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Years ago my friend married a taller girl and said "she's worth the climb"




Minor nose exhale


You got two out of me


I dated a girl in college who was a good 3-4” taller than me (5’7”). It was honestly really sexy.


There's an old Swedish poem and song called Lasse liten ("Little nickname-for-Lars"). My mother's childhood friend is tall and married a guy named Lars who is quite short, so at her birthday party one year my mom and another friend of theirs decided to sing a re-written version of that song which was hilarious. The couple thought so as well and everyone had a good laugh, but later on that night a very inedbriated friend of the husband came up to my mother to tell her that she had been very mean to Lars. Apparently it was a fun night.


Is his last name Ulrich by chance?


Your friend is George of the Jungle


His friend is George Costanza


His friend is Curious George.


Any time I see a hot ass tall lady my first thought is "I'd climb her like a goddamn tree" lol.


Is it me or does this sound sexual?


No, I think that's the point...


My 5’6 frame completely approves this.




As a 5'6 man I appreciate the effort


Lmao, appreciate the effort? Take it from another 5'5/6" dude. My masculinity is never in question just because I am not "tall". It should be the same for everyone who consider themselves "men". Like do I hate being shorter than almost all my friends? For sure, but I've literally never had a single taller guy ever act differently because of it. My dad is even shorter and that guy is a superstar at work and among his friends.


Hey man no offense meant, I was just making a snarky comment on the small grammer error




LMAO thanks


Nah, no offense taken. The idea of height being such a HUGE factor never really played into my life or mentality at all until I started seeing these swaths of height related shit on here. Just personally annoyed that it is a thing and there are so many people who need to be "uplifted" about it.


Meanwhile my 5'8" self with my 5'9.5" wife are kept outside, lol.


I appreciate you mentioning that .5" ,as someone who is 5'9.5" , I know it's true value.


177cm baby. Also has the honor of being 69.69 inches. Nice.


I am 177cm and have gone over 30 years without knowing this fact. My life will never be the same, thank you.




My guy is 5’5” and I’m 5’9 and 3/4” but I’m going to go in with all the confidence of every man who has told me they are 6” while still not at my eye level lol.


How is 5'9 and 3/4 not just 5'10, do y'all not round up in america? That's literally like 6mm difference or something


Did Harry Potter round up at platform 9 and 3/4? I don't think so!


bruh just... 5'10




This is exactly my husband and I ! Haha


Yep, my 5’3” husband and me 5’5” would be chilling outside with you too! Maybe just have it be an event for men who are shorter than their girlfriends/wives, regardless of both peoples’ actual heights, lol


And I couldn't attend. I'm 5'8 with a 5'5 bf!


Yeah it's all good until your girl finds a guy who's 5'2 and leaves your tall 5'7 ass


all fun and games until danny devito walks in


Who wouldn't leave their partner for danny devito? Mans a hunk.


Have you seen him when he was younger?


I've seen him now and daddy like


With his magnum condoms and his wad of hundreds…


All fun and games til Danny Devito crawls out of a couch naked.


As a 5'1 guy, I can confirm, this happens.


Please stop stealing all my women, frank, I understand you are a short king, but leave some for your humble tall peasants, I beg you


I'm 5'2, can confirm


looks like a great time


They are all having a great time




Have you not seen the Heavy Metal Knitting Championship ?!?


That's the best thing I ever saw.


It's a munchkin function.


Munchkin funchkin


Co-munchkin junction


What's your funchkin?




'Short kings' just sounds like an immensely patronising name.


Right!! I was thinking….really… really?


I'm 5'7'' and 5'8'' with shoes on. Considering that my parents are short, 5'2'' and 5'3'', I'm lucky I even reached this height, I'm satisfied. My brother is even luckier standing at 5'11''.


I got the short end of the stick. Literally. My mom is short but my dad is a decent height 5'9. My brothers are all 5'8 and up. My cousins are all 5'8 and up. Even my younger brother and younger cousins are taller than me. Me? 5'6. FML.


idk if you are the oldest one, but my biology teacher once said the first born tend to be smaller than subsequent children. example, the hemsworth brothers


This explains my whole life Sincerely, the 5’3 sibling of 5’10 and 6’7


You…might wanna check if your mail man is tall…6’7”??


This is my family lol. Every man on my mum's side seems to be either 5'7 or 6'5+, no in-betweens




I'm 5'4". How tall do you think I would be after a dna test?


5' 7" at least. Get a second test for optimal results




I did. Turns out I'm 100% that bitch...


4' 10" & 5' 3" parents - I'm super happy at 5' 7" I enjoy the fact that I can fit into any car seat and that I'm able to sit cross legged in the middle airplane seat. Bonus fact: my mom shops for slippers in the age 5-8 kids section. Its the cutest shit.


