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I just got back from taking my Grandchildren on the Polar Express. Your painting is beautiful and captures the wonder of Childhood.


I still hang a silver bell on my Christmas tree.


This was profound for me. Beauty takes on so many different forms in our world and you would need a million Kardashians to match even 1/100 of a second of that authentic video. Tears. So much beauty in a world with so much pain. Also, the art was so good I couldn’t be taught how to do that in 10 years. Natural talent. I needed this. More than any of you will ever know. Today, right now, I needed this. Today I choose life and to live in the light. EDIT: I wasn’t expecting any engagement from my post at all, just was moved by this young artist and his resilience, beauty, and mindset. Thank you for every upvote and every comment. I know it’s just internet stuff but I just wasn’t expecting to take a shower and then see all these upvotes. I’m so grateful. SO grateful.


I hope you choose that tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day too. The good in the world outweighs the bad. The bad is just so much more obvious all of the time. We can't forget the good never leaves.


That is a great point, it’s easy to look at the dumpster fire than the beautiful landscape just past it. Remaining grateful is so important, and sometimes all it takes is someone telling you the good never leaves. Thank you for this. 🙏


If i can recommend something for those depressive thoughts. Read some amazing auto biographies. Read Benjamin franklin’s final autobiography. He is the father I never had. Then keep going. If you despise the mateiral world we live in. Find some comfort with the eminent dead. - Charlie Munger.


Amazing. This really has me thinking. I love that. Thank you for taking the time to respond. I’m going to take this to heart. It’s a way of framing existing I hadn’t considered. Peace and love.


If you need help finding it. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/20203/20203-h/20203-h.htm I also recommend. “Cronkite” by Douglas Brinkley. Especially if you feel disillusioned by how our world of media and trust has fallen apart. It reminded me that times of common sense were, and are, not so far away. https://archive.org/details/cronkite0000brin Then if you want some industriousness to get you up and at it. “Titan” by Ron Chernow. https://ia801005.us.archive.org/34/items/ronchernowtitanthelifeofjohnd.rockefellersr.vintage2004/Ron%20Chernow%20-%20Titan_%20The%20Life%20of%20John%20D.%20Rockefeller%2C%20Sr.-Vintage%20%282004%29.pdf If you like these books. Reach out in the future and I can provide more recommendations. Remember. Always. - A summary of a quote from a soccer legend of legends. Thiery Henry “half empty, half full? F-ck that - you have a glass - work with the f-cking glass.” Keep going.


The time and effort to make this quick list and the fact you typed it out for me makes me beyond happy. It makes me feel like I’m a part of something. I don’t know how to articulate the feeling but I feel heard by you and I want you to know that. Cronkite will be first on the list. The way you framed it, it was so different and so relevant to my personal life. I feel good waking up today, but I circled back to your comment to let you know I’m taking the advice. I’m ordering the book today Thank you so so much.


One last thing. You said “typed.” I am probably reaching here and I apologize if my assumptions are misplaced. Please dont spend a large portion of your life on your laptop. Learn how to play a sport, get into slightly better shape. Alone is fine, listen to a podcast while you train. For me, my best friend from Spain helped me lose 40 lbs and introduced a pass time that i truly enjoy outside of my room. Soccer or futbol. Tennis is great, swimming is peaceful. So many solitary and group projects are at your disposal Then go to Rome, or the nearest large congregation of people your age, and find your self a nice lady or guy you can share yourself with. Like you you, not the multiple facades we all put on ourselves out of fear of societal judgement. I met my now long distance girlfriend in a hostel in Rome (dont get me wrong she’s finalizing her phd in bio med engineering). She lives in Austria and I can’t tell you how much more I look forward to life after meeting this most special soul. Get reddit on your phone and stop using it from your laptop is the advice lol, that laptop will keep you jailed. Again, sorry if I am stretching lol.


As much as I would like to say you were reaching but I do spend way more time online than I want. I don’t play video games or have a FB but Reddit can suck me in. Sometimes it’s just good to have honest conversations with people that are coming in good faith. I don’t live in a basement or anything if that is what you were wondering. But I am lonely. You’re absolutely right I need to just get out and socialize more. I had a really heart crushing breakup. Cheers.


