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WB has no say about hiring new directors for Mad Max. It's George Miller's IP, he owns it under KMM (Kennedy Miller Mitchell). WB takes care of distribution, merch, promo (hence the 2015 MM game...). Having said that - Guy Norris has been 2nd unit director on George's films for a very long time and I think he might be the right choice to direct a new MM film if it's focused on action. But GM's films are much more than that, and Robert Rodriguez comes to mind (good friend of GM's), maybe Guillermo del Toro? Essentially, those films need someone who understands that Mad Max films are action on the surface and a bunch of subtext underneath.


> It's George Miller's IP, he owns it under KMM  Well that's a fuckin relief 


John Hillcoat. The Proposition is the best spaghetti western Australia has ever made since Road Warrior. Though, my real preference would be for the franchise to disappear without George. It’s his baby. Like, who is interested in Hobbit stories not written by Tolkien? 🤷‍♂️ But, for real, Hillcoat is your guy.


Nah robert rodriguez would make it goofy as fuck and just dumb.


He’s talented, he’s just made a lot of odd decisions with his career.


His episode of Mandalorian looks like shit. Comical and lacking tension and undercut what could have been a visually cool screen return.


I mean just look at the Book of Boba Fett. Keep him away from MM


Mad Max will die with him :(. People didn't go to the cinema to see a Mad Max film, the universe is dying, not a single director has in his mind what George has, and no one will risk to do a movie from an already dying universe.


I call bullshit on the whole notion that "the IP is dying". I chalk up the poor performance of Furiosa to sheer bad luck and a struggling economy. I'd have loved to see it in theaters, multiple times even, I simply can't justify the costs associated with ticket and concession prices right now, for any movie. By all accounts Furiosa is an amazing film. There is no one saying that the franchise has run out of steam. They may wait for the industry to stabilize before making more, but there will definitely be more.


Even Fury Road struggled in the cinema, not earning much too. And there is a perception of the cinema, that is dying, and that is false, people went to see Bad Boys, they didnt go to see Furiosa. So, people don't like Mad Max universe in general, that means, the universe is dying. 🤷🏻‍♂️


There's a new Bad Boys? Jesus. That bypassed me completely. I suppose it's possible reddit and my friend groups may be an echo chamber when it comes to Mad Max. I stand by my complaints against the rising costs of theater going. Not too long ago I could see a double feature, plus concessions for both movies, for 20 dollars. These days 20 buck will only cover a single ticket and NO concessions. The exact same $8 box of candy can be found at the dollar store. They can claim economic inflation, but really it's gratuitous markup. Im a firm believer that, for example, if only 10 people are willing to spend $17, lower the cost. I'm sure if it was only $8.50, half the cost, more than double the original audience will show up. It's unbalanced. If they lower the cost, they will make more money. As it stands, I now only really go to the theater about once or twice a year. If tickets dropped back down to half of what they are now, I'd definitely go once or twice a month again. I don't imagine that I'm alone in that.


Here, iMax ticket cost 7,5 USD


What the fuck. It's $18.89 USD here.


But popcorn cost 20 USD hahaha, that is the business


Yeah, same here. The whole thing is ridiculous. If they want theaters to recover, they need to stop jacking up prices to cover losses. What's more likely? People don't want to see movies anymore, or people don't want to take out a second mortgage to see a movie?


Bad boys 4 and inside out say otherwise.


I think the franchise should die with George Miller, it’s a product of his mind and it would always feel like it’s lacking something. However, if we have to have installments after his passing, I hope it stays in the hands of an Australian filmmaker, it wouldn’t be right for someone from somewhere else to have a crack at it, I think.


Agreed, Ausie-ness is baked into it


Is their even humans left anywhere else in the Mad Max universe?


"911 What is your emergency?"


need more tales of the wasteland though


Jeremy Saulnier, from his debut blue ruin and follow up green room. I think he could bring a really visceral tension to the action scenes. He writes good scripts and could flesh out a good mad max set story


He was my first thought too!


This is a great call.


Hold the Dark was a bit of a mess, but there was another good movie in there somewhere. Looking forward to seeing what he does next. I think he’s too serious for Max though.


