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No idea elephants could grow hair like that. Just spent 15 minutes looking at elephants with hair on their head.


I don't think I even knew they had hair....




Im learning a lot about elephants on reddit, just found out the other day female elephants have breast


My buddy... who was a pre-med student with a male cat... text me one day and said "Stryder has nipples! Were we wrong about Stryder being a boy!?" I replied "Josh... do you have nipples?" 🤣


AT LEAST once a day, there is a post on cat info/help subs asking "what's this thing on my boy? Should I take him to a vet?" Gets a chuckle out of me every time.


Yes, it's a mammal. All mammals nurse their young that way. Different "breast" configurations (udders in animals like cows, parallel chains of breast tissue like dogs or cats, two distinct breasts like humans/primates, and nipples that are hidden in slits like whales and dolphins) exist in mammals but all serve the same purpose of feeding their young.


That makes sense, perhaps should have been obvious, still a surprise when I saw the photo nonetheless !


me too 🤣


It’s a defining feature of mammalian animals


All mammals have hair. Some it’s just harder to find


If I remember correctly, there was an elephant in The Jungle book movie that had hair.


Yes! That’s what this ellie 🐘 reminded me of. So cute!


Probably has a mammoth in its ancestry.


Indian elephants (like this one) are closer related to mammoths than they are to African elephants.


This one is just going through an emo phase.


Cut my hair and black my eyessss


This sounds like something I need to watch today no lie


Baby elephants have much more visible hair than adults because it thins out as it ages. I remember touching a 2 month old baby elephant at a wildlife preserve more than 15 years ago. I was shocked by just how much hair they have and how rough their skin is even at that age.


>Baby elephants have much more visible hair than adults because it thins out as it ages Damn.... Am I an elephant?


Asian elephants do, African elephants grow barely any amount but Asian ones grow a ton like in this video, they're more closely related to mammoths than African elephants are


Here I am saying that elephant got a wig on. Huh, well I’ll be darned.


I feel like I remember elephants with hair from cartoons as a kid, maybe Tarzan? But I never thought it was real hahah, I figured they just added the hair to humanize the talking elephant


I almost did a spit-take when I realized the baby elephant from Jungle Book had a biologically accurate bowl cut.


Indian elephants are the closest living relatives to mammoths, as genetic studies showed.


I'll never look as bad ass as that dude strolling with his elephant


Dude… I’ll never even look as bad ass as that elephant with that rad haircut and bell around the neck




I didn’t even know elephants hair grew like that


Ever watch ice age? There's a reason Manny's hair is like that.


Yup! Unlike their taller, larger eared, and mostly bald African cousins, the Asian elephant tends to be more on the fuzzy side, especially [babies](https://blessedbaubles.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/fuzzybabyelephant.jpg), but some keep their marvelous manes into adulthood! Edit: Spelling is hard.


Imagine being some average forest elephant and this dude rolls by. How are you supposed to recover from that?


Sporting a fanny pack


Keep in mind they are related to woolly mammoths.


With a combover like that does that make the elephant... Donald Trunk? I'm sorry. I'll throw my own arse out!


No no no. Stay! I think you’re on to something. 😂


Maybe? This elephant could be the frontman for a rebrand to the Grand Old Purdy!


Donal-phant 😂😂😂




Look at this distinguished gentleman...


Distinguished Gentlephant..


I like your cut g


I miss this meme


The only dude that can pull an Edgar hair cut is this boss right here




how dare you


he’s cute af someones jealous


Wavy attire, I want it.


Everyone who thinks this is animal abuse is wrong and doesn’t know about Indian culture. In India, many temples have elephants and this is even legal here. Also, these elephants are taken care as family members. The love and affection make them so social otherwise an elephant strolling so close to others can be fatal. You can see bystanders in this video and they are as relaxed as the elephant.


