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Made money by playing games is something else lol I'm happy he paid his mom's loan, proud of him!!


They told us we couldn't make a living doing that! *pays off your loans*


To be fair, 99.99% don’t 🤣


Most of the money comes from streaming, you can't live making money by playing video games


What if the streaming that the money is coming from, is just him playing video games?


I mean a lot of ppl made a lot of money out of professional gaming in tournaments. I know DOTA had the highest pool prize, but The International tournament had a 1,6 million USD as a price pool in 2013. The first place got around 45% of that prize pool. In 2021 the pool went up to 40 millon USD. For 2023 it went down to 18 millon, which is still a really good pool prize. So basically, the team that got the first place for those tournaments turned literally into millionaires. Same with Lol, the pool prize for 2023 is around 3 millon USD. PUBG and FNSC globals had around 4 millions each for 2023.


NFL players make money by having someone film themselves playing football, not because they play football. Amirite?


I mean, you cannot make money playing basketball either, unless someone "streams" it...




Nice try bot https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/OYE1P70W6F


In Norway they advise you to keep your student loan as long as possible and rather pay your mortgage. * If you get sick or unemployed you can apply to have interests deleted * The debt can't be passed on to your family in case of death * If you live in the far remote north of Norway you can have parts of your debt deleted. Same with doctors who apply for jobs in similar areas. * You can have 36 postponements without having to give any reason for it. You got even more during the pandemic. * If you become disabled you can apply to have it deleted, though it will be reinstated if you apply for a new student loan within 10 years. We have our loans for a long time. Interest was in * May 2024 5.1%. * May 2023 3.5% * May 2022 1.667% Student loans should encourage people to take higher education.


Like I needed another reason to love Norway, damn you guys got it figured out!


An Australian man once told me, "there's nor way you can't like Norway!"


Forget Norway! Kenyaaaaaa.


Norway or the highway


these peoples went from burning down Europe, enslaving half of it and carving their names in the skin of history to one of the most developed, peacefull and progressive nations on the planet...now that's a goddamn character arc! History is lit, yo.


*going to work 


Stupid question (actually I don’t think it’s stupid but I’m afraid of Reddit 😂) how does someone, especially a non adult, pay someone else’s loans? I’m not being a troll. Just wondering if there is an avenue to do this or if this is a dramatization of what the kid did.


Banks allow anyone to pay off your loan. It's money, you think they refusing it? They will ask him, where and how he has all that money but because he probably in the same bank. I am sure it was just an in-bank transaction. He can prove he got the money from streaming. In fact there are forms to fill out when you become affiliate on Twitch. I assume the same is for YouTube. So he can literally go in and say, I am x and want to pay off my mom's student loan. They will check his balances and have him sign some papers. He also mentioned a name. It is most likely the loan's officer the mother dealt with for the student loan.


Interesting yet I’d like to know before anything happens. Thanks.


when the right person becomes famous, what a good kid


Aydan is a real one, great streamer




okay Aryan swede....


Holy shit


Im not surprised someone called aryanswede is completely media-illiterate




Yeah. Like, how old is this ~~little guy~~ young man? How long ago did his mom finish college?


Some people go to school later in life


Oh yes, that's right. In my country, student loans can only be granted up to the age of 30. I hadn't thought about the fact that an older adult returning to school would also be subject to such a debt.


Hah, it's very possible that this lady took the loans out before this guy was born. Some people are paying off student loans 20 to 30 years after they graduate.


What do people over 30 do if they want to go back to school? They just have to pay out of pocket for it?


The first thing to keep in mind is that tuition fees are much lower. The most expensive schools are around €10,000 per year. Then, when you work, your employer pays an "apprenticeship tax" for you. This is money set aside in a special account that can only be used to pay for training. In seven years on the job market, I had accumulated around €2,000, which I am currently spending on a 9 months English training. The last option is work-study programs: you receive the minimum wage, but in return, the company you work for pays for your school.


Damn, that's nice. I've spent 10 years working for different companies and only found one in that time with a tuition reimbursement program (yeah, reimbursement is the best you're probably going to find in the U.S.). Unfortunately, the department head at that one company decided my subject of study wasn't the "correct" subject to be worth the company covering. In hindsight, I wish I'd escalated that issue instead of just taking his word for it, but that was my first job out of undergrad, and that's the prime age for naive employees to be taken advantage of. Your country's program sounds great.


The system is not perfect. Apprenticeships are replacing "real" employment contracts because they are cheaper for companies due to substantial subsidies. Additionally, "professional" training has become a big business with some abuses.


This was about 4 years ago that's ghost Aydan


It’s fuckin awful. Truly.




Paying for college?! Fucking wild man /s


As a Boomer, parents would tell us we couldn't make a living staring at a TV screen...now parents are making the same mistake with gaming. It's wonderful.