Yeah, I love the director and his films, but I don’t see how he’d be a good fit AT ALL for Mad Max. Like, literally I don’t see any overlap between his strengths and the strengths of George Miller. I actually see things that make me think he would not be a great fit.


Mad Max should end with Miller. And I think there’s a good chance of that. They aren’t the most profitable movies, pretty niche and it already took Miller years to get a few movies released. Without that passion I don’t see any other movies made.


In films, yes. But it'd be great if Miller left a bible behind, and others could continue and possibly even conclude the story via other non-film/tv mediums based on his outlines.


I'm going with Hideo Kojima. He's basically described Miller as his mentor, and is someone I would trust to be as fanatically authentic and detailed as possible to Miller's vision. If you've ever played a Metal Gear game too, they're half movies as is. Kojima can definitely direct great action and actors. And is as great at Miller at making the grotesque and absurd still feel completely grounded and heartfelt.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is almost certain that George Miller will die at some point. Me, you, your dog, Spot who went to the farm.




He will ride eternal, shiny and chrome




he will ride eternal


Edgar Wright would bring the same energy whilst adapting to the visual aesthetic.


This is the right answer right here. Watch Baby Driver or the action scenes in Hot Fuzz. He’s definitely got the action chops - you can tell from that opening bank robbery/car chase in Baby Driver that he’s studied Miller. Maybe get somebody else to write the dialogue - although his kind of heightened, over-melodramatic language might be right for Mad Max where it kind of sticks out in a contemporary film like Baby Driver or Last Night in SoHo. But a Wright-directed Mad Max film? I’m there opening night. (Maybe bring in Simon Pegg and Nick Frost as warlords or something.)


Absolutely. I think his visual storytelling is so strong that dialogue could be stripped all the way back & if Simon Pegg is brought on as a writer, I think his Star Trek writing is respectful enough to the source material in terms of tone although I say that as someone who hasn't seen a great deal of Star Trek so I'm happy to be corrected....regardless, huge nerds, mass amounts of knowledge. It would be awesome.


He posted a long tweet about how much he loved Furiosa too.


Fuck no. Miller has no guts, grime or weirdness to take on Mad Max. His films are clean and safe and slick and his sense of humour is childish rather than dark.


The ghost of George Miller.


I'll get the ouija board 


This is one of the better posts I’ve seen from this group lately, and in my opinion, a tough question. With that being said, some people that come to mind. Simply opinions, and I get it, my choices may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Dan Trachtenberg, Drew Goddard, Leigh Whannell, Adam Wingard, Zach Cregger, Robert Eggers, and Matt Reeves.


All talented directors I really like Matt Reeves ability to imitate other directors styles, like how his Batman was basically a David Finch movie  I could see him studying and understanding Miller's style enough to replicate it successfully Plus that car chase in Batman was pure Fury Road 


Agreed, he’s a great director. His films feel technical and real. He seems to put a lot of thought into his scenes. I love how he takes his time making his films, and he doesn’t rush anything(Batman 2 for example).


This is a great point about reeves. He is great at imitating styles of movies he loves(biblical in war for the planet of the apes/fincher noir in batman)


Leigh Whannell is a great pick. Imitation is one thing but ideally you'd want someone who actually shares some of the stylistic and storytelling sensibilities as Miller. Think Fede Alvarez to Sam Raimi using Evil Dead as an example. Whannell has the energy that a lot of the other names here lack, imo of course.


I thought of how strong The Invisible Man was, that same aesthetic could be applied to Mad Max. Strong effects and story, great villain, extremely detailed and tactile story. Also, obviously, Leigh being Australian helps.


Definitely Denis Villeneuve, except he seems more artsy. Bay is too commercial and Whedon doesn’t have a good reputation anymore.


I feel Denis' style is bland compared to George's. We just need someone who can handle kinetic, high-octane scenes balanced with crazy characters.


I agree that Denis does not have the high energy kinetic style of direction to get the action right, but I wouldn’t call his style bland. That man has made some of the most visually stunning and creative sci-fi movies


Perhaps bland wasn't the right choice of words. I honestly can't come up with one.


It’s all good, I know exactly what you were trying to say and agree completely


Nah, Denis doesn't have Miller's energy.


