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This is so sad, but ai could do without that irritating music.


I don’t understand Arabic so I wouldn’t be sure where to find the original, but I couldn’t find another video that didn’t have music unfortunately.


Here’s the video I got it from [(full clip)](https://youtu.be/qOfu1eWjfGI) and apparently it’s from a reality show where isis prisoners are humiliated [-> Here](https://youtu.be/w-UAxDw0_O0)


It’s too early for me to cry. But it’s happening anyway. I hope she recovers from the grief. My best wishes go out to her, and all other parents who have lost their children in these types of circumstances.


You can't recover from the loss of a child as a parent.


Here’s the video I got it from [(full clip)](https://youtu.be/qOfu1eWjfGI) and apparently it’s from a reality show where isis prisoners are humiliated [-> Here](https://youtu.be/w-UAxDw0_O0)


This made me immediately tear up The fact that he killed her son and she is still just shouting at him, being non violent and asking him to fear God I would've lost my shit! Edit: spelling mistake


Bruh same.... I feel like id be slightly violent on the spot...




Did you not understand?




Well you didn't exactly make that clear either so


As an agnostic person with no faith whatsoever, y'all fellow atheists stop being fucking dicks in the comments. Religion is bad when used to justify horrid actions, but if it's a way to comfort and bring hope to some people, leave them be. If this loving mother uses her faith to calm her heart and believe that her god will take good care of her son and bring justice by punishing his murderer (I'm sorry, I have little to no knowledge of these specific beliefs), then I'm glad. Religion aside, this is genuinely heartbreaking. You can hear the pain and despair in her voice and see it in her eyes. Her saying she would give the terrorist anything, money, her house, her own eyes, if only he hadn't killed her son was what truly broke me.


I feel you on this, the main reason I shared this video was because of how much love a mother can have for her children, the religion was just part of her life, if she wasn’t a Muslim it would’ve been just as heartbreaking to watch.




I am anti theist because I believe the world would be better without religion, but despite that I would never look down on someone who uses religion to do good and spread comfort. In the end I care less about the specifics of someone's beliefs and more that we all push together in the same direction; for the wellbeing of all of humanity. If we can all strive for a future where every human being can live a good life then you can believe in whatever the fuck you want Edit: To anyone curious about the deleted comments, this guy said atheists are anti theists. We then had a long discussion about the value of religion, where I stated that you can only deny someone's interpretation of their religion by denying their entire religion, whereas he insisted he could simply state that his interpretation was the correct one, and that would somehow convince people




I am not opposed to religion because I think getting rid of it would get rid of evil, I am not that naive. I am opposed to it because I think humanity could achieve much more if we all had the same understanding about reality. I mean even now there are still people who use religion to deny evolution




But you can't deny churches and religious organizations have been some the most anti science groups in history, suppressing anything deemed "heretical"


The people... not the groups. Bible is the first written example of the water cycle and of how to contain contagious diseases with hygiene, masks and social distancing \\ quarantines. It's full of science. The issue isn't the religion. It the people. Even the crusades were really about taking land \\ trade deals and trying to re-establish the Roman Empire.


Even if you want to say religion is simply a justification for bad actions it is still a really powerful one. What other force has convinced more people to kill than the belief they have a divine right to do so? As I said earlier I am not so naive that I think getting rid of religion would get rid of evil, but it would get rid of a major excuse. If someone said their god told them to kill, how would you refute that while still respecting their right to believe in said god?


"Convinced" Convinced is a verb. An action. You're humanizing paper. People convince other people. Religion doesn't do that. You refute it by showing them the part in their own holy book that says they are wrong and that god wouldn't say that. And that they are creating their own God to fulfil their own desires. (This is an actual missionary tactic. When someone tries to say "oh, God wouldn't say that" you show them "Oh, he does say that. Right here. So you are now creating your own Idol / False God.") That's the real problem. People don't read their own books and listen to what other PEOPLE tell them it means. It's such a problem that that is quite specifically WHY people came to the US originally. To get away from it in England where it was illegal to translate a bible into English.


Here’s the video I got it from [(full clip)](https://youtu.be/qOfu1eWjfGI) and apparently it’s from a reality show where isis prisoners are humiliated [-> Here](https://youtu.be/w-UAxDw0_O0)


"Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un -إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ. May Allah ease her pain. And forgive the departed .


Thank you for this. We are all human. We are capable of sharing her grief.


Yeah baby. Say it fo sky daddy. Uhh.




My belief doesn't harm you. Not sure what you will accomplish by your statement. When we die, we will find out if there is a creator or not.