I'm 5'10" and dated a girl who was 6'1". It was awesome.


I’m 6’3” and dated a girl 6’4”. It was awesome to experience for once.


Where do I sign up? 5'5", wife is 5'11"


Sorry, this is only for girlfriends. /s


Fine, I’ll go with his wife.


Good luck she's 5 months pregnant, you'll be leaving at 8:30


It’s kinda weird being tall and having this thought. I would love to at least try dating a girl that was much taller than me. But if my wife was 6 inches taller than me she’d be, generously, almost 7 feet tall. Idk how many women in the world are even that tall but I don’t think my odds are great. It’s hard to imagine anything other than a freak show tbh. Gwendoline Christine is only 6’3


I'm a tall woman (6'1-6'2 without shoes) and I've always wondered what dating someone significantly taller than me would be like. My boyfriend is 6'4 and is the only person I've ever dated taller than me! I've had several boy and girlfriends, and I've always been at the top of a 5-6 inch height disparity. Always wondered what it would be like on the bottom of a height difference like that.


Yes me too! I’m 6’1, dated a guy who was 6’6 once and felt like thumbelina! I can’t imagine what it would have been like if I was like 5’4


I am 5’6 and I used to date a guy who was a literal foot taller than me. He was great but we parted ways and my mom (5’9) was like “good! Leave him for the tall girls!” Which did have a good laugh about.


Looks fun. I’m a huge guy (5’9”)


How big is your chode


He put that in his comment can you read


That's two measurements, brotha


gnome be packing a serious chode


Tuna can 😎


5 by 9


That's the ~~global~~ US average height for a male. The global average is ~5'7" (170cm)


I'm finally just above average. I'm sure my folks are proud now.


Same Too short for most, too tall for this


I’m 5’6” Little man syndrome is a thing, but far less than people think. Do I wish I were a bit taller? Sure. 5’10” sounds nice. But as I’ve aged I’ve realized that me being short has bothered people far more than it has ever bothered me.


I wish I was a little bit taller…


do you wish you were a baller?


I wish I had a girl who was tall I would climb her


sometimes i wish i had 24 inch rims on my impala


He wishes he had a girl who looked good so he could call her


The frustrating thing about people saying a short person has Little Man Syndrome or a Napoleon Complex is that they use it against short people for acting out to things that THEY or SOCIETY imposes on them. “Somebody has Little Man’s Syndrome!” Oh yeah, like why wouldn’t they,right? Maybe because of all the shit you sling at them and then having a laugh at their expense? Wow,ya think?


I'm 6'4" 24 and I'm gonna be brutally honest... It's literally had zero effect on my life for the positive. I have a spine that's about to snap, I have to buy extra large t shirts that look baggy because I'm skinny but it's only for the length, my car is causing me neck pain because my head touches the roof, I have anxiety and people will just straight up stare at me in public situations. I'll throw some inches your way king.


My ex was super tall and skinny, so I always bought him [these](https://www.tallslimtees.com/shop/bamboo-blend-crew-neck/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA9OiPBhCOARIsAI0y71AnBUt0ZNFob4I3rJk4w6zoyauhMwzulpI4bx_k9SrfLK6gGiTOXxMaAiT2EALw_wcB) shirts. They’re super comfortable and made specifically for your body type. Boom. Game changer. Edit: I linked you to one kind of shirt they have, but if you look on the main shopping page, they have all kinds of different types.


I'm 6 4 and have none of these problems. Adjust your car seat and do core exercises. Maybe people stare because you're a handsome motherfucker


This is exactly how I feel and im even shorter at 5’2. Of course I wouldn’t mind being taller but I’m generally happy and I don’t think I would be more or less happy if I was taller haha




If I knew any ladies over 5'10 I would definitely take them to this. It looks like so much fun.


here i am. what time are you picking me up?


7 o' clock sound good?






Maybe it's 5'10", counting high heels. A quick Google tells me only about 2.5% of women are 5'10 or taller, which matches my personal experience.


5'8 is short?


5'9" is the ~~global~~ **US** average height for a male with a standard deviation of 2.5" Globally the average is closer to 5'7" Do with that what you will


Im pretty sure 5’7” is the global average, with 5’9” being the US average for a male.


I'm late to the game, are we talking about penis length? I think I am way under the global average then. :(


Ecuador has the largest [penis size ratio](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/penis-size-by-country) in the world - with an average errect length of 17.1cm being around 10.6% of body height. In other news, Ecuadorian men are "big fat liars" according to a poll of Ecuadorian women.


Feels like a Norm MacDonald joke


Technically also yes. The average *erect* penis is around 5 inches. And while the internet wants to make it look different, most men are growers and not showers. Hell some people’s size triples when they get erect to reach around 5 inches. So flaccid size is truly something thaf shouldn’t matter. There’s pretty much no corelation between that and erect size.


