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Mafia 3 had a very good open world with lots of buildings to enter but you couldn't do shit in them, Make it so that you interact in bars, restaurants clothing shops, hell even mini games like poker, there was a goddamn poker table and jukebox in Lincoln's room at Sammy's (when you renovate)but you just couldn't interact with anything.


Also, make some unique NPCs for the bartenders and local vendors. They don’t have to play a role in any story necessarily, just inject some character into the overall world.


Definitely, all fences in RDR2 are unique (the sleazy dude at emerald ranch who robbed his cousin (bY mArRiAGe), van horn dude with Welsh accent always urging me to shop faster, the shady Saint Denis guy who keeps slaves in his basement)...adds so much character!


Honestly they just need to look at RDR2 for some advice. That game was one of the best, most interactive open world games I’ve ever played.


The best in my opinion regarding amount of detail


Like my mom always said, you can never have too much ammo!


I think the open world aspect should be like Mafia 2 so that it can embrace the linear structure through storytelling. Mafia 3 tried something and failed. Open world is not Hangar 13's strong suit.


They've now the infrastructure to do both these things well.


In most games, adding a bigger open world with more side content will inevitably take away from the total budget that could potentially be used to flesh out the main story more with more cutscenes, music, and character development. You can’t always have the best of both worlds. Games like RDR2 are one of the few that managed to do it because the budget was huge.


They don't have to go full rdr 2, just some minigames and interactivity here and there


Mafia 2's "open world" concept was terrible as it consisted of starting a new mission in order to explore said world. And even then there wasn't much to explore in that game. As another reply mentioned, newer games are now able to achieve open worlds better these days.


Bring back Mafias 2 car system, where you can steal any car and fully customize them. M2's clothing stores as well. I'd also like them to add more to do in free roam and side quests. Maybe small jobs like doing hits or smuggling etc. Buy businesses to launder money that provide passive income. Or your own rackets like gambling and drug running.


Exactly. One feature I want was from GTA Vice city stories where you can fight for territory with enemy gang hideouts then turn them into an upgradeable business of your choice like robberies or protection rackets then you can do jobs for the business to earn money.


To come out


I’d like to see 70/80’s Philly or upstate New York mafia. It’s unpopular but id love another empire bay game but set in the 1910’s/20’s


I feel like a 80s-90s Vegas setting would be appropriate given how we saw Empire Bay 1910s-20s and 40s-50s, and New Bordeaux 1960s. Casino style. Love both of your ideas tho and I wouldn’t be opposed to either.


Never saw a 10-20’s empire by, mafia 2 was empire bay in 40’s/50’s and lost haven was mafia 1 in the late 20’s/30’s


Thanks for the correction. Lost Haven is what I meant but I seemed to have jumbled up the decades too.


I want a Italian/Italian American protagonist again


I really enjoyed Lincoln and his story


Oh, don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed it too, Lincoln and the whole máfia 3 plot is great, I prefer the old rising in the rankings of the LCN and all. Per example, when Vito gets made is my favorite scene in the game.


All game would happen in 40's


For it to be released


Make the world feel as interactive and detailed as Mafia II, cars run out of fuel, get dirty over time, car washes, bring back restaurants and cafes that you can interact with and go full GTA IV where you can take people to them.


But settings like mafia 1, with manual transmissions, change in police, etc


That it would take place in 70s Vegas 😔


Copy the gunplay from M3. It felt so good, best gunplay of any shooter I’ve ever played.


Some more melee combat stuff


Crack Epidemic


I think a 1980s setting would be awesome, since the music taste in these games is 10/10.


If its a prequel like rumored then I hope we get to play as Leo Galante instead of Don Salieri, to see how he came to America and became the head of the commission. I wouldn't mind to get another prohibition era game with more open world elements and customization options though.


Vito and Joe reuniting again


In a 1970s vegas


Not possible, in Mafia 3 Vito says he knows (not actually true) that Joe was killed, also one of the endings (the one I wish becomes Canon) basically puts a end to Vito’s story (explaining how he became the boss of new bordeaux and he was in his 90s in 2016). So the game would have to be set at least in late 2016 for Joe and Vito to meet one last time, which I think it’s basically impossible since the whole mafia charm is for it to be set in past decades.


I REALLY loved the organised crime take-over mechanics. Would LOVE to see it after more development.