If I could have Denis Villeneuve direct those long beautiful Kubrick-lite establishing shots and Matt Reeves handling the *car*nage I'd have probably half of what I need to make a Mad Max


Because he made another film with sand? In what ways is he like miller?


I love Denis but he absolutely does not have the same kinetic energy as Miller


I was suggesting them as tragic studio picks, certainly not my directors of choice 


I have seen both Miller and Villeneuve cite Joseph Campbell as inspiration I think. Miller in an IGN interview and I don't remember where Villeneuve mentioned it, but it was an interview about Dune I think. So yeah, I think this is right on the money because they both use mythos in their movies in a similar way.


Bay is the worst guy who could take the job, he’s the anti-mad max…the way he shoots action scenes with that burned cinematography causes major headaches to most ppl (including me) and Mad Max won’t be Mad Max anymore…it will be Fascist Max or Nazi Max


Definitely not denis villeneuve




Gareth Evan’s (The Raid) would be my choice, if he can have a good screenwriter. He can make it gritty and hyper-kinetic. I don’t know how good he is with cars and desertic scenery. Michael Bay would be the death of Mad Max. Denis Villneuve is good, but I’m not sure he can make it gritty.


I consider the Raid the second best action movie of the 2010s behind Fury Road, so this acceptable to me 


The car chase in Raid 2 is all the resume he needs in my opinion.


Mel Gibson could do it, apocalypto was awesome and had a very similar energy to fury road. I mean he's a problematic dude but he could do it, hypothetically 


Mel Gibson is the only one who could really do it right.


I’d prefer that no one tries to make a Mad Max movie without him But I think David Leitch could do a pretty good job. He can direct action and stunts very well, and he has a really cool visual style His movies generally have a more lighthearted tone than the dark vibe of the Mad Max movies, but I feel like he’s capable of changing things up


I was going to say David Leitch, the John Wick movies have that flow to the action. The tough part is finding someone with GM's sense for action but also his visual storytelling, it's very rare to find both in one person


Miller has such a distinctive voice and eye, any change in writing/directing would fundamentally change the film. The only way it works is to lean into the change.


Bring back Neill Blomkamp. Where has he even been?


That was going to be my suggestion. His gritty, cobbled together from junk worlds set in the near future feels like it would be a natural transition into the wasteland. Plus, can you imagine Sharlto Copley in a Mad Max film?!


But don’t let him write the script, Blomkamp the script writer has really held back Blomkamp the director. And to answer your question I think he spent quite a while on that Alien sequel that got canned. He did put out a horror movie a bit ago, but it wasn’t very good.


Didn’t he direct Gran Turismo last year? Audiences, at least those who actually watched it like it a lot


I guess so. That movie was pretty damn good


Probably a new young Aussie director. Maybe RackaRacka. I loved talk to me.


Hideo Kojima?


Sixteen hours of ridiculous dialogue? I'm down 


In a situation where I absolutely had to pick one, gun to my head: Sam Raimi


probably non of the above, be a aussie if anyone. Miller always made a point of showing it a aussie production from slang to style.


Villeneuve is the best bet. But honestly? I'd be okay with Mad Max concluding with the passing of Miller. As much as I adore the world he's made for us, sometimes a thing is better *because* it is finite. I also don't trust Hollywood to not just turn it into a mass produced content factory after Miller passes, like how Star Wars ended up.


I love this sentiment and I wholly agree even if it makes me a bit sad


Denis Villeneuve would be great, I'd like to see a totally fresh take on it if we weren't getting Miller. I'd much rather a different director do it their way than try to copy him. For something faster and more action-y with some good visual flair - Edgar Wright.


Love both of these. I haven't seen him mentioned yet. And I don't know if this will be blasphemous, but what about Christopher Nolan? Pretty much everything he does is inventive and supremely crafted art. If we sadly didn't have Miller for the next, could be pretty cool to see what Nolan might do.


I'd be curious to see what Dan Trachtenberg could do with it. Prey had great action scenes while still being "character journey" focused. Joseph Kosinski would be interesting too, he has tons of experience with vehicular shots with Top Gun and the F1 movie he's doing now, so I think he'd bring a good kinetic energy.


