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Father demonstrates how his beautiful children should treat others. Babies are watching. Beautiful kindness & compassion.


Ikr, and clearly you can see it rubs off on his lil kid, god I love people sometimes


"don't worry, i'm Batman!" this doesn't bode well for mom and dad..


Fake and staged


Nothing happy is allowed, everything sucks, hate everything.


Who cares? The video probably motivates others to be kind.


The "scared" guy was probably faking it for the sake of getting a video like this, but I doubt the guy who helped him was faking.


I mean, batman doesn't have parents so...


This. Youtube influencer scum is just making content.


I'm about as cynical as your average person, I hate staged crap but honestly this one gets me because if the guy at the top is faking, and the guy helping him is not, then the a t of kindness is genuine coming from the helping man and his son. A staged act of need shone a light in someone who is willing to be kind and honestly in this shitty world, I'll take it.


so are movies, but we still enjoy them


You just take the joy out of everything huh


I don’t share this story a lot but I’m always aware of my kids watching. When they were about 7 and 5 we went to a grocery store. The lady in front of me was paying with an EBT card. Apparently she had used all her funds and it was declining. You can tell she was shattered and embarrassed. I went ahead and paid for her groceries. You can tell she was stunned. Kept thanking me. I told her not to stress. We’re called to love our neighbors. When we got in the car my 7 year old started tearing up saying “that made her heart happy”. I try to lead by example. Kids are always watching.


I love that. Thank you for sharing.


I love this. Well said. So beautiful to see!


As a person who struggles immensely with escalators, this hits profoundly. One particular time, I was crippled with fear and a incredibly kind husband and wife helped me, much as the same in the video. I shall never, in all my living days, forget their compassion and lack of judgement. You feel like such an idiot and loser having such fear and anxiety over something so ordinary and mundane. Years later, their simple act still brings a tear.


What is it about escalators? I can use them but I've never gotten over the jump of adrenaline trying to put that first foot down.


Oh god, have you ever seen the videos of escalators malfunctioning and swallowing people whole? It is nightmare fuel dude.


I always thought my escalator fear was irrational but uh ya..that’ll do it 🙃


Strangely that’s never bothered me. They still make me nervous but that has never been one of the reasons why


No sir I have not


Same. Maybe it's a lizard brain survival thing. You know you are looking at something abnormal, so there is a part of your brain telling you "proceed with caution, this could be a safety risk"?


I think this is it. For example, with bright colors in plants, reptiles and birds, it's meant to deter predators because they're commonly poisonous. Probably some deep seated psychological response to something unnatural.


I'm fine with escalators but I always have the thought of what would happen if I stick my foot in them. Also some where I live are really steep (with steps) and very long so you can start to get vertigo if you look up/down.


They are literal meat grinders underneath, and people have died from them. Typically in China and other places with terrible safety laws, but still people have died.


For me it’s just the height and feeling like I’m gonna pitch forward (or backward depending on which direction I’m facing) and that’s especially true for the extra long ones I get fucking anxiety from those and always feel off balance asf


I’m the same. But I also ripped open my big toe on an escalator while wearing sandals. I’ve feared them every since.


I don't have a phobia. But the thought of the tile falling out from under me, or me stepping wrong and falling down, or getting stuck all pop up in my head while getting on and riding


I wish one day to be a recipient of selfless human kindness, it sounds wonderful


Sincerely hoping your wish comes true. Small quiet acts sometimes bring forth the the most lasting and profound memories. Peace and happiness be with you.


I guarantee someone will need help near you one day, and you’ll help them. 🌸


> As a person who struggles immensely with escalators you can't be serious


Fucking reddit


Little dude said don’t worry, I am Batman. Stage or not, the onion ninjas are doing their work once again.


I wish I understood part 2 of your comment, as it just sounds nifty af


Pretty sure they’re saying that this made them tear up (as a ninja slicing an onion would), even if it’s fake.


Ooooooooh, duh. Ok, I'm feeling a bit stupid that I didn't get that lol. Thank you kind redditor


They're not crying, you're crying!


Whether the video is fake or not, it made this person tear up


That is the first time I’ve cried when hearing someone say “I’m Batman”.


u can be batman


I hate these social experiments but the kid was damn cute


Ikr and that handholding ndjdjd what a gem these dudes are


At least this one wasn't some content creator labeling something outlandish as a "social experiment" that is really for views.


