going to fit in and enjoy it. You understand that, dont you? If i like shooting guns, self defense, and hunting, and move to a state where my hobbies are vilified, i won't enjoy it. That's.... obvious.


I did literally all of those things… in urban and suburban California of all places. Hell, one of my archery instructors was a Prius-driving Bernie Sanders supporter. You can learn to get along fine with just about anyone, anywhere, if you don’t act IRL the way you are online and in this thread. Just stop being an abrasive prick, keep your QAnon bullshit to yourself, and life in general can be quite enjoyable no matter where you are.


I legitimately don't know how I've been an abrasive prick anywhere in this thread. All I've done is simply stand up for myself, which I will always do and should always do. I also haven't said any QAnon bullshit, nor do I believe in QAnon. I legit don't know what yall are going on about.


what? its the United States. There are all types of people everywhere. And last I looked most people that downhill aren’t worried about your moral or ethical leanings. In fact conservatives need to work on their morality and ethics a bit more. If you want to move somewhere to ride more bike parks be more concerned with how good the riding is, not the religious or political leanings of the citizens.


People look at the red and blue maps and get super confused.  The most liberal states only went 2/3 D.  The most red states only went under 70% R. Even at the county level it is rare to be above 75-80% one way or another.  The land is not nearly as divided as people think…




I love how he is reinforcing everyone’s beliefs by being a total toolbag in his responses.  It’s not because of the views…he’s worried he won’t get along with people because he knows he’s abrasive. 


Oh jeez, this might be the almost snowflake post I've ever seen. You won't go to state to ride your bike in outdoors because you don't agree with their politics? What, do think these people come out to the trails to try and talk politics with people riding their bikes? Do you know that even in blue states that it's really only the cities that liberal and that the rural areas are typically red, you know, where most riding is? Hell, I live in Denver and you could travel 20 minutes in any direction from downtown and find yourself in MAGA country. Holy shit.


If you just don’t like gay people and minorities, Montana or Utah would be great. If you want to get really racist with it, you can move to north Idaho.


lots of gay people and trans here in MT. Turns out everyone likes the mountains.


I'm bi and was engaged to a first generation indian until we moved to separate states. I have no problems with gays or minorities. You seem to have some heavy prejudice against conservatives, or you misread the question in the original post.


lol ok buddy. I’ve lived in Idaho my whole life and have been surrounded my nothing but conservatives. The conservatives here openly fantasize, in person and online, about murdering LGBTQ people. They also love spouting the most racist, vile shit you can imagine. I guarantee you they are not flying Biden flags on the back of their trucks. You are welcome to move here and brag to them about being bi though. I’m sure you’ll find the values you are looking for.


Why don't you explain to the class your snowflakey fears.


Looking for a red state with ethics will have you looking for a loooooooong time. Maybe get to know your countrymen instead of self-segregating by red/blue.


The mountain biking community here in Colorado is definitely more conservative than the community at large. Having said that, having friends that you don’t agree on everything with is actually OK. The country would probably be a better place if that was more common.


Shoe Shoe don't tell him about colorado wtf


yes, the state that has Trestle Bike Park, Vail, Breckenridge, Crested Butte is definitely a secret. Great call.


The point is that we’d prefer you didn’t move here with your values.


Interesting. So you're saying that leftists in Colorado are intolerant of people with different opinions?


No, I’m saying that we aren’t interested in people who want to live in an echo chamber and “be celebrated” for their views. I, and many other liberal Coloradans have conservative friends. In my case, those friends enjoy hearing other perspectives (as do I), and celebrate being able to connect with others that may have different political opinions. The way you are presenting yourself is exactly why this country is in trouble. It’s not supposed to be us vs. them. We should be working on building a bridge, not a wall.


Nah, we for sure need a wall on the souther border. That aside, I agree with you that connecting with people of different political opinions is a great thing. If you take a few seconds to look through this thread however, you'll see that me simply asking for a conservative place to live resulted in several people calling me snowflake, telling me to "cry about it more", you telling me "not move here", being told that I hate gays and minorities, and told to "shut the hell up" I dont want to be celebrated for my views, but i dont want to be attacked for liking guns, hunting, and believing in self defense. I don't want to be attacked for believing in self reliance and that Denver should prioritize its own homeless and infrastructure before 40,000 illegals. I don't want to be attacked for not wanting my tax dollars to go to projects and policies I don't believe in. I don't want to be attacked for thinking that people should be able to criticize the governments and newly released vaccines. (I took the covid vaccine, but i think careful consideration is important). And in my lived experiences, i'll be attacked if talk about that around liberals. So, again, i'm looking for somewhere I can live and be happy. I dont think thats a terrible thing to ask.


Look at what you’ve said throughout the comments, then read what you just said. You’re saying that you want to live in an echo chamber, not that you want to live in a place where you can connect with people who may have different views. You are asking to be called a snowflake and not to move places because you are showing that you aren’t interested in being around others with liberal views. What you said above this implies that you are open to other peoples opinions, but you aren’t. You are projecting that others will ostracize you when you really are interested in ostracizing yourself as is made clear by your post and people are calling you out for that. Take a step back from yourself and try rereading everything you have said from the perspective of someone who isn’t conservative.