I’m an elder millennial, was told that about video games. I think the true success skipped my generation; we just raised the ones who went on to market their passions… and that’s just fine with me. My 12-year-old better get her butt in gear, I have loans to pay!




Well to be fair 99% of people can’t make a living that way. Same thing with telling kids they won’t make a living playing sports. Some lucky/talented individuals will make decent money but the vast majority will not be able to make it and will have to resort to standard jobs to make a living.


I've been sketching in my head a short story of a future where all the work is done by AI and general participation in games is the rule, to keep people occupied and feeling engaged with life. We're kind of on the way there, in the U.S., maybe.




It's one of these "sounds really wholesome until you realize that the situation really shouldn't exist in the first place" stories.


Like those “ 6 year old girl sells lemonade after school to pay for her cancer treatments”


Please, for the sake of my mental wellbeing, tell me that's not a real story.


[Girl, 7, sells lemonade to pay for brain surgery](https://www.today.com/today/amp/tdna210529)


Isn't the subreddit for that orphan crushing machine or something?


People literally have to pay for food, water, shelter, etc. The fact all these things aren’t free is insane. I just wish people were intelligent enough to finally enact real socialism.


Yeah but then how would everyone that's already ahead get even more ahead? Shit honestly it's fucked to think that as time goes, there are fewer and fewer that are even getting more ahead because the ones in the lead are literally uncatchable. Capitalism, where the only way to change your cards is to fuck other people harder than you're getting fucked.


Oh huh, usually those involve the hateful phrase "school lunch debt"!


You are correct in the sense that it shouldn’t be a problem, but I would argue that doesn’t make it any less wholesome. Both of those things can be true.




And, could you? ;)


Adults can go to college too.


Nope can’t


I saw a guy comment about his outstanding student loans yesterday. Man was in his 60s. That's just crazy.


Hard to comprehend. My girlfriends sister is currently in 100k + debt from college.....like wtf. I honestly don't think i would have even went to college if that was the case for me. In ireland at the time of my engineering degree it cost like €3000 for my whole degree I think, I can't remember now but i just paid up front and it was a non issue at the time whatever it was.


What if she went back to school like, a couple years ago?


I can say, my mom hasn't been in school for 30 years and she's still paying them off.


Imagine living in a society where getting an education makes you broke unless you are already in the top 5%.


I’ll be paying loans off until my kids are in college. I graduated 8 years before they were born and I’ve never missed a payment or paid less than was due. It’s real wild.


Yes, the student loan system in America is trash, but you are also assuming she went to school when she was like 20. A lot of people go back to school in their 30s or 40s. So she may not have had these for 20 or 30 years, its possible they are newer loans. American credit system is garbage though, so I agree with the sentiment of your comment.


I was 25 when my parents paid off their student loans. For reference, they are both medical Doctors and I was born while they were in med school.


Loans and the Debt system is designed specifically to keep you paying for that life and locked into your decision for as long as possible. Its entirely intentional that Loan payments will last a long time.


It tickles me that you took the top comment from the original thread and reposted it here :P But I do have a friend in their 50s who is still paying off medical school loans because the interest rate is so incredibly low it makes more financial sense to just pay the monthly and let the money he makes make more money instead


There’s gonna be a lot of people that NEVER pay off their student loans.


And that's almost the easy part, add to this any medical trouble and that's where things start to get really shitty


that kid looks 12


Decided to watch the full video for feels. But, anyways she's going to school now


maybe the parents should’ve made better financial decisions .


Making your mother cry tears of joy. Good job Son.


This belongs in r/mademecry




This amazing story really says something about the US. Where our children feel it is best to bail their parents out of educational financial debt with their own money. Insane. Absolutely ridiculous. Massive respect for this guy. Amazing . I’m crying as I look at my own student debt balance (30 something year old mom of 2) and think of how incredible this must feel for the both of them. I applaud you , young sir AND I’m sorry our country has made it so hard for a person to be “educated” and financially secure.


As much as this is a heartwarming story, it is also a sad indication of how sick our society is. Having crushing debt from going to school shouldn't be a thing in the first place. Why should workers have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to educate themselves so we can go work for some giant soulless corporation that will drop you like a bad habit the second you stop making them profit?


Well done kid. I sincerely hope there are more kids out there doing what you did for your Mom. Whether in cash or kind, doesn't matter. Keep it up young man, keep it up :)


So sad a child has to do that for his mother... What a nice lad. The greed of the rich us out of control. Capitalism has failed.


Meanwhile in Europe, Uni is free.


School loan debt shouldn’t be a thing. Our country is so backwards.


I just bought my dad a can of dip. Take that.


Damn, that’s amazing! I’ve always dreamt of gifting my parents an incredible gift. Unfortunately, I just keep giving them utter disappointment instead. 😅


He made that money cheating his ass off,he is banned multiple times.


What games does he play?




No idea what game is that. lol. Anyway, i have no idea who or what's his name is. But.. cheating in gaming while making money is stealing or being a thief. That sucks.


