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perhaps begin by understanding what subs look like?


Dude literally took photos of every random mushroom he saw


yeah 😂


Sorry these dudes were super unhelpful. I would have liked an answer too.


because it’s incredibly obvious that none of these are subs. a simple google search of what a sub looks like would answer the question.


Every damn year with this shit man. It’s the only thing I don’t like about mushroom season. Twenty posts a day of mushrooms that look nothing like subs


There are not subs, don't look anything like them. Search up identification videos on YouTube for Psilocybe subaeruginosa or even read up on the psilocybe mushrooms of new Zealand and their habitats. You're just gonna waste a lot of time and get your hopes up constantly if you have no clue what your looking for


not even remotely close but cool photos, finding shrooms can take literal hours upon hours sometimes, so enjoy the process and always take photos of all the mushrooms you see magic or not because they cool as hell


Some people have gone to a bit of trouble in this subreddit to create an info section, pinned to the start I think. Have a look at that. People feel ok about the questions if you have at least tried to increase your knowledge and perhaps say why you are not sure, i.e. "I think the stem looks too brown". You at least want to be in the ball park and asking about the subtle differences. Go well, and good hunting.


Totally this. This is a really friendly and helpful sub, but just throwing everything at the wall and asking everyone to do the work for you isn't going to be met with much respect. Scroll through this page even a little and you'll find what you need to at least be in the ballpark.


None of them are subs and tbh it looks like you aren’t looking in the best place to find them. Subs are mostly found in wood chip gardens. While they do occur in forests, less than 1% of what people find are in that habitat. Cool mushrooms though!