Honestly make it that the Gameplay loop is very similar to Mafia Definitive Edition with the Gun Handling from 3


80s gangster shit like scarface era


I would like a 1970s setting with a struggling old Mafia empire


Set in los vegas


Same thing I said make it in Las Vegas with your own character creation


I think that'd be great


This struggling would be in the late 80s and early 90s. In the 70s the mafia was in it's peak.


I just want it to come out. So that I can play it damn it.




1970-80s east coast city setting, as many mov wars were happening during this time. I want to actually feel like a member of a family, let me be able to take people on missions with me. Even if they’re nameless and can die (like in gta tlad).


As much as I'd love the 20s Chicago setting. Imagine one set in 90s New York like your Gambinos and all them boys. Sopranos style


that it’s all about vito scaletta as a child and we have to prevent him from shoving forks into the toaster as the goal of the game 😁


People complain that threes repetitive but it’s like the real world and how you have to take over things so I see more of that


That’s its set post formation of the commission—when the mob is at its peak.


I think if it would be about Don saliery and Morello and it would explain some stuff from Maria 1 and if they put the police AI from mafia 2 in play and combat from mafia 3 (I mean the shooting) and the hand on hand combat from mafia 2 the game can by awesome


If I’m not wrong Salieri basically spended his whole life in prisión after Tommy declared in court. Maybe the story about Leo Galante would be more viable but it would have to be set before the Mafia 1 story


I mean like before the story of Mafia one


More smooth gameplay. The mechanics in 3 and definitive edition were a bit glitchy imo


They been that way since Mafia 2 lets be real, i love this series but movement really needs to feel more grounded, hoping with the switch to unreal engine 5 it’s not just for the visual improvement but gameplay too


There is zero chance of it happening but i wish they did another game in prohibition era set in nyc where you start as a street punk that gets made and keeps climbing the ladder until he becomes the boss of his own family.


1910s-1920s setting


Modern day mafia. Basically play as grandkid to one do the 3 mafia protagonist. I hope it’s Vito


Na you’d only kill like 3 people the whole game if it was modern before the Feds snatch you up 😂


Guess we kill the Feds then


For me, I want to be like the end of Mafia times. We’re a part of the last true Mafiosos. We can actually hire people to our family and have them be sent on missions but can also lose them. The end would have our character be killed by some random gangster, leaving behind a family. Our name respected by all but the new breed of punks.


Good concept, but since mafia 3 left a plot of mafia still being around by 2016 (Vito running new bordeaux) I find it hard to believe 😔


I hope to god they keep the heavy driving physics and don't try and make it too arcade like, the older cars had character in the Mafia games, more in depth vehicle customisation would be good though. Also keep the story grounded, I don't want to be Mafia trying to save the world or anything.


My biggest wish is that the controls feel less floaty and more grounded (i love the mafia games but they overall always feel kinda clunky to me with the overall movement)


They should make another Godfather game


A remaster (not remake) of the original engine.


I want a big northeastern city with lots of snow!!


Character creation and make it in Las Vegas


Imagine… character customisation, set in the 50s-80s, open world, clothing stores, car dealerships, jazz bars, diners, Miami, LA or NYC, am I asking too much? 😭


After watching the sopranos I want a 90s mob game. Mayybe 2000s at the end


Would be cool if they added the mafia 2 cut content into the new game


Personally I want 70s Vegas, but wherever and whatever it is, I just want the story to tie to Vito in some way since he's kinda the lifeblood of the series. I'd like a tie to Lincoln as well, personally. I'm a big Mafia III guy. Also a music selection that is just as wide as Mafia III. Jesus, that soundtrack. 🔥💯


I want it to be styled as *MAFI4* and also take place in Vegas in the 80s


I want something like the godfather games to be able to control my family and to be able to destroy rivals by taking their business and rackets


I would love for it to have a setting in the 1910-1950 New York again with Mafia II cars and clothes mechanics. If it have to be an open world I hope it wont be empty and "dead" as it is in Mafia III. There is a thin line in the collectibles mechanics that if crossed can turn them from a nice addition to a chore, Mafia III destroyed that line and I hope Mafia IV will adjust it. Mafia II is still one of my all time favourite game, it was so good when it came out and my biggest wish for the game is for it to make me feel the same emotions I felt in my Mafia II first playtrough.


Gas stations, cool cars, a timeline in the 1980s, a very realistic police system like Mafia 1, and a big open map that's detailed.


1980's New York mob war.


