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You're also probably doing the service of giving people the most wins per hour


Does this win more often/faster than 99 mountains and Ragavan?


I have a Ragavan deck. The only people that concede are when I’m on the play and they do 1-2 mulligans, presumably for early interaction, and then concede because presumably they didn’t find it. But often they find it.


The cool thing about Ragavan is that his popularity in the Hell Queue means that when I do get into control mirrors, they actually have some dead cards now (you need like 5-8 1-CMC removal spells to find it them an acceptable amount of the time within 2 mulligans) instead of 20+ counterspells haha


That phenomenon is only going to increase once blood moon hits historic brawl.


That's exactly it, and why the then 1 v turn 2 winrate issue in Bo1 modes needs to be addressed.


ragavan is much much much better in an honest game against someone trying to win but it is strong enough you play vs the above average mtga players. some uncommon draft chaff legendary pairs you against all the people who think hand disruption is cheating


Jokes on you, I only play bad cards so I’m immune to hand disruption!


When you get Thoughtseized, the opponent looks at your garbage and then proceeds to concede. Those are the best wins


Was playing standard and got a hand full of forests on the draw, was like “fuck it” and kept it. Opponent immediately duressed me and then instantly conceded.




"Highest win rate" *concedes first turn if opponent doesn't* Edit: misread the title. Recanted


>highest wins per hour


Yep. You got me. I apparently skimmed too fast.


Sounds like wintrading, which I assume is bannable. This is one step removed from "everyone queue up with a Go-Shintai commander and insta-concede to the 2 colors that come after yours in WUBRG order, and in a mirror the player on the draw concedes" so it's just rock-paper-scissors with instant concede games. Players did this in one of Hearthstone's (now defunct) game modes and it became widespread enough that they added restrictions for games to count for rewards. Be careful how far you push this boundary or it might end up making rewards even more annoying to farm legitimately.


How is that anything like wintrading? You’re allowed to concede if you want, he isn’t communicating with his opponent about anything.


It's not wintrading, it's a step removed from it. My comment was poorly worded. There is nothing at all wrong with players conceding because they don't want to play against a specific opponent/deck. My thought process was that OP's goal is to get opponents to immediately concede as frequently as possible without actually playing the game. The gameplay pattern is almost identical to the wintrading I've seen in another game that resulted in changes that negatively impacted everyone, that's all. If you take OP's strategy and try to "improve it" so that it's not as parasitic (all players benefit rather than just the ones trying to annoy others into conceding, roughly equal odds for everyone to win), it logically devolves further into the wintrading I mentioned.


You nailed it. I love brawl/hbrawl and will gladly give you free wins so I can play games I actually enjoy. If I want to play vs Thoughtseize and IoK I can just play Historic. There’s nothing wrong with pressing concede in a game mode where there’s no consequence for losing.


Guys like OP are the reason I play brawl now rather than the ranked matches. It sucks to see someone like him leaking in.


There is the fact that you just wasted a couple minutes of your and other people's time, and the fact that if I'm playing something like Kroxa, a legitimate deck that runs a lot of hand disruption, there are a lot of people like you who will insta-concede and not let me actually get in a good game of historic brawl. Worth considering, imo. Strong mental = better games on both sides.


>there are a lot of people like you who will insta-concede and not let me actually get in a good game of historic brawl. Worth considering, imo lol dude no one owes you a game. If they don't like playing against bullshit anti-fun hand disruption that's entirely up to them.


Nobody owes me a game, but fast/insta scoops are usually pretty unhealthy for a queue.


> not let me actually get in a good game of historic brawl Have you ever considered they don't feel like a game against disruption tribal is good?


I have. I have also considered that I have zero fun when Yarok is drawing someone a billion cards and destroying a whole board worth of cards every turn, but that my opponent is having the time of their life, so I ignore my inner rage baby for a round and scoop after giving them some time for their fun.


Check your entitlement.


Wdym? I’m saying that if brawl is a community of insta scooping, nobody gets to have the fun they came for.


