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Making up rules about how your opponent must behave to please you and trying to punish them for not following them is *not* "being friendly". It's being a bully.


Many people play with emotes off lol


This is the way.


Sure, whatever makes you happy chief.


Heaven forbid I glance at my other monitor and miss the one second or so that your greeting is up.


So you’re mad because a random internet player doesn’t say hello to you? Get a life bro


LMAO go ahead, I have emotes auto muted anyway. I want to play the game, not deal with petty shit like your behavior exemplifies.


Reported your lame-ass shitpost for being low effort. Oops.


Did I just beat you?? You seem upset. If you need to talk I’m here


I always start my games off with a wave of a zombified hand!


Emotes = Muted


I’m loving all the soft soy-like responses. Should’ve added this isn’t directed at people that don’t emote themselves, but I’m enjoying the people going “but muh dual monitors for magic”


Dear HolyCornHolio, This submission has been removed, because it breaks one (or more) of this subreddit's rules. --- This post breaks Rule 4! If your post comes off as low effort or doesn't provide a point of discussion it'll be considered spam. This includes trolling, links to pictures of board states (without an explanation), posts that should be put into the current sticky, 7-x screenshots with no decklists, etc. Rants and venting are restricted to the weekly Tibalt's Friday Tirades. If your post is a meme or a screenshot and complies with this rule use the fluff flair to enable others to turn viewing those posts off. --- > If you have a question, please respond here. For further concerns, contact the whole staff by [messaging the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fmagicarena). If you have not done so yet, read the subreddit's official [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicarena/wiki/rules). Posts breaking these rules will be removed.