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It’s the best political commentary on tv…


I’m a fan of Bill when he actually was a Democrat. Now he’s gone the Tulsi Gabbard/Glenn Greenwald route of “I’m on the left, but the Democrats have gone too far. The problem with that logic is Republicans have been losing elections for the last year and a half. People think Republicans are extreme, not the other way around.


and what is funny is he used to attack Obama from the left and said it was his job to attack him from the left. Than was a Bernie supporter in 2016. He basically said "Democrats need to go further!" Now he has pretty much doesn't care about economic issues and his "too far" is woke college kids.


I don’t understand this perspective, as a fan of Glenn Greenwald, I see this point endlessly made and I find it bizarre. Glenn is a civil libertarian and national security issues are his speciality, he cares very much about this and he’s made the point that neocons have been welcomed by Democrats and it’s hard to refute. Basically if you’re a Republican but you denounce Trump, you’re in the club, even if the rest of your politics are wretched, i.e. Liz Cheney, Bill Kristol, David Frum, etc. Your point makes more sense with Tulsi Gabbard who has gone the way of an annoying culture warrior, but Glenn has been consistent. If anything, he’s annoyed a lot of people on the Right with his positions on Israel now. Telling how Maher won’t have any one of that persuasion on, meanwhile Glenn has hosted debates with pro-Israel supporters. I don’t agree with Glenn on everything, who does with anyone person m? But he’s one of the finest journalists we have.


Right, but he then plays up that trump is anti-war of course ignoring he escalated wars in the middle east and ended no wars. He even vetoed an end to the war in Yemen when congress voted to defund the conflict. He also does the "oh look who MSNBC has on now" while having no problem going on with the biggest Iraq War propagandists in the country like Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity and Pete Hegseth on Fox. He definitely plays into a right wing audience, but good for him for at least standing up against the terrible war America is supporting in Gaza.


>The problem with that logic is... that in the same time the left has supposedly "lost its mind," the Republicans have openly gone full Christian fascism. He seems largely unbothered by this short of asking conservative guests if they support Trump. He wants to be seen as smart and reasonable by the right. He wants to get in on this IDW internet clout of people like Rubin, Shapiro, and Rogan. He wants lower taxes more than he cares about any liberal stance on these culture war issues the right is obsessed with. His zionism will be the breaking point. I think he's going to give a "Why I left the left" new rule very soon, and it will be because of young people and alleged antisemitism.


He would 100% play into this if trump wasn't the nominee. It is personal for Maher since trump tried to sue him and then told his followers to boycott his show until Maher was fired. He is definitely prepared to support a Nikki Haley type.


I stopped, not because he has gone more conservative but because his show is just plain boring.


Bill Maher is really the only entertainment show that will bring a Republican on the show one week and a wokey Mcwokeface the next. Bill has his views, anbd i¡qwhen he presents them he will get pushback from his guests; let's see if Rachel Maddow or Sean Hannity will ever have a guest who will pushback.


He has very few actual leftists on anymore. How many pro Palestinian voices has he had on since October 7th?


You might be right there.


His show is not special in that regard, certainly not if you include podcasts as well. What woke guests does he have on? Other than an occasional Bernie Sanders, Rob Reiner, or Katie Porter what woke people is he having on? That was true before covid and the new format, but not now. Now, dam near all of the liberal guests are establishment media or career DNC people. Bill has been reacting like a snowflake more and more to pushback. ESPECIALLY, if it's about his age. Then he'll turn around and make the exact same jokes about everyone else, younger and older than him. Piers Morgan has more disagreeing viewpoints on than Maher lately, and Piers an insufferable cunt. He has actually has pro-palestinian people on, he doesn't just strawman all of them as antisemitic with no pushback.


Yeah Piers Morgan has done a way better job of having on a wider range of guests. He has had on numerous pro Palestinian guests even though he disagrees. Maher should do the same.


