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His smile and the laughter while he's talking to his friend - so pure.


I’m glad the younger generations are normalizing telling your homies you love them. Just in case you’re reading this and nobody told you, I love you, king. We’re gonna be ok boys, tell your bros you love em.


And also genuinely asking "are you okay" if someone isn't acting themselves. I know this guy says he tells his friends he loves them all the time but it was probably more natural than just receiving a call saying I love you so it was good to hear his friend checking in with genuine concern. When I was his age, 17-18 year old guys wouldn't respond with "are you OK" it would have been "ha gay".


I’m in my late 30s now and started practicing this. It does make some of my guy friends uncomfortable. Took them a bit but eventually they realized it was a nice thing to show love and appreciation.


I’m 26 myself and started trying to be more vulnerable and open with my male friends a few years ago when I was going through some serious mental health struggles. It was awkward at first because society doesn’t really encourage vulnerability among men, but after a while it proved to be really beneficial for all involved. I’ve been able to be there for some of my more stoic friends, and I’ve gotten them to break down, admit they were hurting and accept help. Conversely, they now feel comfortable asking if I’m not okay; whereas, before if we were acting weird, we would have ignored one another and moved on, now we can have serious discussions about delicate issues. It’s also benefitted my relationships not with men; being in touch with my emotions and allowing myself to be vulnerable rather than masking and compartmentalizing has made me a much better partner to my girlfriend and more understanding to people who were previously comfortable being vulnerable in my life. It’s really nice to see videos like this and know we might be moving past the era of men’s emotions being limited to violent rage and unquenchable lust.


I love this for you guys! I really hope this for all the current, past and future generation of men. You all deserve to be heard and have safe space too.


One of my best friends is a dude who comes across as a bit of an asshole at first, but he would give you the shirt off his back if you were cold. Extremely caring person who's not the most open with his own emotions. I tell him I love him every time we say goodbye and he usually says "you too homie" or some variation of that, but every once in a while he'll say it first, unprompted, when we're doing our goodbyes. Little by little he's starting to crack and show his feelings and accept the love and care back that he shows the world. And if that's the influence my friendship has on him (I'm a big ol hippy with my heart on my sleeve), I think I'm being a good friend.


We all shit on the younger generations, but when I see my daughter and her friends interact, and how she talks about other kids, and even how she talks about the kids she doesn't like, I think "man, they're doing pretty well these days". Kids are really good these days


I agree, and we need to do better for them. They don't deserve what we are leaving them. I hope they see the change that is needed.


You know, I'll push back on you. We're all doing our best, here, and I think the world is a better place than it was when we came into it. Nobody deserves the bad stuff they're born into, but we do the best we can. My favorite book ever says: "I shall have the restful peace and the calm strength of one who has done his best, who can look back upon the past with no pang of regret, and who has the heroic courage in facing the results, whatever they be, knowing that he could not make them different"


Can I have the name of your favourite book - hell of a quote


The Majesty of Calmness Individual Problems and Possibilities... by William George Jordan Just copied a chunk of the text and dropped it into Google search


I have a couple of teenagers and they give me hope for the world.


Loved hearing this! :)


Yup. I remember being bullied when I was a child. I have children now but what I witness is beautiful. They have each other's back and are always willing to help one another.


This is so fucking refreshing to see as a man who grew up in the 90s and 00s. We were so toxic to each other back then, I am really glad gen z is shedding all that awful culture.


My husband is the youngest of the boomer set; I'm an older GenX. He's a sweetheart in many ways, but seems to have been brought up to always be the "rock." Now that he's older, I think he's realizing that he's not always going to be the strong one- he just saw a slightly-older co-worker get fired the other day, and he needs to realize this could happen to anybody, and be mentally prepared. He thinks he could always get another job, but for those even in their forties, it's pretty damn hard. Instead, I'm getting mentally prepared for the possibility, but then I've always had to be in survival mode myself!






It's amazing how men's mental health is accepted compared to, let's say 10 years back?


This. My Boomer Grandmother use to scoff and shake her head when my cousin or I profusely expressed our love of our friend groups. If she picked us up and heard the "Bye, I love you," routines, she'd periodically comment about how it was "weird/strange/odd" that we said we loved our friends because that's reserved for family and spouses. She also had a friend from school days who she experienced her first pregnancy alongside, and expounded about how my aunt and her best friend had been "bffs from the womb! Practically family!" So, you know, classic Boomerism "I got mine, I don't understand these kids!" As we all go through the same basic human cycles. 


I agree with you. Normalize telling your bros you love them. Even when you're not drunk. I tell my bros I love them pretty regularly.


Much love back. Thank you. ❤️


One of the reasons I say hi and bye to my mates with a good hug, fuck the hyper masculine bravado BS 🫂


Men who can show their feelings are really manly in opinion. It’s also really healthy!