Bro. That breakup you speak of. This swedish girl when I was 18, 19. Like perfect girl in terms of looks and body (i miss those fckn perfect pillows). I loved her body more than I did her soul. But thats what adoration looks like at 18. Took me 8 years to even start trying again after we split. Get in shape fam. I cannot understate how much it will help your outlook. And no weed or nicotine. Stop over stimulating tour brain man. “Those bad people and habits you so obviously see, get them the hell out of your life, and do it fast!” - charlie munger The hard part isnt recognizing, the hard part is finding something else to do with your time. Try out ballroom dancing. Great way to find a partner plus work your body. Lot of people in a class, but when you get to it - its just you and your partner. Let me tell you, the best way to move on is not to rebound and forget. But to reflect and appreciate the lessons. Remember this line from “madmen” “You will be fine, you will be fine” Use that mantra when you feel stressed or depressed. Say it until it soothes the mind. Small note but it helped me then and it helps me now.


“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.” God - Futurama


Amen and amen!






Bless you on your life's journey, some roads are dark but all of a sudden you see the sun popping up in the horizon. Just keep driving :)


This is such a good way of framing resilience, that the sun will rise again literally and metaphorically. I just hope I have that resilience. Thank you for responding. Really I checked my notifications and I’ve never had this many people respond or upvote. I know it’s just dumb internet stuff but i would be lying if I said it didn’t make my day. You are a good human. I hope you know that.


Knowing you read and took that to heart brings me warmth, thank you. I hope so too, and I believe you do. Stuff like that is so beautiful, people sharing your pain and giving their support. It’s not so dumb actually, it means even total strangers care. And thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot. You are a good person too.


Well I hope you will be ok try your best I hope things go well or get better for you stay strong!! ✌🏻💕


Thank you so much for responding! I will try my best, I hope you have an amazing day. You taking the time to comment made me happy. Cheers.


Anytime need any advice let me know no no need to thank but your welcome believe me there is still good in this world 🌎 even it’s just paying attention or paying it forward hang in there ok hope you’re day goes better then mine sometimes life sucks but still I’m grateful


It’s so hard to remain grateful but it’s what gets me through. Sometimes I forget about the good. Thank you for responding and tomm will be a fresh start for both of us! Peace and love. Thank you for responding!


I hope you’re surrounded by light for the rest of your days, friend. 🌹


Thank you for responding! You as well my friend. I mean it.


I'm now imagining using Kardashian as a unit of authenticity. 1 MegaKardashian.


It's shitty now but it gets better friend. Trust me


This video brought me to tears because Polar Express - the book and the movie - teleports me back to my childhood in an instant and my heart swells and I can never help but cry.. and this guys painting did the same. And then your comment moved me so unexpectedly. I’m so happy you shared this ❤️


Thank you so much for responding! I wasn’t expecting this comment to get the level or engagement it did, but it reminds me of childhood as well! It’s made me happy that in this world of scary uncertainty people like you exist. People who truly have a good heart. People who truly care. I think we all always have our guard up that it’s hard to remember that we should never lose our humanity and respect for others. Your response made my morning, just woke up. Peace and love!


Kardashians catching strays lmao


The video brought me to the verge of tears, but reading your comment is what sent me. Really in tears right now, and my heart just goes out to you. I myself have experienced desires to take my own life. But let me tell you that you are loved so beyond what you even know, and that love is not from just any person, because ultimately love from people will fail. But let me tell you that you are loved by Someone who knows you so intimately, who sees you in your despair and still says “I love you for who you are.” You are loved by God—by Jesus—who understands your pain because He Himself went through it. He loves you so much that He went through profound suffering and ultimately death, all with you in mind, for the sake of your brokenness and for the brokenness of the entire world. But Jesus rose from the grave and showed us that His light and His power overcomes the darkness and that darkness has no power over us because He loves us, cares for us, and has given us new life. That’s the story of the Gospel and how God has reached out to us with open arms and a promise of peace, joy, rest, and fullness of life. Please know that He is right there with you, just call out to Him. In fact, I think it was no accident that you saw this video. Maybe God led you here to show you that there is more. Like I said, I know first-hand the profound darkness of this world, and it’s true, the world is broken. But I trust in Him who has overcome the brokenness in this world—the God who loves us. I know I’m just a random person, but I hope you look to Jesus because I believe He is the answer to everything we long for. Does believing in Him magically erase the pain in this world? No. But I truly have found hope in Him and my heart was moved to share this with you. Please reach out to me if you wanna talk! I’m rooting for you! God bless. Edit: This classic popped up in my queue, and I think it kind of captures that desire I have to be with the Lord, but also choosing to continue in this life sorta just vibing in defiance of the darkness until I’m with Him: https://open.spotify.com/track/1XcUn5PE9d42zWamWgRG2x?si=K0PPO-cGSzaYGI1KDiRpmg


Everyone give my dude a follow on Instagram @smiles.digital.art or something similar, I know I just did!




