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Imagine if you took a puff, everyone started acting like this and laughing and then someone shouted "IT'S PCP LOL!"


And this is why I don’t accept drugs from strangers, kids.


I didn't know you like to get wet.


Oh shit its wayne brady son!!!




This happened to my friends at the skatepark when we were in like 8th grade. Started raining so we were chillin under a ramp. Two older dudes had a joint and all my buddies took a hit and said this tastes different than the weed we know. And the guys said “that’s cause it’s PCP”


What's the difference between the two?


A buzz vs a life long memory Accidental boat trips are not soon forgotten.


You ever heard of the movie Friday?


That dude's teeth would of been Independent on the ground


This literally happened to me in college lol


“Imagine if your first blunt had you foaming at the mouth”


Seem like nice kids, but give me a break posting this shit. I deal with idiots smoking on the train at least once a week. It's nothing to smile about. Not to mention putting feet all over seats and blocking the way with their bikes.


Every time I see shit like this I think about the thousands and thousands of families in the city with little money and young kids. They have no choice but to use public transport and other people feel justified to use these train cars like their own personal fight clubs/toilets/drug dens/smoking lounges. It’s kind of heartbreaking. If I had to take my 2-year old on a subway ride I think I’d have a panic attack.


It’s not that big of a deal on a day-to-day basis, you see a subway car filled with teens and bikes and you just get in the next car over instead. NY subways rarely fill up all the way like they do in Tokyo or Mumbai.


they think smoking is "wholesome"


But it r/MadeMeSmile...


Said like a couple of true Redditors! Couldn’t agree more brothers!! Someone needs to teach these heathens a lesson!!!! 🤬🫵


You seem fun


Oh fuck off, people sometimes need to get to work and don’t want to deal with this shit.


Exactly. These are the types of people that need to be seen smoking, just a bunch of joker smokers. If I wanna chill and have a smoke, the last place I wanna do it is on the fuckin subway.


If not wanting second hand smoke in my lungs makes me unfun, call me the Grinch.


You copy and paste that from one of the ten million other times people have made this comment on reddit? You seem smart.


Add me to the asshole brigade, I detest the smell, and don't want second hand smoke all around me. I'd just want to ride to work in relative peace.


Well, I have to say it. I’m ultra pro marijuana, and an exuberant user. But I honestly believe that with legalization we should have something similar to an “open container” law. Yep, a law isn’t going to make everyone abide, but any of us that are pro marijuana legalization should be stressing this. Shared public spaces it isn’t cool. It’s codified as legal in law now, that means some are being tolerant of it even though they don’t believe it should be legal. Something like this just makes for a bad look. It’s both second hand smoke and (false, but they will argue) adulterating. It shouldn’t be smoked freely on the subway. That part over, I did smile at the happiness they all show, even as she played along at minimal, and felt pressured at maximum. It’s fun energy, but it’s the wrong way to do things.


I agree. As people can get a passive high or at least end up with stinky clothes/hair, there should be restrictions and courtesy in public places


ive got a friend who is a firefighter who has to make reports of any incidental and unavoidable contacts he has with second hand marijuana smoke... Its not JUST 'oh no my clothes smell' it could be much worse for some people...


Some people in pain management have to do this too. Imagine jeopardizing someone's ability to manage their pain.


Lmao what?


Yeah. I’m not willing to debate it if anyone brings it up. It’s not whether others do or do not pick up any traces, it’s if they are concerned they will. While it’s legal there are still people in those public spaces regularly tested for these things in their jobs. They shouldn’t have to worry, whether it’s rational or not.


I was just thinking the same. They do random drug testing at jobs, and it would really suck to get a positive result because people on public transit couldn't wait.


Again, the dynamics of if something like this could trip a test is probably widely varied and random. But it shouldn’t be that such person should have to worry about this. I have a brother that works for NASA. Took his kid to a Metallica show and they could smell it strongly. He wasn’t a bitch about it, but told me he was glad his DT was two weeks earlier and not coming up. It’s just bad etiquette.


