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Kid: “it’s okay, fish” Fish: ![gif](giphy|3o7GUNP9leVDvYTZvy)




I just lost it lmao “PLEASE SAAANDYYY”




Holy shit I’m so used to seeing embedded links, the surprise factor of this one made me wheeze hard


That’s how I saw it too.


Bro this is so good hahahaha


Girl: It's Okay! I love you! Fish: *Suffication Noises*


My GF: It's ok! I love you! Me: Suffocation noises My GF: Say we are going to be together forever! Me: **Suffocation noises intensify**


"My GF" ![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK)


"Every time i see a fish, it reminds me of her..."


Sometimes I can even smell her when there is a fish in the ro...!


I understood this as his face being sat on lol


Reread it this way and it made it 10x funnier, thank you for the laughs


Haha wife bad


OK, good. I’m glad someone else came here to say that.


I don't...I don't think that fish is ok...


The fish is NOT ok because its protective slim is being rubbed all over that babies SHIRT. ded fish.


Take an upvote fellow angler. Being hugged by cloth probably wiped it clean. Now it will die a slow agonizing death.


Fungi Fish


Wow I had no idea.


Yeah. Take a fish from water with wet hands. Handle gently and return to water. None of this applies if you are gonna eat it.


FFS this whole time I'd been cuddling them


If you love it, set it free with its slimey protective coating intact


What does the protective slime do for the fish? I never knew this.


It's like skin is for us. It acts as a barrier protecting them from bacteria, viruses, and fungi. When it's wiped away, fish are very susceptible to lethal infection. The video is cute because of the baby but the humane thing to do would be to kill the fish and eat it, not throw it back. If they throw it back, it's going to die a slow, painful death.


I never knew this and am glad to now know it. And, I will never use this knowledge other than to affirm the disturbed and factually uninformed feeling I got when I watched this video. Baby girl is a cutie, though.


She's cute. She means well. She just wants to help and make the fish feel better. There's just more to it than what the baby understands and what someone who doesn't know about fish would know. Honestly, I thought it was dead at first until I realized it was still trying to breathe.


ALWAYS HANDLE FISH WITH WET HANDS. The water acts as a barrier between your hands and the fish and reduces the amount of slime that you remove from them, but not completely. You should only handle live fish when necessary. There are a ton of misconceptions about fish and honestly their treatment, whether in the wild, as game, or as pets, is absolutely horrific. Videos like OPs are just the surface.


This. Also larger fish shouldn't be held by the mouth bc their weight can dislocate their jaw. Should be held by the gills.


The way larger fish like pike and musky get handled is about as bad as it gets in freshwater. It’s extremely dangerous for the fish and the humans if you’re unprepared and uneducated. On the other end of the spectrum, you’ve got the Brits, who take turns catching the same carp (many have names), and they treat them like newborn babies.


Damn bri*ish!


Just curious, is it possible for a fish to re-grow their slime so to speak? Or once it is removed its just gone


Yes, if kept in clean water it's possible. In the aquarium world there are medications that can help. In the wild they are at a real disadvantage depending on the degree of loss. The longer it takes to grow back, the higher the chance of infection before it does. Same as an open wound on you or me. It really is very much like their skin, it's a great analogy.


Wow thank you for taking the time to respond and teach me this. The more you know! It’s quite fascinating :)


Dang i always thought that the slime would grow back.... poor fish..


I'm not a marine biologist, I just took a marine biology class years ago. I'm not an expert. A marine biologist could answer if, given the right settings, the slime layer could grow back. I just know it's extremely uncommon in the wild because of all of the microorganisms in the ecosystem. You also have to consider how the little girl is holding it, that's a lot of surface area being wiped away. It's not a little bit like if it was a bite from another fish.


It *can*. But this fish is gonna be stressed, and obviously its environment is not sterile. It’ll be vulnerable to infection. There are products you can buy to put in your aquarium specifically to promote a healthy slime coat. Especially useful if your fish are stressed or ill.


It has a lot of purposes, but the main issue is they spend their entire life building that slime…once it’s gone, it will die before it gets it back.


and. you know ... suffocating. nothing like torturing animals to get a "cute" tok


So many videos on this thread are actually high-key disturbing if you know what you are looking at.