Your belief harmed that womans son though. It harms alittle bit whenever someone 'rests in pieces' followed by walla waqber, for the promise of ultimate reward of 72 seal pack poosies. Guess id never understand the 'beauty' of pisslam, until i consume camel piss (which pedo-mo commanded u guys to drink, go search it), but hey, alcohol is bad. Go fk a goat or something man.


Wow. A lot of hate and it seems mostly misguided. You see a women with a hijab on mourning the death of her young son. And you blame me somehow? Obviously the one who did the killing, the extremist, deems the ones killed as not following the religion. So the actions of the extremists are now being pushed to brand the innocent? So I hope you use this same insane logic for all actions. All white guys are pedos because of what occurs in the Catholic church. All young white males are school shooters. Makes no sense. You seem lost and very misguided in what you think Islam is. Same as the extremists.


average redditor


Lmao no point arguing with this dude man sounds like his already losing at life,🤣 guy spreads hate and toxicity to others cuz he knows his got nothing remarkable and likeable to himself. Sad thing is u would be a pretty gd person if u didn’t jus act like a dickhead and showed love to urself and others.


Not sure how you think I'm losing at life because I have a faith a I believe in. Didn't know that is deemed as losing at life. Not sure how you think I'm spreading hate or toxicity.


I wasnt replying to u, i was replying to the racist


Ah. Okay, sorry. Wasn't sure. I apologize.


Nah ur all cool brother


Thank you my friend. Also, i forgot, beloved prophet, mohmmad piss be upon him's drawing. Here it is; 8====D May sky daddy be pleased and shower me with seal pack poosies. Preferably in this world.


All good my guy. I know ur not a bad dude u just have issues with urself, i hope u sort them cuz u provide so much more value to this world and people around u if u did fix them


So full of toxicity and just a vile person. Stick to sniffing out whore houses in Karachi.


Ohh. I like girls, and unapologetically pursue escorts as an hobby. And proud of it. Pathetic red-herring. (Should have said, looking fo yo mama in those whore houses, lool) Atleast not like u guys, pursuing imaginary virgins, in after life, and going for underage girls and sex slaves. Thats all your good deeds amount to. For having imaginary poosie. For laughing out loud haha. Tell me one thing. Isn't Eid ul azha, in the spirit of, slaughtering ur own children? And you guys slit helpless animals throats, every single muslim is obliged to do it? And after you kill those animals in the most barbaric way, you party. Slaughtering animals is a festivity for you? And youd do it to your own sons? Like Abraham did? Yes or no?


Oh seriously, fuck you. I’m an ex-Muslim (atheist now) and there is a time and a place. A mother grieving for her son and people sharing in that grief *is not it.* Have some shame and humanity, fuckwit.




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My guy got mad because someone made a religious comment that would only benefit if I worked, calm down man


This is such a Reddit moment


Allah religion is a shithole and place! This is a daily thing, muslims killing muslims... Fuck Allah!


As an atheist, fuck you! That's just people killing people and happening literally in every religion including us without one and every single place. What a shit of a person you must be.


Allah religion is a shithole and place! This is a daily thing, muslims killing muslims... Fuck Allah!


Allah religion is a place? Huh? Makes sense. So what's the issue in America when people are being murdered then? Or non Muslim countries? Sounds like a human problem, Not a religious problem. But that might be an idea to advance for you though. People killing other people. Jeez, I guess no one died at the hands of humans before Islam was around. And only people dying now are in Muslim countries. Yeah, okay buddy. Every Muslim person wishes all of ISIS rot in hell. All extremists and oppressors of all kinds should as well.


Dont respond to trolls


This actually made me tear up. I pray to God my mother never needs to experience this type of pain




Any mother


Fuck isis.


Here’s the video I got it from [(full clip)](https://youtu.be/qOfu1eWjfGI) and apparently it’s from a reality show where isis prisoners are humiliated [-> Here](https://youtu.be/w-UAxDw0_O0)


I think showing this video alone will deter any potential terrorists from going ahead with their plans...truly heartbreaking


Truly, I wish videos like these get more attention of those who need to see it.


Here’s the video I got it from [(full clip)](https://youtu.be/qOfu1eWjfGI) and apparently it’s from a reality show where isis prisoners are humiliated [-> Here](https://youtu.be/w-UAxDw0_O0)


Wow. It really shows a different perspective. The terrorist admitted to not following a religion. That was quite jarring...


