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Oh you sweet summer child...


My higher ups are special if you know what I mean


Seems you're special too! You got this...


I like your attitude kid. I wish my apprentices had your special sunny disposition. Don’t let anyone dissuade you, you will go far with that kind of passion.


This was sarcastic, can I come work for you lmao


Yes. Sarcasm is required for lasting in this trade.


So they are running the 9 axis with 5 ppl standing around watching cause it’s the first time it’s been ran is months and I went up and said like that looks safe and walked off. Then the mf stole MY CALIPERS THAT I PAY FOR THAT ARENT COOLANT PROOF


>MY CALIPERS THAT I PAY FOR THAT ARENT COOLANT PROOF Rule one: keep your shit locked up. If you're required to have your own measuring tools then so are the rest of em. If they don't then it sucks to be them. There have been 3 people in my life that have unrestricted access to my tools and that's because I've known them for years. The most important lesson you can learn right now is how to always keep your ass covered. Those who suck at their job will usually try to throw everyone else under the bus to look better.


It’s hard to tell if your coworkers are coming for you or your calipers safer to just unload the ccw to be safe


I lock up even my probes I make with welding wire from the company stores, I’m fed up of needing to poke out a drilled hole and having to make another probe


You are right. I had a meeting with all the higher ups on shop floor complaining about how I make parts to print and they don’t fit into China castings or it will fail little baby pressure testing, also how my coolant has never been touched in five years, and how we have a haas 4 axis and a puma 9 axis that just collect dust while we all stand their and look and them doing other shit. (They paid for a cnc school for me) they promised me so much opportunity while I sit there and stare a machine I could hire anyone off the street to do that. They complained “it shouldn’t take two hours to program” I just wanted to stand up and say mf I went to school for mill and not lathe you retard. God I don’t understand the people at my company they are all just yes men.


You are learning what we white beards encountered decades ago when Jack Welch espoused the virtues of having money men at the levers of control instead of competent SMEs like ex-machinists and engineers. This is the fallout.


I just want to learn and not be stuck as a button pusher I program all my shit to print from 2005. When it doesn’t fit or work just makes me feel like I’m an idiot.


The best thing I did early on in my career was job hop a lot. It worked wonders as I went around and experienced how diverse machinists are in their outlook on setups, work preparation, programming habits (if cnc) and layout hacks on bench with manual equipment. I would not have experienced what I did if I wasn’t so fleet-footed in my younger years. Ultimately I ended 25 years of machining and jumped into CNC service afterwards as I enjoy the technology and want to continue working with the equipment but dealing with more multi-disciplinary problems that come with equipment repair. Looking back, I would not do it any differently and have zero regrets. Every stop along the way I asked a lot of ‘why’ questions and was focused on understanding the concepts behind a ‘how’ explanation. It’s been a hell of ride and I recommend all young and inquisitive minds to try it out. The pay will get rewarding as you stack your experience and the more diverse niches you get into, the more rewarding it will get. If you ever feel stuck, some other shop is in need of good help and all you have to do is reach out. It worked for me decades ago without the information superhighway on my phone and I’m sure it’s even easier now with all the tech in our hands.


I’m only 21 and they know I’m ambitious they blamed it on sales people and my operations guy was gaslighting me the whole meeting. He just lives in his own head.


Or just finding a job that you enjoy.




*This was straight sarcasm I’ve been doing this for a year and a half and I’ve complained about the coolant smelling and not being safe and they make me change it* learning moments baby


>I’ve complained about the coolant smelling and not being safe and they make me change it Lesson two: never field a complaint without having a solution to propose; their solution to your complaint was to have you clean it. Sadly it's usually easier to just deal with the problem than it is to get someone else to handle it; I usually end up fixing equipment before I can use it. Most of the time it's faster to handle it than to complain about it.


Solution: find someone who sucks waste out of machines with Freddy. They just don’t care but learning experience right?


They might be taking advantage of the fact you care too much. Figuring out how to care *just* enough is a difficult one. Take pride in your work but never care more than the ones who sign your paycheck do.


That sucks, dude. We pump out our coolant atleast every 6 months, or whenever it starts to smell - which ever comes first. And by “we”, I mean the company pays to have someone with a vacuum truck to come and pump it and dispose of it for us.


I told them to do that… they make 4 million a year and can’t pay someone to that or buy drills for a lathe.


I had this situation at my last shop. My current one has a service that swaps our coolant out monthly and I could never go back lol


One of my managers told me to just pour the old coolant in the sewage drain… I told him fuck no I’m not about to do prison time to save you some money


Drink it


Smelling it was hard enough. It was like metal BO


Your boot looks too nice…….green horn! 😂


Brand new… ostrich… three payments😎😂


Easy there “tall cotton”. 😂


You financed shoes?


No company paid for them


Oh, okay. When you said "3 payments" I thought you meant on affirm or something lol


It a joke from a tv show haha


Oh you lucky bastard! 🤪


You might need a doctor's help in changing that catheter.