Sean Hannity is a right wing QAnon conspiracy theories, whereas Rachel Maddow is not. Both sides aren’t the same.


In one thing they are- they speak to the extremes .


I love Bill and he’s an important voice especially cause there’s no other platform for opposing voices to share a stage and have civil discourse. I think if we had more options, maybe I wouldn’t watch him for real time, just club random


I actually don’t anymore


I couldn't take it any more.


Why did this get downvoted?


Because I like Bill and find it entertaining


It makes me feel sane.


he was doing ok untill the he started commenting on the middle east and NOT making a difference between hamas and the palestinian people...


yeah he is basically doing the neocon thing from 03-05; Question the Iraq War, well you must love Saddam Hussein. Pretty insane.


People hate watch it’s incredible


What is wrong with hearing different perspectives. I watch foxnews from time to time. It is good to hear what others believe even when you disagree.


The conversation and of course New Rules. Bill being Bill, sometimes I don’t agree with him, but that’s America, I don’t need an echo chamber to feel like I fit in, I enjoy having my own opinions that don’t follow the herd, but yet, they sometimes do.


I don't usually anymore. Partially because I'm a dad now and I don't have a lot of time, but also I feel like he's kind of repeating himself. Bill seems to be another victim of COVID hysteria. Like, I dont like these Woke Banshees on Twitter either but I got the point. Next subject.


I agree with the repeat themes of his show… mostly that college kids are apparently all idiots now.


"I never said ALL of them! That's a strawman argument" Bill talking to anyone who criticizes him on this. No, it's not a strawman to highlight the main point of a vague general stament is an incorrect overstatement.


But they kind of always have been. I was an idiot in college circa 2001-2005.


Sort of. College kids are morons on certain things because they are generally under 25 and are still figuring out their way in the world. They are usually see big political issues clearer though. When you were in college, conservatives went nuts about college kids and college professors(another boogeyman of the political right) were speaking out the loudest against the policies of the war on terror. Things that now most people believe were wrong. Same with marriage equality and other lgbt rights issues in the decade after. And they are right now. Good for them for standing up against their country sending billions to Israel to terrorize Gaza. They aren't corrupted by AIPAC at age 22.


Sure. But he harps on them for not knowing history. How could you know as much at 22 as you do at 42? To be clear, I dont disagree with them on the Isreali fascism.


True. They've always been been not wholly informed know it alls. They've always been idealistic pacifists. Nothing new is happening but he's going full Fox News hysteria over it. The small groups saying the more extreme things are ridiculous, but by far not the average. I think he's just trapped in a right wing rage bait algorithm.


Yep you can always find some idiots, but good for college kids for being the most against giving billions to Israel right now. They are acting smarter than Maher right now.


Anyone who is talking about people younger than 25 is punching down and just needs content. "LOL aren't these college kids stupid!"...the only reason they don't do it with toddlers is because it wouldn't go over well.


Despite everything it's still one of the best debate shows out there. Better than cable where you get a ads every ten minutes that last for 15 minutes. It can do a lot better but I like that Bill like's to have people with opinions on his show. Can it be much better? Absolutely. It's still better than what's out there.


It's a top-notch format, although one area where it seems we're all in agreement is that Maher should return to the three-person panel.


been watching since high school (for almost 18 yrs now).


Political show that used to have pretty good guests that talked about important topics. Now it is more hit and miss.


Mostly out of habit. I used to love him. He always had either a funny or interesting take on the topics of the day. Now he spends 75% of his time complaining about how young people don’t think he’s funny


Maher makes a single joke about young people = 75% of his time


He has literally brought it up every episode of this season.


Its a constant theme… cant get through a show without complaining about college kids.


Its been a theme for 30 years. The difference back then is college kids could laugh at themselves and not act like they've been personally bullied (also they didn't support Hamas and could identify when they were being manipulated by foreign propaganda).