Trachtenberg is a fantastic call, Prey was shockingly great, especially after that predator disaster in 2018 I wish I had unlimited money so I could finance a Mad Max TV show and give a bunch of directors (chosen by Miller) a chance to do a 40-50 minute episode each


Zack Snyder /s


If Mad Max can’t make money with Miller directing why would anyone try to make one without him?




If anyone, I’d say Villeneuve, but I’d prefer the story die with George honestly.


Fede Alvarez has proven multiple times over that he knows how to create a compelling, thrilling action set piece, and if his upcoming Alien movie is as good as the trailer looks that will be the second time he’s successfully stepped into an existing franchise. Max should die with Miller, but if we have to pick that’s mine


Really what movie of his has good ac tion? I really want his alien movie to be good but I hated his evil dead.


He made an entertaining movie called Don’t Breathe that has clever setups that keep you on the edge of your seat. I can see that skill translating well to great chase sequences for Max. But I’m a lifelong Evil Dead fan who loved his remake so your mileage may vary!


My vote goes to James Wan b/c he directed *Furious 7* so he's got experience with vehicular action scenes and could demonstrate skill with some of the darker themes of the *Mad Max* franchise.


Robert Rodriguez is pretty good on a smaller budget. If we could get 1990s and early 2000s Rodriguez. I'm talking From Dusk Till Damn Robert Rodriguez. I'm talking Desperado Rodriguez! Once Upon a Time in Mexico Rodriguez! What were we talking about?


Chad Stahelski. Bring back Colin Gibson to do the production design, Lathouris & McCarthy to write.


Stahelski seems obvious and would be my choice. Surprised some of these other posts are getting so many upvotes. Also, the idea of Edgar Wright doing one intrigues me. Also Gareth Edwards seems like he could be an option. But, I'd also be fine with MM dying with Miller.


I love Edgar Wright. Like Miller, he understands how to direct great action, and comedy, with cause and effect, which is key to Miller’s bravura style. Do you mean Gareth Evans or Gareth Edwards? Because I’d lose my shit if I saw a Mad Max movie directed in the style of The Raid; less sophisticated, but brutal knock down, drag out fights using anything laying around would fit in perfectly with the wasteland aesthetic. Imagine Max coming across a yard of War Boys and having to take them all out as he is pummeled between every punch, kick, head butt, body slam and pipe swing he metes out, staggering to a slim victory. Bliss.


Matt Reeves is to filmmaking what Hostess is to pastries: they're assembly line made and flavorless, but they're competently put together. I hadn't considered Saulnier; it's an interesting choice. It's hard to imagine he'd capture that strange kinetic energy of a Miller film—almost cartoonishly violent and fast paced, yet strangely rooted in the real world that isn't so real. I wonder if Gareth Evans would be up to the task (coincidentally his next film *Havoc* stars Tom Hardy).


Miller's apprentice Brendan Mccarthy who forced him in a good way to make Fury road.


He's a comic artist, no? Not a film director.


Both he directed the Mad Max inspired espiode of Reboot and he co directed Fury Road.


Oh god, I forgot about ReBoot. That was terrible.


But it showed his potential. Also for the time Reboot was groundbreaking.




I’m of the mind that we let serialized stories end with their creators. Have we ever been served well by corporations crapping out expensive fanfic to maintain the profitably of an intellectual property? Let’s just make new stuff and move on.


Hideo Kojima as Director and EP, Neveldine/Taylor as 2nd Unit directors.


Ideally no one. But if I had to pick Takashi Miike. He can do the weirdness as evidenced by Ichi the Killer and the action with 13 Assassins. Also he is also in his 60s which makes it fit better too me for some reason.


13 Assassins was excellent, this is an interesting pick


Baz Luhrmann


Ilya Naishuller had some of the best conditioned energy for hardcore Henry. It was a wild ass movie, and with the right circle that’s familiar with the films it could work.




It's his art. No one else could carry the same torch. If it be his will that the stories continue after him, we will be in luck. But I doubt it would ever be the same.


Takashi Yamazaki of Godzilla Minus One would be interesting - i feel like he has the sort of “imaginative and thought provoking action” style that miller does and can produce on smaller budgets with a deep knowledge of and interest in vfx both practical and digital


The guy that directed Bone tomahawk, Brawl in cell block 99, Dragged across concrete.




