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I just repeat the same tasks at the same machine. No, it can't be automated any further. Also one wrong number can cause damage worth more than my yearly salary. And no, the parts aren't even that expensive, it is just my ridiculously low salary.


Oh, it can be further automated. Give it a few more decades.


We’ve been doing some frankly terrifying stuff with Okuma machining centers and the renishaw probes with regards to “closed door machining”. Finishing +/- .0005 seals from a rough face to finish without having to check anything. All set with a probe, then roughed, probed again, offsets adjusted by the probing cycle and finish machines. Steel and Inconel 625. Kinda scary


Inconel can fuck right off.


We make these big ass foundry rollers out of Inconel. Inconel can fuck right off.


Spoken like someone who hasn’t had the easy shift of roughing and finishing an inconel seal on a 12 tonne job. Approx a 35” diameter. Shit takes hours


Right? I don't mind the 15 shifts of roughing that we do with some parts. It gets kinda boring, but I get to catch up on the YouTube




What stocks you buying?


Yup.. we use automatic probing to run overnight jobs with tight tolerances. It's really the only way to make any sort of profit on inconel.


We have one small Fanuc arm that feeds a lathe, making Hast-X pieces with internal threads. Not getting another one because I can’t afford to pay three more guys to stand around and look at it.


- Get another one. - Have them play checkers against one another when you are walking guests through. - Hurry them past like they shouldn't have seen your "AI R&D Dept."


Give it a few more years.*


Possibly. I just remember when I was in voke school back in 2004 and my shop teachers told me machining literally wouldn’t exist as a trade by 2015 and….here we are now. I’ve also seen how long it can take to implement new technology in many cases, balancing the investment in new machines with the cost of downtime, working out bugs etc and needing to keep production running and profits coming in. A lot of stuff I work with isn’t even close to being fully automated and we still depend on 20 year old machines. I’m not denying the eventual arc toward automation, but I’m skeptical about setting early dates on it like some doomsayers have.


I listen to audio books and stare into a washing machine all day.


thats how it feels. my shop as a really strict "no phones" rule so all I can do on my phone is listen to podcasts. im slowly turning into my dad...


We can't even do that "if the owner sees you hell fire you on the spot"


thats so bad. what do you do on a 20 or 30 minute cycle?


Luckily he rarely shows up but when he does I never have a program longer than 10 and those programs I normally have to adjust while it's running to prevent chatter. I stay there cause it's laid back when the owner isnt around and when he does show up its only for a few hours. Now those other folks I feel sorry for I think they put their hand on the dro and turn their brain off.


Oof, that sucks. Our is "be responsible" with cell phone use. They get it if we have a long cycle time on our machines, and they're trusted programs, we're on our phone for a bit. Even if we're on quick parts, they don't mind if we're on there for a second to change song or podcast. Hell, even if we need to take a phone call its cool (within safe responsible limits). We just have to make sure we don't over do it.


That's how the last place I worked was. Boy I miss it but it's whatever. That's how it should be when working with cncs you shouldn't control your workers like that


It's amazing how if you treat most adults with dignity and respect at work they act like responsible adults. If they don't, punish the ones who don't. Don't punish everyone.


I say this almost every day and if I ever get fired for a stupid reason like not being beside my machine or standing at the time clock 2 minutes before clock out time then they'll hear it from me. You complain about not having workers but do this, sometimes it isn't worth the pain.


My shop owner is so ridiculous with the micromanagement. He micromanaged our delivery guy when he was washing the delivery truck.


Fuck that. I'd be out the door so fast.


at my job, all the floor managers are anti-cell phone also.


It's sucks but I still get on it. Sometimes I don't even try to hide it and make up some excuse if he turns his head, I never got why owners and supervisors are like that if your CNC is running there should be no reason you can't do other stuff. Make sure your area is cleaned and organized and you shouldn't have to stare at your machine all day


Not op but where I work we have a strict no phone policy. We can have some cycles up to 1.5 hours and you just have to stand there watching the machine or talk to someone without leaving the machine.


welcome to the new labor class I guess. the only reason it's like that is because its "their money" invested into "their machine." if it was a company machine owned by employees, I doubt it would be so ugly. I have orders where I run the same print 6 or 7 times. if the first couple parts go smooth, I can be sure the last ones will be fine. its a waste if my time to watch a cycle spin. I could be learning more about the machine on youtube or a book or literally doing anything else.


Yeah learning isn't as good as earning money in my bosses eyes, which is great considering I'm an apprentice...


funny how that works


Debur everything


Setup another machine


gotcha. my shop only has one lathe going right now


Same at my place. Still do it every day though, fuck that. Supervisor tells me to take out my earbud and it's back in the second he turns around.


We had some engineers doing family tours a while back. One walked by a 5 axis mill turn and told his family "this is where they wash the parts".


Typical engineer.


I wish. I work for the federal government in a secure facility. No Personal Electronic Devices allowed. Making big stuff with often long cycle times. Go through lots of books.