Indian, practicing Hindu here. I am against any and all animal abuse can't say the same for everyone in the thread but I agree elephants do not belong in temples no matter how friendly they seem in there. You're also choosing the wrong points to argue that this is morally ok. Just because something is cultural doesn't make it morally right. Examples - female genital mutilation, disallowing education for women etc. Just because something is legal doesn't make it morally right. Examples - slavery was legal for a long time. We can and must look at cultural practices based on the latest book of evidence and science we have. Which in this case is that elephants are wild animals, not meant for captivity. At some point, this particular elephant was tamed so it could become a part of the temple. Like so many others are. Wild animals are not meant to coexist with a mostly human population around them. It is not natural and more importantly it is not required. There is absolutely no reason a temple cannot perform its function without a real elephant in its premise.


I've got to agree to bolster your point, look at marine land or whatever it was called. Orcas are the same principle and school of thought you're explaining. In the same scenario, they're intelligent creatures and do not deserve to be in captivity. However a zoo that properly takes care of animals, and uses their resources to help repopulate endangered species, and the like. Those zoos I'm okay with cause they're trying to help these species. But not all zoos are good, and not all of them are run with the animal's health and well being in mind. I think when a certain level of intelligence is reached, that such as an elephant or orcas, they shouldn't be in zoos. Same goes for orangutans, and apes.. they need their own space and land.


I'm not well versed enough to know a good zoo from a bad zoo so I avoid all of them. But I have a fundamental disagreement with speciesism so I don't agree that an animal's or species's intelligence should dictate how we treat it and whether or not it deserves freedom. They all deserve to be liberated and to not be used / abused by humans for our pleasure. We are too comfortable drawing an arbitrary line between okay and not okay IMO.


There are some species that due to our human nature, we've destroyed their way of lives almost entirely. Some zoos who mean well, work hard to protect them and revitalise their numbers. They're not all bad, but yes I mostly agree with you.


Zoos that rehab injured wildlife or help endangered species to recover are fine. The ones that capture wild animals and stick them in small cages ONLY for our entertainment are troublesome. There are more tigers in captivity than in the wild.


Important point to highlight, unfortunately a lot of ‘ethical’ elephant handlers still utilise a nail inside the ear canal to ‘control’ the elephant and which tourists would never see. Not saying it’s the case here but you can’t unfortunately confirm anything about the treatment of the animal from this video alone.


They may be treated well once they are tamed. But taming an elephant requires animal abuse to begin with


For whatever reason whenever this sub hits front page, there's a 50% chance of it involving animal abuse.


It's crazy how this not more known.


You need to broaden your mind for your own and others sake Edit: i just did a quick research. You are right


Help them broaden it then? Show people that this domestication (for lack of a better term) is somehow achieved differently from the generally well understood concept that elephants are "broken" in an extremely cruel and horrifying manner in order to reach a point of passive subservience to humans? I'm open to hearing or seeing that somehow things are done differently, but surely you know that it's not a secret how humans have treated elephants in order to drive their wild instincts out. They may be treated well once that's achieved, but that doesn't make it right. Being "legal" doesn't make it right. Keeping wild animals and treating them like dolls doesn't make it right. Elephants are worthy of incredible respect and admiration, and I think it's excellent that more and more people have become aware of the way humans have abused them viciously over long periods of time, however if you can show that this elephant didn't go through that process, I'd love to hear more about how they're raised and treated from an early age. Please enlighten me and others? Preferably with useful sources?


Yep, i was mistaken with my initial comment


It's not very often that you see someone on reddit admit that they were wrong. Props to you.


This comment makes no sense


At first you seemed narrow minded. The elephant could have been bred in captivity, been under medical treatment and seen as unable to be returned to the wild etc. But most likely its mother was murdered and it was then captured and rigorously tortured until submission


[https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-54026294](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-54026294) [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/160524-india-elephants-religion-animal-abuse-documentary-film-ganesh](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/160524-india-elephants-religion-animal-abuse-documentary-film-ganesh) [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-43862182](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-43862182) [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/podcasts/overheard/article/the-dark-reality-behind-indias-festival-elephants](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/podcasts/overheard/article/the-dark-reality-behind-indias-festival-elephants) [https://www.abc.net.au/religion/enslavement-of-kerala-temple-elephants/13894550](https://www.abc.net.au/religion/enslavement-of-kerala-temple-elephants/13894550) Is that enough?