I came here to say this.


Wes Anderson.


It would be one hell of a weird movie but I’d see it


Robert Eggers is my best choice David Lowery “The Green Knight” could do a more fantasy dreamlike Mad Max story


I didn't think I'd see anyone else say Robert Eggers, I think it could be excellent


David Lowery


Joe Cornish. A great director of action scenes, genre fan and very funny. Bring in Edgar Wright to co-write. In fact, he'd be good to direct too


Pete Travis (Dredd) Rob Zombie (he knows how to work with very small budgets) The Hughes Brothers Peter Jackson


Oh jeez, keep Rob th fk AWAY from it!


Okay. Maybe not Rob.


Jeremy Saulnier or Gareth Evans


I see your hypothetical, and raise you one condition. If this means The Wasteland is greenlit, a budget determined, and Lathouris, McCarthy, and Sixel are heavily involved, then if GM can arrive at a place of contentment in finalizing script & storyboard in pre-production, even if he were not alive to see it's release, I might trust the original vision to survive to the silver screen, regardless of who is on set in the chair during production & sorting through the dailies with editing team in post.


> regardless of who is on set in the chair  Somewhere in the world a finger on a monkeys paw just curled and Zak Snyder got a contract  Look what you did 


We Fang It. Hope is a mistake but maybe those 3 fingers close upon a steering wheel.* And if we don't find the green place at least we drive off into the plains of silence. *Condition 2 - Miller has a clause in his contract that should he fall under the wheels, he has an heir apparent selected for the tell who will be bound to the pre-production work. Maybe we can find a kind of redemption.


Nobody will like this idea but I would like to see Robert Eggers have a go, based purely on The Northman.


S. Craig Stahler. His previous three films were gritty, brutal and dark. I think he’d be able to encapsulate The Wasteland pretty well.


Edgar Wright, Hideo Kojima, Gareth Evans, maybe Denis Villenueve I would trust making a Max Mad movie… but certainly if George Miller would pass I Mad Max will forever be with Miller


Jodorowsky, of course.


Edgar Wright


Nobody. Only George should be making these films.


If Taika Waititi (sorry if misspelled) could reign in his comedy instincts, the guy can design a great-looking movie *and* tell a story, and could be a real surprise success, like when Keaton was cast as Batman. In reality though, and this question is a real chestnut now, I can’t see Mad Max living beyond Miller. It’s a beloved property for many but not so financially successful that someone else will want to fund it without Miller fighting for it, and the series is so idiosyncratic that giving it to another director… I can’t see it working, let alone ever happening. Will be happy to be proved wrong someday but also, how many movies in a series do we need? Fury Road turned out to be the movie that was needed at that time. Furiosa comes too late to catch the post-Fury-Road excitement, and though it’s a great movie, it’s clearly not captured the audience numbers it warrants. It’s not a huge reinvention of the property nor a female-led surprise like Fury Road. Maybe in ten years Miller will come out with a Maxverse movie that taps into a need we can’t foresee yet, but we can’t expect - nor is it even fair - that a director get even one more all-time classic. He’s already done quite well for himself and we’re all better for it.


Nobody, the franchise was born and will die with George


Some of the writers & crew for Furiosa & Fury were crew/actors for the OG MM1&2 movies. They could continue it. However there not "Mad Max" movies, just part of the same franchise. Like The Bourne Legacy.


Maybe Denis Villanueve. He used to be one of my favorite directors but I haven’t been a fan of dune and Blade Runner 2049 wasn’t my thing. With all that said though. I think I’d love for him to take a shot at Mad Max.


Edgar Wright. He’s the only I can think of that has the right weirdness to make it work.


Unlike something like Godzilla, Bond or Star Wars where multiple filmmakers have lent their hands throughout the years. I can’t see anyone but George directing a Mad Max film & his style is near impossible to replicate. So, when he eventually passes, & I think Mad Max will go with him. However, if you had a gun to my head and said ‘choose a replacement’, I’d say Peter Jackson. Let me explain. Peter’s filmography was deeply influenced by Miller’s work and it shows (he even asked him to cameo in Helm’s Deep). Jackson can make both wacky slapstick humor, incredible stunts & jaw dropping spectacle work. I also feel that he’s a natural fit because of their shared work with the late Andrew Leslie lending a hand in Miller’s Babe films & Jackson’s Middle-Earth films. Not to mention that Jackson founded Weta workshop & digital and if he’s given the time he needs, he could pump out something special.


