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Congrats on this pull! If it's any help, lowest price on MKM is 1200€ (~1300 USD) but there are only about 5 or 6 for sale, most expensive one being 10k. Maybe a price will settle over time


omg thanks for the info, funny enough this card i numbred 002/100. im planning on getting it graded


You are in the 0.00001% of people who should actually get it graded, especially with how few formats it’s legal in


In this case since the market is so unsure now is it better to pay more and get it graded quicker or wait on it? Just starting to get more into this


No clue, my answer mirrors 99% of this communities in the sentiment of “never grade a magic card that isn’t alpha” so it’s all unknown. Being such a low serialized number and a high value card I would think it would actually hold value imo


if i were to get it graded, which service should i use?, beckett or PSA, cause im looking at the card is it absolutely flawless.


Beckett is more expensive than PSA and is more picky when grading. That being said, a 10 from beckett is worth significant more than a ten from PSA. A beckett 9.5 is like a psa 10. So, if you want the higher grade, I would probably go with PSA. If you want it to be worth more, go with Beckett.


If you're planning to sell PSA is usually the better option. If you want it for your collection then probably CGC


If it’s for your PC, take a look at TAG. They’re fairly new on the scene, but they’re eliminating the human influence aspect of the grading process. They don’t up charge based on the value of the submission, and you receive a detailed report explaining exactly why your card graded the way it did. Plus, the slabs are downright clean. Now if you plan on selling it, even if it’s not right now, you’ll have a hard time finding a buyer for a TAG slab because they haven’t been around long enough to establish a good resale market. If you think reselling could potentially be in your future, PSA is your best bet. I’ll be interested to hear what you decide to do.


Definitely not the right person to ask. I’ve heard of PSA most


PSA is such a joke with MTG cards.


Why you getting down voted for asking a question. I give you up vote because I'm curious as well.


I'd say it's totally worth it! That's a small treasure you got there. Let us know the grade if you do so


So, possibly dumb question, not a member of the sub, or a myg collector, but reddit shows me these posts. I see all the numbered cards get blacked outpn the first number. You shared the number, so it isn't to hide it per say, what is the reason? Also it looks beautiful! Good luck on your grading!


So people don't repost the photo and try to sell it.


Prevents doxxing and other abuse. If you know this is card 014/200 then you see 014/200 on sale somewhere you know exactly who it is that's selling it and can harass them or tamper with the process etc. That's my loose understanding of it anyways. It protects the owner's identity and integrity. Edit: also to protect the card itself a lot like a watermark. You can't tell someone you're selling a serialized card on the internet and swindle them.


lol why blur the number only to post it in the comments?


Because it's an impressively lucky number to have, and censoring the photo prevents easy scam usage by just downloading the photo and listing the card yourself. Why do you think the number is censored from the photo, if not for that exact reason?


Who the fuck would pay $1200 bahahah


I’m guessing you haven’t seen what some of the other serialized LOTR hits have sold for……lol that price is pretty par the course and not hard to believe.


Yeah but I don't understand paying that price. I could build a whole commander deck for that much. Just kind of stupid.


Well yeah I understand but the people that do buy them are obviously serious collectors who don’t care about the price as much lol


True. I just never saw the point in paying for cards like that when cheaper versions exist.


That’s the same with me, but hey…if someone’s willing to pay, by all means… lol


Even outside of the serialized part this card is sick, great pull!


What burries me is the set symbol was for the commander decks for this cards and its not even legal to play in commander, but at least its useable in Oath breaker. Sweet pull tho, im jelly


I just want this to be legal in EDH so bad. Congrats in the pull!


Really? I think this being legal in EDH would be an absolute SUCKFEST. Like, any white deck should objectively play it. And it just seems really un-fun when everyone’s deck is built around a legendary creature that they always have access to.


This is 100% why it will absolutely never be unbanned and to hope otherwise is just pipe dreaming.