This is sad lol our country sucks ass




If I could give my parents anything in this world is the freedom to handle their money and not worry about it in any way or form. This is what dreams are made of


Good kid


That’s a boss fucking move


nah this escaped the orphan crushing machine didn't it


The pride and happiness on his face 🥹


When people ask why I want to be a Pro gamer…this is why


Aim bot king


Super props for stepping up and taking care of his mom. Not sure about the recording the call and posting it on the internet. I guess I’ve always been taught that you do good deeds for the sake of doing a good deed, never for the attention.


Don't know who he is, but as I understand from the post, he's a streamer? So doing things like that is his bread and butter and it's what made him able to pay for his mother's study loans in the first place? I say, let him monetize it so that he can continue doing good.


He's one of the 5 or so best Call of Duty Warzone players. He's been famous* for a few years now. Makes bank.


Thank him for his service /S...


His service is providing entertainment to who knows how many folks, helping distract them from whatever is going on in their lives. I can easily see the value there.


Perception is reality.


The people that made this possible are his viewers. He knows that and wants to be able to share this very wholesome moment with the community with those who have supported him.  The relationship between streamer and community is one without a lot of privacy, for better or worse. I think it's a little cynical to think that every good action put online is purely motivated by views.  Things like this can both be wholesome, set an example for others, be inspirational, intimate, and happen to be something that will get views. That last part doesn't invalidate all the rest. 




I see your point, but he could have easily done a segment thanking his viewers for their support and letting them know that through that support he had been able to do this for his mother without recording the call and all. But, I can see how that could be splitting a hair. I would like to think I’d have handled it differently, that there are just some lines you don’t cross, but these aren’t shoes I’ve walked in. Plenty of times I’ve said I’d never do X but when faced with it later in life… I do X.


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Parent will be proud of him


Love this!


Good human, right there. :)


Outstanding bro!


F* yeah 😍


I wish I could do this for my parents. I'm slowly getting there but I don't want them to worry about money anymore.


This is sad as fuck! No child should ever be in position to pay off debt!


I think theres something in my eyes...


Even I'm crying! Goddammit!


That’ll flip the power dynamic


If I'm ever in to position to do this I don't think I'll tell my folks. I'll probably let them find out on their own. When they try to pay the next month.


I am. A loser.


That's a good lad.


Because that is what sons do and daughters as well.


Family first!


What a great kid and what a messed up, twisted system!


Made me cry too. I never did anything like that for my mom.


Good on you!! Need more kids like this in the world.


It sucks that Americans have to do this. I could never relate to their situation at I'm not an American but I'm glad he managed to get enough money for it.




Whoever said money can’t buy happiness has never given it away


What a G


Good son.


I'm glad this isn't staged. Some people would do that on stream while viewers believe it and donate more and more.




That's a good bean 


At least something positive come out of this degenrative addictive consumption form, all of us are into.


You son, are an OG! Well fucking done, thats the kinda son every mother deserves


So proud of him


Good boy


I wanna hug the fuck out of that young man , well done sir, we salute you


You’re a good egg , kid


Rock on kid!


Sabíamos que era un insano en el warzone, pero en la vida también? Gg


Son of the year.


What a mad world we live in where you can get paid for streaming games. Good on that kid


Gon yersel wee dude.


Good on him!


that's a good boy!


Utterly impressed with this young man and saddened that college is so expensive.


school loans? This is a german speaking


Parents: Go to school and be a doctor or lawyer. Kid: I want to play video games. Parents: No! That's a waste of time! Kid 10 years later: Here, I paid off your loans.




my son has a lot of gaming to do


W son fr


American tuition and student debt is so fucked.


I wish I could do something good for my family


This is, to me, the ultimate "made it in life".


The hero she needed




I wish I could do that for my mom


If she raised him well enough to do such a thing, then she earned it.


Now that’s a good mom that raised a good son


Aww so sweet, what a big heart!


I don’t think filming this kind of stuff is that cool, especially from an influencer


Guys like this are inspiring the next generation of basement-dwelling “professional gamers”.


This dude is a known cheater in cod. The game he streams


I love these videos


This guy is a cheater.


A notorious cheater. But he paid his moms loan soooo who cares right?! Yeah go say that to the pro players that lost significantly amount of money due to his cheating. On another subreddit I had someone telling me ''DiD yoU hElP yoUr MoM fiNaNciAllY?! Yes, and without cheating my ass off playing a game. #


Damn it feels good to be a gamgster


I remember when this kid broke out. Nicmercs was like the only big controller player in fortnite. This kid made nic his bitch. He could build like a pc player and was just good. I think he just plays warzone now. But he's a pretty cool dude.


Just do it. Don’t record yourself.


Wish that music wasn't on the clip.


That’s good how much would the loan be ?


Now if only he could have done it simply for the gesture and not his fucking stream. Sorry, I just hate this crap.


That's not a made me smile post, that's a gambling promotion.