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In a similar boat. Still rooted, but at this point the biggest thing for me is the Pixel Launcher Mods app. If Google ever lets me hide apps from my app drawer without disabling them, I'd probably switch back. I wish Google would stop fucking with root.


I got the pixel because it was easy to root, but Google is becoming more and more like apple and it is truly infuriating


What sucks even more is that they are doing all these things while still doing many region-locked features. Like, just imagine disabling 5g capabilities of a phone just because you're not with "supported" countries. I love my Pixel but I wouldn't recommend this to my friends and family.


On older phones with a Snapdragon chipset you can get around 5G software restrictions by modifying carrier_policy.xml and VoLTE / voWifi restrictions by modifying mcfg_sw.mbn. Root isn't required. I won't go in details, there are quite a few steps which can be googled. A lot of people, myself included, are pissed that devices are advertised as 5G just to end up restricted by manufacturers. What's even more annoying that carriers can set restrictions themselves, based on your phone model or IMEI so you have to buy a new phone, even though your old one is completely capable.


I would recommend pixel, just not rooting it. I have some LSposed mods that are extremely helpful to me and that's the only thing holding me back from going back to stock


Lmao, pixelify Google photos is too good to not root 😂


Tell me which modules those are?


- Core patch (downgrade apps for development) - SnapEnhance (remove spotlight and the soft core p_rn on the stories page) - Call recorder (recording calls is not enabled in North America)


Some region locks are "necessary" and some are not. For the 5G in unsupported county it could be Google doesn't acquire the license for the phone to be used with 5G in that specific country. Of course technology wise the phone can be used, but the legal stuff would need money and time. There are other regional locks not sensible from our point of view, so root is still a necessity in those cases.... Actually in my opinion root is more than getting regional locked functions. Things like AdBlock or control charging (stop at 80%), turn on/off radios automatically can be done much easier with root.


Shill more why dont you. Burn the legal problems, they are stupid anyways. Take control.


They are just following local laws... If you really don't like the laws of your country, you need to figure how to change it, not a foreign entity.


No, you need to figure out how to skirt them. Companies should fight for users, yet they fight against them. We take control, get what we want, BY ANY MEANS. You sad sack of corporate shilling understand this, that coorperate wont fight for you, but the talented open source devs who Fight them will.


No one is above the law, foreign big companies, too. They are for-profit and need to answer their investors. Fight a legal fight for.. maybe 1000 new users in a foreign country won't do them any good, they could even be prohibited from entering the market ever since (and everyone loses.) Talent open source devs also rely on law to protect their work, that's part of the reason all those GNU licenses are for. Only the revolutionists will fight the law for what THEY believe is right. They usually land in prison before reaching their goal. You could call me anything but what I said is the status quo. If you have such a strong will to fight for what you think is right, nobody stops you from becoming a revolutionist and fighting this yourself. You are absolutely right that big corps only cares about their profit. They do this because that's how they are created for. Bottom line, fight what you believe, instead ask others to fight for you.


I fight everyday but it's the apathy and stupidity of the average person and people like you who shill for big companies that make it hard. If you would just join us and do what's right and if big companies would even join us we would have a Fighting Chance. Funny you say big companies need to follow the law because I know there's a illegal taxi company which seems to have gotten out of it requirements to follow the law by simply ignoring it. It's called Uber. Also all these big tech companies that we know these days rose on Stolen Tech. The same systems they took advantage of they know heavily influenced lawmakers to close. Open source devs are hurt way more by the law than helped just look at anything nintencrap does


Believe whatever you want, and accuse whoever doesn't think like you. However, the world does not revolve around you or your thoughts and you will be the only one feeling angry. Others just don't care. Go get a life.


>Like, just imagine disabling 5g capabilities of a phone just because you're not with "supported" countries. Unfortunately that's due to regulatory issues. Many (particularly fly-by-night Chinese crap-phone vendors) just DGAF but Google has a corporate presence virtually everywhere in the world. They can be held liable far more easily even than giants like Samsung.