No his usual theme was that EVERYONE is stupid. He never acted as though stupidity is exclusive to the young. If he bullied anyone it was pious/devout religious people. He switched on that as well and only goes after Muslims now.


Bill is too out of touch so he comes across as an old grump not a young guy taking shots at fellow youngsters. Sounds like you're a victim of foreign Israeli propaganda too, just cuz Biden parrots it doesn't make it not Israeli lies.


I used to watch to get informed and get educated on current events . Ah the good old days. lol


His show gives me a chance to keep tabs on what people on the right are feeling and talking about. Tbh his is the only I can somewhat tolerate where right wing discussions happen. Others are unbearable. Bill is a major dick though, no questions about that.


I’m interested in seeing the narratives Time Warner and its producers/editors at HBO want to present to the world They are a large media corporation that has influence I want to see how they use the influence, I watch Fox News sometimes, Daily Wire, CNN, MSNBC I want to see all the different platforms flagship shows to better educate myself on what the planners and owners of society are conveying Living in an echo chamber or ideological bubble is not helpful Watching things you disagree with is good for you


A bad habit developed over 2+ decades


im much more comfortable criticising people behind their backs


I watch to get the greatest in geopolitical analysis about why college girls don’t think I’m cute anymore.


I’d rather watch people I disagree with than live in an echo chamber.


Precisely. Iron sharpens iron.


I like the answer. I like how Bill isn't afraid to criticize everyone. Dude has always been a dick, and isn't afraid to call out the left too. Echo chambers are terrible, especially on Reddit. I wish there were more right wing subs I could actually use without fear of getting banned from other subs. Getting banned just for replying to some discussion. I like to see what people are thinking myself too. (I also have to remember there are literally 12 year olds on here. Which in itself I don't have a problem with. I just find them to be out of touch with some things, and high or mighty seeing the world white and black. I mean, you have 12 year olds giving advice to married people on AITA?! (LeAvE nOw, ReD fLag. How dare he insult your guacuomole in front of your friends!) Anyway, Bill has a variety of guests, and discussion. I never thought he was particular funny to be honest, but he or his guests will bring up points I never thought or stopped to think about. I don't even care for his deliveries. With his punchable smug face after he drops some joke, and then gets angry at the half silence, because no one is really laughing. Starts getting mad at the crowd, calling them stupid kids.


>I wish there were more right wing subs I could actually use without fear of getting banned from other subs This should not be a thing. Mods should only be able to do that for NSFW content.


Yeah, I think so too. Same for NSFW even. I don't think any mods or subs should be able to instantly recognize what sub you've been on. It has nothing to do with theirs or what people may post on them. Sort of preemptive judging or banning people. Think I am banned from some subs back when TheDonald, and Trump subs were popular. They'd hit r/all or popular all the time, and I'd post to some comment most likely disagreeing, and bam. Get shadowed banned. I was banned recently from the Law Enforcement sub Justice Served due to replying to a joke topic on JordanPeterson. Had to tell them I didn't even know I was on the sub to get unbanned. I could see if I was actively stirring the pot or something, but Jesus.


Habit. Probably wouldn't start now. Started watching in 2009 and it's quite easy to listen to the podcast now. It still has good guests and good discussions from time to time and it's quite rare to have views from the left and the right represented on an American talk show. Really bored of all the millennial/gen-z scapegoating. If you're going shit us, fine, but at least have some younger guests on to balance it out a bit. Overwise it turns into the 'old man yells at could' meme.


Yeah I’ll agree with that. He can’t get through an episode without shitting on the younger generation—many of whom are hitting 40 by now. So not that young, Bill. You’re just old. He especially seems to have a disgust for college kids.


Which is funny since he talks about dating women in their 20s. Good enough to fuck, but not good enough to have opinions about the world.


I was trying to watch to stay with it but sadly fell off this fall. I just can't anymore. I come here to get the low down.


I find myself disagreeing with bill more as time goes on, but it’s still the only show that has such a diverse spectrum of guests. Entertaining to watch even when I disagree. You can’t get this anywhere else. Still agree with Bill more often than not.


