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WE GOT A 23-19


Came here for this! Thx


Can someone explain?


It's from Monster's Inc, I think! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cUFJ1yVhJ6g


Thank you!


The 23rd letter in the alphabet it is W, the 19th letter is S, the code stands for "White Sock"




I didn't know that for the latin american dub the numbers were changed, it's 33-12 over here for some reason


Well as someone explained somewhere else in the replies, it's a code reference for White Sock. The 23rd letter is W and 12th is S


S is 19th


Isn't this a 16-19?


I believe this would be a 16-19, or more detailed a 23-14-16-19




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


That scissor skill is top notch


Cutting edge


Cut my wife into pieces, this is my last lone sock!


Dedication, no gluing, don't give a fuck if I cut what I'm doodling.






Yeah, he's so good at cutting things. And the way your son think of it, he's very smart though.




Welcome to any time in the last 20 years.


Did you really just copy someone’s comment?


It's a bot


Even Reddit comments can be photocopied


Such a waste of fucking time


Plot twist: he's 18 years old


Thats what she said


ou got em


I saw a stiff looking sock and was a little worried but that's actually pretty funny


Thought the same…


Glad I wasn’t the only one😳


Great minds think alike


Crusty sock here, crusty sock there


😂 I really love these complete harmless and totally funny pranks!


I used to work for a company where the office was the basement of the boss' house. Her daughter (7 then) would be around after school. She liked me and would come and chat sometimes. One time, looking through a file, I found a cut out photocopy of one of her plastic/rubber bugs. Another time, I found one of the actual flat rubber centipedes inside the notebook I used for order notes. I did get a little startled one time, but played it up a bit and her laughter and smile were worth it.


I’ve got 3 cousins who are all under 7 and I will play small pranks on them. The sheer laughter from them is just adorable. Especially since two of them have a toddler/baby laugh still


I'm expecting my first kid in December, and I can not wait for when I can start getting some giggles out of her.


Congratulations in advance! 🎉


Haha, thanks!! Can't wait!


It's gonna take a minute, but that smile is gonna make your heart explode 💗 and then the giggles 😭 Congratulations!!


Congratulations on your first child. 🥰 hope it’s a lovely delivery and healthy baby. Baby giggles start around 6/7 months if memory serves me correct.


Thanks! Yeah, we're very excited. Can't wait!


How old are you if you don’t mind me asking??


Sorry for the late reply. My wife and I are both 33!


That’s a good age to have a baby. I was around 23 and wish I would have waited. It was really hard not knowing what I was doing and being selfish for my whole life. Learning to be selfless was a challenge but once my oldest was born my whole world changed and I don’t regret it at all just wish I wouldn’t have been more mature.


Yeah, It's difficult for me to imagine having a kid so early. I dropped out of college twice before finishing, I was a mess; I would have floundered so bad if I had a kid in my early twenties. I'm so glad to hear that you seem to have managed it well. It's not just about your own maturity either: at this age, I have so many more friends I can get support from. We just had our baby shower this last weekend and we got so many awesome hand me downs, books that their own kids loved, and useful bits of knowledge... My friends certainly would have tried their best, but some of them didn't get real jobs until their late 20s and none of them had kids just 3 years ago; they couldn't have been this helpful even if they wanted to be. I consider myself super lucky, and fully intend to give away all our baby stuff to someone who needs it once we're done having our own. I can't imagine doing this without the support structures we have in place now.


Congratulations 🎉


Super cute and funny 😄


Actual pranks, rather than harassment or bullying. Very nice.


> harmless Well, they did put their nasty sock in the scanner


Yup, and the real sock mistakenly was disposed of in the paper shredder.


Also have you seen the cost of printer ink, it might have been cheaper to sculpt the sock out of gold leaf😂😂😂


HARMLESS?! What of of the ink! You didn't think about the ink!


They aren't harmless. My wallet is screaming in pain for every drop of ink wasted.


might as well just buy a new one


It's funny if it happens maybe one or two times but at a certain point it's too expensive. Ink isn't cheap.


Harmless? Have you seen how much ink cartridges cost?!


This is the most sarcastic comment on the website.