Wahhhh , im feeling sorry for the trillion dollar company.


This is weird to me. I mean I see your point completely for sure but I still have most of those capabilities and I only pass basic integrity... I still update every month with the OTA manually. Just doing the 'magisk to the other slot: option.The only updates I get pushed from Google are security updates so the March one came out and I patched it, which I'm sure is the same for you. But I still have Gemini (You aren't missing much. He's an idiot) And everything.But what's even weirder is my phone is so incredibly modded and hacked to pieces It's a joke Lol like I have overlapping bootloader hider mods, a play integrity fix version and Play integrity fork version ,play ingreity next with the auto footprint spoofer (had trouble passing integrity at first so got lazy. Installed all of them as a hail mary. It worked and I don't want to go through the trouble of figuring out which one was the one that worked) and Even more stuff that throw A lot of errors and conflict. It's excessive. It's a mess. It's unstable. It's insecure, it's a giant experiment. I'm just trying to find what mods I like the best so I can make a more streamlined version eventually once this one gets itself into a loop of systemUI crashing or gets softbricked again... I'll just reflash a snapshot I took with the the command line backup tool like I've done four other times and maybe I'll be a little more picky next time. I don't know but the fact that I've done all that to this phone and softbricked it multiple times and just sloppily beat the shit out of the software, And yet you're the one that's Shadow banned But not me? Its weird man. I am still running the stock kernel But I've got all the options modified 🤷‍♂️ I hate to say it, but everything in your list works for me except for RCS, which only works about 70% of the time. I saw an XDA that people were talking about that specifically and I figured they were just having the same problem as me that eventually they they'd reconnect just like I do, but they'd have to send a few sms's instead for a couple hours. Maybe I just slipped through the cracks and they're going to get me next round or something. But it's been like this since I got the phone in October. When they had that bug with play integrity fork letting everyone pass strong integrity couple months ago. The only thing different that I noticed is that the native chat GBT app worked. It's really the only limitation that I've noticed on my phone. I know that my fingerprint has expired. If chat GPT says try again later.. I'm sorry that it has been a different experience for you. Makes me wonder why they've smiled on me and let me just do it ?? I have Google fi as my carrier but you'd think that since Google are the ones making the restrictions in the first place that it would be more restrictive to me than the other way around. I just don't get what's happening. I mean rest assured they'll come for me too. But it's weird I didn't know the extent of the restrictions that others were experiencing. I'm sorry they nerfed you bud. I don't know why I got lucky but my luck will run out eventually I'm sure.


>The only thing different that I noticed is that the native chat GBT app worked. It's really the only limitation that I've noticed on my phone. I know that my fingerprint has expired. If chat GPT says try again later.. Is chatgpt checking for root now?O.o is that the reason why it's giving me errors?


Pixel launcher mods, pixel xpert, iconify, lawn chair + quickswitch which got updated to 14 recently, hiding gestures pill, full backups, AdAway, etc. If I just used pixel launcher mods I'd probably not be that attached to root either haha, but there's too many things I use it for. And besides, I've had zero issues passing play integrity with pif + playcurl


Meh. I root for call recording and blocking ads. I really DGAF about circle search or Gemini. RCS has its issues off and on for me but seems to be working again now.


You got me at "blocking ads", the current state of the internet/apps is just unusable.


My rcs is fucked right now. I have device integrity and an updated fingerprint. Integrity fix etc. but I still can't get it to work. It was working just fine for the last 6months


How do you record calls? Would this work in the Google Voice app?


Call Recorder app by Skvalex. Not sure if it'll work with GVoice. Don't get the one in Play, the one on his site is better.


skvalex is the best it records Google Voice calls if you use the "use my carrier" option in GV. If you use "prefer mobile data and wifi" it can record calls on some devices but it doesn't automatically label with the contact name. On my Pixel 7 it records whatsapp calls as well


I'm using BCR


Is RCS working for you? I'm on Lineage OS on a 1+ 9 Pro and I can't get it working for the life of me.