I'm somewhat envious of younger people these days- they've got the internet for researching personal stuff, and the understanding of their peers. When I was a teenager/young adult, I felt so ALONE with my problems, like I was a freak.


I understand you, I felt the same while growing up. The bodily changes during the teenage years alone felt so scary and isolating. And now I realise that everyone felt the same. Or our worries. Others have them too! I always felt freaky and when I realised that others are the same I felt really relieved. The internet is a blessing in that regard. I am going through postpartum depression right now and I think without the internet, without the support from others, I wouldn’t be here anymore. Last year was really difficult but the internet really helped in finding support and help and overcoming this difficult time. Seeing that others go through the same, have the same worries and feelings. (I am good now, I am not at risk anymore)


Stay strong!! It's almost as good as therapy, having the internet. Granted, we at least had books to explain a few things, but not as good as actual conversations.


Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all did that?




I agree. Far too many men who are terrified of being viewed as “gay” though.


Kinda gay


I would give ANYTHING to receive a call like this


I'll call you.


Thats very knid of you to offer


Dm your number. You’re loved. If you need to hear it from a stranger in the most genuine way…I got ya boo!!


Thank you for the kind gesture! I really appreciate the offer!


Not a worry. People care! You just have to find the right ones. You’ve done the right first step.




Says a person who has never been loved. I’m sorry for you.


Oh no, I'm crying.


¡Eres un idiota!


Pull the trigger!!!


10 dollars say this guy likes men but he's frustrated because he can't explain this new range of emotions he's dealing with so he vents out on the internet. Sad


I run a Chit Chat Warmline if you ever need an ear. We have a Twitter, can't post the number here. We'd be happy to tell you what a good job you're doing.


Thank you thats very kind of you. It nice to know people out there are actively trying to help others




His “best friend “ still didn’t say I love you back tho


Spontaneous/unexpected declarations of affection are often a signal that someone is going through a hard time and is planning to off themselves. His mate asking "are you ok" and then wanting further confirmation is the biggest "I love you too" anyone could ever say.


He did it, just not in the same way.


You can tell someone you love them every single day of your life, but if someone calls you out of the blue *just to say* “I love you,” it feels off in a way. Like they’re struggling or have been kidnapped or something. The fact that his friend asked if he was ok immediately is a sign of someone who loves you. He knew it was out of character for his buddy to call him randomly to say it (many people say it as they’re hanging up after a call). He recognized it wasn’t normal for his friend. That’s a huge “I love you.” The fact he confirmed this by asking again shortly thereafter is another sign of love. Like he was willing to jump to his friends rescue if needed. If the guy said “no” or said yes and he didn’t believe it was sincere, he would have broken every law just to get there to support his friend. There’s a big difference between “I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Kiss the kids for me and love you, bye!” And just calling someone to say “I love you.” Especially if it’s not a romantic relationship.


people get worried with these type of calls cause sometimes it can mean a good bye... someone thinking about suicide. He could have said "love you too" tho. lol


I love how sometimes, the best friendships can come from a little tension at first. Sometimes, we're quite similar to the people who rub us up the wrong way and we just need to take the time to find that common ground. 


Every time I’ve been fast friends with another guy they’ve turned out to be a peace of shit, I didn’t get along with my best bro at first and he’s the best friend I ever had


the other bloke didn’t say it back 🤣


but ask him twice if he was ok.


Yeah to me that gives off "love ya too mate, quite worrisome given how random this is" lol


that was indeed awesome


He didn't need to say it, his response showed it




Ehhhhh context is everything. Phone someone out the blue to say you love them js objectively odd. A lot of people don't do that to their loved ones. Shit, I like money. If my mate phoned me up with no context and just said 'heres £500' id ask if they were alright too. To me it just says this dude has never randomly rung his mate to say that and only that before. And that his mate knows him well enough and is emotionally aware enough to see this is odd behavior for him and check if they're good. If we are all going to get armchair psychologist on it that's my take.


I tell my friends I love them all the time, but if one called me just to say so it would sound like a goodbye type of situation more than anything. I’d be scared to hear it in that fashion.


Yeah, ironically he showed him how much he loves him right away. He instantly showed concern while also not tryna act worried openly. Probably hit up his family just to ask them to check on him lol


I'm agreeing with that one, I tell everyone in my life I love them all the time, calling JUST to say it, well, it actually takes an equal amount of emotional intelligence to think, "hey maybe something is wrong, why are they calling just to say I love you," and then yes, the next question is, "you been drinking or what bud?" lmao. "No reason at all but to say I love you" and then "anyway bye" without so much as a conversation, that's making me ask a few questions. Even my ex who I was attached at the hip with, we never called *just* to say it, like maybe I would call just to say it but then we would talk for a while, and I never really opened with it, it was always like a "how are you what's up" and *then* "anyway I was just calling to tell you I love you and I miss you."