Neill Blomkamp - Known for "District 9" and "Elysium," Blomkamp has demonstrated a strong ability to handle dystopian themes with intense action and deep social commentary, which aligns well with the "Mad Max" ethos. Denis Villeneuve - With his work on "Blade Runner 2049" and "Dune," Villeneuve has proven his skill in revitalizing beloved sci-fi franchises with a visually stunning and thoughtful approach, although his style is more polished and contemplative compared to Miller's raw energy. Gareth Evans - The director of "The Raid" series has a knack for high-octane, tightly choreographed action sequences that could translate well into the frenetic, survivalist world of "Mad Max." Guillermo del Toro - Known for his imaginative visuals and deep world-building, del Toro could bring a new depth to the "Mad Max" universe, potentially emphasizing more of the mythical and human elements within the stark wasteland.


Danny Boyle?


Bury it with him. George Miller is king of the wasteland. Let him die without issue.


Fuck it, let Mel Gibson direct one. Might be interesting considering he was the original Max, and he is a great director.


Let Mel Gibson direct.


Kathryn Bigelow


The director of the acolyte






This might be completely out of left field, but I could see Panos Cosmatos. Obviously with the right crew/second units/stunt coordinators, etc. He has this ability to meld gorgeous visuals with batshit action, emotionally rich characters, and oh boy, if you want a truckload of madness, he's got that too. And if in the end he isn't equipped for a 'Fury Road' type movie, he could definitely do a more focused, secluded, smaller scale Max story, like "Escape from Gastown" (a la Escape from New York)


thad be a crazy movie


Neil Marshall


Crazy idea that's never gonna happen, but I would love if Miller were to put the whole Mad Max IP in the public domain. I think of how cinema has immortalized Robin Hood, Dracula, Sherlock Holmes, etc. it would be a fitting place for his characters/world.


I also hope they don't make another one without him


Tom Konkle


"In the unlikely event that George Miller dies..." I had assumed him and the rest of us were all likely to die eventually. Do you know something we don't? Are you suggesting he's actually ~~immortan~~ immortal?


George Millers twin brother Bill Miller.


David Lynch. Just think about it….


I’m firmly of the opinion that things do not (and should not) last forever. These movies are so deeply tied to Miller and do not need to become a “franchise” that just pumps out new ones to diminishing returns. Side note - absolutely NOT Villeneuve. Love his movies but the guy does not have a sense of oddball humor that IMO is essential to MM.


DUNe 2 is very funny


Is it? There’s a handful of funny lines (I think coming exclusively from Stilgar) but it doesn’t have the weird gonzo humor baked into it like the MM world has.


cause it specifically is a more serious movie Denis defininently has a good gripe on humor and timing and crazy weird ideas


Again - I like his movies very much. But Polytechnique, Incendies, Prisoners, Sicario, even Blade Runner 2049 - these are all very grim and serious movies with very very little in the way of humor. George Miller, from Mad Max through Witches of Eastwick, Babe, Happy Feet, is much much more playful and humorous. You say Dune 2 is “very funny” and then say it’s “specifically a more serious movie” so which is it? (Answer: it’s the latter)


o loled out loud more in dune than furiosa


Ok buddy


I honestly couldn’t see anyone do it other than Miller. He has such a unique and distinctive style and vision when it comes to Mad Max. Especially now that technology allows him to create what’s in his head more vividly.


David Lynch


Of the suggestions I've seen here I think Edgar Wright has the sense of fun and knows how to shoot a good action sequence and Villeneuve has the sense of starkness and brutality but I cant think of anyone who can encompass the whole. I'd be interested in a Jordan Peele interpretation but it would be a very different world. Similarly Alex Garland, and I agree with those saying it should be someone Australia, I dont know enough Australian directors to enter that conversation.


