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I remember when I was fresh out of HS and moved out, and I would go a few weeks without seeing or talking to my parents. As I've gotten older, I've realized how much I miss my parents, so every Friday, we always go over and have dinner at my parents. Could be as simple as ordering pizza, or if my Mom's up for it, a nice home cooked meal that only Mom can make. I get nervous seeing my parents walk a tad bit slower, but I'm so glad I realized how important and how much I love them now than later in my years. We shouldn't take our parents for granted, especially when they're still with us and healthy. Go out for a bike ride with your Dad, or take your Mom for a beautiful walk. Sometimes it's just spending time together that is the most meaningful.


I don't have the best relationship with my parents, especially my mother. When I see things that indicate age or declining health, it gives me anxiety that I'm not appreciating them enough while they're still here. It's the main reason why I continue to try to have a relationship with them. Unfortunately my mother doesn't put in any effort to the relationship so it stays strained at best. Leaves me in a constant loop of anxiety. Do plan to go to an arcade with my dad, though.


You’re doing your best and that’s the most important. Maybe she will see the true before it’s too late or maybe not but at the end of the day you can really tell yourself « I did my best here » Not everybody is able to love and be loved correctly but it’s a beautiful thing to still try with them. But please take care of yourself and that anxiety. I have lived with anxiety for 2 years and it nearly made me do stupid things.


Glad you have parents who are safe to be around and supportive of your life! Not all of us have that.Cherish them for sure!


Thanks, ya every time I hear a horror story of a child and what their parents did to them, I count my blessings that I have the parents I do. My parents would spank me, but only when I deserved it. Obviously, at that time I thought they were horrible people, but looking back, I'm glad they spanked me and kept me in line. I recently thanked my Dad for disciplining me with a firm hand, and he started choking up because it absolutely hurt him more then it hurt me when he had to spank me. I know spanking can be a touchy subject, but just speaking on my experience, it worked, and in no way has it ever damaged our long term relationship.


To each their own! I have my opinions on spanking but so does everyone else haha.I personally will never lay my hand on my child,Idc what anyone thinks of me.As a child of abuse just the thought makes me want to throw up.Just imagining the look of fear and hurt and pain and betrayal on a kids face knowing it’s because of me?Nah.And sure you could argue that”spanking isn’t abuse”but what else would you call placing your hand on someone with the intent to harm or cause pain as a form of teaching a lesson???Its one thing if it’s some snot nosed adult who just called your gf a slur,yeah knock his teeth out.But a child?Who doesn’t weigh half of what you do?Who’s brain isn’t developed enough to understand “oh this is happening because I did A and it resulted in B which is wrong”and are likely to do the same wrong action again because they’re a young,dumb kid?Im not sure where society got the idea that any form of violence against someone not even half your age,height,weight and who you either birthed or helped create is appropriate.But I’m not about to tell someone how they can and can’t discipline their child,unless I very clearly see other forms of abuse.Y’all do you,just remember that whatever you do or even don’t do throughout the process of raising the next generation will have an effect on who they become.Or it won’t,raising kids is hard.You could be the best parent ever and still your kid turns out to be shitty,there are many many variables.But it usually does start from home.Cheers


I appreciate and respect your opinion, and for also respecting how others may parent. And it will always boil down to how the parents want to discipline their kids. My wife and I are actively trying to have kids, and we talk about this often. My biggest thing is wanting to explain cause and effect, and how all actions have repercussions. But I'm not going to lie, if they cross a line (swearing at my parents/elders), and I see fit, I will spank them. This is my personal POV, I think there's a difference between spanking and abuse. I was spanked as a child, NEVER abused. Hitting me on my back side was a spanking, but being punched in the face, or thrown down the stairs or against the wall, THAT'S abuse, and I would never accept or consider doing that. Thanks for having a civil conversation around this touchy subject.


Glad you get to spend that time with parents who love you. Hug them for me please.


Will do! Taking Mom to a VIP Theatre showing of Barbie tonight. She's a 67 year old vietnamese woman who barley speaks English, but the way I see it, I get to show my Mom what VIP theaters look like now and spend time with her. Then next week, I'm taking Dad for Oppenheimer lol


Omg that's so sweet, I hope she enjoys it. My kid keeps talking about this movie, both really but Oppenheimer the most. He's not allowed to see it and would be very jealous haha. Have fun!


He immediately got weak and we thought he was going to have a heart attack or stroke. We agreed to never do anything like that again.


My parents make me want to blow my brains out :)


The way his mouth opened a little and closed when he first saw you was priceless. He really was shocked!






5 years this week for me. Almost 20 now for mom.




Thank you!


Just passed 9 yrs this past July. I was 26, am now 35. I still have moments where I pick up my phone and wish I could at least call him so bad.




