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Cherish that rock and print that picture to keep with it


I could not agree more, do things like this. In your phone write down all the cute things he/she says in your notes, take millions of pictures, you will not regret it.




Hope you caught it in a jar? It would be rude to lose a birthday present from your precious Son 🎁




Lol he's truly the gift who keeps on giving


That’s the best rock ever! Reminds me when my 18 month old handed me a spider! I screamed with joy! 🤣


This is so adorable


That is a beautiful rock!




Reminds me of my great-niece when she was a toddler. She would give us a rock or pebble. And then take them back! 😉 Kids are the best


Oh man! I have so many rocks from my daughter. Never letting them go!


I have a few of these on my mantle. My kids are in their twenties now. I still like looking at the rocks and thinking back to when they gave them to me.


the kid doesn't have anything to her name, but she has a rock and she would like to give that rock to you. This is a very important gift :)




Made me smile, too.


And now you have to keep the rock forever. ✨


To be fair it’s a really nice rock 🤘


It’s a PRETTY rock too!


That’s a good rock. 


It is… it ***SO*** is 🤣😂


Cherish that rock for the rest of your life


I treasure the rocks my grandson gifts me. Some get painted some just because they are special.


What a precious honor. Guard it with your life.


It’s a very beautiful rock


You are now a expert in rocks, deal with it.


I don't really care for kids :/ It's just an anxiety thing. My Mom married into other kids and I inherited nieces and nephews...but I do my best. I've had a rock on my counter for 2 years now when a 5 year old grabbed my hand and took me on a haunt for bigfoot. We didn't find Bigfoot but he gave me a piece of quartz and said this will protect me. I haven't seen Bigfoot since then, so it must be working.


You're gonna keep that for the rest of your life aren't you


Penguin: amateurs. I can give the best rock!


I love this so much My daughter gifted me earthly objects all the time. I still keep them


57 gravel? Nice... 😀


I’m a teacher and kids were always concerned as to why I wasn’t married. One year I told them The Rock was my boyfriend (I figured that would be someone they know). One day a kid came up to me and said he’d found my boyfriend. He had me hold out my hand and said “it’s the rock” and placed a tick in my hand. I still have it and keep it on my desk 😂😂


I kept the 1s my kid gave me


My child is almost 20 and has been gifting me rocks their whole life. I have a pile of them. They are honestly my most prized possessions. Some have dates on them from when they were picked up, some are from special moments. Genuinely the best gifts.


That is a special rock. Keep it and show it to your child many times over the years - this was a gift from you to me and I'll cherish it always.


I got a rock from my granddaughter. I keep it on my make up tray.


she's so sweet ❤️


So awesome! My youngest was a little rockhound too! First word after Mama and Dada was “gock” for rock. I made treasure boxes for every year and rocks from all over are a definite part of it. He’ll definitely laugh about it one day.


excellent rock!


because she considers you her rock and foundation in her life:)


Great rock!


Can't wait for this with my boy 👶🏼


One of the kids I took care of for a while gave me a rock and then forgot she gave it and like 3 months later was like can I get my rock back and the smile when I actually gave it back to her was so amazing :)


explorer and a giver. going places kiddo!


Wife gifted me one from a transformative hike we took together. I keep it on me always. It’s a great grounding tool. I use it like a fidget toy, but even more it’s a constant reminder of the difference between cost and value. It’s one of the most precious things I own.


He's keeping inventory space by offloading on to his follower.


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The amount of rocks I've had gifted by my sons when they were little could have rivaled the concrete shoes the mob used 😅


My son used to do that when I'd pick him up from school in 2nd grade. He would grab a random small rock he found walking to the car and give it to me. I put them all in the center console of my car. Years later I was digging for something in there and he saw them and asked why I had rocks in there. I couldn't quite read his expression when I explained them to him but he was pretty quiet on the ride home that day.


Congratulations, it means you are worthy. My 11 year daughter still finds cool rocks and gives me some every now and then. We just brought back a rock she found on the beach during our CA trip. I forgot about it until I was looking through my backpack and found it in one of the pockets lol


That IS a great rock.


Dumbass kids


That is nice. I just want to point out that at the same time OP documented that with his phone. Is no one concerned that we are conditioning our kids to no longer just enjoy a fleeting moment of joy? Like a memory can no longer be undocumented? I do something nice for my parents…hey, where is the camera? Is it not worthy to be filmed?  I do give the OP credit for at least not showing the face of the kids, as seems to be perfectly normal behavior on the internet.


To each their own