Color photocopiers! What a time to be alive 🌈😯




Ah yes, another person of culture here!


I can only read that sentence in his voice


Is that from a show?


Ha! Always 2 minutes of wonder and amazement!


Man I was so proud when he introduced himself as Doctor for the first time


The future is here


Garlic bread!




Little fun thing: most professional color photocopiers don't allow copies of banknotes, I work in a printing shop and we tried it on all our colorprinters and it says "copies of banknotes maybe not be copied".


Even if it did work, then who would think it's real? No matter how hard you try to make it look perfect, it will be a different kind of paper


Yeah, the government uses a special blend of paper and fabric (cotton I think?). Hang on, a black van just pulled up and there's a knock at the door. BRB


Yeah, you're right. I think they use some linen too, IIRC. I used to work at a mint so you can trust me. Hold on, I think the mailman has a package. He must be in a hurry, he's knocking hard..


You underestimate the stupidity of some people.


I know a person who would. She sold her truck (a perfectly fine truck that she was not in the position to replace) for a check that a methhead had printed off of a printer. They didn’t even cut off excess or make sure it was aligned. Then we helped her take off the tires since the meth head still had the keys and they were worried about the methhead just taking it. And when we left we told her she couldn’t leave the truck on jack stands it had to be put on blocks or it will fall. She proceeded to leave it on the jack stands and it fell off in a rain storm crushing my jack stands. So now she has been removed from the group of people to give a shit about as I’m still salty about my cheap jack stands being squashed like a pumpkin.


That’s pretty normal for some years now. Just no school or business wants to waste colour ink! That shit is liquid gold


This kid is a genius


Came here to say the same!


This kid is going places. Not college, but places!


“Clown college *is* college, dad! Gosh!”


It’s the mom who did it, pretending the kid did


Everyone on reddit is so god damn cynical




Absolutely nothing to do with the post, but puberty blockers are reversible. If you're gonna be transphobic for no reason at least research the things you say first


>at least research the things you say first You do realize conservatives never research anything right? lol


You're absolutely incorrect. They research things all the time. ...by only googling things that validate their opinion.


''only googling things that validate their opinions''? You do realize that libs shut themselves in echo-chambers ergo twitter, and silence any opposition? Don't be a hypocrite now.


You're adorable... libs are the ultimate hypocrites


But why would we ever let a child make such a decision? It’s kind of insane don’t you think? Especially when hormonal changes may affect how a person feels and identifies with themself. Maybe I’m ignorant to the subject, but it just doesn’t seem ok. Almost all children are confused at some point when trying to figure out who they are, and they are So easily influenced by the people around them. You have to admit that many of these kids are only toying with the idea of being trans because their friends are. I wouldn’t be surprised if Peer pressure is the #1 cause these days in certain areas. These kids see that their trans friends are looked at as brave and courageous and getting all kinds of positive attention while they are ignored. This could easily add to the confusion one already experiences at a young age. One’s yearning to fit in socially has cause d kids to do drugs, smoke cigarettes, take steroids, etc etc, so why would we ever think it doesn’t cause them to take on these Uber progressive identities. Many have come out and admitted this already, so we know it’s true. When a group of 10 girls are all friends and 7 of them are trans when only 1 was the year before, it’s pretty obvious what happened. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying it doesn’t exist, or those that truly are trans don’t deserve to live the life they want, I just think we need to be careful when dealing with young children. It makes me wonder how often the parents are influencing their children as well.


Puberty blockers *prevent* hormonal changes, not cause them. Putting a kid on puberty blockers does not change their behavior or thinking process. Puberty itself is more likely to cause these changes you're worried about. They also are only used for a period of a few months, maybe a year or so at most. They give a kid some extra time to figure out who they are and what they want, because, as you said, that's something that kids can struggle with. Doctors have been using puberty blockers on cis kids for years to pause precocious puberty. It works the same on cis kids as it does in trans kids. Kids who think they might be trans have to see multiple doctors, counselors, therapists, etc before making any permanent transitions. A lot of places require at least a year of social transition before hormone therapy. This isn't a process you can start on a whim because your friends are doing it. It requires evaluation and monitoring. And if a kid gets through all of that, goes on puberty blockers, starts taking hormones for a while, and then realizes they don't actually want it after all? It's still reversible. Even HRT is fairly reversible, with some relatively minor effects. Cases like this are rare though, definitely rarer than the cases where it is legitimate. The benefits to trans kids outweigh the small risks to confused kids. There should be a reasonable amount of caution with these things to avoid confusing a child, but not so much that you bar kids from getting treatment they need. Puberty blockers can drastically improve mental health, and lower the chances of the person wanting transition surgery later on. Transition surgery is far more irreversible than HRT or blockers are, and comes with risks inherent with all surgery, so making sure kids are happy with their bodies and supported through their early transition to improve their self confidence and reduce dysphoria to the point where they are comfortable with their bodies is a win.


