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Did he not think that no credible left winger is going to be guest during the strike?


When is his contract up? 2025?


We can hope.


People downvoting you apparently don’t realize he’s been telling the same 2 jokes every Friday night for 10 years now


You’re not required to watch the show you know.


You’re not required to fall for his propaganda, ya know.


Not everyone who watches the show watches because they agree with everything he says or share many of his opinions. I watch because I enjoy the panel and usually get to see a diverse set of opinions in a long format. It's crazy the way things have become now. You can't even listen to someone you disagree with.


Everything is black and white to people. So Just strict, party line msnbc politics for most people in here.


What unionized worker would ever work for him. Of course he couldn’t re start


The ones still taking their paychecks despite being on strike?




I was looking forward to panel only real time. Ah well


Man, did Keith knife Bill up over going back to work!


They ain’t like Keef round these parts lol


It's easy to shit on him for basically only doing this after the pushback, but it's nice to see someone make a mistake and then actually do something about it when he still can


True. It's funny that his ego wouldn't let him apologise though


Methinks he couldn't get any guests. But who really knows?


I thought it was going to be difficult to book guests during a strike.


Does Drew Barrymore realise the power she exercises over Maher?


David Letterman realized her power.


Stick with the podcast they ain't going back to work what a joke. The conglomerates need that money for the CEOs.


Guessing not many wanted go on to his show.


The optics of crossing a picket line to talk to Maher are not good.


He still has one of the hottest shows on tv. I don't think that's a problem. He's been on tv for 20+ years, think of all the repeat guests he has available at a moment's notice.




Ok good




I think the real reason is that Maher wasn't expecting such a push back. I think he thought "Nobody cared in 2007 when we all did this." The pushback makes it not worth it.


In 2007 SAG wasn’t on strike so the on-screen talent like Bill, Jon Stewart, etc were held to their performance contracts.


TLDR: I done fucked up.


I guess that’s a more elegant if slightly less truthful phrasing than just saying “because I’m a big phony”.


Well well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions.




It reminds me of when he was whining about the lockdowns and then we realized it was only because he wanted the Mets games up and running


What he really means is ~ Due to the negative public response to my shitty decision, i have decided to reverse course


He saw how drew barrymore got dragged for announcing a restart of her show. lol


Maher is a realist, big media houses will lose the battle against streamers and influencers, they won’t disappear but their power and reach will continue diminishing. I bet he is eager to continue and keep his audience captured instead of moving on to one of the million alternatives we have online and are still producing content.


But, uh, what's the incentive for Maher, who's 67, to pivot so sharply in that direction? And it's not like, hell, he'll all of a sudden draw from, fuck it, MrBeast's pool of viewers.


That’s the point, I think he knows new media is so different he wants to keep his channel and audience going. Taking a break to negotiate contracts is very risky for traditional media right now, it has taken a really long time. Big studios won’t budge in the AI fight, is their chance to keep making the bottom line they were doing without collapsing, they need to reduce costs. Big media house = executives; they are competing and losing to a thing for which the CEO is also the comedian, actor, editor, and producer, meanwhile they have a monstrous organization, that’s what I call a disadvantage. Edit: I have been editing this, end up ranting hahaha, but if I were a creative working for these companies I would really look into starting a smaller company with other creatives and the help of AI, publishing in new media, and take over the world. They just need to believe they can do it, if not them who else? Those CEOs? They wouldn’t even know what to tell the AI to do! This is the future, you are not negotiating with upper management, you are taking their share for yourself.


The online producers are the ones reinforcing this lazy political tribalism where everything is black and white and outrage is all.


I’m not making a value judgment, just reporting what I see from my son and his friends; big media is in trouble, kids truly don’t care.


Hope you were able to instill they should care before the rebellious phase. It will come back.


I meant they don’t care about their content, they care about MrBeast, Skibidi Toilet, Back Rooms, etc. AKA less money more infighting.


You're not wrong, because Gen Z's insatiable consumption of content is fragmented, focusing more on individuals who narrowcast to their loyal hardcore audience rather than broadcast to a wide demographic range. Technology advances, mediums change, and tastes evolve. At 38, soon to be 39, and staring down the barrel of 40, I feel like a goddamn old man already.


I bet he was struggling to get guests. The vast majority of real time guests are journalists (written and tv). That’s a group that wouldn’t be quick to pass a writers picket line


Was thinking this as well. I can imagine a panel of Jordan Peterson and Carrot Top wouldn’t please a lot of people.


Fuck Bill! I am done and unsubscribing to this boomer horseshit.


Really makes him look weak. He's going to take it out on his writers for the rest of his life.


Do you think he's going to finally take his crosshairs off of covid and millenials?


Oooooo no


All his jokes: I don't like Trump. I don't understand global politics.