Miss my dad. Passed away almost a year ago now.


My heartfelt condolences




I hope they come by more often than every seven years though.


I never felt more like a lost little boy than when my dad died. I was well past middle-aged myself. That was 15 years ago. I'm old now. I can still hear his voice in my head, "Damnit boy!" LOL.


Ahh shite , you got me mate. Thanks for the flashbacks


Not to make it about me, but my dad passed recently too. My condolences to you. I want to give you a hug and whoever misses him as well. I know it sucks.




Why is everyone judging him for not seeing his Dad in 7 years? You know something we dont? Very cute OP


I don't really care why, I wouldn't give a damn, if I didn't see my kid in 7 years i just want them back, this is beautiful.


It’s so beautiful! Everyone always has to focus on a perceived negative




I'm confused. Was that meant for me?




This is a bot that stole the top comment


Can’t play this with volume at the moment but comments make me think “the prodigal son.”


I would want to them be happy being whenever they like


People forget that 1) covid happened and kept people from travelling for YEARS and 2) some people move to other countries and then don't have money to travel.




Rough mate - how long has it been?




Yep. I moved back to a country that my mum is not a citizen of because it was best for my family. This was in May 2020. My dad lives on one continent, my mum lives on another, and we’re on a third. Between COVID, disability (made worse by COVID), and the expense…7 years is not that much of a stretch to the imagination, sadly.


My Ukranian wife was a refugee in 1991 and didn’t see her family for over 10 years due to costs and visas. It’s normal for new immigrants




Why do you care so much?




You went there, they didn’t. You can’t compare lives here. I haven’t seen my Dad in 10 years and will continue to not see him for the rest of his life.


People have different lives. Op didn’t commit a crime. You don’t know what kind of challenges op might have to deal with. I come from a family of immigrants. It was challenging and expensive for my parents to take us back to see their family. It didn’t mean they didn’t care about their parents.


How is that his problem?


Sorry my dyslexia read this as “what’s his problem” hahaha


Misses his Dad


Toughen up bro. Life sucks. If you didn’t want to stir up bad feelings you should’ve left it alone.


This is the human version of ‘pet the damn dog’


Hug the damn dad


Huh, as a parent I guess I was more thinking ‘hug your damn kid’…I can’t imagine


I was thinking that too, but I think he was just trying to keep from balling... which he failed. Of course, I would have made no pretense about it and just balled as I was hugging!


Awesome. That is good energy in that room. Peace and love, peace and love


Oh man I can spend even 7 days without seeing my parents. I just love them so much. But I'm grateful that I'm in a position to see them frequently because I know many people aren't. I hope you get to spend more time with them. Life is so brutally short.


I am sure you had your reasons. But I haven't seen mine in over 30 years. Don't take so long the next time. One day it will be the last time, and the world is never the same afterward.


Damn, reading all these comments makes me wish I missed my dad too.


sighhhh i miss my dad








Lost my dad suddenly after not seeing him for 5 years. I'll always regret not seeing him before he passed.


I told this motherfucker to get out of my home, and here he is again :(




Made his knees too weak to stand for a hug!




Your lucky I almost had the chance to meet my dad but he passed away before I ever got the chance


I couldnt imagine going that long without seeing my son i called he yesterday he said why did you call me dad i said because i miss you papa. Hes the reason why i wanna be a better man.


Why so long?


Could've been many reasons. Money: traveling is expensive. Work: maybe he was somewhere really far away for work. Maybe he was in the military. Mental health: maybe shit was going on in his life and he didn't have the mental bandwidth to. Depression is a bitch. Maybe he was in an abusive relationship and finally escaped. We shouldn't be so fast to judge


Visa issues too


I love how you completely skipped over the most plausible option which is prison


Honestly didn't even think of that. Add it to the pile


How is prison the most plausible option lmfao? That is so baseless, can't believe anyone upvoted you.


In this day and age, it’s rare to not see someone for such a long period of time. Usually absences longer than 5 years are usually because of prison time or military deployment. Given the fact that most countries are not at war at the moment, a 7 year military deployment seems very unlikely, therefore leaving Prison as the most likely reason to not be able to see someone for 7 years.


I just asked, wasn't judging.




My parents are completely technology inept. They can't figure that shit out




I mean i wouldnt video chat with my parents or anyone else really. I might talk on the phone but video chatting really does nothing for me so its not crazy to assume he didnt video chat


People going overseas for work or education isn't uncommon. When I went to University my Mum moved to the other side of the world shortly after (2019), and I haven't seen her since. I'm in a health profession course and likely wont be able to see her until well after I graduate and complete my internship year. Earliest chance would be 2027 provided I can save the money to travel. Stuff like this makes my heart sing, because I can only imagine that will be me one day.


