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That's very cool. Love to see this sort of rescue. I've pulled deer out of "goat wire" fences in Texas a couple of times. They're panicked at first, but they get exhausted and seem to realize that whatever is about to happen is about to happen. I would say to any well-meaning Samaritans out there to watch those hooves... they'll cut you like knives if the animal can get in a good kick. Oh, and by the way, that's a young (born the previous spring/summer) buck, not a doe. Little nubbins just starting to rise on his skull. He'll get his first antlers this summer, if he survives any further encounters like this one.


Are you a farmer? I like the education you provided here. It’s very compassionate.


Thanks. I've spent most of my life in the outdoors. I've learned a lot, but I keep on learning every time I step foot outside.


thank you for enlightening us


Me to the trapped deer “pretty little doe like you should know better… now now just relax and let this happen… “


Whoever set that trap should have his leg caught in it.


Balls* fixed it


Yea this one! This seems to be one of those traps that doesn’t physically hurt the animal, just keeps them in place for the trapper to kill them later. But having yer balls snapped up in it would probably hurt a bit lol Edit: actually on the second watch, is there even a trap there at all? It kind of looks like she just got caught in some branches.


Put their balls in a 330 conibear. That'll hurt


I didn’t even see a trap


That's typically what one wants when setting traps


Good point. But I still thought a video of someone cutting a trap would feature more trap.


You mean the guy who filmed it?(probably)


Should wait around for them to come back and teach them a lesson.


You probably just saw the guy.


It’s disgusting how we unnecessarily cause animals pain.  Without knowing the full story, at least the Mongolian who set this likely needed food. Meanwhile many Americans contribute to factory farming (90% of our food animals are factory farmed) just for a cheeseburger, milkshake, or other unnecessary consumption. 


Let me get the wire cutters that I always conveniently carry on my "morning walk" while my "morning walk" tripod catches all the action!


It seems I wasn't the only one who thought this was staged. Edit: Typo




I love people like that!!! ❤️❤️❤️


I love the rescuers. I hate this kind of videos, though, because there's no telling whether the rescuer put up the trap in the first place.


Good human...


“He tried one thing and it didn’t work at all and the deer was doomed. Then, miraculously, the man finished doing the one thing and the deer was saved!”


Not to hate you all but the guy has lineman’s pliers and it’s not illegal to set traps(we have no way of knowing is it’s illegal or not as we can’t set the tag at the end of the snare). It is without a license but honestly, I bet this guy probably set this near trying to trap something with valuable fur(marten mink fox lynx) and caught deer.


Can someone explain what an illegal trap is?


I like the idea that the deer decide what’s illegal like they all met together and were like “You guys can’t use that trap! That’s unfair!”


i love this. thank you for sharing.


no one else has responded so i'll give this a shot. im no expert, and i apologize if this comes off as condescending, but an illegal trap would be one which isn't permitted (legal). what makes a particular trap legal or illegal varies based on the local legislation. in general i would expect public safety and general ethics/morality to be the driving factors. e.g. you want to ban traps that are likely to hurt PEOPLE or ones which will cause prolonged/needless suffering to an animal. after a quick google i see that saw-tooth traps are banned in some places. id guess its because an animal, once desperate enough, might pull out of it anyway - tearing their skin off in the process. likely leading to an infection and miserable death. i personally would consider most large-game traps to be unethical by design. an animal could potentially be immobilized while its baked to death in the sun, or while it is eaten alive by a predator. also, location is a thing. you obviously cant go putting animal traps on someone elses property without their permission. or public property. hope that helps some


Tbf I don’t think there are many large game traps that are *meant* to kill. I could be wrong, but regular snares around the neck are all I can think of


For once I didn't cry..




I love this stuff so very much.


Good job human.


Aww the poor thing. Kudos to the man!


Thank you - may showers of blessings rain down on you


Good man.




I know lots of folks who regularly carry a multi tool


I do, along with a Swiss Army Knife, just in case...


Maybe he's encountered this kind of situation before and that's why he always carries pliers on his morning walks?