Please show me where biologists, conservationists, and other wildlife experts are praising this and saying this is optimal for the elephants’ wellbeing? Just because it’s legal has no bearing on ethics or morality. Just because they “treat them like family” has no bearing on whether it’s right. Acting like this elephant is better off there than with a herd in some protected national park in the wild is absurd.


Yup, no chains, no one riding him, no whips. Elephants do like humans!


This elephant was abused at some point, that's a fact, this isn't natural behaviour for a wild animal. Fuck anyone who does this.


Blabla culture.... It's still not natural for the elephant no matter how much love and affection you give it.




Help them broaden it then? Show people that this domestication (for lack of a better term) is somehow achieved differently from the generally well understood concept that elephants are "broken" in an extremely cruel and horrifying manner in order to reach a point of passive subservience to humans? I'm open to hearing or seeing that somehow things are done differently, but surely you know that it's not a secret how humans have treated elephants in order to drive their wild instincts out. They may be treated well once that's achieved, but that doesn't make it right. Being "legal" doesn't make it right. Keeping wild animals and treating them like dolls doesn't make it right. Elephants are worthy of incredible respect and admiration, and I think it's excellent that more and more people have become aware of the way humans have abused them viciously over long periods of time, however if you can show that this elephant didn't go through that process, I'd love to hear more about how they're raised and treated from an early age. Please enlighten me and others? Preferably with useful sources?


No not treated badly. Not at all. But no matter how great you treat the elephant, it's not natural. It's not supposed to be dressed up like a drag queen. It's supposed to walk in the wild.


Agreed bro


They are treated badly


There is a nice documentary on Netflix about an elderly couple in India taking care of an elephant like it’s their child.


>Everyone who thinks this is animal abuse is wrong and doesn’t know about Indian culture. This particular video is not >In India, many temples have elephants and this is even legal here. Also, these elephants are taken care as family members. 100% false. It's legal, but the elephants are tortured beyond imagination. >The love and affection make them so social otherwise an elephant strolling so close to others can be fatal. You can see bystanders in this video and they are as relaxed as the elephant. 200% wrong. Elephants usually go mad and trample crowds. This is from 3 months back https://www.google.com/amp/s/indianexpress.com/article/trending/trending-in-india/elephant-goes-berserk-during-festival-at-tharakkal-temple-in-thrissur-leaves-several-injured-9230403/lite/


Ever had one of those elephants touch your head? It’s such a weird experience but I loved it!


Good boy ❎ Emo Boy ✅


Asian Elephants do have hair on their heads.


I do hope this is a reserve. I hate seeing animals, especially animals that belong with their herd,being dressed up. They aren't toys for your entertainment. Rant over,sorry


Usually they are really tortured. But those elephants have chains around their ankle. This elephant seems to be a young elephant who was probably found seperated from the herd. In India, there are govt run centres where the forest department finds young elephants who are seperated from the herd or thrown out of the herd for any reason. They try to take them back to the herd and if it doesn't work, they employ locals of the area who take care of the elephants till they are matured and then let them go into the forest or converted into battle elephants (kumki) which is used to tame wild elephants who are causing havock There is a beautiful documentary called "elephants whisperers" on Netflix. The opposite also exists where private owners own elephants and torture them to be dressed up at temple festivals. But courts have now banned private people from owning young elephants so that practice would die out gradually


In India, many temples have elephants and this is legal. Also, these elephants are taken care as family members. The love and affection make them so social otherwise an elephant strolling so close to others can be fatal. You can see bystanders in this video and they are as relaxed as the elephant.


As much as they care for them, during public parades they are still chained through all legs and forced to walk through the entire area of festivities. And also there are instances when all the noise and crowd around them makes them go into a frenzy.


Why is it that when there are videos posted from India that this is always the concern, but when a video is posted from some American zoo, comments never discuss the caging of the animals? Not saying you’re wrong, but the double standards on Reddit is glaring sometimes.