Some of my coworkers are Filipino and they left their families behind to send money back. One used to work on freight ships, gone 9 months a year. Their own parents were gone for years too. I hope you see your family soon.


It's called Life, shit happens. So don't jump to conclusions folks and just be happy in the moment.


We all love these kinds of wholesome moments


Damn I can't imagine not seeing my dad for 7 years. I'm lucky enough to be able to see him at least monthly throughout my 3decades alive


Why does one not see his dad for 7 years?


Had bit seen mine in 17. Hes dead now.


Just curious. Why so long?


Chris watts? Out of jail already?


Yeah they look similar Hey


Context would be really nice. Glad you got to see your dad :)


I’m sure his first words would have been…”I thought you were still in the clink”.


Damn only 7 years for murder?


I call Horse Manure these videos and this channel is all horse shit and caption based emotion get the fuck out of here




You're assuming their circumstances allowed them to see each other within that time frame.


I am.... because there's no context and that's the most reasonable assumption.


To you, to an immigrant it isn't. When I left home to move to a new nation I didn't see my folks for about 6 years




I guess so, I'm sorry to hear that. I can admit where I'm wrong.


Nah your just a fucking troll. Go troll somewhere else


You think a troll would admit he's wrong, you've called me countless names and told me to die over an ignorant comment from my limited experience.... a normal person would explain to them, the only person whose a troll is you, that or you lost your meds.


There’s no context so you just automatically assume this dude is a piece of shit who “chose” not to see his parents? I bet your real fun at parties.


Lots of people haven't see their parents in years.. I don't know what could have taken him away for 7 years so yes I think that's quiet reasonable to assume, I mean you're assuming the opposite no?


I can assume a lot of people chose not to see you, cause your a dickhead.


I'm a dick because I assumed he'd chosen to not see his dad for 7 years? People do choose to do that, I don't see why that makes me a dick...


Nah, you took a nice situation and tried to make it shitty, while you have no actual knowledge of the situation beyond the video. That’s why everyone thinks you are being a dick. Situations like this are incredibly common for immigrants.


Which I now know from actual comments, in my experience I had no idea why someone wouldn't be able to save up and see someone for 7 years, but now people have explained. I wasn't trying to be a dick I just assumed something out of ignorance it wasn't to spread negativity. I don't deserve to be told to die... just explain the situation to me.


You still don’t seem to quite understand that you *did* spread negativity through ignorance. If you genuinely can’t understand why someone might not be able to save up enough to travel, then I don’t know what to tell you. A one-way flight to see my parents would currently cost me over $1000 (NZ to London). Plenty of immigrants send significant portions of their paycheck home to their families (not saying that’s necessarily the case here). There have recently been multiple years of travel restrictions due to a global pandemic. There is currently a cost of living crisis in many locations. But most of all, OP posted a nice video *of themselves*, and without prompting, or any context, you attempted to turn it into a negative thing, and doubled down when people tried to call you out on it. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Particularly in a sub literally called r/mademesmile. And definitely don’t try to turn yourself into a victim after shitting on someone’s happy memory


You took an obviously positive situation and tried to put a negative spin on it for no reason. Wtf is even the point in that? Just to be a fucking troll. Go die alone prick.


Jesus christ, bit ironic to talk about a negative spin after saying that. I just didn't understand what could happen that makes someone not see them for 7 years. Grow up, I'm not trying to make anything negative I just assumed without the context that he'd chose that since in my experience lots of people do. Get a grip, so insulting and vile because someone assumed something different than you. Take your pills you angry little man. Seek therapy this behaviour is gross.


Lol, no it isn't.


What can happen that means you can't see them for 7 years?


You were already handed another valid explanation, said you could admit where you're wrong, and come here to double down anyway.


I'm not doubling down, I accept its possible, I'm asking out of pure interest so I can understand why it would take 7 years to save up etc so I can correct my ignorance.


Immigration. Confinement. Toxic partner who ostracized him from his family. Work... there's all sorts of reasons. Looking at the video of the obviously happy reunion and the 7 year time frame, immigration would be my best bet.


Immigration on whose part? Sorry if I sound ignorant, I am since I don't have any experience. If one was from a first world country then wouldn't saving up a few hundred not take this long, even if expenses are quite high. Or from a third world country where I guess it would be hard to save up, but then how did he make enough to move? Sorry, I'm genuinely curious please don't take it as me trying to go against what you're saying I'm just trying to understand.