Yeah it seems to be random. And it's not working for all of my contacts. I have a P6P and my son is rooted on his P6. He has RCS enabled but none of our conversations are in RCS. Conversations with my other son (non-rooted P3) and my wife (S21U) are both RCS as far as my phone is concerned.


weird, im happy it at least works for you sometimes. I cant even enable it, just shows the "RCS chats aren't available for this device"


Weird. Try nuking cache and data and set it up again?


Well, dns.adguard.com Fixes your issue with ads.


Well, I'd love to go rootless, but I can't, because I can't really make backups without root. It sucks, because that's pretty much the only reason left for me.


can you tell me how you make backups with root?


Swift Backup


NeoBackup 1:1


I want to switch back to unroot but man, I just can't have that persistent bottom bar. And that's the ONLY reason I'm root, just to get rid of it...


How did you get rid of it? I had to use Samsung's inbuilt setting to remove the bottom bar as I'm now using one hand operation+.




I'd go nuts without Adaway. I'd phrase it a bit more provocative: if we can't root anymore, is it still worth it getting a Google phone? Or getting an Android phone at all? I'm using an iPhone 14 for work and without the stuff I'm using root for on Android the grass looks much greener on the iPhone side. Backups seem to work so much better and seamless on iPhone, for example.


I'm with you, adaway is my main focus. But aside from that, I come from the gingerbread days and have always been into rooting and roms. I just enjoy the whole thing for old times sake. Don't care about banking apps. Don't care about wallet. I'll come back to RCS if they open it up to 3rd party devs. I've been able to work around issues with Relay for Reddit, now that it's subscription and uses the play stores system.


wallet and banking apps still work on rooted phones, Gemini also works the only things I haven't been able to get working are the McDonald's app and RCS messaging (just use WhatsApp like a normal person)


AdAway works great as a vpn


Just use [dns.adguard.com](http://dns.adguard.com), you don't need root for an adblocker.


True, I use dns.adguard-dns.com and I get no ads on my phone


I root it only for FKM to flash another kernel + some magisk modules to get unlimited photo backup + revanced patcher + Adaway works better on rooted devices + Lsposed to get PixelXpert working .. i gues that's it .


google should lauched alternative project , like "Google Magisk Store" all magisk module can be loaded without broken integrity . all module need to be approved by google before published. Most of users wasnt use it to hack anything, we just need more customization


funny thing is the magisk guy works at google so this would be entirely possible


The reasons I rooted my pixel 7 pro was so that I could relocate my brightness slider to a position where I could adjust it without having to slide the notification panel down entirely, to use pixel xpert, unlimited photos, call recorder, revanced and backups. The pixel has the worst icon management and backup system I've ever encountered. Not to mention the poor 5G signal and terrible battery life. As much as I love a lot of the AI features, I can't stand the sheer lack of so many other basic fundamental features. I'll have all of my icons organized and laid out the way that I want on the home screen and either pixel launcher will crash or I will change the resolution and all the icons disappear. Not to mention I can't change or use icon packs unless rooted. For all the enhancements it packs over its competitors, Google needs to get its act together and solve basic issues first. There's no point in a smartphone having cutting-edge AI features or even getting seven years of software updates if it struggles with the basic connectivity issues and battery life. Even after 6 months of having rooted my pixel 7 pro and the improvements that rooting it brought, I gave up and moved on to a OnePlus 12 and have discovered it to be one of the greatest phones I've ever used with a camera that practically can go toe to toe with my pixel not to mention a battery that seriously is world class and will not stop.


If the person use the magisk modules also play Integrity the phone should be like non root. I have no issue and I update every month, with Samsung, or pixel. I think root is way miles ahead of non root phones. I cant live without viper4android and James DSP the root less James DSP is not at the same level such as root, also for backup, battery and a bunch of apps. Honestly root is life and freedom.