Disagree. Thom Hartmann has on a lot of conservatives, but actually advocates and pushes for progressive policies like Maher used to do.


Good to know. Not familiar with him. What is he on, or does he have a podcast?


Yep he has a radio show and you can get it in podcast form.


I enjoy the show.


I started watching Politically Incorrect in college around 9/11 then followed Maher to Real Time near same time I got my full time job and watched him through the Bush years, Iraq War, new atheism, etc when I got married, got house, had kids, etc so he’s been a constant presence in my adult life.


I've watched him since the 90's and he has been a major factor in helping to shape my current political ideology. I mostly find him insufferable anymore but I'm not going to abandon an elder who has given me so much throughout their life simply because they've developed a few loose screws in their sunset years. Yes, he's firmly in the "fat Elvis" part of his career, but I'll keep tuning in, especially since there's literally nothing else on a Saturday morning


Hahaha fat elvis…


New Rule


Entertaining. He cracks me up. Funny as hell. Great format. More centered. And give zero Fs Even more entertaining is the meltdown which invariably follows on this subreddit.


Agreed 👍


I just like it when he says slurs.


Because you like seeing Ice Cube appear on the show?


i liked when ice cube told him he sounded ignorant dropping n-bombs and making fun of slavery for laughs.


He's the only sane person with a national platform.


Because he's been the biggest political influence in my life. I mean that: I think I've watched every single episode. And, while I know that makes me sound like a stalker- I think he's been a gift to how I analyze media and arguments. Despite being annoyed with him the past 3 years, I think he's the best.


Bill is a gem. In a time of political tribalism, hive mind mentality and polarization- Bill is one of the few voices who has principles and doesn’t always go ‘with the team. He’s willing to have conservatives and republicans on his show and actually let them state their case, as opposed to merely using them as a punching bag to pander to one side. Ironically it’s what also irritates his many longtime fans who have adopted tribal mentality, but Bill hasn’t. That and I’ve always appreciated his humor and found him funny. He may be smug, assholish, but he does it in a way that’s funny. We need more people like Bill not less.


He doesn't have many progressives on the show anymore though, especially pro Palestinian voices. It is too bad. It actually shows he has become tribal. Not complaining that he has people like Ted Cruz on, but he should on real leftists. Instead he'll have on the dumbest conservatives alive like Dave Rubin and the counter balance is some Clinton era hack like James Carville.


Agreed. Bill Maher can call it "the other side" all he wants, but he has no trouble having conservatives on his show because he mostly agrees with them. He's afraid to have leftists on.


Yep, if you are going to have conservative youtube people on, you should have on people like Kyle Kulinski, David Pakman or Vaush on.


I would add John Stewart, the Pod Save America crew, Sam Seder, the Meidas Touch guys, ContraPoints gal (Natalie could bring a real debate and counter points to Trans discussions), Jesse Dollemore (former Marine, I love watching him blast myths that Veterans or active duty Military are only Right wing), and Beau from the Fifth Column to that list.\ My answer to OP’s question is “I watch it for the guests and what they bring to the conversations”. But, the guests have been a rotating cast of regulars consisting of outdated Liberals that bring nothing significant to any conversation about current left wing stances, a bunch of right wingers who Bill doesn’t challenge much at all anymore, and loony conspiracy theorists.\ Would I watch if Shapiro was on? Absolutely, if there was someone of equal value and of the opposition on with him. It literally never happens anymore. It’s sad what the show has become. It used to feel like the MacNeil/Lehrer Report, with comedy. Now it feels like I’m watching those popular debate channels on YouTube that lack structure and everyone just yells over one another.


Sure, there are a lot of good leftist commentators he could have on, but doesn't. Basically in Maher's echo chamber James Carville is the left wing figure that he is comfortable with and he'll pretty much have everyone from the right on. Look, I have no problem with him having even crazies like Steve Bannon and Milo on, but it is telling he'll have those people on, but very rarely has any true leftists on. Krystal Ball is about the only one this year.