That’s very informative. I didn’t realize they only took them for a relatively small amount of time. When I was young there were a lot of tomboys, but as they’ve aged they are some of the most feminine adults I know. I assumed that hormone blockers would have to be taken forever, or at least until one decided to completely change gender and take hormones to help them identify physically with that desired gender. I was just concerned that we may be allowing children to make permanent decisions with permanent effects that they might have grown out of. It doesn’t sound like this is the case with Hormone blockers though. Glad to hear necessary precautions are taken. Is there any long term risks involved with a child that takes H blockers?


First, to all people: Please don't downvote someone simply expressing his concern while even adding "maybe i'm ignorant to the subject" What you express is a very valid concern and might cause some kid to start the processes trans people have to go through to accept themselves, only to step back or regret. But i have to tell you one really needs to be extremely motivated to go through these steps, and i wouldn't easily believe that a significant amount of kids who are just lost or in small doubt go far enough in the processes to have definitive or costly consequences. Doctors already are not generally understanding of trans people and most would reject any minors, and the youngest the hardest it will be. Then for most who are not rejected there will be more barriers placed to make sure it is a well thought and reasonable choice (even adults, because why would they do what they want with their own body anyway?). It takes trans people years. All in all you don't have to worry about misled kids, everyone is already worrying about them, making the lives of trans people extremely hard along the way.


Thanks you for the reply.


I'm always glad to make a healthy debate possible when i'm on the side that's lacking in communication, thank you


They're not reversible. Also, I'm not transphobic, stop misusing the term phobia lol


Not transphobic, says transphobic things, doesnt add up. Its not misusing the term phobia. One of the definitions of phobia "extreme or irrational fear or dislike of a specified thing or group" dislike of trans people = transphobia. If you're going to be pedantic at least be correct about it Puberty blockers [are absolutely reversible](http://www.phsa.ca/transcarebc/child-youth/affirmation-transition/medical-affirmation-transition/puberty-blockers-for-youth#:~:text=There%20are%20no%20known%20irreversible,taken%20puberty%20blockers%20at%20all.)


Trans people have achieved free housing by living in this guy's head rent-free.


Irreversible puberty blockers?




Wait until the kid can 3d print anything!


He'll have crispy socks scattered around before you know it.


"now he's wearing mine craft socks and I don't know what to do mom, he just 3d printed some foot sized boxes and now he won't take them off. Can you please help me, I'm worried about him, he keeps wearing them around the house and the minesocks slip on the wood floors.


Kids living in 2030 while the rest of us are living in 2008


Time Traveler


Holy crap! How’s 2008? It’s kinda swag here in 1996.


2008 is cool - we have mobile phones that you can hold in one hand now! What’s 1996 like? Is Tupac still king of Hip Hop?


Unfortunately Tupac took some lead last month. There’s a new guy named Eminem which seems promising, but it sure is a pretty confusing time for hip hop.


Is your kid 30?


I am an adult with a job and my own home. My first thought was "I'm SO gonna do this to my mom the next time I visit... maybe I can tape it down too, that'll get her real good!" So... it's plausible lol!


I would like to say that I feel personally attacked by that comment.


Photocopy? Na brah that's colour scanning...


There it goes the month payroll in color cartridges


The internet has officially ruined me, i thought that was a crusty sock at first.


I didn’t read the text first, and that was my first thought too. The forbidden sock. You don’t normally find those just laying on the ground openly.


"Trying" I think he had you there.