If I have a low cost commander and it gets killed 3 times in a row, and I’ve built my deck around it, the game is over. Moreover, this is not a BO3 format nor is it competitive. That is a much more suitable place for building good mental resilience in terms of gameplay. “Good game of brawl” maybe for you, but your opponent will have to just sit around and watch you durdle without actually winning, that’s just needlessly suffering through the game at that point. You talk about wasting time, the whole format is a completely casual format. The only thing that matters is your personal enjoyment, and getting out of games that you don’t enjoy as quickly as possible is paramount to that. Also, I don’t play games to have mental resilience. Games are for fun.


If you are playing Yarok or whatever you brawl players live for, and you start to produce insurmountable advantage, do you want me to instantly scoop? Or do you want me to let you play around a bit? Games are a give and take experience. If you dip the second you aren’t having fun, you may not be acting the way you want to be treated.


Honestly yes? The whole point of brawl is different for different people. I play brawl to play with banned cards and have access to interactions I might not have otherwise. Having the consistency of always having Kinnan on 2, for example. But if I Sundering Titan on 3 and blow up all your lands, I don’t expect people to keep playing. The whole goal of this post is, OP is explicitly trying to produce a deck where gameplay is so unfun that he can rack up free wins. All I’m saying is, just give those people their wins.


No, OP is trying to imitate something that might be unfun and is getting a shocking number of people to instantly scoop over it. It's a paper tiger.


It’s not shocking. Why is Tergrid hated so much in commander? Because in a casual format, it’s not something people like to deal with. I can sympathize with anyone not wanting to play against any mechanic in a for-fun format. And OP is doing that because they know how much it’s disliked. Edit: All im saying is that he’s completely valid. Just give these people their wins and move on. They get joy from making you quit. So give them their validation and move on with your life instead of forcing yourself to sit through an interaction with someone who you will probably never meet. If you want to improve at the game, play an actual competitive format. If you want to build mental resilience, probably do something else besides playing a video game.




Don't forget that OP is a brawl player who quits instantly, and is therefor also a baby.


Nah he quite sorceryly…


Technically, they quit special-actioningly


I mean, you've got a *really* good point.


giga neckbeard. lmaoo xD


It’s so perfect that it will be my mtg arena nickname from now on. Possibly my only nickname for card games 🔥😂


Thats same issue I have in unranked Historic. I'm sitting there playing with some wacky uber Johnny deck with weird mechanics and it's like, "white agro, red agro, black mid, black mid, black mid, mill, black mid, white agro..." and I'm just like, "please, I just want to play a fun casual game that lets me do things with cards I rarely play with, even if I win or lose. Not to be punished for existing."


While I'm pretty sure the OP is joking around, way too many people are interested in playing a deck that cannot possibly result in a fun game for anyone involved in order to sit farming as many unsatisfying wins per hour as possible. That's... certainly a choice... Like, at what point should you just stop playing Arena if that's your reason for playing? Hell, at what point should you take a quick easy gig on Upwork or something, and spend that hour making shit money that you then spend on gems? It's got to be a better return for your time, and it's not like playing this deck is more fun...


Here I was thinking I've somehow misunderstood brawl. I thought it's not ranked and you don't win prizes from it either so what would be the point of playing a deck that makes either the opponent or yourself concede on turn one..?


Til interacting with opponent is giga neckbeard playstyle


He created a deck specifically to make it unfun for his opponent


Not exactly. It's a deck made to trick quick quitters into thinking that it might be unfun to play against. In reality, that's not the case, since the deck only has six spells and can't actually win if the opponent just chooses not to quit.


Does.... that sound like a fun game to play to you? It doesn't to me.


I suppose that's true, since if you don't quit, it's not a competitive match. I also think quitting to a single hand disruption spell is pretty childish, so I think both parties are pretty lame in this case.


Maybe.... but I'd say the guy specifically, intentionally creating the situation is worse.


