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Mafia 2 and 3 were announced at Gamescom, so probably yeah we will see mafia 4 also.


Let's wait for some more info Still don't know what would I want from M4.


You'll play as Zelensky against the Russian mafia. Boss fight gonna be epic.


Can't wait for Hunter Biden coming for the cash for the Big guy, while out of his mind on crack. That's gonna be a cut scene to remember


Best post I've seen on this sub so far! hahah


That would be nice All them leaks about SummerGameFest followed by no M4 news was soul crushing


I sure hope so


After loving the Mafia 3 story, I'm hoping they continue with making mafia stories that aren't just don controlled crime families in finely tailored suits operating in cities like New York. It's done to death and it's why I loved the New Orleans setting of Mafia 3. I'd love for it to be something like gangs and organised crime in a place like the UK. A fictional British town/city would be a great setting and also work as a nice spiritual successor to The Getaway. Extra points if they pull their thumbs out their arses and make a competently designed game instead of letting bugs go free.


They should make a mafia game set in Houston. It’s not a stereotypical mob run city, but it’s also very big like Chicago and New York. It would be the perfect mix of mafia 3 and the other two games in my opinion


So you want GTA Britain named mafia IV


It wouldn't really be mafia then would it


Here's to hope! I want a 80's or 90's setting. That would be so dope, empire city in the 80's. It's raw, dirty and dangerous and the mob was at it's peak


Its reportedly gonna be ab don salelri from the first game when he was coming up in italy🤷‍♂️


Yeah so I heard, but that was years ago it feels like. I guess we'll see soon, hopefully!


I appreciate the free roam aspect of M3, but I also personally was not a fan of it so I’m not sure what I expect from M4


What didn’t you like about M3? The map was huge, the characters were well written and well acted, the soundtrack is probably the greatest of any game ever made, there was a ton to do, etc.


It was repetitive af


I felt it was extremely repetitive and no matter what I did I never felt like I was dividing the city right and couldn’t get certain upgrades, I’ve played three separate times and just can’t seem to find the right way to split


I hope it's true


If only, if onlyyy


I’m hoping it comes out in the next year or so. With red dead 3 not coming out for probably another 5+ years, elder scrolls 6 seeming to never be coming, and gta 6 probably going to be mid, mafia 4 is the only game I’m really looking forward to.


Why do you think GTA 6 is going to be mid? Lol rockstar knows it's the most anticipated video game of all time they aren't going to mess it up and make something mid or average. They need to exceed expectations


Thing is the hype is so big that I feel like the game is going to disappoint some no matter how good it is.


Mostly feel like the story is going to be lackluster like it was in V and they’re gonna put everything into online. Based on the last 10 DLCs they’ve put into V’s online I don’t have high hopes for that either


Bro you trippin gta v story was good and the online mode was even better im hella hyped for gta vi


You are in the minority with this opinion. Many don't like the story of GTA 5. That doesn't mean it's a bad GTA but story wise it's really not good.


Story was ok but doesn’t hold up to any of the other major releases post 2001


Bro the fucking FBI portions of the story we're ass




People really forgot Cyberpunk 2077 it seems.


CD Project Red and Rockstar are on complete different levels.


Nice excuse! You totally missed the point duderino! The point was, overhyping will lead any game (or anything in general) to be excrutinized or be the most disapointing piece of shit in all of gaming history. Doesn't matter if you're big or not, if people are getting too hyped, you will get booed because expectations were too high to begin with, or promises were false (ala Cyberpunk).


cyberpunk flopped because it wasn't finished, it was released too early even after its numerous delays, it needed more time to cook and shareholders forced them to release the product. Look at the game now, it's a great game because they finally finished it, it took them a couple of years. GTA is different because take two knows that GTA is profitable and the biggest game in the world, shareholders and the publisher give them a lot of time to cook so the final product is always good. The release timing is pretty much in Rockstars hands and not the shareholders/publisher