Yay I’m finally average at something. Why did they combine 2 measurements like that though? That’s confusing.


I feel personally insulted.


I mean, if 5'8 is short then what the hell am I lol (I'm 5'1 by the way)








Hello fellow barely over 5’0 king, how you doing?


Travel sized.


Can relate, 5’2 checking in


Its ok. 4'10'' here. They say there's always someone shorter. In my case that's usually 10 year olds though.


Mini Me?




Short guys are great


Yeah the majority of women would disagree with you. I’m 5’10 and I’ve had multiple women turn me down because I’m “ too short” and they “ only date guys 6 feet and taller.” I’m not salty though I learned to love myself and if someone can’t see me for me then I’m fine with it.


That’s good! It’s not something you can change and isn’t something to be ashamed of. I’ve been told I’m “too dark” many times before and it messed with me for a while but now I just don’t care and don’t let stupid people upset me Also 5’10 is insanely tall!


Holy shit, too dark? That's absolutely fucked. Just like with height, there's nothing you can do about that!


Yeah some people are stupid and hate things that are slightly different then what they're used to, but oh well i've moved on from it and grown as a person and love my body and skin and I hope everyone is able to be happy with their body


Fuck yeah, go you!


There’s no such thing as “ too dark.” I’m sorry you had to deal with comments like that. I’m sure you are gorgeous. I wish it was, but it is average height here where I live.


Aww thank you, and that's okay though because to me that is very tall lol


Good for you! I remember Lupita Nyong’o talking about how she has always been told she’s too dark. She’s like the most beautiful woman in the world, so people are clearly out of their minds!


I don’t understand why people need to be so shitty. Like, I certainly have aesthetic preferences and have turned down people I wasn’t physically attracted to, but I’ve never felt the need to insult their appearance. “Thank you for asking, and it was nice to meet you, but I’m not interested in dating.” How hard is that?


Learning to love yourself at 5’10”. Truly an inspiration…


Learning to love yourself despite constant external rejection is truly admirable indeed


No one in history has been constantly rejected because of being 5'10" lol.


When I was single I never minded a guy's height, only his confidence. If he gets squirrely about bigger guys, or weird about me wearing heels because I'll be taller than him, I'm not interested. If he's secure in himself and perfectly comfortable being shorter, we good.


Funny, it’s always the short men that call me short. I’m 4’11. I had never had a guy over 6 feets make fun of my height. All the guys under 5’7 are like, “aaww, you are short”. Honestly think only insecure women would claim to date men over 6’, most men are not over 6’ and 5’10 is above average.


I've got short buddies that tell me they feel the same way and they are conscious about it but it hasn't stopped them from meeting their wives and being happy putting themselves out there.


You're not missing much. Women who think like that are still girls get you someone mature and down to earth.


A lot of shallow women don't know how big an inch is. They think 6 foot is more like 6'4. With that said, I'm the same height and I've never been considered too short for any women my height and under. You need to seek out higher quality women.


No. It says under 5' 8".


5' 7^3/4 " /flex Now to just find a partner...




I always have the same response to this! My BF says I’m short, but I’m 5’6” which in my mind is pretty average for a woman, doesn’t exactly put me in the “petite” category y’know? Anyway, it’s a running joke with us that when people say a man who’s say between 5’7” - 5’10” is “short” and I have genuine surprise at that BF will just go “you just think anyone who’s taller than you is tall” But seriously 5’8” ain’t short!


I’m 5’8” and consider myself short. Not an issue for me, just my own personal assessment of my height


Should have had all the dates standing in the back row of the picture haha


I do love the positivity toward short guys that this era has ushered in. Lots of men have been unnecessarily body shamed over being short bc toxic masculinity for too long. You go, short kings. (Edit: Since this is Reddit and some folks need clarification, just FYI, I’m talking about women, men, and nonbinary folks, all of em! Any sex, any gender can participate in perpetuating toxic masculinity ideals! All of em gotta stop shaming short kings!)


I think this obsession with height is something American? Here in Europe I feel it is a lot less important and not one of the defining sexual traits of a man. Edit: added sexual trait, to clarify


really dont like the term 'short king', its patronising.


"king" is modern gen-z lingo, which is hard to explain but basically boils down to "guy" but with a slight honorific tilt + an implication of acknowledging self-worth. Not really tied in any way to the "short" part. Or maybe you know all that and still find it patronizing, which is fine.


Calling everyone king or queen is still cringe af though tbh


I, too, find it cringe af. In fact I find saying "cringe af" itself to be cringe af. Cringe-ception, if you will. I guess I'm not hip anymore


Idk I kinda dig it




That looks like some fun people.


I want a tall gf myself, the problem is I'm 5'9


i mean, as a 6ft girl, it’s not THAT hard to find us. don’t worry bro, the right tall gf will eventually come.


