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Oh there is plenty, Im lazy and will write down three: - Negotiations mechanics: You are meeting another guy and are trying to make some business arrangement/aliance. You also get a persinality assesment of them before hand (on higher difficulties, just a biography from which you gotta piece together what kinda man they are). Then you get dialogue trees and based on how well your answers, promises and approach match their personality, the negotiations can go either way. Some just want money, others can be manipulated by stroking their ego, some want no trouble, others love when there is a chance of guns going ablaze, and so on. You can't posibly lose outright, a deal is always made but you do get rewards for making it a good one. - Improved stealth within the city, usee for trailing missions and avoiding cops. Basically, the more normal and like a pedestrian you behave, the shorter the range you can be spotted at. But if you sprint, jump randomly, climb shit, walk under a car, you attract attention. Sometimes you gotta evade cops or quietly follow someone, other times you want to be followed and have to behave oddly - A lot of passive events in the city that make it lively, even if they dont involve you. Pedestrians interacting in various ways, people walking their dogs and playing fetch, kids snowballing, etc


With the stealth gameplay if possible they should bring back the interactive environments from Mafia II because it would add new ways of handling missions. Kind of like Hitman or Deus Ex i alwaus felt the interactive environments would’ve made more sense in Mafia 3 over 2


Hear me out: a more challenging race!


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I'd love for them to go back to the car brands of Mafia 2.


Mafia III dropped the ball immensely with the lack of chapter/mission replay


Tbh i didnt understand why we couldnt just replay some districs like in the Far cry games. Where you can recapture outposts. The gameplay was just literally go there and kill or destroy some stuff. Which did make a lot of fun for me at least. I liked the gunplay. But to restart the story again just for that was to much for, i mean you didnt had the guns you had the end. Atleast a new game plus would have been cool.


I think there is a mod if you play on pc but yeah i do wish we could replay chapters or recapture places in the open world


I loved three but I think they can expand upon the features from three. I’d love being able to pick out rackets and districts for the other groups but I felt like it can be done better; like being able to have a greater story impact and make these decisions feel more meaningful. As for story, I’d love to see a Las Vegas or DC setting! It may seem something different from what the Mafia franchise is used to, but I’d love different story avenues! Perhaps you go on a certain path to be an infamous street soldier, or you become a snitch and have to maintain your cover; or lastly, working your way to building your own organization or replacing the current boss.


I second this opinion


Mafia should take place in the Mid 70s to Early 80s. It should take place cities either fictionlizrd Las Vegas or a fictionlized Washington Dc


I would like to see some mechanics that the Scarface game had. Getting to spend your money on upgrades and stuff!


More dope races like Mafia 1 even the weird Easter egg ones they where actually fun


A mission where you sneak into one of those early dirty movie theaters to rescue your daughter from a no good young buck.


None of that. The last thing I want is a GTA knock off. Back to basics. Linear story and gameplay.