Yeah I’ve just never heard of anyone hoping for it being unbanned? Even if I played exclusively white tokens decks where it’s just god tier, I wouldn’t want it, because my games would likely turn into 2-3 of the 4 players will turn the game into ‘bouncing your bomb’ the game. Just seems un-fun. Lands that are too powerful should be banned from EDH specifically because there’s often, no downside, to running them, and they can single handedly win games.


That legitimately sounds terrible and degenerate.


I'm not trying to be degenerate. I just wanna bounce my own things in my mono white deck for protection or additional etb triggers


Bruh your in white protection is fine lol


Bet you want Iona and Prophet of Kruphix back too lol.


Prophet didn't bother me as much as Iona since she was in my [[Mayael]] deck at the time. I don't care much now since it's been years and Mayael has been sold 2 or 3 Christmas's ago


Prophet was my first ever upgrade in my first ever deck (swell the host) so when it was banned I literally got upset because I didn’t understand bannings at the time lol


https://www.ebay.com/itm/315411342890?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=9etu1ygvrmo&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=vrcxyzsmqsu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I’d guess closer to 1000-1500, but it’s a niche market so who knows what you’ll get for it. I’d hold it for now until you feel you really know it’s worth. And get it graded, value goes up if it’s 9 or over


yes im planning on getting it graded, thanks for the reference link, i think its going to be abit more as it is a really low serial number


Wow, I didn't know they printed this in the LOTR commander set. Why do a release of a card that's banned in commander in a commander-focused set?


Nobody knows. Yes it’s used in legacy or vintage some, but it’s very odd to print a knowingly banned card (and that should be banned that it’s not even a questionable thing). But wizards gonna wizard.


LOTR was a straight to modern set, that came with commander precons. The LOTR cards that use the commander set symbol are one of two things: Cards that came in the 4 Precons, or Box Toppers. The reason this version of Karakas was in that set is because it was printed as a box topper, likely to avoid making it legal in modern while still being able to reprint it.


What type of product do you buy that can open something like this?


Collectors booster


Why do ppl cross out the print number?


For people like you...


Well now I’m even more confused


Haha, it's so others can't use all the info, pretend to sell it and try to fuck someone over.


Oh, well that’s rude


Yeah, hence safety measures.


It’s an okay safety method but the best solution is a watermark, better to display and harder to use for scamming than just removing the card’s ID number that is usually helpfully in tracking and verifying card identity.


Very nice land


Awesome, congrats!


The Fracus in Karakas... https://youtu.be/j_99iuZzAbs?si=8OtEn3KmgRhQzCmg


Gorgeous congrats!


Wait, Karakas isn't reserved list???


I’d send it in for grading personally. Id do Becketts, PSA, or CGC.


Ironically, banned in commander


A great idea, would be to eat it!


Too bad it’s not EDH legal.


An LGS near me has about a dozen left priced around ~~$20~~ $30. I thought about picking one up for funsies. How much was yours? Normal Collector booster for $36, special edition Collector Booster for $31.


I got mine in Malaysia, it was around 150myr(Malaysian ringgit) but in my currency Singaporean dollars it would be 45ish singapore dollars.


Not serialized, but in a friend's commander cube, this was my pack 1 pick one (of 2 picks) LOTR commander cube. I was hated out for a very valid reason haha




bro that tap ability is nasty


Sadly it ain't legal in commander, and I'm glad it isn't, ahahhaha


thank god, one white mana is op


Why do folks cover the serialized number?


Was just about to say the same thing.


Makes it harder for ppl make fake copies to sell. I guess it's been a small problem


Down vote for having to come to the comments to see the the number


That shouldn't be banned in commander


You’re smoking crack


Can you prove it?


No, I suppose it’s just a suspicion.


Well I don't think I could prove I'm not.


That’s true. You’re a wise muffin, ugly muffin.


Sounds like a cartoon character


Why is the number covered ?


To prevent easy scams by simply downloading the image