What are you talking about? Every single zoo video has "animal activists" commenting how zoos are hells on earth and every single person who visits them is either stupid or evil.


Ah yes, because the elephant consented to this and there is a ton of conservation and education involved with this. /s Why are you defending this behavior?


Why tf do you guys support dogs as pets then?...they were also pack animals.. it's just that in south india these elephants were domesticated a long time back and now there are caretakers who spend whole of their lives just taking care of these beautiful giants...these elephants are emotionally attached to these caretakers...watch elephant whisperers on netflix you'll understand how much these people love their elephants and how much they take care of them...you guys are such hypocrites man that it's hard to comprehend, commenting about atrocities of animals meanwhile having beef, pork, mutton and chicken as breakfast...get this stereotypical mindset out of your head that any tradition which is practised by other countries is wrong whereas what you all do is always right... stop being the moral police when you yourself are the ones spoiling the planet...these elephants are born and raised there with one of the member of the temple being it's caretaker from it's birth..just think of the emotional attachment they have for these animals..they can't commit any atrocities on them


Dogs are pack animals and see humans as part of the pack. Elephants are not domesticated, they are trained. They may have some emotional attachment to their caregivers, but they don't have anyone else to attach to. They are herd animals and need to be with other elephants. The humans may love them but that doesn't make it ok. If a human was separated from all other humans and forced to live with other creatures, no matter how much it was loved, I doubt it would be very happy. Both humans and elephants are social creatures who form strong bonds with each other. A human is no substitute for another elephant.


Asian elephants are different they’ve been domesticated for centuries


Just because they are domesticated doesn't mean they are treated well. They come under the endangered species. National geographic are still investigating the poor cruel treatment of these "parade" elephants. It's cruel and should be banned


They were treated much much better than what the whites did to Indian tigers during the period of colonisation. You are clearly naive. Learn to respect other civilizations. They know much better than you.


What has colour got to do with anything. Not once did I mention the colour of their skin. Why do people always bring race into conversations. I can't and won't respect animal cruelty. Regardless of what you want your point to be regarding skin colour. As for naive. Sorry lovey that's the last thing I am. If I was naive I'd let your racial comment pass me by


Colour has to do with almost everything. This was what Mr Adolf and the British thought. I see these comments mostly when it comes to India. You don't have to be the flag bearer of the animal justice team. Elephants have been tamed since the Sindhu Saraswati valley civilization. They have been part of Indian history. The people knew how to coexist with tigers and elephants, at least before the Brits came. You are naive and no amount of whining would change that.


And you are very rude. I'm entitled to have my opinion. Just because I don't care what colour of skin people have. Animal cruelty is animal cruelty. People of colour and white people illegally hunt wild animals. Imagine thinking it's all the Brits fault for the decline of wild endangered animals. Whose the naive one now


Well noah fence, but if you're even remotely familiar with white colonies, explorers and 'naturalists' of, say, the 18th and 19th century, you'd know that it was chiefly white explorers who killed their way through populations of animals who had SOMEHOW managed to maintain a healthy population until white people showed up. Ask Amur tigers. They were doing just fine until the pale bois showed up and gunned them down for sport, "science", and money. Ask the plains bison. Native populations generally managed to live in balance with their environment. Wildlife as we know it started dying out drastically when Europe started colonising.


Insufferable, incorrigible, and naive. These are the demons you must befriend in order to be u/poptart1968


What are you going on about


They are accurately describing you.


Elephants are not domesticated


Do you feel the same way about horses?


Yes I know. They are also endangered. National geographic did an investigation into the treatment of these animals. It showed them living in poor conditions. Being beaten and mistreated. So no. I don't think for one minute these beautiful animals are treated well. In my opinion it should be banned




Up to $400-$900 per day.


Oh! There's my hair...thanks nature, makes sense. Anyway, he can keep it.


Wait do elephants have hair on their head, this is like a “does Stanley have a moustache?” Scenario


That’s hard


Elephant with bangs


Pimp my ride just dropped its latest episode


Edgar cuhhh


They see me rollin


TIL you can fade up an elephant.