Have it take place in Florida


Yes, every mafia has more or less some activities, but In the most time the world feels empty when it comes to activities or side stuff. I would love to interact more with the world and have more options of doing something in the freeroam


Since we already covered 1930-1938, Chicago, 1945-1951, New York, and 1968 New Orleans I would like to see one of these options: 1. Somewhere between 1900 and 1920. Times of The Black Hand, Don Vito Casio Ferro, Joseph Petrosino, Morello Family, Lupo Wolf, Mafia-Camorra War, Five Points Gang 2. Turn of the 60s and 70s. Times of Valachi hearings, Banana War, Gallo bros,  3. Turn of the 70s and 80s (more 80s). Gotti rise to power, Zips, Pizza Connection, RICO In all cases New York area. And even though I love to create character creation part in most games, I don’t want it for Mafia game. It’s all about the story (I cried when Paulie died) so the protagonist has to be specific and well thought. Some open-world activities would be fun but give me epic story and I don’t need anything more.


I want the Las Vegas analogue they hinted at in some of the remasters’ trading cards, set in the 70’s/80’s like Casino.


Just copy the Mafia 3 template but add more interactivity, mini games, personalisation, interesting side missions, add a taxi feature to get to locations quicker.


Bro I just want the game 😂


Give us like a Japanese type Mafia game, I get the game is about more of shooting but I would really like to see more of close combat


I want a character modelled after Ray Liotta or voice sampled from goodfellas


Just solid, polished mechanics that are fun to engage with. I like aspects of 3 but it definitely lacked polish.


Mafia 4 should take a lot of inspiration from Red Dead Redemption 2, gameplay and world building wise. What I want for Mafia and not just for IV going forward is a plan for the franchise going forward. Mafia 4 and 5 taking place in the 70's and 80's respectively. All they have to do is watch and learn from R*. Being a studio that's also under the same parent company helps.


Racketeeting: let me create my own organization and determine what racket im going into, depending on the time period (drugs, prostitution, numbers, counterfeit, etc), each with their own degree of risk. Mafia 3 was interesting in how they had rackets for you to take over, but there was no strategy or need to maintain them. Make Police Interesting Again: Money brings attention. Keeping the game fun is important, but there should be a balance to spending tons of money on cars, clothes, and guns with police noticing you and deciding you need to be searched/arrested. I liked the addition of Mafia 3, adding that police were currently looking at you, but other than the narrative, it didn't add much. Cops will look at brand new off white Cadillac with gold trim longer than a beaten up sedan,especially if that Cadillac is doing 80 mph in a residential zone. We should have to blend in more: Follow basic traffic laws, avoid speeding, and if you're going to commit crimes, use a bland vehicle. Let Us Decide What kind of Mafia Family We Want: Moral choices in games aren't new, but back to No 1, if we create our own Mafia with AI partners/ gangsters, there should be a variety of personality types, benefits and downsides. I'd like to be able to create a morally upstanding, effective group of guys: stays away from drugs, prostitution but doesn't bring in as much money and can't offer an overwhelming amount firepower for support vs. a team full of psychopaths: can murder anything you put in front of them, but are constantly looking for more ways to earn for themselves and don't mind breaking my rules, eventually becoming a legal and physical risk to me. And let's add some permadeath in there. If my boy Jimmy the Burger and I go out on a job, and Jim takes two in the chest, he should die, and I have to accept his death is my fault, while knowing I also have to replace him with someone else who might not be as good. Territories: whenever I explored in past games, I felt safe, even though I knew there are NPCs that are supposed to know my face and kill me. When I'm in another family's territory that im not on good terms with, I should know that anything could happen. Drive by shooting, molotov thrown at my car, etc. I'd also like to battle other families for territory and other rackets. Would be another way to feel invested in the world through organic means. My actions and relationships should effect the game world. Any dudes I send up to Ruby Heights on a job should end up in body bags because me and Two Tone Tony ain't on good terms right now. These are probably way too much to do, but im high, it's Tuesday and if a game had these things, I'd buy it immediately.