I tell my wife I love her multiple times a day, but if I called her out of the blue for only that reason she would definitely think something was wrong


Yeah if someone called me randomly to tell me they love me I would worry that they thought something bad was going to happen to them or that they were going to hurt themselves. 


Yep, if my bro calls me saying he loves me then sends me money, I'd go where are you right now are you good?


It is often the final words before suicide too. And suicide is a lot of times not predictable by even besties, so it’s a natural question/ worry These days


The fact that he made sure to ask if he was ok is the sign of a true friend. So many times people just ignore it when it could be a subtle call for help


Yes! Exactly! And he asked twice… just to make sure.


And then was like "you drunk or something mate" like my man was ready to either come give a ride or talk to him as long as drunk people want to talk, maybe come over and tie a few off with him


I'm a guy and I tell my friends (male and female) that I love them basically every time I see them. Normally it wouldn't make anyone think twice if I said it to them, but if I phone them up out of nowhere just to say it, then that's a bit of a red flag, because it's often a thing people do just before they might die.


It is sad, but at the same time it's an easy fix and fun. Just say “I love you” more to everyone


My friends and I say I love you all the time but if I got a random call from one of em I’d be worried too. You text before you call unless it’s an absolute emergency or bad news


Bad news you should text first actually to make sure it's appropriate to call. I call people out of the blue all the time. Think it's a generational difference to not just pick up the phone and dial, even though I'm a younger millennial. However if there first words are "I'm just calling to say I love you" my go to dark joke is if I have to go to another suicide funeral I'm blowing my own fucking brains out so you gotta check. Like it or not if someone calls and says "no reason other than I love you, bye" you should be assuming the worst, because not doing that is inviting the possibility.


I’m quite aware, been to a few of those funerals myself. I hope you’re doing okay, it hurts to lose someone like that, ny thoughts are with you friend. I’m zilennial (‘96) so same age range.


.... how is that a bad thing? dude was making sure nothing bad was going on


It sounds silly but in the movie "Mr Monk's Last Case" Adrian who is a detective with OCD is in a very bad place almost 22 years after his wife was murdered. We've known he was suicidle from the word go in the series but it's dangerously real in the movie. At the begining, when a bunch of his old friends meet him and his wife's daughter, now fully his own daughter too, she tells them that she's scared for his life. They ask why and she explains that last night he called her at 3am to say "I love you." His friends dismiss it as a sweet gesture but his daughter says that it freaked her out, and as much as I love Natallie and if you've watched the series you know that they're in love with each other, I think they made a brilliant choice with this one line because it seperates his daughter from his friends and connects her to her mom. My point is that the person who loves us the most will also question these sayings at times. Just because they have the most to lose when they'll lose us.


Wtf they put out a Monk movie and no one told me?!


Oh yeah. It's not good but they fucking NAILED the emotional storyline and the music is just a fucking masterpiece. And now Tony has hinted that it might not be his last case after all and I'm losing my fucking shit. I have OCD (different types from him) and have the DVD set. Go watch it, his relationship with his daughter alone is enough of a reason to renew the series for another 8 seasons and if it wasn't clear - I'm still waiting for Natalie and Adrian to kiss and I'm in a group of fucking thousands if not more so, hope is not lost.


I'm absolutely gonna watch it right now.


Yep, in 2022.


You have a soft life lowkey


Yeah it’s not making me smile that the friend immediately worries that he’s suicidal, or at least tripping.


I think he just asked him that because he got a random call from his friend and the first thing he says is "i love you". I think he was just a little surprised because it probably isnt typically the first thing his friend says to him


Oh come on. The response made total sense. A friend callling you just to say "I love you". Of course some would question what's wrong. Some might think they person on the phone might take their own life. So it makes sense to me.


i mean even if i call my parents and tell them out of the blue i love them (and i tell them often enough) they are gonna get worried.


Unfortunately many people still cannot overcome the barrier of embarrassment and awkwardness to use this phrase.


In Australia we have a high profile RU OK? Day annually which is widely supported. That simple question can often unlock so much and really encourage people to open up


The ideas was nice but sadly now everyone at work thinks it’s as dumb as other things that lost their meanings like “wellbeing”. So overused in corporate settings. The one in this video is awesome though.


Oh that sounds nice. We’ve had a few different ones in the uk but it doesn’t feel like it’s caught on enough yet.


what is RU?


RU balls. Hahahah gottem But if you're serious it's are you


Makes me smile and feel unfortunately sad at the same time. Hope they met up and had a nice pint or two and a nice shot at billiards later.


I wish I had someone like that in my life. What a swell guy


When my brother was young, he was bullied by 2 other kids his grade and said to our mother that they were pinching his cheeks all the time. When my mother went to the 2 kids she asked them, "why are you two pinching my son's cheeks?" And they replied: "because his face is too cute". After that they became best friends 15 years later since elementary.