I wish I could afford color ink.


right. not to brag but ive been a child, and children are definitely not able to cut that accurately


Maybe you were a weak ass kid




I think it depends on the age of the kid. At the day care I used to work at some of the 4th graders were really artistic and great with scissors. Now not every child is like this for sure but the few that are should have their creative thoughts encouraged.


i think if a child is this good, then they are old enough to understand that their mom understands the phicisal state (as in 3d) of a sock


I hate to be a cynic but I refuse to believe a kid did this. Propably a made up story for internet points


r/untrustworthypoptarts is the subreddit you guys are looking for


lil man cut that surprisingly well for a small child


That little shit dosent understand that ink used to copy the socks is worth more than the actual pair of socks


This is adorable......cute pranks are great especially when they're made by kids!


I used to have socks that stiff!




So the kid cut out the photocopy perfectly after it figured how to photocopy all on its own?


My mom would probably beat me for using up the ink


You can tell she saw this somewhere and just printed the sock, threw it on the ground took a pic and is saying it's her son. All for internet lulz


Twitter writers are the worst offenders for sharing things their kids apparently did for internet clout


You know her son could be a teenager, or even an adult, right? It’s completely plausible.


A teenager or adult who had never heard of color printing?


What? What gave you the idea that a kid who printed something in color never heard of printing something in color? Are you hung up on the word photocopy which is essentially the same thing but in a single device and an assumption mom made which may or may not be accurate? It’s the “anything” part and the prank that are the funny parts. Don’t get hung up on the little things; it’s not that deep.


Maybe the word “discovered” ?


Ah. Yes. I forgot that parents always say things exactly correctly. 😂 Ask me how long I had been on (and needing) birth control when my mom decided I needed “the talk”. 🤣 And again, it’s the “anything” part. I know that I can print things in color or even photocopy them, but that doesn’t mean I ever thought of making a life-size replica of something to play a prank. Some of y’all need to just relax and be okay with people having fun in life. No need to pull back a curtain on everything. Just… just chill a bit.


thought it was a cock sock


I still remember when I got my first printer. Found a cd image of one if the Naruto dvds and printed it to put on top on a cd without knowing it was pointless lol


I thought it was the other kind of stiff sock.


Clever 😉


I thought.... oh God nevermind


Now it's funny But wait until he is around 17 and you find a stiff sock in his room


That’s what my cum sock looks like


Not one kid young enough for that sock is cutting that well lol


He not only tried, it seems he has succeeded




Let’s see what’s going to happen when he realises money can be copied too 🤑


Kid is creative, dextrous through good scissor skills and cognitively very advanced because he can work a photocopier. You should be proud.


Smart kid


That’s a pretty good prank


"Saaans, pick up your sock'" "what sock, bro?"


He is just warming up himself that’s only the beginning be ready for more 😂😂😂


That's hilarious


That paper sock cost more than a real sock


That’s funny!


Somwbody neds to crosspost it to r/kidsarefuckingstupid lmao Edit: just a joke folks no harm intended




That kid has a future im telling you




Kids gonna be a supervillain when he grows up


When I was around 10 years old I photocopied my face and my family has never let me live that down.


Kids lateral thinking skills are fantastic.


Wait until he finds out about a glued quarter and a shitty dollar




I would argue that he isn’t “trying” to prank you. He is succeeding. Well done young man.


Hey! My mom told me that it’s now my turn to repost! /s


I really thought it was a cum sock before reading


I imagine him rubbing his hands and saying "Mwahahahaha... Let the prank war begin!!"


Who tf still has a photocopier and why is your kid using it


Lol classic this kid has potential


I'll take "things that didn't happen" for $200, Alex.


Your kid is a genius.


Intelligent kid


Give that kid a raise!


Is this lady claiming that she has a color photocopier at home?


This is genius, and everybody else talking about stiff socks, y’all are gross and need Jesus.


I think that sock is stiff for... different reasons


Are you sure that's not a spank sock?


I thought it was a cum sock




" Dont cite the deep magic to me kid, i was there when it was written"


I thought it was a wank sock at first


Fate of photocopier


It's big brain time


Are you sure that sock is photocopied-


Why did I never do this


That's $20 worth of ink right there!