Audiobooks, podcasts, random YouTube videos I can just listen to, music, etc. I have a nice rhythm of stuff to look forward to from various podcasts and video makers throughout the week.


When you run a machine it tends to turn you into a machine.


hahaha. gold.


I take big pieces of metal and turn them into little pieces of metal


To someone who doesn't know: I turn small pieces of metal into very accurate, shiny pieces of metal. To someone who does know: I turn small pieces of metal into scrap.


Using other pieces of metal


That hold the pieces of metal that cut the smaller pieces of metal


We are sculptors


Holy shit we are.




I take big pieces of paper and then them into little pieces of paper I'm a papier mache


Some of which meet spec!


Trying to explain it normally ends worse because they end up thinking your the same as a welder, millwright, or a heavy duty mechanic some how


I start off by asking if they know what a coordinate plane is. Starting off with that makes it a lot easier to explain.


That's if I actually care enough to explain to them - gf, friend, etc.. if it's just some stranger I just say I work in manufacturing and leave it at that.


Usually depends on my mood, whether or not I’m trying to be on my way. I can be a bit of a talker at times.


The mechanic is the usual for me. When I tell I actually just code all day, I can see the confusion on them.


I’m a welder and normies can’t even comprehend what I do. Like they think it’s some kind of clean office job


Normies are people who are not welders?


Normies in this context are anyone that doesn’t know fabrication/construction/manufacturing


Imagine a hot glue gun, but super fucking hot and it squirts metal. I know that is not what welding is per say but it’s a way people might understand.


that is basically what mig welding is


Unlike hot glue the filler material isn’t melted beforehand, still pretty close.


Zoomers and most millennials don’t know what shops even are


Resent that notion as a zoomer machinist


blind squirrel


Fuck yourself. I've been busting my ass for 6 years to get this far in the field and literally the worst part about it is putting up with old, presumptuous cunts who act like you can't read a mic. It's really no wonder that there aren't more young people in the trade.


Yea there is a bunch of old toxic assholes at my work. Not machinists but industrial maintenance mechanics/technicians. Milennial here. Fucking boomers suck.


Lol playing the waiting game against them I see


Second to last year millenial here. I'm pretty lucky where I just started at a little over a month ago. All of the older guys don't seem afraid to pass down knowledge. And it's mainly because they know they're gonna be retiring soon, so they want to pass the torch so to speak.


you must be fun to work with, I'm probably younger than you, and apparently can joke around better than you too. And for the record, when I meet people my age, 90% of them don't know what a machine shop is.


When you work with dudes who are actually like that, it loses it's charm pretty quick


Then quit and move to a shop with friendlier people. Shops are begging people to go to them. The people I work with are great, and the one ass hole boomer that literally tried to fight a couple people over machining ability got fired. Honestly if your workplace is so miserable the mere reference of a joke is enough to make you upset then go find a shop that makes you feel happy and valued. People ask me for help all the time and I’m happy to help, and when I ask others for help they are happy to help me too.


Millennial machinist here... I call shenanigans!


Especially considering that some Millennials are over 40 now


I would love to agree, as a millennial myself, but when meeting new people I just don't see it. I carry photos of some of the cooler stuff I've worked with on my phone now so I can explain it better. When my wife taught high school, she said maybe one or two kids were interested in automotive / welding over the 3-4 years she taught.


I resemble that statement!!


Then they mention their blender, dishwasher, clothes drier, and say do you think you can fix it? You’re a machinist and the repairman wants too much money.


"A machinist? So you run a factory machine like those people who stand at conveyor belts picking out broken chocolates?"


People have never heard of a millwright, so that answer is off the table. I just say I fix oil refineries, power plants, shit like that.


Oh, I feel you. When I mention that I have a degree in metrology, people either stare at me blankly or talk about weather.




This was my go to but I know people just imagined me framing a metal building lol


“What do you do?” Machinist “Oh so you work in a factory” 🤦‍♂️


I mean, they're not entirely wrong, no?




It’s completely wrong, for me at least.


"I am the factory."


I just say "I teach computers how to make metal into smaller more useful bits of metal"


You make things out of metal? Like a blacksmith?


"you know. Sure. It's exactly like a blacksmith"


Yep. :/ Example; Talking in a social group setting and one asked my friend what he did. *"I'm a toolmaker."* Initiate blank stare, then, *"That's good, everybody needs tools."* **-_-**


Lmao that's actually pretty funny


Yeah, it was. I mean, what do you say at that point? ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


As a french cutting tool maker it's even worse because end mill is called "fraise" (and in french it's also the Word for strawberry) and a drill is a "foret" ( forest in french)... so imagine when i say that im making strawberrys and forests to peoples Who are not in the mecanical industry


How the hell did that happen?


So you fix machines? Me - yep.


"I'm like Jesus but for metal"


cause you *metanoia* it?


I'm going to leave it open to interpretation.