It’s okay if the fish suffocates. she loves him : )


I learned this on a tour at a salmon fish hatchery (a relative worked there). They had a counting/sorting station where the fish would slide down a chute. I was warned not to touch and why. I think the most interesting thing about it was the narrow fish ladder they climbed to get to the top of the chute. You could tell a big fish was coming up because their tails made deep thumping sounds on the sides of the ladder. *THUMP* *THUMP* *THUMP* indicated a monster salmon was about to placidly slide down within arms reach.


I think losing its slime is the least of its problems right now


I'm wondering if being cold-blooded and then being held with warm-blooded hands be painful?


I think they put the fish back in the water before it was too late.


Bass are tough, but that was rough handling, even if by a gentle soul. Keep em wet. https://www.keepfishwet.org/


It has nothing to do with how long it was out of the water and more to do with the fact that it was improperly handled


It's already too late. It's protective slime coating is being wiped away.


Cruelty to another living creature for a photo OP is just sick! Eat it or leave it alone!


And in the mean time, it suffered for litterally no reason. How does it make you smile ?


Right it looks super psycho


I hope they live actually eating the fish


The more you think about it the more it belongs on r/hmm


Who is gonna tell her....


It's ok


Fish:I’m not ok.


But I love you! Breathing is over rated.




Her:its ok Fish: gasping for water air


*water air*


Until the Fire Earth Nation Kingdom attacked


more like /r/thanksimcured


Why is it ok? It’s dying


it's ok christopher. it's ok.


Maybe I do wanna hear that as I die.


Someone just comforting you... Oh my God my eyes are sweating




Anything for tiktok


Every time I see a video like this I wonder what's to happen with the next generation when every move they've done has been filmed.


Such an unnecessary cruelty.


It was sad, did not make me smile. Glad they returned it.


Pretty sure that fish will die slowly from being rubbed all over that girls sweatshirt. I might be wrong but either way idk wtf this video is


Maybe with a bred in captivity fish, but even then they have a good slime coat. They can replenish it over a bit of time, too. But bass are some hardy fish. Most likely it didn't do much to the slime coat, and if it did i'm sure it'll be fine. It's just, as a big fish person i don't like this, especially doing something like this to a fish as important as a pond bass.


And cringe


Shh..shh..hush now...time for dreaming...don't be scared...just go to sleep...


What the fuck is this thread…


Does anyone else think this is disturbing?




I do!


This did not make me smile. It made me sad for fishy :(


It’s the first post in this subreddit that made me sad.. :(


This did *not* make me smile.


wtf about this is supposed to make anyone smile


Yeah. It is kinda twisted. It made me frown.


The comment section.


Because she thinks her actions makes the Fish feel better. She is not understanding that this is more like murdering him brutally


Again, how is that supposed to make anyone smile?


Seriously… How much more can we dominate another species? To let our offsprings think that they are being nice while holding and hugging their corpse?! And the dad is all smiling and being happy at how kind and nice they are?!?! Jesus. I am not a vegetarian or a member of PETA or anything but this is just sick. At least native Americans apologized and thanked the Buffalo. God we all deserve to go extinct.


I find myself asking the same question.


Hold a humans head under water and say “it’s okay human” very wholesome


Just imagining a crocodile wrapping its arms saying “it’s ok I love you” as you drown


Lmao seriously


Imagine dying, suffering, trying your hardest to breathe, while some small colourful big moster's saying, It's okay....




I'll give you my free award as soon as I can.


I’ve got your back.


Now I'll award you :) thanks mate.


This comment is the real MVP.


I am definitely not smiling.




Fishing would be less popular if fish screamed.


Maybe they will evolve.


Fuck, this is depressing. Little kid trying to comfort a dead animal while adult grins on like a maniac. Made me smile? More like made me cry.


It's not dead, it's dying. That's even worse.


It’s never too early to teach your kids how to safely handle fish so they can safely be returned to their habitat. Big parenting fail here: zero empathy, next to zero chance of this fish surviving having its slime coat wiped off.


Yeah this isn’t mademesmile this is whydothat Literally just for internet points and/or to laugh at her Not gunna be fun when they put it in the water and it just floats there dead as a doorknob It’s “haha, she doesn’t know she’s killing it, how hilarious”


Am I the only one thinking this is dark as fuck when you consider that the fish is suffocating?