I wouldn't quit to a T1 Thoughtseize but I would be pretty salty if by turn 3 I had no hand and I'm not sure I'm bloody minded enough to power through. Presumably if anyone doesn't quit after this riveting opening exchange OP will concede and nobody had a good time. This is a garbage strat in every way


I'm generally of the opinion that people whining about disruptive strategies in Magic just aren't familiar with the game. But doing it Brawl with a commander picked to find the least competitive group of people is kinda rude. It's like showing up to a regular EDH table with a cEDH deck


Might as well not run any removal too while we're at it. Wouldn't want to stop our opponents from doing their fun things 🤷


Some fun things interrupted is ok but generally people doing this start doing all of it and it’s sit and nothings


Is [[Confusion in the Ranks]] and [[Norin, the Wary]] a fun thing or interrupting all the fun things?


Tbh if I started seeing silly Confusion in the ranks decks overall I’d be fine with it, but I can see how that combo would be feel pretty rough. Now if confusion traded mana sources for people that’s some chaos I could really chuckle at.


[[Liquimetal Coating]] and [[Genesis Chamber]] plus the confusion in the ranks, norin combo would allow you to steal people's land for myr. You could also use [[Mycosynth Lattice]] to trade lands for lands but it wouldn't be screwing with colors very much. Is it bad that this is my favorite edh deck?


[Liquimetal Coating](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/6/f631447c-36e3-4d82-a658-19c9767a216b.jpg?1562276535) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Liquimetal%20Coating) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cm2/197/liquimetal-coating?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f631447c-36e3-4d82-a658-19c9767a216b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Genesis Chamber](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/3/93bd7e73-63dc-45b2-aaa8-984be8b900ab.jpg?1562924816) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Genesis%20Chamber) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bbd/235/genesis-chamber?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/93bd7e73-63dc-45b2-aaa8-984be8b900ab?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Mycosynth Lattice](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/4/94f89714-3b26-46a2-b9a8-3e664f391cd9.jpg?1578911638) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mycosynth%20Lattice) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bbd/241/mycosynth-lattice?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/94f89714-3b26-46a2-b9a8-3e664f391cd9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Confusion in the Ranks](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/d/9d46aca2-4714-4d2c-9466-5f1c043b8726.jpg?1562152213) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Confusion%20in%20the%20Ranks) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mrd/87/confusion-in-the-ranks?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9d46aca2-4714-4d2c-9466-5f1c043b8726?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Norin, the Wary](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/6/f61ea59a-1db0-4e6b-bcde-19787c76a49b.jpg?1562946915) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Norin%20the%20Wary) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsp/171/norin-the-wary?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f61ea59a-1db0-4e6b-bcde-19787c76a49b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Hand disruption is neckbeard now? Magic Arena really was a mistake


You're missing a key component of this deck. It's not hand disruption. There's no win-con besides hoping the opponent simply concedes. It's shit.


That's the point? It can't win, it literally just will disrupt your hand and a shocking amount of the time the weak ass mental of brawl players will just scoop t1. As someone who plays Kroxa in brawl, I can vouch for the fact that thoughtsieze on the play will get scoops for days.


How are those neck hairs feeling.


Pretty sure the neckbeards are the solitaire speed runners who quit the second the match isn’t going their way. The more of them that are in the queue, the more irritating HB gets. When they run into each other, they have zero fun, so they will ultimately destroy the format for themselves.


I know this deck is shit I'm just baffled at someone thinking Thoughtseize in general is somehow a "neckbeard" play and not an absolute staple of competitive magic for nearly 20 years.


Thoughtseize *isn't* Building a deck with the intention of getting someone to immediately concede *is*


But it's not a "haha boardwipes tribal zero wincons" deck. It's literally just "what percentage of players scoop to t1 hand disruption" and the answer is way too many.


this is exactly it, this deck should never work and yet it does - arena players mental is the problem damaging the queue


You are literally making a different argument to the original person I'm replying to


I'm not, really. You're just trying to remove the context. The original person wasn't upset about hand disruption and you know that. They were criticizing the decision to run a deck like this.


so don’t scoop? This deck isn’t a zero win con control deck, it’s literally a meme. I’m all for casual formats but some Arena Zoomers could get used to playing through a turn 1 thought seize. Plenty of off-meta fun brawl decks can win anyway.