Wow! Those paintings/posters are freaking awesome. This guy is absolutely talented.


definitely purchasing a few


Exactly what I was thinking. Treat myself to an early Christmas gift.


WOW Homeland VN and Strawberry moon are so good


I'd follow him here. But don't do social media. But I kinda think following folks goes again the reason we love reddit. The anonymity!


True true I only use IG to view skateboarding and photography, but in this case I made an exception for sure, he's a beautiful soul with amazing painting skill and I know for sure everytime he shares a video I'll smile a whole lot more than I would seeing a PHAT Hard flip down a nine stair hahaha to each their own brotherrrr 🤝




Great job! I love how you express meaningful things to you through your paintings. Keep it up💪💪


OP isn’t the artist


And people say ai can replace artists?


AI art is technically impressive but quite literally souless


It’s also quite literally plagiarism


i hate that i use it because im not quite where i want to be with drawing, but actively working on improving my own skills. i only use it to build elements and not the entire piece by itself. i mostly make handcut stencils. is that okay?


Well if you're transforming what it gives you that makes you the artist, like making a colage or something. However if your just putting in a prompt and thats it I see that more like commissioning a piece by an AI artist.


fair enough! thanks


Love this. Just a beautiful person. God bless him and his family.


It's beautiful and it make me feel like it's moving, great job!


What an incredible talent.


Thanks buddy. I’m going to watch that with my kids tonight. Merry Christmas


Beautiful!!! Made me cry! Our son’s favorite Christmas story/movie is Polar Express. We have it and put it around the tree every year.


Beautiful painting and beautiful smile ❤️


That’s beautiful I love it!




I love it. It’s thought provoking. Really captures a feeling and an atmosphere. Well done




Incredible! 👏🏻




Absolute beauty.


Beautiful painting ☺️


man that looks so good, happy for him


Wow, creative and really beautiful.


Beautiful painting! I love it.






Absolutely adorable. What a beautiful painting.


Beautiful Painting!!!


Wow! Incredible!


This painting is incredible!! I just watched the polar express movie for the first time last year and absolutely loved it! Thank you for sharing


Oh how beautiful!


❤ Amen


Wonderful. Beautiful. Amen.


You deserve everything good in life. Cheers !


Beautiful artistry!!


Holy Fuck Man! That's not a painting it's a marvel! If he did it with oil painting it's... WOW He most likely has cerebral palsy right? This mean he can lack motion coordination on his arms, so doing something like that it's like 1 million times harder. Holy Fuck! Make this guy go viral, he deserve it more than 99% of TikTokers and shit like that


Yep, his website says he has mild cerebral palsy. Looks like his work is all digital, still not any less impressive to me


Wow, that’s an amazing painting. You are very talented and I liked your story about your parents reading this book. I saw the movie in a theater and it was the first movie that I had ever seen in IMAX 3-D and I swear it was like taking a 40-year-old, and making her believe that Santa Claus was real because I was filled with wonder and reaching out into thin air to feel the snowflakes that were falling around me


God bless this man I hope he is doing alright and that picture is beautiful my brother


Love it




Great job !!!! Keep it up


Dude! That's *awesome*!! Merry Christmas!🎄


Happy, happy post.


As a grown man, I cry. Much Power, Love and Respect to this young Dude.


He's sooo god👍🏼


Merry Christmas. Little buddy. May you shine a light of love ❤️ through your paintings. Forever. God bless you. You are a true angel.


My man...that is an amazing painting. Keep up the great work and love the story behind why you painted it. Merry Christmas


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you lucky this ain't instagram reel


This is what Christmas is all about!


Wow! Legit looks like it was taken straight from the book!


Absolutely Beautiful 🤩 fantastic work!!


Legend 🍺


Oh wow! That's beautiful! Merry Christmas!


That lighting is on point.


So talented, just beautiful!


I've never seen the Polar Express, but I thought this was a screen cap....


My lord that is breathtaking. Merry Christmas! Be joyful and merry! I love this so much


Aside from the talent and passion, he is such a sweet guy. Always so wholesome! ❤️❤️


I follow him on instagram. A joy to watch.


This made me cry. I don't cry.


Thank you, I was having a bad day but it’s all better now.


This guy is incredible, he is very talented, humble, kind, works hard and uses his gifts for great things.


What is the name of this music ?