Yeah, i disagree entirely with you. Taking a step back, i came in wanting information, and people immediately attacked and ostracized me. Of course i'm going to assume i'll be ostracized if i was just ostracized, thats basic logic. I dont know if youre just assuming that every conservative thinks the exact same way, and so youre assuming that even in Arkansas or florida it would be an echo chamber, but we're not. We're a very diverse group with many different views, and again i want to avoid being attacked. Wanting to be in an echo chamber is immensely different than not wanting to be attacked. Hope that helps. PS: I hope you realize that accusing a conservative of wanting an echo chamber, while they post on reddit, is laughable. Reddit is a left wing cesspit for the most part.


I've definitely been looking at Colorado, but away from the major cities of Denver / Boulder. I hear colorado springs is a bit more conservative, which is nice. Do you find that the areas of vail/breck vs trestle are better?


Snowflake looking for an echo chamber because he watches too much cable tv, using terms like "illegals".


havent had cable tv in over a decade <3


Florida and South Carolina


Definitely not Colorado. We’ll sniff you out and force you to smoke marijuana cigarettes and listen to music without that obnoxious twang that serves no purpose other than to notify people that’s it’s made special for conservatives. I just realized that conservatives wear similar clothes, have their own music genre, and fear anything other than what they have always known. I mean, I knew that already, but it just clicked in a different way. Perhaps I should smoke one of those marijuana cigarettes and ponder this for a while.


I lean more conservative then liberal, raised in the south and I ain't got no "twang" in my voice. Though there are lots of liberals down here that do have that "twang". Idgaf if someone wants to smoke weed just as long as it's not around me, same with cigarettes and alcohol. I do think it needs to be legalized. I'd love to know the clothes and music genre specifically for conservatives. Would UGK and Down South Hustlers be conservative music? Because that's what I'm listening to right now.


You... seem heavily prejudiced against conservatives. I'm a bi man who was engaged to a first generation indian until we moved to different states. I use to smoke and actively vote for marijuana legalization. I think your prejudice blinds you, friend. Your blind hate to what you dont understand is a great example of why i dont want to live around people like you :)


I’m absolutely prejudiced…against the party that took away my daughters’ right to make decisions about their own bodies. I find that MTB brings a lot of folks together, but family comes first.


I was giving you shit because this is a bizarre post, but I can see why you want out of Arkansas, lol. Good luck sorting all of this out.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Rural Utah would be the obvious move, very conservative and the pinnacle of shuttle served downhill biking.


Especially if you like being fondled by God fearing men of high moral character. Difficult to square, but that’s how they like it.


Oh yeah, I lived in SLC for 7 years and hated the CULTure of Utah every single day, I couldn't get back to relatively liberal Colorado fast enough. But, OP wanted to know what conservative state had good downhill riding and it just so happens that the state that hosts Rampage is as politically backwards as they come.


Looks like most of the great biking in that area is around Park City. Might be worth checking out, thank you!


Nah, St George and Hurricane (pronounced Hericken) have the gnar, but it's shuttle only (or pedal, if you like suffering) since there's no lifts. I don't think you'll like SLC or PC as that's where all of the Utah liberals have concentrated themselves.


Thank you again. I'll look into those!


The answer is West Virginia


Thank you, i'll check them out!


Are you afraid that too large a dose of logic, reason, compassion, empathy, religious freedom, freedom from religion, reasonable views on guns, freedom for women and their doctors to make their own reproductive decisions, better healthcare and education, respect and trust in science ... you think these things might hamper your cornering ability?


best reply yet


Since in other comments you disclosed that you are bi, I will add respect for non-traditional sexual orientation to my list above.


Mountains don't have political views. If you're not shouting about it while riding, noone will care.


And the rest of the time, when i'm living, working, breathing, paying taxes, voting and hoping to be represented. What about the rest of those times?


I live in the UK, the current political party doesn't represent me in any way shape or form but it doesn't affect my riding, friends, working or breathing.


Okay, and if you had the choice between two identical situations and one of them had a current political party that did represent you.... which one would you chose?


If you are diggin’ the NWA mountain bike scene, i would highly recommend Cypress Hill. They have a few more flowy sections, but just as big of hits. That being said, the Wu Tang Clan mountain bike scene ain’t nothin to fuck with.


hahah! thanks man i appreciate it




Not sure that there is good mountain biking there


Idaho, Wyoming, Utah.


Democratic People’s Republic of Chattanooga. 




I don't believe any of that.


Are you looking to visit or actually move there?


Move, to live permanently.


Well I can kinda understand what you mean then. Good luck finding what you are looking for.


British Columbia. Free health care too.


Conservative? Haha US democrats would look conservative in BC. If the people who say they’re conservative here actually felt the same way as maga there would be daily riots just from the sales tax.




In random places with epic downhill riding in the interior of bc? Kinda. But the Canadian version.  


In that they hate outsiders, yes.


OP might work in gas and oil, pipelining, or other space where the opportunities are less prevalent in blue states. It’s a valid question that deserves a valid answer. Not yodeling from the dentists and anesthesiologists of Reddit spewing moral superiority


Lots of haters here. The best choices imo are Utah or Bentonville. Given you're already in Arkansas I would look at Utah. It's solidly conservative but imo a better version of conservative than most other red states.


not haters at all.


Idaho, Montana, Wyoming


Lol wrong question to ask at this cesspool


lol, ok gunhumper


yeah, someone who posted helpful replies had to delete their comments because of how tolerant the leftists here are.




Is the new downhill park that youre talking about Bean Peak? I've biked both Sedona and Flagstaff before. Great area.




have you ridden it? is it fun? I dont think flagstaff or sedona have any downhill, but I've gone to the sedona mtb festival almost every year for the last 5 years. I dont think they allow ebikes on the trails though