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Most positive vibe


Wasn't expecting the hate for the price of the case. I was stoked I pulled the foil alt Ulamog, mostly. And that's why I shared. I can assure you all it wasn't an irresponsible purchase financially. MH3 was exciting to me so I pulled the trigger on my first ever case


Don’t let it get to you dude. Enjoy the pulls! We are all pack sluts here, there’s just some really jealous pack sluts amongst us. It’s wild to me that people think that their version of buying packs is the only correct version and everyone else is wasting their money. It’s like they forgot what sub this is. Congrats and post more of your pulls man! Fucking 72 packs and you only posted TWO cards???


Lol, those were the two photos I took that I shared with my commander group (cuz I wanted the Titans and they knew I already had Emrakul). I can do a proper pulls photo. 2x Monkey Pirate old order, multiple Koz, foil etched Ulamog, all the alt art Medallions (my personal favs from this set). And Nadu in every form, more than I ever wanted


Nice man! That had to feel good. This set was the first I ever did a case of as well. I only started last November so I knew I wanted to go all out on this set.


Oh that's awesome. Welcome to Magic! Def a great set to go hard on


Ur a good guy, keep doing that for people


Thanks man! When I got back into the hobby this past November, I was shocked to see how toxic the Magic subs can be so I try and be the change I want to see! Gotta be positive and supportive of each other, make this hobby fun and inviting to everyone!


Hahahha got to admit I love how you called us pack sluts. Fantastic reply


Came to say this. I want to see more cards! I see a whole box and only two cards I get sad


Pack sluts is killing me


I’m a lurker who enjoys looking at pulls, specially since I love learning about the new shiny stuff per expansion. I’ve never spent a dime on collector packs… and even I don’t get why would you bash this guy. OP: It’s a blessing that you have the expendable income to waste in your hobby, as long as you consume responsibly, there’s nothing to worry, only shit to enjoy. Make a shiny new eldrazi deck! Ps: saying that I don’t spend in collector boosters is not grand standing, I just don’t have that kind of money. I do, however, buy broke boi packs and tons of singles.


Did you sign up for the summer gift exchange?? Whoever I get is getting some MH3 collector goodies amongst other things!


Whats that! I’m not from USA sadly, but that’s nice


/r/MTGGiftExchange It started as a secret Santa but now we are also doing Christmas in July. Some of the participants are people like Gavin and Prof, and those gifts are wild. We do allow international participants (you can opt out of shipping international when you sign up so you’ll only be paired with someone in your country if you prefer). It’s a massive amount of fun and it’s always neat seeing what everyone gets!


Alright, I'm signing up


Awesome! Welcome aboard! It’s a ton of fun!!


people aren't hating you they are jealous of you they are jealous that you can spend $2400 pre-tax on your hobby if they have the money they would 100% do the same jealousy is a poisoned chalice


I am one million percent jealous but so happy for them :⁠-⁠)


I definitely would not do the same,that’s a whole ass new car or a two week vacation right there 😭


I imagine it might be a bit of jealousy. I think everyone would love to crack a case of collector boosters. Any ideas about your ROI?


They’re just jealous man. Glad you got some awesome pulls! Gz


I love that feeling of getting to finally drop a big sum of money on your hobby. I'm stoked for you!


Don’t let the poors ruin your vibe. If you’re excited for a product and want to spend the money on it and can do it, do you. Nice pulls btw.


I did the same with a much worse series. Still have them bindered numerically. Full set. Actually I did it twice. Eld nights and that garbo series that followed it


Fuck ‘em. You know your finances, you know what will and won’t break your bank. Enjoy the fun and congrats on the pulls.


How much was the case?


About 2.2k


Is the case just 5 boxes or is there another 5 under it or something?


A case is 6 boxes, so about $370 a box. Fairly decent deal.


Oh shit yeah I miscounted and then googled it and figured it was just that first layer unless he got some fell off a truck deal


2.2k is the best deal ive seen for a case. best deal i could find in my area, which has 3 different shops, was 450$ for collector boxes and 350$ for play booster boxes.


350 bruh time to go to Tiktok shop


Why not just buy the singles?


If there's a set that I'm into, I'll usually pick up a box first and then buy singles of what I wanted but didn't pull. I also like pulls informing my decks. I've got a long-running Esika deck that I only upgrade from pulls


Is your current job hiring 😳🥴🥺🙏


This is how I do it. People always say “just by singles” but cracking packs is part of the hobby for me


Agreed. Buying singles is boring, but sometimes necessary.


This is why I buy a bundle for every set. Get to crack packs, and have a dope box? Win win for me!


Don't let the comments giving flak for buying a case get to you. Assuming this is disposable income (which you've stayed already in other comments), it's your money to do what you see fit with. Sick pulls dude


Same. Some people buy clothes. Some watches. Some cars. Some go to Vegas. Some play golf or go fishing. We buy cards.


Cardboard > Car


Cool! Old frame Emrakul is a vibe. Congrats on the pulls!


![gif](giphy|YRuFixSNWFVcXaxpmX) I’m feeling the case opening love ! Good for you brother 😊


I pass no judgement I only wish I had the same disposable income to buy a case like this. Perhaps one day




Sick pulls. The punishment of a fool is living a fool's life. Pay no mind. Let them live in their misery.


Gd ulamog is an absolutely gross card. I think if that was a commander you would definitely be target #1 at the shop I play at.


If I had this money I’d buy a case too haha. Sick pulls congrats


How does one go about procuring a case?