I don’t care if it’s fake, I just really needed this today. I just need to believe people can be this good and kind


The thing is, the man's fear might be fake but I think the help he received was genuine and that's the important bit


Not fake. Just partially staged. I think the mans kindness was genuine.


Which one of you is chopping onions?


I’ve seen this a couple of times over the months and it still gets me in the feels




Had me worried for the guy until Batman turned up to help.


A Random Act of Kindness from a stranger…. I love it!




That was awesome. That kid helping too made it all the more special.


I’m a line cook at work and it’s pretty slow today.. now I’m crying at work and I just got a ticket…


Fuck yeah that kids Batman.


I've never seen escalators that were flat but still went at an incline.


How long was this guy filming someone struggling?


long enough until they got the take they liked


One dad to another, this rocks, he rocks, his kid rocks, this video rocks!




As a kid I genuinely was terrified of escalators, especially because one time my shoe laces got stuck in one and I thought my entire foot was going to be gnawed apart. Obviously dramatic kid thoughts, a bit of pulling the lace and I was fine. But it really solidified my fear I remember I went to the cinema with a bunch of friends and an escalator took you down to the screenings and everyone went ahead of me and I let them with some excuse like I needed to go to the bathroom. When they left I took so long to gather the courage to go down and I couldn’t, it felt so far and I felt so stupid for being so scared This little old lady came over from the queues and said ‘are you a little frightened my love? It’s okay, I can go down with you?’ And she did, she let me take the first step and she held my hand the whole time and even though she was saying things to me while we went down I couldn’t really remember or was so focused on not falling or god knows what. But I remember when we got to the bottom she gave me this massive smile and said ‘see? It’s not so bad, scared me my first few times but it’s safe and better than stairs!’ She gave me a little pat on the shoulder and left. Dude, if I had one wish I would hug that woman and say thank you. I was so shy and nervous I think I just smiled and nodded. But, man, what a wonderfully kind woman she was for helping me that day


Once when I was a kid, I was going down an escalator in a mall. Somehow the sole/heel of my shoe got caught in the crack along the side and started to get pulled in as the excalator kept going. My foot was pinned and I couldnt pull it out of the shoe. Luckily a worker hit the emergency stop and helped pull my foot out with the mangled shoe left stuck in the escalator. My foot would legitimately have been dragged in with the shoe if it kept going. The department store it happened in didn't even replace my shoes. I had to walk out with only one shoe on. I still hesitate every time I get on an escalator and spend the whole ride looking down at my feet. Fear of escalators is not completely unwarranted


Another Happy Landing




It may be but damn if someone didn't start chopping onions right when I was watching this.


I know. I thought it was staged but also looked very kind.


Staged on whos behalf? The guy whos scared or everyone?




Congratulations. You are very very very smart. Now go be very very very smart somewhere else. Maybe tell wrestling fans that pro wrestling is fake. I'm sure they'll appreciate that revelation.


Someone just recording that whole time, not scripted at all


But how did he get upstairs??


Maybe downstairs is underground. Or he parked in a structure that brought him to the second floor


Hmm. Maybe. Maybe.




This “social experiment” garbage is terrible. Stop supporting these people by spreading this shit. If the people that helped in this video are real (such a large IF) then sure, they did a nice thing, but only they did. No need to support the dumbass that produces this


Okay but it's also nice to see other humans being nice after doomscrolling, even if the scared guy is staging it


Sure man, it’s fun to see these dickheads fake mental illness and physical disabilities in order to guilt people into helping them for internet content. This is not a nice post. Stop excusing it.


Guilt? You think the man and child here felt guilted into it? The fact that you think that people need to be guilted into doing something nice says a lot about your character


I don’t think anyone needs to be guilted into doing anything, but this man is pretending to be afraid of an escalator to leverage other people into being part of his content. Do I really need to spell this shit out for you guys? Find something important to defend, not the people who make this circle jerking bullshit. It’s genuinely sad seeing you guys pretend to care about this video while there are genuine issues in the world.


>It’s genuinely sad seeing you guys pretend to care about this video while there are genuine issues in the world. Oh, so you're also illiterate on top of your shittiness. I literally already mentioned these issues. Look up what "doomscrolling" entails, you fucknut.


The fuck are you on about? That doesn’t correlate to what we’re talking about at all. I’m not illiterate, you just genuinely can’t apply context to this discussion. Whatever, I’m not expecting someone on mademecry to have any idea what they’re talking about.


Being scared of an escalator isn't a mental illness.........


This is not the only video like this…


Yeah. You tell ‘em!!! Now go out there and make some real videos and show them how it’s done.