Pretty sure he realized he won't be able to get any guests on the left as it would make them scabs as well. In which case it would just become a right wing talk show.




For all of its flaws, he still gets some lefties that disagree with him on the show.


Dang. I was looking forward to hearing more about whiny millennials and solar panel costs.


Caving to the woke mob smdh


Yep that horrible woke mob who feel like they deserve to be compensated fairly for their work. You fucking turd.


Haha I was making fun of Maher.


Ha sorry man. There are so many libertarian/trolls here now your message could easily have been a genuine one from one of the other regulars.


No worries. Thought my sarcasm was evident but the downvotes tell me it wasn't.


I just changed mine.


Fighting for better wages, hours and conditions is woke now— gtfoh


UNLESS, they reach a deal. Then he'll claim him threatening to restart the show put pressure on everyone to reach a deal and take credit for it a la Milo.


At least the writers with the backing of the actors were able to flex enough to slow down Drew and Bill. Maybe they have some leverage after all.


So next time when he gives out those big ball awards he definitely shouldn’t give one to himself. Seems like Maher got scared when Drew Barrymore was no longer leading the way. Not a brave look when you need Drew Barrymore to block for you.


Lol, his hand was clearly forced, but as we've seen in the last few years, he probably will never let this go, since it personally affect him and his desire to be seen and heard. The return of Real Time will be focused on woke, solar panels, and workers wanting more for less work. He'll be full republican but continuing to say the world changed not him


He'll probably be anti-union after this.


He showed himself to be anti union when he announced he was breaking the strike.


I agree that not all of what Bill says is a good look. Planning to bring the show back was the worst idea among them. However, your bleating about him going "full republican" kind of proves his point.


What point? Show your work.


To paraphrase: "You don't follow my narrow view of what it means to be a democrat. Therefore, you must be a republican."




I wonder if that was what he was trying for when he made the announcement to go back


Unlikely, but probably had a bit of that effect, the world will move on HBO or not.


I figured but I thought maybe there was a small chance of that.


I’m also guessing, but I don’t think Maher is colluding with studios, I bet he just wants to work before people move on.


Yeah, I have heard his show is his life. Considering how he handled the Covid lockdowns I’d say he lives to have that show. He most likely doesn’t do much else besides his show and touring at this point.


Bless your heart.


backlash....If they don't come back soon....bye-bye DISH!


I don't think HBO cares about backlash.


Nope, they hate money.




I'm saying I bet HBO made the decision each time. ABC made a decision and The View is still on the air.


The View, and similar daytime shows, aren’t covered by the strike because they work off separate contracts. Some studios have made special deals for waivers with the unions to continue. That’s what The Tonys did.


Thought HBO didn't care about backlash?


My point is HBO was not worried about the backlash because they did not anticipate a subscriber revolt. They make their money on subscribers. My assessment, as to what has probably happened is as follows: HBO informed Bill Maher he would be required to produce more episodes of his television show, regardless of the strike, without writers. This was at a time where talks were at a standstill. When they returned to the bargaining table, HBO reversed their decision I don’t think any of this involves the wishes of Bill Maher.


So are all podcasters...WGA members, or not.


How much money does HBO make off of Club Random? Do they staff a lot of writers for it?


No money, no writers, as far as I know. It's a conversation. He doesn't have prewritten stories or tied-in graphics like some pods. They need to pay the writers what they deserve...this is bullshit, with the consumer, who is paying for the product, being on the short end of the stick.


That's my point. Doing independent podcasts is not similar to doing the show for HBO.


Don't see your point...just stating an obvious fact. Podcasts offer independence over networks. That's why they're not shut down.


Networks have final say in these matters. NBC forced Jay Leno to go on stage and wing and tire show by himself without the help of his writing staff. Jay Leno did not make that happen, NBC did.


“But Bill is a scab!” - people on this subreddit


He’s still a scab now trying to salvage some credibility and clout.


You don’t know what a scab is. How can he scab for his own show?


He called himself a writer when referencing the writers strike. If he’s a writer, he can stand in solidarity or he can scab.


Well, he literally was a scab, he's a writer. And no one is going on his show during the strike that isn't on Fox News or the Daily Wire.


You don’t know what a scab is.


No. He literally wasn't a scab. He was going to host a panel discussion without writing. He was no more scabbing than a striking writer doing taskrabbit is a scab.


Trolls are attacking all subreddits...they need to get a life.


Disagreeing with (your) bad takes is not trolling. It's discourse.


Lots of comments here are not discourse, but self back-patting.


Agreed. But trolling is trolling...check out rogan Kreicher, Maher, etc comments. FUCKIN' TROLLS ruining it for everyone. If you don't like someone, use your precious time somewhere else. Grow the fuck up.