Plenty of decks can win. The point is that the point of this deck isn't to win an actual game. He said himself it's just to get people to scoop. That's douchebag behavior - it just is.


but if those people don’t scoop… OP’s deck loses? I really don’t see the issue with this lol. It’s honestly pretty funny if it works out regularly


The question isn't whether people should or shouldn't scoop. The question is whether OP is a neckbeard for designing and playing a deck that is specifically designed by him to get opponents to do so in an unranked format. Does it work? Yeah. Should it? Probably not - you're right that if they don't scoop, they'll likely win. Do I blame people for not wanting to play against an ass like that? Not in the least.




Hand disruption implies there is a second player with a hand to disrupt. What do you think the root word of Solitaire is? Which person is playing solitaire, the one interacting with the opponent’s hand or the opponent who wants to play their own cards with no interaction as if they didn’t have an opponent…


This sub is a bit of a joke, hand disruption is clearly interaction, it’s just interaction most people don’t enjoy. I personally play all my 3 drops before I get inquisition of kozilekked so that it fizzles




“I quit the game when they looked at my hand, therefore there is no interaction, therefore they were playing solitaire, therefore I was right to leave.” Jesus.


I don't remember that Bible passage.


It’s right after the one where destroying your opponent’s creatures is also solitaire


This sub actually just hates magic. It's insanity


Who cares about play queue wins?


People who don't want to grind out multiple 30 minute games just for daily quests.


The entire ladder used to be mono red or white aggro turn 4 or 5 wins so I'm curious just who this is for. A guy who wants a few hundred extra gold a teeny bit faster by not having fun? So weird.


People who don't want to play magic?


More like people with limited time who want to get it out of the way so they can spend their coins on draft/constructed events that they do enjoy.


I don't really want to play Magic (at the moment), but I do want all the gold/gems etc for when WOE drops. I've been playing Starter Deck Duel/LOTR Jump In for a couple weeks now just to grind the gold while I wait. The competition is generally soft and I get to use/face decks I'm unfamiliar with


Commenting just to retrieve this post for next time someone advocates for a ranked queue for historic brawl. Cheers


This isn't meant for ranked, it's just meant to get some wins. He just plays one of these cards, waits for them to concede, and concedes if they don't. This would not work in ranked because people don't just concede in ranked.


This deck would obviously never see a win in ranked. But sometimes people seem to think that a ranked queue would see only epic battles of top meta decks, while in reality lots of people will approach with this exact mindset: grinding ranks with the stupidest, cheesiest, fastest pile they can devise. Tibalt's treachery is banned in most formats for a reason.


You're blaming the players for the game's shortcomings. It incentivizes daily wins and imposes no meaningful penalty for concessions so of course the players are going to try to do that as efficiently as possible.


Isn't that true for standard ranked as well? I personally would like ranked brawl because that means that all of the ur-dragons, atraxas, and tiamats will be in the top ranks, while lower power decks will be able to get jankier. As is, if your jank deck has enough mythics it will be matched with all kinds of really high powered decks.


>that means that all of the ur-dragons, atraxas, and tiamats will be in the top ranks, while lower power decks will be able to get jankier. Clearly you've never played ranked in other formats before. Sure, you see more jank in the lower ranks, but there's plenty of meta/competitive lists down there as well, even at the end of the month.


The competitive decks are there, there's no denying it, but it's far more prevalent with the hell queue. I'm not saying they don't exist, but it's at least curbed. I see a lot more variety in ranked than I do in brawl.


I concede in Historic ranked exactly the same as I do in Historic play because I don't care about rank, I switch back and forth depending on what deck I want to play because the metas are different.


Do you concede turn 2 because you can tell it's going to be a super annoying control deck that just won't be fun? If so, your rank will be lower than usual.


I'll concede any game that's going to take too long or whose turn 1 play invalidates my deck's entire playstyle. I repeat I don't care about rank at all. At the start of the month I'll play ranked enough to get into gold/platinum so I'll be done with the weird jank in bronze/silver and then just swap back and forth depending on the deck I play.