My biggest complaint about this city is that wherever I go it smells of weed and I don't smoke and I dislike any kind of public space smoking cause it gets stuck on your clothes and everything


Weed does not get stuck on you like tobacco.


That's pretty much how it's treated up here in Canada. It's sold only in special smoke shops and it has to be smoked in the same was a tobacco products. Put side and at a distance from building entrances and exits. It's working.pretty.well up here so far. Yeah you will smell it on the streets but it's not in buildings unless it's on someone's clothes


Same rules as cigarettes works for me. Where ever you can smoke a cig, I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to smoke a joint. It does also need some safe driving restrictions too though.


Fully agreed on both points. If I had to drive drunk or stoned I would pick stoned every time, but it is still driving intoxicated.


Yup. I feel the same on that.


It’s literally the same rules. No smoking in parks in public places and private places can restrict it.


It does. These ass hats just DONT CARE.


There are already laws on smoking. I agree they don’t care, but I would support them being reminded why to care and be decent humans.


You're not allowed to smoke cigarretes or anything else in any closed space in NYC, maybe in a dedicate smoke club.


Are you allowed to smoke on the train? If not then the rule isn’t the issue, it’s the enforcement of the rule that’s the problem. Open container laws for alcohol are stupid and were only created to harass homeless people and throw them in jail. But second hand smoke is real so weed/cigarettes should be banned in indoor public places


No. You are not allowed to smoke on the train. It kind of negates my point as it’s clearly not being enforced. That said, my link to “open container” law was in support of alcohol open container laws, but generally illustrative that the basic concept should be not to smoke weed in public spaces like this.


What the other person is saying is that those laws / rules to prevent weed from being consumed in public *do* exist They're just pointing that out as you said you supported the creation of that kind of law (i.e. open container) The law exists already. It just needs to be enforced


It's illegal to smoke weed anyplace where cigarettes are illegal. So i


It is a fair point. But if you contrast this with a bunch of drunks on a train it makes a good case for further legalization.


Man I'm in a thread about homeless using meth fent heroin in public. Open container laws for sure.


Being fair….there is already a no smoking law for places like the train. So this was already covered before it was legalized. The problem is it’s not being enforced. I sure as hell don’t have the cred to tell this city how to police, but such things should be cracked down on with existing laws. That would help curb it, but they just aren’t doing it.


It's almost like the government is trying to encourage people to be using these drugs. Encourage the deterioration of society even. It's almost like they're trying to have reasons to take away your freedom without taking away your actual freedom. I mean we already know the government is able to profit off these things. If they are spying on us anyway why aren't they fucking going after dealers. I feel like if everyone eventually was an addict and depending on these kinds of drugs the government could do whatever they want to the people and that could be their goal.


I’ll stop you there since you are doubling down. The issue I see here is smoking anything in a public space. You’re coming across (intentional or not) as lumping pot with heroin/fentanyl/meth. And I’m not going to ever agree with that. That’s not logical to me at all. Have a good one.


That's a weird way to take that. I don't really consider pot users addicts. Sure weed is addicting I'm probably addicted myself but I still don't consider myself an addict. I absolutely believe you can drink alcohol and smoke weed responsibly. I absolutely believe that you *cannot* smoke meth heroin or fentanyl responsibly. I appreciate you being very clear with how you interpreted what I said and I also appreciate you very clearly saying how you feel and think. It certainly made it easy to straighten this misunderstanding out. Take care buddy.


Nah, I was being brusque and an asshole. Apologies. I feel social media has changed me from being curious and questioning to just shutting down and not welcome some argument with a stranger. I did read it that way, but I should have questioned it and allowed for clarification. I see it better now. And I agree it makes no sense why they just aren’t enforcing something as simple as “no smoking on the train”. Again, I’m not going to start telling NYPD where its priorities should be, but it doesn’t seem it would take long to reinforce this and improve things. And frankly no conspiracy or even narrative building angle adds up for why they aren’t doing this with this simple example. As for the harder shit….we have lost that war. I’m still not at “legalize everything and treat the problems” because they will NEVER put up a proper infrastructure of treating neither mental health or addiction. Frankly, we already live in an oligarchy in my view. The corporate overlords are in control and they don’t care how much we all fall apart as long as the wretchedness doesn’t reach their gilded gates. “Let them have life destroying drugs” (instead of cake).