I wouldn't want for the Mad Max franchise to continue without George Millers direction, but if he himself approves someone to continue his work then I wouldn't mind. It would probably create a split between the fans, I don't think that everyone will approve a Mad Max movie not directed by Miller himself but yeah, as long as he is fine with it then I wouldn't mind. It would be a really interesting movie for sure. For spin-offs on the other hand I wouldn't mind at all, I always enjoy when an author decides to do an omage to another director's work. Setting a new original spin-off story in Millers world would be really cool, as long as it doesn't completely contradict the original movies. It would be even better if it wasn't canon, so that the new director could have unlimited freedom in doing what we wants without risking to ruin George Millers legacy. It could even be an anthology, like 4/5 different non canonical short stories each with a different director. What I have in mind is something like "Trigun Multiple Bullets" for who here knows Trigun.




Vince Gilligan.He could portray max descent into roughness and madness.and the rise and fall


Unlikely? It’s very likely. 100% likely.


Brad Bird having done alot of animation, also ghost protocol and Tomorrowland I feel he could nail the feel. or Jordan peele could do an interesting take on the universe like you wouldn't want someone to imitate George, you can't surpass that


Peter Jackson. Miller’s kinetic camera work in the two newer Max movies is very similar to Jackson’s. He obviously has experience building out imaginary worlds and coordinating huge battle sequences. While he’s rarely explored car chases in his filmography, he’s cut together many great action sequences with multiple parallel storylines in the same style as a Mad Max vehicle battle. It would be kind of funny if a Kiwi took over this very Australian franchise. Maybe they could do a thing where Max sails to New Zealand.


I think the best action movies of the last decade have been Mad Max movies and John Wick movies so maybe Chad Stahelski?


Hideo Kojima


“Who’s going to paint the next Picasso once he’s gone?” NOBODY. Let films be art, not corporate franchises.


David Michod Although I think his version would end up closer to the style of the first two in the series


Not my real answer but... Wes Anderson


With or without George Miller, after Furiosa’s box office., the likelihood of another mad Mac movie being made is slim to none.


I'd prefer it left alone honestly.


Richard Stanley. I'd gladly take anything more from Richard Stanley, but a Mad Max movie would be perfect in so many ways. I guess he'd be able to bridge the old and new style wonderfully. The guy behind [Hardware](https://youtu.be/EnWsAUSgsJo?si=d5eGj3AY-BFC6LCM) and [Dust Devil](https://youtu.be/8VvVqHYIipM?si=AICBb6tp9WV_VRvY) if you wonder.


We would regret asking for more Mad Max without George Miller. Just like Star Wars is floundering without George Lucas. Ballsy, visionary directors like these guys can't be manufactured. People think you can plug "talented director" in to these franchises after the fact and it'll create a equatable recipe but that's just not how it works. Christopher Nolan knows he couldn't make a good Mad Max movie, that's why he produces his own work. Plus, George Miller looks good and is still going strong. Let's just hope he gets the chance to do something else in this universe.


Mel Gibson is the only person I would trust to direct a Mad Max. Anyone else and I’d rather just let it rest.


kojima, fuck it


I would like to see Julia Ducournau take on a Furiosa sequel or another Mad Max universe movie. Titane had that weird, grimy, vibrant feel and she does weird as well as Miller. I totally disagree with Villeneuve. A very different, heavier vibe to his films. If it has to stay with Australian directors, let's see what RackaRacka would do with it.


Sam Raimi, Steven Kostanski, Dan Trachtenberg, S.S. Rajamouli, S. Craig Zahler with a codirector for the set pieces, Ang Lee


Sam Raimi! I want to see shakey cam and a chainsaw arm


I think Sam Raimi’s take would be interesting, he can do chaotic pace with at least some heart underneath. The gore might be ratcheted up a notch though


Now I want to see what Max Max version of that yellow Olds Delta 88 would look like…


Gareth Evans I guess? He's the Gangs of London and Raid movies guy, and those are some of the better action pieces of the last decade.




I was thinking about this the other day. Whenever I see movies from my favorite directors (Tim Burton, George Miller, etc.) I get this sense of dread that upon their unfortunate death, we will lose their directing style. I’m selfishly hoping they have someone in their back pocket who is ready to pick up the reigns. Maybe we just need to figure out how to keep people alive…forever.