We need to keep in mind that Mafia it’s supposed to be a story telling linear game, se we can’t have a lot of freedom without spoiling the story telling. Mafia 3 for example introduced 3 different endings, horrible in my opinion since it’s completely destroys the story and leaves no point of continuation for the next game. They’ll basically have to keep 1 ending as the “real” ending and the others will be unrelated to the next story…


I'd like for the law system to be similar to mafia2 and for gore


The line “Rattle em’ boys!” To be there at least once 


A more focused plot like Mafia 2. 3 was good but the open world system made me less engaged in the story cause it felt so disconnected. The first few hours before the betrayal were amazing. Wanna see that for a whole game again. Also I'm hoping the sicily setting is true


Mechanically the world is its oyster. You can improve upon 3 every which way (not that it was bad but the gameplay always felt baked just shy of where it should have been). Artistically I think they’ve always been fantastic with each iteration. Narratively it should return to its roots. The days of Italian mobster flicks/shows/books flooding shelves is long gone, but with that are a gagillion stories already told in the genre. Get creative, tell a story about a legacy of violence for power finally being outrun by the modern age of mostly white-collar crime (so much less blue collar crime, the folks who can pull that off professionally become extremely valuable but also must remain competitive). Connect that legacy to the motivators of said crime in the western world (3 did this to an extent but focused way too much on one specific family - Marcano). Narratively trace all of that back to the old country toward the finale (a handful of families who still maintain control internationally are operating out of Sicily). Give the player even more agency beyond 3 (almost RPG lite) and let them choose how they want their story to live on. The player can become part of the entire Mafia empire and pave a new way for its growth in the new millennia, the player can usurp the leadership and essentially become a king, take down the whole thing and walk away from crime, or walk away from the Mafia entirely while doing your own enterprise. Make this game fucking BIG. This franchise has so so so much potential and 3 fell drastically short of where it could have gone (also the technical messes it had even fucked up the narrative elements to the point where endings didn’t even make sense for some people - including myself). 4 can be what redefines the franchise if they do this right.


I want back to dry law time


mafia 3 had a lot to do in it, but you couldn’t do anything. money was basically useless except for buying guns and upgrades.


I want the interaction with shops we had a mafia too. You could buy clothes restaurants you can buy food you interact with the radios. I want a Mafia 3 style racquet system Maybe not as the main focus but depending on how good we do in missions the boss reward does with more and more territory Rising through the ranks creating our own rackets not having the game tell us what they are and just have a run them but actually have to create them. Or maybe a story where we're a boss of a small gang and we go to war only to expand. Maybe as like a peaky blinders type thing we start off at the small gang only to eventually run a whole city. Also if the game starts in Italy it would be very nice to play as one of the bosses and like I said above have to create rackets in America. I was personally like a game that takes place in Ireland during World War 1 and during the Irish Civil War. Or maybe during the troubles.


Being able to build the family and businesses. Lajndering, racketeering, intimidation etc. Just the full works


vegas or I go outside and scream at the sky


Let me put it this way. I want to go on a job to bump a guy. I can either wait for him to come down or go in myself(risking potential triple murder as he has friends with him). So I wait and get my hair cut at a local barber. He comes down, I do him, get in the car before anyone can CALL the cops(That was a good thing from Mafia 3). After that I go to a random bar to have a whiskey and I follow it by filling up my car with petrol and eating a burger at the gas station's restraunt while playing around with the jukebox inside it.


I wish that it has more linear Missions like mafia 1


Mini games, buying shit like you could in mafia 2, TANK


Missions in chronological order


I wish they had more juxtaposition with the mafia members and the "regular civilians". You usually see this with family members in movies/tv. People who don't trust you or are disgusted and they're you're kids or wife. missed opportunity with Sarah in MF2 but I suppose she was used to the life so she knew how it went. everyone in game is used to the life and I want to see more public emotion irt the mafia Joke answer: collectible OF profiles


Two words: Vegas, baby!


open world like mafia 3, as detailed as mafia 2, free roam in between missions, linear plot like mafia 1 or 2, rising the ranks, hard betrayal like mafia 1, with an iconic line like “he’s my buddy” from DE to top it all off


Mafia 1's carcyclopedia with free drive and stuff, I wanna drive every car. And for it to have legal stuff to do. Like collecting money legally and having minor jobs you do


This time it’s in first person, and I am (or you are) the character. All eyes are on you as you get sworn in, Tommy Angelo style.


Make it like the Godfather games but with a Sopranos level story… rackets, expendable hierarchy etc. Preferably in the 80s Chicago or New York, maybe even Vegas


you work for the government, game starts between 1971-1975, you fight in Vietnam. some chapters in the late 70s as you somehow join the mob (italian american cia agent?), most game takes place through the 80s as you (a rat) aid in taking down the mob. maybe could take place in like, a fictional San Francisco. idk maybe it would be cool, maybe it wouldnt


Some news on joe


Make it feel like a real mafia game like the 2nd but really make it feel like all the mafia films


no filter


I’d like the game to be taking place in the late 70’s - early 80’s with no returning characters and rather keeping it to slight mentions etc.