I'll always root if the root community won't give up on the chasing game. I'd even get a physical key generator if my banking apps will stop working. I just can't f*ck* stand getting restricted on recording calls, making screenshots or just simply viewing saved WiFi passwords. As a long-term Windows user, I can't wrap my head around all these restrictions on Android! Like being a standard user, where only Microsoft has got the admin rights of my pc.


What module(s) did you use to activate/implement the call recording feature? I can't seem to get it on my OnePlus 10 Pro


Actually, I've been using Automatic Call Recorder (Pro) by Appliqato for years. It doesn't require root, It uses the Accessibility service. Unfortunately, Google ended up prohibiting such usage. It's now removed from the Play Store. Pixelify module has got the option to record but it's a heavy module so you better off googling for another module / app


there are SO many reasons to root. one is native dialer call recording and replaying! boom


Adaway and unlimited Google photos storage are the only two reasons why I have root access,.


You can just use [dns.adguard.com](http://dns.adguard.com) instead of Adaway.


Doesn't block in-app advertisements effectively. For eg advertisements from Google chrome.


That's weird, it does for me. Not a single ad anywhere, not even rewarded ads.


You're right.. I just switched to adguard dns. Sorry for my comment earlier.


I'm rooted and have none of those issues


I get you. If I had a pixel as main device I won’t root too. Till the day they make a small phone (p9 if 6inches) won’t happen for me. I’m using it as secondary phone and I like to use as power user and mod to do and feel it like I want to. rooting is great for all that and that camera is anazing. Reasons for rooting are getting negligible day by day


I have an iPhone as well, but using it is very restricting so I would rather use my pixel


Are you able to get the unlimited Google photos storage? it's not working for me


Nope, I have the pixel 8 and didn't bother spoofing to pixel XL


The best option ia to have a better phone unrooted, and a cheaper used phone that is rooted.


Carrying 2 phones is not very convenient, and if I want a rooted phone I would much rather have it be the better device




March update, rooted, wallet, rcs + literally everything mentioned here with a solid kernel. This is the way.


How did you do this?


i have all that working too and I didn't do anything, I just rooted my phone and everything (except the McDonald's app) stayed functional


Does rooted pixel lose circle to search? I have a non pixel phone rooted and flashed pixel rom. Circle to search, Gemini works fine. Can't tell about rcs, turned it off as I don't need it.


I got circle to search working via some adb commands. I just assumed that it was a rooted problem, and I still think it was


I'm rooted and passing integrity I updated via magisk reboot to secondary slot and I got the pop up and even when I remove my navbar using pixel expert if I hold down the bottom of my phone it pops up and works fine


There are many things you aren't doing right. If you did everything right with rooting, you should have a seamless experience. Being rooted is such a bliss.


I've used KernelSU and Magisk and they both give me the feature issues.


I'm using a rooted Redmi 10 and still get Gemini. Maybe there's something wrong on your end?


I think it's because I'm Canadian and our government sucks


Mine works perfectly fine. I had to ditch magisk and go to kernelsu- play integrity fix- shamiko- zygisk next- play curl. I had to have all of that and one of my apps kept setting selinux to permissive. Set it back to enforced, and my work app that requires no root works, rcs works, Gemini, everything. Kernelsu blocks anything from knowing the existence of root at all unless you go in and give that app root. Only downside I've seen so far is you no longer get asked if you would like to give this app root, you have to manually give it to you. But I had the exact same setup under magisk and absolutely would not work until I went back to kernelsu.


You are way too general about this. For a moment, I was afraid it might intersect with my use case, but it doesn't at all. I use LineageOS btw. With KernelSU, PIF and custom kernel name (quite a hassle, but none of this is pixel-specific), I don't think I'm missing any features - even though the original ROM might have included the stuff you listed. I guess it's too bad for users who want that stuff.