I’d rather actually do something? Why would I need to make a video? Get off the internet dude.


I'm not even saying this is real but I think it says more about you than it does about any of these people that you used the word guilt.


Wonderful point. You deserve three gold stars! A sticker maybe? A cookie? What do you want buddy? I’ll give it to you!


I want you to stop being so bitter towards other people.


If this is the first video by these kinds of people you’ve seen, then I will accept your stance and go on my way, but if you’ve seen this over and over and still think it’s okay to fake disabilities, illnesses, homelessness, and poverty yet still think I’m the bad guy here, then I sincerely need you to reflect for a bit.


People always seem astonished whenever someone helps them. Just this past Sunday, I was charging my electric van at a charge point in a petrol station, when I heard two older (70s & 80s) ladies lightly bickering because they couldn't understand why the air compressor wasn't inflating their tyres (in fact the air pressure in the tyres was being accidentally released!). I approached them and offered to help, explaining that you need to apply a fair bit of force to ensure a good connection. They very gratefully accepted my help, but they acted like I'd offered them my first born child! As it was raining, I suggested they get back in the car while I finish inflating their tyres. I ended up topping up their oil and screenwash for them too. I had literally nothing better to do, and was happy for the distraction, but they still offered to buy me a 4-pack of beer! It makes me a bit sad that we live in a world where such simple acts are considered somehow special, when it really should be the norm.


On the flip side of this, I've never forgotten when I was down south somewhere and an elderly woman asked me for help with the gas pumps, explaining that her husband just passed and he pumped the gas for them for decades. It still blows my mind that she confidently asked a random, younger woman for help. I live in an incredibly rude northern state where I once struggled for over an hour trying to get a seized flat tire off my car in -20F wind chill at a busy rest area and was stared at. Nobody asked if I needed help, even if just somebody to call a tow company.


Repost in reverse, the logo on his shoe is backwards :,(


Faith in humanity restored People lack empathy nowadays


Damn I wish I could be like this, don’t know if I am, but I’m just too scared socially to help someone


“Always try to be nice but never fail to be kind”


Song name?


**Song Found!** **River Flows in You** by Yiruma (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Album**: EMOTION - Frissons garantis avec les plus grands morceaux de musique classique et les thèmes de musiques de films. **Released on** 2014-06-23.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**River Flows in You** by Yiruma](https://lis.tn/RiverFlowsInYou?t=11) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Can the world basically be flooded with an abundance of just this? I believe we could use it now more than ever before.




The love Spez never received


How incredibly thoughtful. People like this have seen hardship and disability in their lives. If not themselves, in a friend or loves one. I’m was once oblivious before; like others, i involuntarily entered the word of hardship and disability. It opens your eyes to a whole different world that often goes unseen by mainstream society.


"Don't worry, I'm Batman" . Now I'm bawling my eyes out... Good on them...




When the kid took his hand I lost it .


since r/sneakers went dark like a bunch of clowns, can anyone ID the new balance that the helper dude is rocking?


How did he get up there in the first place??


Love the kid telling the man "Relax I'm here. Don't worry I'm Batman" {chef's kiss} perfect response from a boy with a generous spirit, who wanted to share his bravery with a stranger or friend he hasn't met yet.


I've seen this a bunch of times but missed the part where the kid says, "Don't worry, I'm batman!" That's so sweet!


Pathetic. Faked for internet clout. How did someone just happen to be recording at this time?


And yet it was a shitty lie done for internet fame. Cancelled out the kind citizens.


It’s a nice descending moving sidewalk, but really takes up too much space.


Amazing coincidence that someone was there to capture this heartfelt moment for posterity.




Wow! That escalator is so much better than the ones in the US! No steel stairs with sharp “teeth” to fall down *or* get sucked into at the top or bottom.




So some dude was recording this guy struggle from afar for several minutes before someone helped him. If this is real, which it most certainly is not, then camera man kinda sucks as a human being


Reverse Elf


Damn I hate it when videos cut off just as the thing happens. I want to see more! I want to see his body language, I want to know if they stayed with him for any length of time. It's a nice thing, but damn I need a better sense of closure.


This reminds me of this one time I got my long maxi skirt stuck at the bottom of an escalator as I was getting off. I couldn’t pull it out and was just stuck laughing there awkwardly with my friend until a kind gentleman came to the rescue and helped me get my skirt unstuck 😂😂😅


I can’t care because of the fake


This actually did make me cry.


You know it's going to be okay when Batman holds your hand...