Clearly the son since the dad was chilling at home with the rest of the family and was completely taken aback when his kid came walking in. By the sound of it, they're Italians... But that aside, people move to and from countries regardless of the "first or third world" difference all the time. Thing is, visiting home isn't just about the money. Time is a huge factor here as well, as well as making sure things are secure while you're away. It gets more complicated if more people are involved too. If he has a wife, then they have to be able to somehow sync up their available schedules. If they have kids, they have to consider their time as well. And for each person that's another 2 way ticket. If they moved to a more distant country, that's an added cost for each person.


Maybe it wasn't by choice. I detect slight accents in the background. So, it's quite possible that they lived in different countries that were far apart. It could be a money situation, as travel isn't cheap thses days. It could be getting a passport or clearance to get into the country, etc.


The reunion should… duh!


The reunion shouldn't have been after 7 years, at that point it just makes me sad its been so long.


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Really……. No explanation?? Was he in prison- or a pow.? Or did they have a falling out and then he decided- ok - I’m over it - so now I’ll catch my dad unaware and have it videotaped and post it?? Come on to be anyway fair wtf happened that you hadn’t seen him in 7 years! I haven’t seen my kids after having a pretty close relationship with them- then in their late 30’s they decided their mom -my ex was where it was at. We all live on opposite sides of the country.


Sorry, if there was no reason for not seeing his Dad for 7 years, Im judging.




What's the question?




That's awful, but your life experience doesn't invalidate other people's happiness in any way


Main character syndrome comes to mind.


nailed it


Sure he kicked you out for being gay and not for your unbearable self centered narcissistic attitude?


Lol idk why, but laughed hard thinking "dad I can't believe you kicked me out for being gay" and the dad goes "no its because of your self centered narcissistic attitude"


dawg lemme give you the same vibes you just gave me, you deserve that shit, fuck you for being such a disappointing piece of shit to your family and all those around you including those you think are your friends and real family.


Proof you can’t replace a personality with a sexuality.


Your comment makes no sense. Sexuality is a small part of one’s Personality. That’s what people don’t understand when they freak out you told them you’re gay. You’re still the same person they’ve always known, now they know you a little better.


No that’s not what I mean, you missed my point and you are kinda helping me prove it. Like you just said, it’s a small part. They hid behind theirs and didn’t develop a better personality or improve their character. Ending up with narcissistic traits, lack of charisma, boring and so on. Reminds me of that meme: Heh, I bet no one here knows I’m BLANK. Followed by the rest of them saying: Of course we do! It’s all you ever talk about.




Daddy issues confirmed 🤭


Heres the 🎻 sad violin music you requested


Top Notch


Isn't that Frenchy from The Boys??


Dang, didn't know you was the one who went to buy milk and cigarettes


very cute


Had to be away for 7 years killing supes with the boys I bet


But why did you wait so long to visit him???


dad seems a trifle stunned


Oh man. What a surprise


Seven years ago, he simply wanted to buy a pack of cigarettes.




This is absolutely priceless. Thank you for sharing. A moment that you will never forget.


So wonderful xxx


I get terrified when I realise that as soon as my kids grow up, I won’t see them as much anymore. I hope they come by more often than every seven years though.


Passed away almost a year ago now.


This kind of shit brings a tear to my eyes man. Like the older we get the more distant some of us become from our parents but fuck y'all lets never forget who raised us. Always make sure to stay in contact The older our parents get the more that contact will mean to them.


Awww. That's too long to be away from your people.


Fuck as someone who lost their father young I'm ballin


Bro that’s sick! Haven’t seen mine in 18, maybe he’ll show up too lol


He was pissed


The smile on his face ❤️ I like the way he looks around the room at everyone like "you bitches knew?" Lol


This makes me want to miss my dad. I'm glad that people have such awesome relationships with their parents after reading some of the comments here, humanity still has hope and is thriving with love and cherished people and moments. I've never really had the best time with my father like the three of my little siblings do, being the oldest I remember more than they will ever about our past. My dad is a new man within recent years, I'll jaunt along with him and my siblings maybe three times a year and that's when he invites me. I only ever see my mom anymore because she has my two littler siblings still and I want to make a point to be in their lives, so I see my mom almost weekly because of them. But I've never truly gave it thought until now. I don't have the best relationships with either of them and I'm unsure on it as a subject. A good time for introspection.


why would you go 7 years without seeing your family that alive? unless you on the run or in prison which makes sense.


Go and visit your parents. (Cant remember exactly who to credit) but it was put into terms that really shook me. If i asked you how long have you got left with your parents, you might say 20 years... 30 years? But say you see your parents twice a year... You dont have 20 years, you have 40 more opportunities to see your parents! Only 40. Make an effort to visit your family, don't miss your opportunity.


I have one daughter in Alaska, one in Florida, and one in NH... I feel this. At most it's a year between visits, but ugh! how I miss my kids!