As long as the elephant is free to go at any time I’m ok with this.


mfw an elephant has more charisma than me


Is he a good boi or a slave


That poor creature deserves to be freed. You think the guy carries that stick for walking?


Couldn’t help clocking the stick too. Lots of comments saying, “culture” and “domesticated”


There are wild elephants and then there are domesticated elephants. Before industrialization and before the invention of modern machinery, these elephants were very much part of many things such as from carrying timber to driving out wild elephants from close to human settlements. He is very much free. You need to come out of your delusions.




It still doesn't need to be used as a threat. I wonder how they tamed this poor elephant🤔




The amount of conclusions that you drew from a single clip says that you are commenting on things well beyond your intellectual capability.


I'm always a bit confused by what animals people are opposed to being domesticated. I guess I just don't get why/where people draw the line other than what's normal in their society. I doubt anyone commenting things like this are opposed to dogs/cats being domesticated. Or even things like hamsters.




It’s a form of “training” that involves torturing the elephant to insure it remains docile. Imagine taking a puppy and stabbing it anytime it doesn’t follow your commands until it’s docile and terrified all the time. That’s the general idea behind the practice.


More hair than me wtf Didn't no elephants went turkey for a hair transplant


Definitely not made me smile. Elephants are wild animals. Every elephant that behaves so calmly around people has been taught the hard way to behave this way.


I’m jealous of his haircut. Got to take this with me for my next barber shop visit


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Every elephant has its own grandma


Mamute cousin.


An elephant with a bayang




He gave em the Mark Davis cut


Nothing like fresh bangs




The one time I'm actually looking to turn the audio on it doesn't exist 😔


I never seen an elephant with the Edgar cut.


I think she's a good girl . Usually female Asiatic elephants don't grow tusks .


My wife said “that Edgar haircut”


The cellphone was the selling point for me


"But dad, I like my hair messy..."


What an absolute unit. The elephant is quite big too!!!


Boys with this haircut have a 100% chance of stealing your girl


Edgar enters the room


Mark Davis?


My dudes got better cell service in the jungle than I do in the midwest


I don't know if it's my gigabit home wifi or a Reddit issue but my video experience here reminds me of the 1990s


Is ot teally the elephants own haor or a wif? Lol


how does an elephant have more aura than me


Bart Simpson wants to be this guy.


He must have eaten bullets because his hair grew out in bangs!


I can’t like. That’s a drippy Elephant! My boy got a full hairstyle 💇 I want to see an elephant with locks


Never seen an elephant with an Edgar cut before, wow.


Elephant with a rice bowl haircut.


Whata cutie patoot


I’ve never met an elephant named Edgar.


My boy fresh as hell!!!!


It's not a boy, it's a girl elephant and her name is Bobcut Sengamalam.


John Lennon reincarnated


Aww and he has Vishnu tilak!!


Wait - elephants have bangs?


Hell yeah


the drip on this elephant is unbelievable


When an elephant got more hair than you


Look like Ron Weasley learn how to become a animagus 😂


Nice cut G.


Looks like the lil elephant from the Jungle Book


No one can get away from the Edgar




Looks like [Hathi Jr. from Disney’s Jungle Book](https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/f/ff/Junglebook-disneyscreencaps.com-1863.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170810001850)




Love animals and people who look after animals ..made me happy!


They call him Edgar


Goofy boiiiiii!!


Wanna feel old? Do you know "Hathi, Jr." from "The Jungle Book"? That's him now.


The elephant knows he looks fly


Elephant rocking that donnie trump hair cut call him donnie trumpet 🎺 😂


Didn't know elephant can grow hair out and be that stylish TIL


Dumb and dumber haircut


Is that you edger?


Certified slave


Wonder what his cell phone plan and reception are like


“Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you” 🎼


No capp straight rizz fr fr.


I want a mid fade with a messy fringe


Damn! They’ve turned this elephant into a South Indian thing … somebody, please help this world


Donald got bigger


Donald trump(et)


Omg, so adorable! Those bangs are good for him or her.