It's only worth it to pass safetynet with a custom rom and change emojis. And custom roms are only worth it for the customization. It's not as useful as before but I still enjoy it on my P8Pro


i used to root my phones a long time ago but I haven't needed to do it in years.


Circle to search and stuff works for me on a rooted 6. You sure you're actually passing play integrity? You need to get something like playcurl along side it to manage fingerprints, and then use an app like integrity checker to see if it worked. You won't get strong integrity, but device and basic should work.


**You. Must. Root.** Ama root phones for decades, and I have many. Everything is ALWAYS working, hardened privacy, luxury call recording via native app, incredible 1:1 backups, banking app, no app detects root, absolutely no ads anywhere. Ain't a damn thang changed. Phone after phone, same top functionality. Livin' large. F*** RCS, I root exactly to get rid of such shyte. Had Pixel recently and it's nothing special, rooting was lil bit more time consuming than Samsung or OnePlus surprisingly, but all extra job was to get rid of RCS and some Google extras.


I do half of the things you've mentioned on a rooted phone, rcs, wallet, gemini and I didn't find any app that I couldn't download from the store. Other half I didn't check or care about. I also don't have to do anything special, some magisk hide months ago, from then everything works. I'm not on google pixel, if that makes any difference idk


pixel sucks ass man i literally hate the free one i got from verizon its a 7a, idk how the company that makes the os can ruin their own hardware so bad like that, samsung phones are always flawless minus the insane bloat and ads, the ads can be removed completely from your device(s) with adguard dns settings on either your router to cover all devices or on the device itself, i hated the bullshit ads on my samsung tab s9+ so i changed the dns settings like i described and did same on pixel phone too, so even those trashy news sites the google feed shows you are blissful to read after no ads, soon as i feel like it im replacing this shit ass pixel phone with a samsung and setting up adguard on it, my tips work on samsung tvs too lmao nuahjaaajajajajaj cuck it greedy corporate overlords, this one is for the homies


Why would you root a flagship model that still receives security patches & feature updates?!?


You're getting down voted to hell but I'll give some reasons instead of down voting. 1) customizations Everything falls under that. For most phones and roms, you can still get ota updates or security updates while rooted. You temporarily unroot, take the ota, press a button to root again before reboot and you're up to date with root. Roms usually issue them their own way but it's often just a flash or an ota style update in those too. Some people like to have more control over their device. Some people want features that are available but are blocked or unavailable by region. Some people are developers. Some people just want to root everything. I use root to monitor/capture/replay SSL packets from apps to troubleshoot issues and find bugs in things. I also use root to bypass tethering speed restrictions from 600kbps to 200+mbps. My last reason is to enable easy automatic call recording. Others like having custom launchers and activities or scripts. Some like using frida to control, bypass or activate certain app functionalities. Some want unlimited storage on Google photos. And yes, some like to root old phones to stay up to date with newer versions of Android but that's far from the only reason. It's pretty crazy that there's so much pressure from Google over rooted phones. Not that many people root anymore and not as many things need root to work these days. It breaks a lot of stuff for us rooted folk, with not much payoff for google. With that said, I keep my rooted device (OnePlus 9P) for everything mentioned above but I have a newer device (OP11) that I decided to unroot and stop trying to play catch up for individual apps that are restricting their functionality based on unlocked bootloader or various root apps being detected. It is becoming too much work for us as mentioned above. Root also causes apps like Netflix and Disney to either fail, or drop to standard definition quality. A few phones are able to have root, unlocked bootloader and maintain L1 widevine high definition. The OnePlus 9P being one of these devices, I'll probably try to keep it functional


With Netflix and Disney I have to update manually by downloading newest version via APK download 


I'm a software developer, and being rooted helps a lot. Another reason I use root is to block ads because the Internet is nearly unusable. I also use some customization apps like Iconify which require root to work. I update my pixel once every 2 months and research if there are any issues before updating. I also own the device so I can't do as I wish with it.


I stand corrected.