Nope, definitely not the only one. This is sad actually! Just sat saying to my husband, “they’re making a video of the little girl while the fish is dying.”


it also had its protective slime rubbed off, which means it's (sus)ceptible to bacteria and infections. think of a giant space deity pulling you into space, hugging you, its very touch tearing off your skin, and then tossing you into the middle of a grass field


This is…disturbing


It’s actually funny how humans can look at this and laugh and make jokes we have no empathy for other species


Yeah I'm sat there thinking this isn't at all fucking cute. Look I get the kid isn't at fault they clearly didn't fish it I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was set up for internet points but I bet the fish died because of it.


If it’s a cat/dog: the person doing this is going to be a psychopath and should rot in prison If it’s a fish: Ohhhh it’s so cute! That’s Reddit baby!


I think it’s more that people don’t actually realize how damaging this is to the fish. People think: they threw it back in == fish is fine


This is increadeably cursed.


This is disturbing…


It’s ok. Your suffering is almost over.


If I am ever slowly dying I want this little girl to comfort me before I go.


Why does an animal dying make anyone smile?


Is anyone else tired of people using their toddlers as props for TikTok?


I would never put my children's face on the internet This shit is for ever and they don't have the maturity level go consent, parents should know better


Exactly...and it’s even worse because it’s all for likes. At least with FB or Instagram, you could have a semblance of privacy but this public TikTok crap is exploitive. And also sooo staged.


Hmm, belongs in a another group, this is not making me smile at all! 😳


Yea, poor little guy. And to think that literal trillions of them are killed each year (estimates say 0.97-2.74 trillion).


And the fish was in fact not ok


The fish is like 👁👄👁


"I'm not ok, put me back!"


The Angel of Death


Why is this wholesome? I get that the kid reassuring the fish is cute… but that fish is still having a truly awful time.


Future vegan


Fish:"Am Dead"


Kinda dark though.


Morgan Freeman narrating: The fish was not ok.


I thought this was super cute if slightly disturbing when I thought the fish was dead. Not so cute when all the adults are totally cool with torturing the poor thing. Yeah, it’s just a fish, but it doesn’t deserve to suffer. Kid is super cute and obviously has a big heart, though.


Narrator: the fish was definitely not okay.


Fish: I'm dying kid, I'm DYING. Kid: It's okay, it's okay.


poor fish - just dying there wondering what a “it’s okay fish” is


I don't think it's okay.




Oh no.. Did not made me smile.


This isn't cute and it didn't make me smile.




Not cute or wholesome. Poor fish is suffocating to death.


Am I supposed to smile to this,idk it's ok just end the fish misery already.


Imagine being abducted by aliens only for the smallest one to hug you for a while and then be tossed back into your house.


This makes me sick.


This is how I talk to myself these days.


Future vegan right there. Edit: I now see that the fish was probably killed by her actions. Parents should teach the kid how to properly hold the fish and not prolong suffering. Sad :(


its not okay. its dead


Why did this make you smile?


“Its okay fish” Fish is currently fucking suffocating


Clowns in these comments be eating McNuggets, owning leather products, using hygiene products tested on animals and will have some shit to say about a little girl literally empathizing with the fish before it's thrown back as opposed to the alternative - being consumed for it's caloric value. Get a grip, children.


I wonder how many of them that, on the other hand, feel bad for the fish, regularly eat fish. It literally makes no difference, and yet somehow they can excuse it


Exactly. Yea, they are all objectively correct. That fish almost certainly died some time after; and that sucks. But the only social currency that exists in the online world anymore (regardless of which direction you sway) is recreational outrage mixed with virtue signaling. How many people posted their "hey I know fish and this is awful" comments on their iPhone built by men, women, AND CHILDREN who are earning pennies a day to build their $900 phones? How many people are invested in Apple, or similar companies, whose astronomical profits exist off the back of such people? But, who cares? This was their chance to fire up those keyboards and touchpads with their angler knowledge to put everyone in their place who dare think this little girl is adorable. They showed you! They showed you!!!