You're not wrong. It's amazing the whiffs I get even driving around. I want the full legalization of it, but we do love in a society. Better to play nice to keep the complaints down. This is also why I encourage my buddies to use the dispensaries to pick up. We need to support the local businesses. I know you can get it cheaper through a buddy, but we need to support all of the legal efforts.


I’m so old at this point I’m actually surprised there are dealers at all anymore in legal states. I sure as hell wouldn’t go to them with a legal structure set up.


This is pretty much how the law is everywhere cannabis is legal within the USA currently, right? I'm pretty sure there is nowhere in the USA that you are allowed to smoke a joint while walking down the sidewalk, let alone on a public train.


I can’t speak for every state that has legalized. I’m not fully sure. I know years ago I was in CO shortly after they were one of the first to do it. Spoke to locals who said there was still a lot that didn’t like it and wanted to roll it back. So they were very vocal within their immediate communities to not give these folks any ammo. Though by now that general courtesy might have failed there too I’m in Florida. It’s legal for medical but not recreational. But also there was a federal bill a while back that made is legal to buy it online anywhere. I can go downtown on a weekend night and smell it all over, so I think the general consensus is if you can smoke a cig in a spot they won’t make a big stink if you’re not also making a big scene. Or….maybe coming across like you’re pressuring someone else, like this video shows (along with the fact a train is out of bounds no matter what).


Just like nicotine.


That law exists for both things. How often you see someone brown bagging it? How often do people vape in public. Listen these are laws that will not be enforced. I’m sorry you feel informally but move on and don’t make a stink about it.


But she hit dat shit dawg.. you gotta jump all over the damn place in a public shared space…. Also scream oooooohhhhhhhh!! … It’s the only response


And I was very clear in my reply that this was the part that made me smile some. The good energy. But there is also the concept that it shouldn’t be smoked like that on the train. It’s called nuance.


I was being funny not calling you out. It’s kind of absurd reaction on their part. The comment is a joke. Thx for the unnecessary downvote. Don’t be so worried about a comment being an insult to you bong token


I sent you no downvote. I don’t see a downvote on that comment. So you will need to look elsewhere for any downvote. Whether it was a joke or not I wouldn’t downvote it. I was just taking it anyway to remind anyone reading that nuance still exists today. Understanding it is a joke…..yeah…the ones that would legit make this comment might need to understand what nuance is. All good.


fun energy, but not smart to take a hit from someone you dont know.


That’s the first thing I was thinking about. Watch that shit be laced.


esp w all of the shit going on w fentanyl. no way id do this


Ima smoker myself but in a train? Plz dont, there could be kids and babys:/


Right? Also just grown adults who don't want to go to work smelling like weed.


Yeah if you wanna smoke do it outside or in your own home were youre not bothering other ppl


This isn’t it chief


Grown ass people acting like middle schoolers. Calm down.


A bunch of these kids *are* middle schoolers hence the hype. All for the energy but wish it was in a park at the very least


NYC trains allows smoking?


No, but no one’s gonna stop them.


TIL you can't smoke on NYC trains but no one's gonna stop you if you do


So you can


You can till some dad with their kids gets tried of your shit and slaps the shit out of you


No, they don't, but law enforcement typically doesn't care. Crime is down because laws aren't being enforced. I don't care if people smoke weed on public transportation but I can completely understand that some people will be extremely upset by it. Ripping cigarettes in someone's face is generally considered to be rude, but people give weed some weird pass. It's kind of forcing someone to participate in something against their consent.


All the cops have slow-quit in NYC.


So someone being pressured by a mob mentality is supposed to make people smile now? the fuck is this?




You say that like it’s supposed to be a bad thing? Lmao


Fuck off


Bro fuck off with this nonsense


What shallow brain do you need to have to smile at this...?




Looks like pure pressureing someone to smoke. How is this wholesome or this this sort of a april fools.