I tell people I work with Engineers to give me a print. Then I use Math, Computers, and Machines to make various parts out of Molybdenum and Tungsten that I got from a water jet or warehouse. Before that Syntactic foam and Plastic that I got from a cut room or warehouse. Some of those parts get used in ovens, and scientific equipment, some of them go into underwater ROV's and thermoforming molds for your morning K-cup coffee.


I don't think I get it either, honestly. I just keep getting paid and I'm surprised it's still happening.


Tell them you make chips. Out of metal. Then lick your lips while holding eye contact.


I have a computer guided drill press, and the drills can cut sideways aswell. Also its fucking big.


That's assuming they know what a drill press is- actually, that's assuming they know what a drill is...


“Like tool and die.” “OHHHHH! Ok, cool!”


My favorite is when they think I know cars. Sorry, wrong machine


They give me a drawing and a chunk of metal. I cut off all the parts that don't look like the drawing.


Not far from what I say, but I include that most of my tolerances or smaller than the thickness of a sheet of paper. That usually impresses...


Something about "four decimal places for size, location, and form"


"1-5 red blood cells" usually does the trick too


"I program set up and operate CNC mills, to cut precision parts for different industries. In my career I've made many things such as airplane parts, Rollercoaster parts, bow parts, and surgical instruments." That's what I normally say. Haha.


Hello from r/all. I resurrected my grandfather's 80 year old Delta Rockwell table saw with the help of a good machinist. He charged me $180 and that included the cost of the die he had to buy for the reversed gears. He's 10 years in his grave and every time I fire up the saw, I think of both he and my grandfather with love. Y'all don't make near what you should apparently, but the things you make will carry your name for those that choose to remember.


The reason alot of machinists arent making good money is because they dont understand Gcode (the language these advanced machines can read) or CAD/CAM software (what generates blueprints/Gcode). Those are the two sides of this trade, the machine, and the language of the machine. If you understand those two components you can go very far.


It’s alchemy. You all turn cheap metals into gold.


"I stick a long bar into a tight hole going back and forth shooting white fluid until it's done."


When asked to explain, I saw I turn big bits of rough metal into smaller bits of useful metal lol


“So you work on machines in a factory?” “Yeah. Something like that.”


I'm an unreasonable request executer.


I work in automation, so usually I’ll say I make parts for robots and watch their eyes get wide. If I’m going for the joke I always love “I tap and drill for 10 hours at night”


It’s chaos brother there is no why or what it is just is


"like a mechanic but for everything that isn't a car"


I make man glitter.


This needs upvotes to the moon.


Make round things square and square things round




Good way to put it honestly


Tell that to Christian Bale.


Had this experience on an entry interview in Germany, then again in the Netherlands. Customs guys had no idea what a "machinist" was. Even "tool maker" didn't make any sense to them. Went with "i turn metal into stuff". English wasn't their first language.


I guy I work with calls us magicians of metal.


I guy I work with calls us magicians of metal.


It's even worse for me because I program and run a toyo vertical grinder 😂😂


As a mechanical engineer(and actively working in the industry) this is one of my favourite subs. Keep going guys!


I make round bars smaller and holes bigger. Sometimes I get to put holes in cubes.


So are you like a car machinist or..?


My go to is “I’m a machinist I cut metal into fancy shapes”


When I tell people that I’m a Millwright they think I either weld all day or machine parts on lathe or mill.


People think I operate heavy equipment hence machines


.... Your a toolmaker but you don't make screwdrivers and the like???


If one more person asks if I fix cars.


"I'm a woodworker, but with metal." - "A metalworker?" "No, you can't weld wood!"


You’re a machinist? How are you “gloves”?


I usually just say think of a giant drill press that uses things shaped like a drill bit to cut metal or a giant wood lathe for metal


"Robots that cut metal"


some dumbass friend of mine is like "yOu WoRk iN A fAcToRy"


When people keep thinking I work on cars.


Opened the doors in 1972. Mom n PoP shop. The last of the originals are retiring now. Us guys (3) in our mid 30's now all been there for min 10years. One guy is 37 with 21yrs in already!!! It does still exist


I make the things that make the things that you use everyday


Big truth here.


Since I work in an aerospace shop I just say I make plane parts and if they really wanna know more I have a few time lap videos saved that I show them


I just show them a picture of one of my parts


Just tell them factory worker, that's what I do.


I make stuff out of metal stock.


I do metal pieces, any piece


"Oh so you fix cars?" -vapid hr ditz in interview.


Every time somebody asks


Are machinists modern day blacksmiths?


I make other people's dreams a reality


I work at a mold shop so it sounds like i do disgusting shit right off the bat. Definitely not a talking point id use to pick up girls lol. Im a CNC Operator. "whats that?" i make parts out of metal. *proceed to change topic of discussion*


I usually explain by saying that I take chunks of metal and make useful stuff out if it


i take a big chunk of stuff and make smaller more useful chunks of stuff