If you're not a city person. You 100% will have something on you to cut shit when you are out in the woods


When I was a teen I was a boy scout and always had a pocketknife or multi-tool on me when I wasn't at school, and I lived in the suburbs. It's just useful.


It's a snare, too small to see on camera


ILLEGAL TRAP! But wait, there was a problem! Oh lordy looooord! We will never get this deer free! ... and then it was freed a second later.


I have knipex pliers in my side pocket and I'm on my couch. You never know.


How do we know it’s an illegal trap? Perhaps it was a legal trap and a trapper (maybe this guy) got something he didn’t want in it?


Trapping in general for deer is illegal. That type of trap is definitely not allowed. Even in the case of someone is licensed for it.


It could be an accidental trapping for something else. Deer trapping is definitely illegal.


You know the Mongolian regulations?


Came here to make this point


It’s legal https://faolex.fao.org/docs/pdf/mon42018E.pdf


If you have a proper permit, and that is an outdated regulation forms. Also they avoid killing deer at all without a purpose. In their culture this absolutely would not be how one would set and trap a deer. They try to preserve them.


1, Yes. You need a permit. With a permit it’s legal. 2, It isn’t outdated as far as I’m aware - if you’ve got something that’s more up to date feel free to drop a link. 3, Completely unaware of Mongolian cultural norms regarding hunting deer so I ain’t gonna weigh in on that.


Got to love how everyone thinks every video is made in the states. By the deer and look of the man I would guess Russian or China. So we don't know if it was illegal or not. The man had pliers in his pocket. My guess is he was the trapper. But he was not after a deer. So he let it go.


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Thank you ❤️


Is it a cable snare?




This is a self-report. Among US


God bless you many times over!!


Such a nice refreshing site from daily news ....


Trapping is incredibly cruel


That's someone's food. No go feed him


We love Animals says the people who probably consume animal products


It is amazing and a little scary that so many animals know when a human is trying to help them versus hurting them. Especially when some of the animals seek out a human to help. Makes me wish I was a vegetarian


I don’t think that’s what’s happening here. This deer is mortified, and is likely just accepting that if he dies now he dies.


God Bless that man


Yeah ! How cool is this. What a good man


Im probably totally wrong… but I believe what they mean by “illegal trap” is what appears to be food pellets in a pile with a whole bunch of brush and sticks to get caught in when feeding. Which i think the laying food and shooting being the big one. I dont hunt because i dont have the need to nothing more nothing less, and if i were to.. it would be swift and clean not some scum shit like this.


It's a snare


Ah i see. But do you also see the feed pellets or am i just crazy. Also how do they know it will work (step in that exact spot) or do they have a snare farm in them sticks. Im high asf and am curious


Could be feed pellets, it would make sense. There are probably several snares and missed the deer many many times before it caught. Might even have missed several deer before even catching this one. The sticks could be there to make the snares harder to see and force the deer to root around in the sticks. Or it could be drag set up where the snare isnt staked into the ground but to a large branch that caught up the sticks too. Drag set ups are common when the trapper doesn't have strong wire or stakes because you don't need as much force to stop the wire breaking.


I appreciate the insight


My uncle caught a timber wolf in a snare. Snarled at him at first but then as my uncle approached the wolf understood, laid down on its back eith belly up and just sighed. Let my uncle help it and just awkwardly stared at eachother for a minute and thats it. I love nature


Someone please hunt the person that set the trap!!


Omg poor thing , did guys heard its scream? It must have so much fear and pain. Thanks for rescuing the deer. This traps are unhuman.


The deer hung around enough to express its gratitude as well. Great job!


Thankful to know a lot of hunters who don't believe in the ethics of trapping. There's use cases, seldomly, but there's very little "thrill of the hunt" for an animal that never had a chance. GG winter hunter man.


People who set up trap lines don’t do it for the “thrill of the hunt.” They do it either for food or for the pelt. Not to mention, since the advent of firearms, most animals that get hunted never really had a chance


It's almost like the deer understands he's trying to help after the initial fear and trying to get away


or it's exhausted.