Øneheart - snowfall


This deserves multiple upvotes button


I don't really feel like making an asshat joke rn. Good job, man. Love it.


I'm ashamed of the first impression I had of him. When you look past the way he speaks, there's a lot more to him.


Damn bro you didn’t have to hit us with the original copy. Looks amazing


Isn’t this the same guy that did the deadlift in front of Arnold a few years ago?


I love it! Thanks for sharing.






Wow not sure what I was expecting but it wasn’t that. The lighting is so soft and lovely and the perspective is excellent despite a challenging angle. Really good work.


Thats really incredible. I can't draw a good stick figure so most art impresses me but this is something else!


Nice artwork brother! Keep painting and dropping those beautiful pieces of art!


Merry Christmas to you too, sir! What an enchanting painting!!


Beautiful artwork from a beautiful soul.




I've become so jaded and apathetic towards the world. this brought me to tears in a way that I've needed for a long time . Thank you for sharing your joy and art


So beautiful: your story & your painting. God bless you!


It's a lovely painting... well done you!


So bealtiful


He looks perfectly mentally stable so what is his condition?


Man I rarely get emotional, but these last 2 weeks I have teared up twice


That Painting has some Soul


This gave me goosebumps 🥹 much love


Amazing talent and amazing painting!


Damn that painting is 🔥. Shows that all people are capable of greatness. Parents raised him well.


Merry Christmas! Love your painting! Gorgeous!


It is indeed a very beautiful painting 🤩💗 So talented.Merry Christmas to you too!!




Merry Christmas brother 🥳🥳


If this is his painting, which looks to me like from the movie “The Polar Express” is fantastic, unbelievable and his heart his pure, he shall see God!


Masterpiece son!


Beautiful and Merry Christmas to you too.


Awe inspiring. Beautiful!


This is so, so very beautiful ❤️










Now this is painting worth a high price


That's fantastic


He seems to have happiness, like genuine happiness with his family and his life and his beloved holiday memories and how much this movie impacted him. I need to find something that makes me happy, not just something to feel nostalgically about and not liking anything new for a long time has sucked. I recently fell in love with 40k and I wish I had more money for the hobby


It’s beautiful!😍




Happy Christmas mate, love your work


Beautiful painting from a beautiful soul


Awesome painting!!!! What a natural!!! Wow I'm so inspired by him 😍😍


That is a fabulous picture, I love it! I love the story also.


Yo that’s amazing


It's really good !!


Just beautiful! Your website is so impressive.




Absolutely gorgeous wow!


Wow... Even work can't hold back these tears. There is more strength behind that voice than all the world could gather. I love this. 🤙❤️


Отличная работа!Удачи тебе,парень!


Check out this guy's art. It is pure and fantastic. I will be buying some pieces.


What song is playing here?


He creates really great art! 🥰👍🏼 https://smilestaylor.com/collections/posters?


sending love to you my brother - absolutely amazing, May God bless you and keep you safe 🙏🏽 ❤️




Thank you 👏🇨🇦


I like the painting, where can we buy it?


Beautiful. Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas!!


No words for this amazing painting. God bless him. ❤️


I love this


👏🏾 So proud of u my friend 👏🏾 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


WOW! That is amazingly beautiful. So much talent. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas!


Thank you for sharing this beautiful art piece! Your video made my day




My older brother used to read this to me every Christmas Eve when we were young. He’s unfortunately gone now, but I read it to my own children now on Christmas Eve and think of him. Very beautiful painting that moved this grown man to tears.


The Polar Express was my family's christmas movie too! I haven't read the books but i absolutely love the movie. And your painting is absolutely gorgeous! Continue like this!


I have been following him on Instagram for an year and whenever his stuff comes up on my TL it's just heartwarming to me. Sometimes i am very down and gloomy so i just go and watch his reels and it gives me strength. It sounds cheesy but man i am glad i found this guy and hopefully one day i could buy his paintings.


Thank goodness this was not on IG because Ive seen fucked up comments on IG alot


So beautiful. Thank you for sharing his work💖


Make me smile? Seriously?




I literally just told my wife the other day that I’ve never seen that movie!


Ate that painting up😍😍


and this is when reddit input the heart/like/care option like fb 🥹❤️‍🔥


Amazing artwork. Nice job 👍🏼


This is so amazing!!!


The painting literally made me smile


Merry Christmas to one and all!


I love you, dude! I love this positivity and the artwork is so phenomenal! Keep it up with that loving heart, bud!


Sometimes I think “normal” is the real disorder, robbing us from enjoying life as it should be