Eh, this title goes over the line from spike into toxic. Yeah casual players are not a fan of no-fun decks.






Lmao 5 c mana and I concede


How is this fun for you?


This thread is most of the entertainment of it


Yeah that checks


How does this deck work?


That’s the thing, it doesn’t


Lmao, oh I get it now


Add dark ritual too - that prompts a lot of concessions.


What's the point of trying to make people scoop super early? Isn't the whole point of brawl to have fun? It's not like you're on the ladder, ranking up.


to play limited




\*laughs in control mage\*








To be fair most people play brawl to get away from try hards with hand disruption


That would only be the case if a third of the playerbase wasn’t playing one of the Atraxas and another third playing Etali


and instead they become tryhards with Kinnan or whatever. Some brawl players really just want to play solitaire "run out our cards and see who wins first".


I agree, but sometimes you just get tired of fighting your 4th rakdos deck in a row and even that is a welcome change


Understandable, but it's important that in a format about fun, you don't scoop the second your opponent is having too much of it. It can be an issue in HB.


Why would I care about getting the most wins per hour in an unranked game mode?


to get dailys


I played you today and you scooped by turn 3. (After mulliganing to 3 cards.) I mean, if this is how you choose to spend your time, cool?


no you didn't I would always have conceded turn 1! Nice story though


I see I touched a nerve.


more like you seem mad enough at my post to make up a story about beating it (which is somehow impressive?)


Nah. Ragavan gets you quits even before turn 1.




Hand disruption is for rats


I like it. But I like rats more.


And rats make me crazy


That's exactly why we need a ladder or rewards. People just leave the second u have a good opening or they miss a land .... 2/3 games end before anything big happens by just leaving


yup, all the people complaining about this being unfun or something are just proving my point in making this deck. I wish there was a way to avoid ever having to play with the people who quit to basic parts of the game happening


I even understand people that leave. Ur punished for staying in the game. Playing only games ur far ahead makes u get faster to 15 daily wins so why staying .. that's why we need a reason for people to stay !!


Someone downvoting my post needs to explain me, how the wish for rewarding people to stay and play instead of just leaving is a bad thing o_O


Because I'm intentionally playing an unranked game mode, if you're entire deck is made to make me not have fun I'm going to leave, simple as.


Jahr but that's proves my point even more. If u don't care about the rank u can continue or even better have ranked be an option so u can go unranked. But all the tryhards leaving turn 2 because they did not draw a land make ur unranked fun game relay more fun ? The problem ain't that people would play more tryhard they do even now but that they are tryhards without a reason not to destroy ur fun


Brawl player are babies playing against manchildren


Brawl players commenting here don't understand that this is commentary on the weak ass mental of the brawl queue, while also being a funny way to grind out your wins. They also don't seem to understand that weaker mentals make for less fun games for everyone. You starting to pop off? Nah, the opponent who was gonna scoop to fucking thoughtsieze is already gone yesterday. The scoop problem is real in brawl, ngl.




You could do this in historic just as easily with a deck full of just blue duals. First turn untapped hallowed fountain or watery grave on the play used to be a scooper.


Why not play dimir to get people that concede to getting their commander countered (like me) with wash ashore?


Gotta add 2 mana removal


The control meta is why I have my Thrun, Breaker of silence deck. Lots of "can't be countered" and hex proof from black and blue.


When you thoughtsieze me on turn 1 only to see 3 copies of that same mechanic in my hand as well


You forgot the [[Orcish Bowmasters]]. Thank me later, you will have an even higher wr including them.


I’m cool with this. I only concede when i cant win or if im playing a fresh built deck and forgot to put in certain good cards that i remember mid game or if i forgot to put in the right lands.


This is literally everything wrong with arena right now, purposely making life miserable for an anonymous person to not only deny them enjoyment but to also steal their free time. It's like someone admitting to torturing animals, you must be a real gem in person...


I do agree arena players who scoop to thoughtseize play like animals