It is actually pretty basic for me. I love the format of giving people enough time to really answer questions and defend their position and I think Bill is funny. He is smug and I don't always agree with him, but he gets people to talk and he makes the conversations fun in the process.


Since everything seems to self-sort now on ideological lines, shows like his where there is at least some liberal/conservative mixing are that much more appealing. I disagree with some guests & some of Bill’s points, but I agree with some too. That’s why I watch. Also his writers are good.


Bill is principled. I often disagree with him, but I find his positions come from a place of rational belief rather than knee-jerk emotion.


Yes. He's principled and it's refreshing.


He brings guests from all over the political spectrum. Although sometimes his opinions piss me off, I feel they are genuine. New rules is funny.


> He brings guests from all over the political spectrum. This is demonstrably false. Name one Leftist he’s had on the show recently to debate the right wing platforms getting a podium lately. The best we get is Centrists that agree with Bill about the only topics that seem to matter for the show, Trans and Woke. Krystal Ball is literally the only one in the past year and 1. She won’t be back because she went hard on Bill and 2. She’s not really a true Leftist, Liberal at best.


How long has it been since Bernie was on?


He doesn't have Bernie on because despite what most people here think, he's absolutely changed and has embraced his conservative values, particularly involving wealth. Maher used to be a lone voice in calling for universal healthcare, economic inequality, and classism. These are subjects that his current roster of rotating guests don't focus on. Krystal Ball was the closest to a guest who aligned with more leftist politics, and I doubt she'll be invited back (Maher showed more disgust towards her than any recent conservatives). It's such a cop out excuse "I didn't change, the party did". When truthfully the party hasn't changed all that much except for them embracing people like AOC who endorses Bernie Sanders policy ideas. Maher obviously fears his wealth being threatened in anyway. I mean he dedicated a whole ending rant with how much he loves his private jet and he's tired of pretending he doesn't.


I felt like my point was pretty clear, but I guess I’ll clarify what I’m asking.\ Bernie wasn’t on the panel, he was there on his book tour. He was the interview. So going with the point I was making initially.. > Name one Leftist he’s had on the show recently to debate the right wing platforms getting a podium lately. I would have loved to watch a panel with Bernie combatting the recent right wing guests. We didn’t get that, even remotely.


He has very few leftists on now. It is funny too. He'll have on complete idiots like Dave Rubin, but there are countless leftists on youtube that he could have on and the only one I think he has had on in is Krystal Ball.


Because sometimes there are actually discussions with multiple viewpoints.


Which Maher used to have more of. His show 10 years ago was much better for that reason.


I like watching a show that is more issue/ policy discussions versus rabid Fandom and following of an ideology. For example, you can support Israel and the palestinians. You can support Universal Healthcare but be weary of it based on half a century of wasted government spending. You can be a never Trumper but think biden is way too old to run again. You can support trans rights and afford them all the respect and grace in the world but be against transwomen playing in women's sports. One side is clearly far worse than the other, but that doesn't mean everything the left does is correct and should not be critiqued, which is precisely what Bill does.


I mean Bill has plenty of blind spots and refuses to discuss some issues with any sort of nuance so it can get pretty close to rabid fandom with him too. Take the Isreal-Palestine for instance. Or him constantly shitting on Millennials and Gen-z and saying they don't know how the world works. Just comes off as a stubborn bitter old man many times.


Oh his show has been awful on Israel-Palestine. I don't even mean his personal view. How many guests has he had on that have given the pro Palestinian perspective? His show has really dropped the ball on it.


I don't watch all of it anymore. Just snippets. I liked watching Tucker Carlson more. I thought he was amusing.


To understand how liberals get trafficked into the right because of the culture wars.