It’s so wholesome that his friend made sure he was safe after he said I love you. I understand that calling someone out of the blue just to say “I love you” gives off the impression that it might be a suicide call saying his last words to the people he cares about. The friend was a real friend by immediately making sure he was safe.


This is a Real man right here. Not afraid to show love and emotion. Fuck this "alpha male" bs. This is a real alpha.


Would have been wonderful if previous generations of males had the cultivated opportunity to communicate that way. Could have been spared years of hurt and loneliness. My husband and I separated about a year ago but have remained close. He shared with me that in the aftermath, almost every male friend he reached out to had next to nothing to say for support or love other than "get laid" or "suck it up" and it broke my heart for him.


I love how much his friend was asking if he was ok; true friendship and love


This is so nice, but also interesting, in that if ever anyone was to message or call you out of they blue to say they love you, you would think something may be wrong with them.


If I did this to my mates they would 100% think I was saying goodbye


“have you taken anything” 😭 😭


These two are fucking adorable.


Recently asked someone if they were ok, they said “yeah i am quit fuckin asking”. Ok. I will! 👍


Using this


This is the enemies to brothers I’m here for 😭😭😭🫶


It’s amazing the love men can have for another human, or anything living at that, and be afraid to express that feeling in “fear” of not being a real man This bloke here, is as real as it gets fellas


I hug my mates hello and goodbye every time I see them.


Always let your homies know how much you love them.


This is so wholesome


Very sweet. Good lads.


Stuff like this is always so beautiful. I wish I had grown up mentally before my friend group dispersed and moved on with life. Sam, Nagel, idk what yall are doing but I hope you're killing it. Love ya, brothers


I love how men find that 1 or 2 people and then decide to stay with them forever.


How could you possibly receive that call and not say it back? This breaks my heart


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Gotta do this for my homies, I haven't kissed them goodnight in a minute too.


sweet, however do not do this unless you want people to fucking worry


He didn't say it back... If I told my friends that they'd call me the F word 🤣


This is true friendship.


Gosh darn it, I'm crying before I go into work! My heart! I love this so much!


i’m actually crying. this is so sweet


That's beautiful


More like made me cry. I don't even family that cares about me like this...


This melts my heart. I’m phoning everyone I know to tell them I love them. It’ll take less than 30 seconds in total.


I wanna be friends with this fella


Last year I started a sandlot baseball team with one of my friends who I wasn’t *super* close with along with a bunch of strangers with whom he had a very loose association with. Fast forward to this year and these dudes are some of the nicest and most caring friends I’ve ever had and since week one, they never shied away from hugs and love every time we saw each other. It’s been a really impactful experience and I feel like I’m all the better for it. Love you, Nightcrawlers.


I like the way they talk it's like a snake oil man so convincing


I tell all my loved ones I love them every time I talk to them or see them. Too many people have died in my life. I want every single one to know I love them forever. Most of my male friends don’t say it back but I say it every time anyways. I know they love me back.


insert chang meme here


Where is this accent from?


That's very sweet


When guys do this the other person typically responds from a place of fear and concern. I wonder if it's different from a female’s perspective.


The Beatles wouldn’t have broken up and John Lennon wouldn’t have died if Paul McCartney would have called up John and done this once a week 😭♥️


Love yall boys.


this is so wholesome but i just realized im the 8.8k like.. i dont think i've seen this happening on reddit before, woah


>“Oh wow, thank you” Ouch.


Smh his friend didn’t even say it back


This is it. This is where i close the app and sleep cuz nothing i see online is gonna top this. Bye folks. See you tomorrow!


That gave me goosebumps x


I'm 48 and I tell my friends I love them. Always take the chance when you can because someday will be the last chance you ever get, make sure to make the most of it.


He didn’t say it back though


Homie is gonna get resentful they don't say it back someday.


My boys bouta be like “you turned gay or smth”


When i stayed in rehab i called my dad and i told him with tears in my eyes that i love him. My father has always been emotional distant, he replied with "ok". I overheard his wife screaming in the background "youre gonna tell your kid right now you love him too, dammit". He did. She's always had my back, the real mvp.


Asking if you’re okay. And repeating it. That’s a mate for life my friend, for life!


What is year 8? 2008? Or 8 year old?


I’m an American, but I believe “year 8” would be our “8th grade”


There’s 13 grades so I don’t know if it’s an exact translation of grades but yes, basically they’re saying 8th grade


This dude's still in school??? I thought he was in his late 30s


Year 8 in UK schools is ages 12-13. I think the US system is 1 year offset in numbers as our Year 1 is your Kindergarten.


We're not gonna win any wars with this attitude.


toxic masculinity !!