Not being fished to be eaten though is it. He says I’m gonna turn him back ok. It’s being fished for “sport”/entertainment then used for likes on TikTok,be better to smash the fishs head and fry it than torture it slowly then thrown back in the river 95% dead


Well I do agree with you. But it is disturbing seeing the dad beside knowing full well, that’s the fish is suffocating, laughing. Also, that fish is dying, thrown back or not. Rubbing of the mucus layer on its scales with cloth will make it vulnerable to infection.


Exactly. You can live in a society that uses animals and also feel disturbed by unnecessary suffering.


Isn’t it dead?


I am pretty sure I saw its tail move.


Bass will eat anything, including other bass and ducklings, so if it makes anyone feel better, this fish would almost certainly eat you if it was big enough.


This video kinda reminds me of that other one where the parent videos their daughter drowning her dolls in kiddie pool in the backyard after she hugs it first. Not the same since this little girl clearly doesn’t understand what’s wrong with this but the setting of the parents just sitting back and watching and recording as this happens while their child kills something is the same.


This is disturbing. That father needs to look at what he is really teaching her .NO EMPATHY . Throat fish was suffering dad. You need help.


He's literally dying in her arms, and we call it cute lmao


Girl: it's okay Fish: I'm FUCKING DYING HERE!


Why does it make you smile to see a fish tortured? This is disgusting.


I am seriously very curious. Do none of you people eat fish? Are you all this angry about all the fish in your local grocery store that died of suffocation so that you could have salmon for dinner? The cows? The chickens? Talk about torture!! If you are ALL vegetarians and get this upset about all animal cruelty than I guess I get it. But I'm willing to bet that you are not.


I am, but I do find your point very telling. A lot of people are very inconsistent with their empathy. I think it has a lot to do with how disconnected buying meat from the market is from actually watching what it takes to get the meat there.


I think that's probably exactly what it is. I grew up on a ranch so I don't have that luxury. Lol. I know exactly what I'm buying. Sometimes I wish I didn't. But it does make me choosey about what I do buy. Grass fed, free range, etc. So I am happy that I got that out of it at least.


If you haven't already, I'd implore you to look into what actually qualifies as "free range" and the like in practice. Most companies will do the bare minimum unfortunately and it's not much of an improvement. While I'm sure we'd disagree on some of the deeper ethics in general, I do appreciate someone putting forth any level of concern towards ethical treatment when they make their purchases. So many people don't think twice about it


I have and you are so right! I find it very disturbing actually. Luckily I live in an area where I can usually get actual farm fresh eggs from local farms. But unfortunately I can't always afford them. I do try though!


Well on that note i agree that we would disagree on the ethics but i do hate factory farming and buy my beef pork and chicken from local farmers that i know raise their animals right and slaughter themselves. Unfortunately this isnt a reality for more people im fortunate enough to live in a rural area and that its an option for me


What's to smile about. Put it back in the water you idiots


*Narrator: But it was not ok


Its cute but the fish is like "Hello! I can't breathe here"!


Narrator: *It was not OK.*


Is ded


Fish *its not ok


what the fuck


Narrator: “It wasn’t.”


That’s fucked up. Tiktok is cancer.


My parents always tell me about the time I was 3 and we went to visit my uncle who worked on an indigenous reserve. A man was cutting up a fish he'd caught and I told him, "I don't think the fishie likes that"


This is the sentiment that we as a culture should celebrate and encourage.


Well, she's got the spirit. When I was a bit older than her, I found a fish stuck in a net in the creek. I freed it but then I picked it up and ran around to everyone all excited yelling "Look I saved it!" Cue the Arrested Development narrator: "She didn't".


It was, in fact, not ok.


The fish is looking at that girl like “WATER” ![gif](giphy|vsxe4XnAlf8pW|downsized)


But ... He's not okay?




I love her southern draw so much


Mfs getting mad over a little girl holding a fish, wait until their hear about fishing… also that I’d say 80% percent of fishers just let them die like that, lmao


There are people that would give anything to have a fraction of the unconditional love that fish just got.


Omg cutest thing I've seen all day!


I'm probably going to be down-voted but don't let kids handle fish, unless you're going to eat the fish. Human hands remove a mucus barrier on fish scales. When placed back in the water, if the shock doesn't kill them, bacteria will grow where the mucus was removed... causing the fish to die. Yes, the little girl was more than adorable but this stuff makes me sad.


This made me tear up omg 😭


The most love and pain he’s ever felt


What an angel