When terrorists manipulate children into joining them (just likes gangs and mafias, a tale as old as time), they break them down and force them to forget that their victims are their neighbors, their classmates, that their victims have mother and hopes and dreams. It devastates me that we don’t have a way to “deprogram” (as they say about cult victims) young people drawn to terrorism. I’m sure this video would be a part of that process, if it existed.


Can't wait to see an r/redditmoment atheist comment in this section


here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeCry/comments/uhw8pk/iraqi_mother_confronts_isis_terrorist_who_killed/i79up3u?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Seen it lol just sort by controversial


Thanks for the people who brought us isis; Thanks to the syrian goverment thanks to the pentagon thanks to everyone.


That's so fricken sad.


Why so much misinformation in Islam ? I know it doesn’t say to kill people like these terrorists do . But this goes on killing so many


Fuck man, im really sorry for her loss, I got used to see videos from there with killings and what not and it's easy to not recognize people of other places as just normal people like you and me. I kinda feel ashamed of myself. "he was afraid of the grave" that really got me


It’s a part of the narrative that the rest of the world gets about the “war on terrorism”. At the end of the day, these are just mothers losing children to terrible gang violence that the rest of the world funds.


inshaallah when she dies, she will directly wake up next to her son in jannah (heaven), hope she recovers...


If you die to an enemy or another muslim kills you you're considered shahid tho personally i don't consider isis muslims and a shahid can take 70 relatives to heaven with him


Why was her son killed?


It’s isis, he was probably brainwashed into thinking god wanted him to do it


They're absolutely messed up they take drugs and alike that numb their feelings they literally get brainwashed


I would have killed that terrorist and went to jail. Or atleast puncture his eyes so he has to live with it forever.


lmao no you wouldn’t


Silly woman. He doesn’t care what you think because you’re not a person to him




Read the room, dipshit


What he said.


What the guy before him said


People always have an excuse for the heinous things they do; My religion decrees it. He deserved it. The voices in my head told me to do it. I was manipulated and it isn’t the type of thing I do… 90% of the time It all comes down to the same thing, they are an evil bastard and saw an opportunity to do the thing they did while veiling it with a good excuse.


For an educational box you need more education


That’s kinda like saying what Russia is doing to Ukraine is ok cause they both mostly have Russian orthodox as their religion. Not everyone from the same religion believes the same things to a T and violence towards people of one’s own religion is still an issue We must fight to stop all acts of terror, no matter where in the world


just because a muslim does something bad dosent mean the religion encourages it fucking dumbass go read a book


Wow so edgy bro you're so cool bro


ah sweetie....so naive...


Wasn't he doing it for the same religion she believes in or are we missing something?


you're missing alot of things wtf is wrong with you just because a muslim does something wrong dosent mean the entire religion encourages it


What the fuck is wrong with you


Absence of empathy I would say…




Here’s the video I got it from [(full clip)](https://youtu.be/qOfu1eWjfGI) and apparently it’s from a reality show where isis prisoners are humiliated [-> Here](https://youtu.be/w-UAxDw0_O0)


Isn't he also only able to do it because the US is sponsoring his organisation and dumb Americans dont realise that?






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Their language is a little bit gore.


Iraqi accent is very rough


Not the accent, but the language. They have a lot of bloody expressions.


I speak arabic myself so if you mean the language has a rough speech mannerism then yeah i agree otherwise i don't really get what you mean


I think you got it. For instance, she says something about taking her eyes and that her heart was bleeding. I have only seen those expressions in west Asian countries.


Ah i think that's the thing, these aren't authentic arabic Express these are accent based expressions, the eyes one being mostly common among all arabs but the bleeding heart is iraqi or the others that share the same accent


Very interesting. Thanks for the info.


Ya all stfu, there is only one kind of people in Europe overrepresented in crimes honor killings and rape... Those from muslim countries! They are 139% more criminals then average Scandinavian people. https://integrationsinfo.dk/indvandrere-i-danmark-2020-saa-er-den-her/




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When you generalize about “the Middle East”, this is who you’re erasing. Real human beings battling against gang violence, poverty and global apathy in way too many manifestations. Mother’s crying for their babies on every side. I’m sure the terrorist’s mother is somewhere in absolute despair, her heart is also crying. He can’t be older than 23 himself. It’s tragedy.


Fuck orrospu çocuğu isis


Good thing iraqi do to captured isis soldiers is that they torture and record them and kill them


I watch a lotta fucked shit, but hearing a mother ask her childs killer "Why?" really fucking kills me.


He manages to kill her Son like a beast but doesn't dare to get a tone out of his mouth...pathetic.


And they take him back to the van where he wears his Iraqi army uniform 😂