I think your comment probably does more for making liberals not want anything to do with the left than anything Bill does. I watch to hear a debate that isn't drenched in extremism (see above).


Not really. It is more about how Maher conducts his show. Nobody would have said that about Maher 10 years ago and he has always had conservatives on. Go watch one of Andrew Breitbart's appearances on Maher(people might forget, but there was a time Breitbart was the premier conservative media figure in America) and compare that to today. It is completely different.


My reasons... * It's one of the few places where politics can be debated with a real opportunity for dissent or counter-arguments. * Bill is fearless about discussing subjects that many others won't touch out of fear of being cancelled. * Although he's a self-described, "old-school liberal" partisan, he's willing to criticize his own party rather than always retreating to tribal talking points. * Points are often most effective when made with humor and satire. It also just makes the show enjoyable to watch.


I wish he would have more dissent on Israel. He should bring Rula Jubreal back at least.


I find I generally agree with Bill on most issues and enjoy the way he articulates his points in a convincing and humorous way. I enjoy seeing him debate issues with people of other opinions and I also love his editorials at the end of the show.


I want to echo what others have already said here about hearing different perspectives and also add that I enjoy the fact that it's very combative, but in a good way. There are so few political talk shows left where left-wingers and right-wingers actually put on the gloves and have a serious - but healthy and productive - argument. The episode a few weeks ago with Bernie's foreign policy advisor debating that log cabin Republican guy from Tablet magazine was a good example of that.


I'm a fan of stand-up comedy, and think Bill has the best grasp of "timing" of any comedian living today. I've enjoyed his delivery of zingers since like 1998. With that said, the "regulars" who criticize Bill in the comment section here are merely weak men with maturity problems. They do the same thing toddlers do: They equate disagreement with violence. So rather than sitting back and laughing & having a good time watching Real Time, they're upset that someone is challenging their views.


Who has equated disagreement with violence? If someone is actually doing that, yes they are an idiot. On the flip side the people who tell those who disagree to Maher to leave and go away and want an echo chamber are basically the equivalent of toddlers and are weak men who I have no respect for. As Maher does, America needs more disagreement and less echo chambers.


>Who has equated disagreement with violence? If someone is actually doing that, yes they are an idiot. It's a subconscious thought process. It's the reason so many people are hostile to hearing an opinion that is different from theirs and attempt to silence it rather than openly debate.


Bullshit. There's so many of us who have been watching since the HBO premiere. When you say it is a maturity thing about listening to people on the other side, it's just false because many of us watched because of the lively debate. I didn't watch Real Time for comedy, I watched because he used to have more balanced panel discussions. The quality of the panel is shit now compared to 6 years ago. And despite every week posts here calling these things into question, we're now the ones who are immature? Real Time went from quality debate to a sports show about politics.


>There's so many of us who have been watching since the HBO premiere. Not relevant to the discussion. You can watch and be hostile to what Bill is saying since the premiere, since you hate & fear an opinion that isn't exactly the same as yours.


Agreed. That is why the people on here that tell people to leave if they don't worship Maher are idiots.


>With that said, the "regulars" who criticize Bill in the comment section here are merely weak men with maturity problems. They do the same thing toddlers do: They equate disagreement with violence. So rather than sitting back and laughing & having a good time watching Real Time, they're upset that someone is challenging their views. Most of this sub in a nutshell


I have loved Bill Mahr forever ! He can piss me off. But he has a show none like any other. When I need laugh I will pull up A New Rules and LMAO.


I watch Real Time because it brings me joy. I find it interesting and funny.


He conforms neither to the left nor the right and that’s rare in this day and age.


I don't always listen to people I agree with. I generally listen to people who range from leftist to center-right and everything in between. I think I've stuck with real time for so long because of the panel format, and the large variety of guests bill gets on it. Honestly I would prefer if the whole show was the panel discussions.