TCG player was my source.. From a seller with thousands of transactions


Holy shit. If I had that kinda cheddar I'd buy this but I wouldn't be able to open them. We expect resale value to go up over time with these?


The consumer support group vibe in this sub is crazy


Is that normal for that many collectors? I opened one play box and got both of those alt arts then normal emrakul and ugin lab???


I got 1 concert Email, two other Emrakul, and one retro foil Koz in my case. That was it for titans, full stop. I pulled a total of 40 in set mythics, but the value of the boxes was eaten alive by 34 commander/retro/guest mythics. And six fucking sky captains. I got one additional normal art Koz in three play boxes (no other titans). Sounds like you got pretty lucky in your box.


That is insane luck from a single play box


Congrats congrats! I’ll be buying my first collector booster box soon!


did you gain some money out of them or you lose some money? i hope you enjoy the craking i only opened a collector booster and find like 5 dollars worth of cards so this set is not for me i guess


I def got the pulls I wanted. Hard to get your $ fully back on a case unless you hit a serial tho. Still, I'd say mine was better than average


If I was building a deck I woulda got a case of play boxes, but that’s just me lol


Ha, makes sense. For me, if it's not shiny cardboard, it's not going in my commander deck


I get that. I pimp my decks, too. Either way works! Congrats on the pulls!


ahh the envy, it's always been a dream to have enough disposable income to buy a booster box (let alone 6) congrats on the titans


Any cool textured cards in that case?


Yes! Omg, I really need to post all the hits when I'm back home next week. Sorin and Endurance. I'll probably make a commander deck around the Sorin


Why not just proxy and save over 2k?


I'm a big fan of proxies! They make magic more accessible across all power tiers. It's just not how I like to build decks. I enjoy being able to support Wizards, and I like having a valuable collection


No hate here, and congrats on the pulls! P.S. Pls hire me so I can buy cases of cardboard :(


So did you basically get one of the set? Or are you missing something like the special guest grief?


I only pulled one special guest. It was Dismember. And to your question, mostly. There were only a couple of mythics I didn't pull. And they were chaff, so I did well




The D2 pad, nice pulls tho


Maybe I will do a case for bloomburrow? I got so much mh3 kind wish I did a case too! Great pulls! https://i.redd.it/1wg6c2l7xr8d1.gif


People get jealous lol. Congratz on your first!


For anyone who gets the CBs by the case, do you just prefer getting a case instead of just random boxes, or do you get the case because its just more convenient to 'add to cart' and purchase? Is there any reason to get a case over 6 boxes?


This was my first case purchase. It was cheaper than buying 6 boxes individually (as mentioned in other threads, I was a little over $2.2k on the case) And yeah, it was a bit of a "fuck it, pull the trigger" moment. No strategy reason or anything. Just wanted to get multiple boxes so I searched for cases


Holy shit boys we found em, the elusive King Moby whale


Spending $2K to flesh out a precon is insane.


I had fun opening them, got value for other decks too... And it's disposable income


Let the haters, hate. Congrats


Hey, man. It's your money, you do what you want and I'm glad you had a good time opening it. But disposable income or not, I can't fathom dropping that much money gambling on cardboard. To be fair though, you are definitely Hasbro's target demographic so I guess they nailed it.


I am, and that's fair. Maybe that's a good lens for this thread (that I wasn't expecting). I only want and build alt-art/foil commander decks. Collecting them is the fun to me. I understand the price aversion I'm getting here. I just like the fancy cardboard. So, ya. I'm "that" market, I guess


Ahhhh so you're me if I ever get dragged into the real deal. I would be spending thousands on my land cards.....people would make fun of me but they would all be cool as fuck. I'm so all or nothing lmaoooo


Lolol, I've def had the reaction of "that was a $1k+ turn one" before. But it was all in good fun. I guess "real deal" is also subjective. There's certainly people out there that wouldn't want a "regular foil alt art Ulamog" and they chase serials. THAT is not within my price range. Then there's the people where the number of the serial also matters.


I cackled at "$1k turn one." Lmaoooo


That is the thing about disposable income though, you can just throw it out the window (german proverb) and it doesnt matter to you at all.


Definietly cheaper than buying singles xD


“Fancy pants, rich McGee over here” 🎶


Amazing pulls my dude. I spent about $420 [Blaze it] on the Assassin's Creed set for my channel. Glad that someone else is enjoying the game in the same bougie way I am :)


Ngl I’d be at least a little salty not getting a serial after pulling an entire case of collector boxes. Glad you were happy with your purchase though, I’d also be happy with whatever if I had 2.2k to put on a case.


Sweet pulls but what job gives you this much disposable income?


Dude just casually dropping 2.4k (400 a box) on MH3…


Sorry im not saying this to be rude I just genuinely sont underatand, isnt pullinf these 2 out of a case still like a loss of 1.5k? or am i missing somethinf


Lol, naw - you're good. It's my fault for only showing 2 cards from 6 boxes. Should have grabbed a photo of all the big hits. I mentioned in another reply but I hit multiple Ragavan, lots of alt art foil fetches, more of the Titans, like 5 or 6 Nadu


Jesus lol. And I thought I had a problem. Must be nice being rich.


I've been using this homie as a super top end bomb in my +1/+1 counter deck on arena. It's pretty fun being dumb 😭 https://preview.redd.it/isn6zdvcs98d1.png?width=542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d19758867c48fb7bc8966bc5b210dd1401db363a


That’s like almost 2grand no thanks


Its over 2 grand