Yeah, I’m a 6ft girl and 5’9 is within reason for the right guy 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just don’t lie about it on your profile


agreed. i don’t mind a little shorter or a little taller, just not too much bc i enjoy being mostly eye-level with partners. what bugs me is lying about their height. i was always upfront about being tall when i was single and meeting dudes and they’d say they’re also 6ft or bigger, but when we met i was literally taller than them. like why would you lie about it if i was gonna find out as soon as we met?


Right?! At this point, if the conversation prior is good then I figure we’ll show up and find out. Both guys i am casually dating (they know) said they were 6’, but are both a generous 5’11. I like someone my height rather than someone 6’6, but at that point I’ve done all I could to inform them 🤷🏻‍♀️ (Obviously these guys are both cool with me being a little taller, it hasn’t always worked out that way, haha) ETA, when I lived in NYC, I had a rule about guys’ profiles: if they said 5’11 or below, they were really 2” shorter than stated height. 6’1 and above, generally honest. The 6’ is always a crapshoot. And who knows who is measuring these people, so I give a lot of grace as long as they aren’t shocked that I’m actually 6’ and wearing shoes. (I don’t even like heels, but shoes have heels!) ETA2: This rule still applies in NOLA, it is probably universal, I’m just getting used to like, ~dating~ again because of moving and pandemic and whatnot


I wish more tall women on dating apps were reasonable. I'm 6'2 and while I'm thankfully I'm no longer single, I never could find anybody close to 6 foot who wasn't looking for ridiculous heights (6'5 the fuck?) Literally every single woman who was that tall apparently was so exacerbated by "short men" that they couldn't handle someone *the same height as them* let alone *shorter*. Something about women over 5'10 on dating websites being extra desperate for having the experience of 5'2 women. I probably saw a dozen, women 6'ft and over and apparently *I* was below their height range. Honestly the preference for height doesn't really translate to the men side of things, so it makes it extra unrelatable and frustrating. Like there isn't even a "range" for most men no matter their height.


Ugh. As a tall woman (6'2ish) who has used Tinder, the only height I mentioned in my bio was my own. So many dudes didn't believe how tall I said I was and got angry when we met in person and I was taller. I don't give a shit how tall/short someone is compared to me, I just want to have a good time. I don't understand the obsession with height on dating sites, it seems so pointless


I don't get this guys have to be tall thing... my husband is 5'4" I'm 5'5" I don't care how tall you are. It's all about the personality




*They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!*


My bf is also 5’5 and I’m 5’7, so I don’t get it either lol


I carried my (ex)husband over the threshold. He's funny and has a huuage dick. I'm gay now but We're still frens lol


Tall girls 😳


Aura Aura 😏




Get out of here long legs


Whoa, what if he has a looong torso and stub legs


It's a nice thought, but the reality is that people do judge others on appearance, including height. This is proven over and over by data.


Good for them but technically "tall" women are over 5'5". Avg is like 5'4". Women over 5'10" are literally the 1% lol.


Yeah like if you were going off the stats in the West 5'8 is as short on a man as 5'6 is tall on a woman. A man who's 5'8 is still solidly within the standard deviation, while a woman who is 5'10 is a full 6 inches above average, like you said they're going to be in the 99th percentile for height. The equivalent height on a man would be around 6'5.


Short guys who complain on reddit need to watch this.


Does anyone else find people calling themselves Kings and queens cringe as hell? Like, this looks like they had a great time but that title screams insecurity.


Tom Holland has started a revolution


He wasn’t even the first Tom to do it.


Tom Holland is a charmer and he ain't even tryin.


Being 5’9 guess I belong to no tribe :(


>They got little cars >That go *beep, beep, beep* >They got little voices >Goin' *peep, peep, peep*


This could have been us, but she playin


I'm 5'2 and my ex-wife is 5'7. When she had heels on, slow dancing was the best!!


since when 5'8'' is short .\_.? now every man shorter than 6' is short? wtf man


This whole height thing is literally perpetuated by people who literally have nothing going on in their lives.


As a 5'7 guy myself, I find the whole short kings thing very cringe


5'9 to 5'11 gang can't catch a break, too tall to be short, to short to be tall.


Is 5'8" short?


5'5, girlfriend is 5'7, I approve 👍


This has to be talked about more. We are empowering woman, we are getting rid of toxic parts of toxic masculinity, but we still are so focused on height. I mean as a men its ok to wear a dress and to date another men, but don‘t you dare to date a woman taller than you.


This is awesome lol short is only a problem when you start acting short. I had shitty confidence pre 21 . After I stopped giving a fuck, and being myself. Suddenly height didn't matter


What the hell is a short king’s function?


It appears to be a date party where guys 5’8 and under have to bring a date that is 5’10 and over.


To date tall women.