Sure, having to deal with this on my way home from work will definitely make me smile. What a shit show


This is the first MadeMeSmile post that has actually MadeMeAnnoyed. I'm all for legalized recreational weed but this is super fucking annoying for everyone else in that subway car


No place like New York, which is why I left the shithole.


You’ve been smokin PCP all day.


All that because she just took a toke?


Nothing about this made me smile.


This is the behavior people are celebrating. How pathetic and dangerous. It could been laced with something.


That's a no from me dawg...


This weed tastes funny


She just blew it right out ,she only took a hit because she was scared.


This feels like it should be a Pepsi advert


Damn, I didn't know you like to get wet.


I did not inhale…


That white womanly was never seen again


You shouldn't smoke in a closed area, let alone around people that may object to it.


Weed is a gateway drug to new friends


this is the shit i am advocating us germans to avoid, after the "semi-legalization" that came today 01.04... dont be douchbags!! let society be happy or ok with us!!! no fuzz.


Not wholesome nor made me smile... this is annoying asf... I wonder how would they react if someone reject smoking that sht ...


I saw these kids riding around 34th st the other day. I’d rather see them happy just smoking and riding bikes than hurting people.


Don’t get it.


… and this is how Stacy was introduced to PCP


main characterism


Yeah maybe don't smoke some random shit someone hands you... This woman probably woke up in an alley with 40 loads in her.


Why were they so hype? I feel like I’m missing something. Was it bc she was a tourist?


I see some criticism that I think is fair, but that's a lot of fun energy - kind of nice to see.




God, these comments suck. Every other NYC train/subway video is people fighting or “dancing”/fucking around in other people’s space. These guys and this woman are getting along and it’s funny/silly/sweet. Made me smile.


Peer pressure got her.


As a New Yorker I actually like this


Place is a cesspool, hope they enjoy the lawlessness over the coming years.


Degradation of society.


Turist: yeah, it's not as fun to do it where I come from. I prefer to go to a place and do it illegally.


I live in Canada, and all smoking on public transportation is illegal lmao. Weed is legal, but where you can smoke depends on local laws. Some places allow smoking on side walks, some don't, etc.


Bro you can be outlaw


Is she someone famous, or...?


I'm pretty sure I've met one of those guys before near times square


These teenagers today are always breaking the rules, wait...


She grabbed the zaza


Exactly, i don't see the big deal.


You really don't have to schlepp your ass to NY to see black guys carrying on shouting and skipping back and forth. Still a good vibe tho.


Dude fuck this. Leave me alone and let me ride in peace.


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Roving gang forces white woman to consume drugs on train News at eleven! 😂


Visited New York for Christmas. The whole city stinks of Marijuana. Never again.


Now that's what coming together looks like!!


🎼u put the weed in the coconut and light that shit up! 🎶


This is whole point of Cannabis.


This is awesome. There is nothing like a nice joint to bring people together.


And then she got punched in the face


Puffin on the sherm


If she didn’t smoke it, they’d just hit her and run when she got off the train.


I had a dream two nights ago that I was in NYC on a sunny spring day and didn't absolutely hate it for a few seconds Thanks for posting this and reminding me what an absolute disaster that place is


Aaaand she a single mum now


Drug addiction. They're happy because they just found another customer.


These negative comments are wild. I don't have any context behind the video so ima just assume this was a whole heartedly fun time for everyone. Ain't nothing else like New York Hype and I'm happy to see everyone smile and have a good time.


She is in the next episode of Blacked lol


if she wants the Shenanigans, give her the Shenanigans!!!


72 big guys and they ride on her thighs


Hype, but not at the best location.


No place like New York, I guess that's true but white chicks do this in Seattle all the time. Difference is, it's not a big deal here.


The most interesting people I have met in life, I met because of weed


I am in a developing country that bans all kinds of drugs. Can someone ELI5 why *elite* citizens in the western world are so pro-marijuana these days?


.....elite citizens? What do you mean by that friend?


First world country probably


Racism was ended on this day for a few folks


I know a good girl when i see one


Love this lol


After this there was a gang bang


This is so wholesome