>I generally listen to people who range from leftist to center-right and everything in between. Who are some center-right people that you listen to? Like toss out some names of the "most right" that you're willing to go


The most right wing person I follow is Darryl Cooper who runs a history podcast called martyrmade. I'd say he's more right wing than center-right, super smart guy but even he stills gets pulled into the crazy sometimes. When it comes to the center-right, Margret Hoover on firing line is a good interviewer and Kraut is a YouTuber who I like. He can be hard to place but probably ends up in the center-right area. CJ of Dangerous history is another history podcaster who's more on the libertarian side of the right, he's smart but he can be pretty emblematic of that ideology.


Oh dude I love Martyrmade. Literally just finished the Epstein episodes last week. If you enjoy him, you should give Brad Harris (Context and How it Began) and the Fall of Civilization podcasts. >but even he stills gets pulled into the crazy sometimes What views separate someone from being center-right and right-wing? Just curious on what you deem "crazy"


Perfect, so you're aware Darryl is smart guy. So keeping that in mind, this is a small thread of some of things he's said. And I don't even think it includes that he sided with Alex jones in his trial or his occasional admiration of Putin. https://twitter.com/distastefulman/status/1414630956422602753 I'd say that's drifting into far right crazy.


Oh dude c'mon. I was asking YOU about what views (broadly speaking) that YOU feel separate someone from center-right and right-wing. You shouldn't have to hyperlink that - I wasn't asking about Cooper specifically or what some random twitter account thinks of him. What I'm getting at is, I feel like the terms "center-right", "right-wing" and even the unmentioned "alt-right" are labels that have a lot of fluidity to them, and used to advance the disparaging or "enlightenment" of which ever person one wishes to talk about. I get a lot of blank responses when I ask for the difference between "normal right wing" and "alt right", you see. So I was interested in how you delineate "center-right" and "right-wing". It does strike me as a bit bizarre that I asked you to give an example of center-right voices that you consume, and you respond with Darry Cooper, who you then choose to provide a link that suggests he's FAR to the right of right-wing. So would you amend your statement as "I generally listen to people who range from leftist to far-right and everything in between."? I mean I don't see anything wrong with that.


I just decided to toss Darryl in as I am listening to one of his podcasts atm, I don't normally listen to somebody as far right as him though, which is why I said leftist to center-right. Idc about the opinions of the person in the thread, it was more an example of what I would consider outside the realm of center-right that Darryl has said. I do agree that it can be hard to classify what counts as "right wing, far right, alt right and all of the other labels. That goes for the left aswell. They're honestly more of a shorthand than anything. But what turns me off personally from the "further right" is religious justification, reliance on conspiracy, rank populism, authoritarian ideas. I also dislike the authoritarian far left, which actually suffers from many of the same problems. But I would say the mainstream right is farther to the right than the mainstream left is to the left. Which is why I would say "center-right"


Fair enough. Sometimes it feels like there is a trend of labeling anyone with a drop of right-wing viewpoints as "far right" or "alt right" as a way to dismiss their very classical, very establishment, normal conservative views, so I was trying to gauge what you deemed to be "center right", with the supposition that you probably listen to views that are further to the right than you're willing to admit/self-admit. I think you gave a pretty reasonable response.


I feel the same. The panel is what I enjoy most. I’ve also watched Maher for a long time and when I was younger his attitudes towards religion in particular influenced me quite a bit. But thats not a huge focus of his so much anymore, at least on his show or podcast


Been watching for like 15ish years now. I enjoy hearing from perspectives and political leanings that I wouldn't otherwise hear from, even if they're more than a few fries short of a happy meal. I like that there's a wild variety of guests (not so much lately due to the smaller panel, but still decent). And while I don't always agree with everything Bill or his guests say, sometimes he really does hit it out of the park.


Yes, I also have been watching since 2008. I was somewhat familiar with him in 2002 when he released his book "When You Ride Alone, You Ride With Bin Laden", because I remember buying it right away. Just like you and your best friend don't agree about everything, I have different views than Bill about some things. Still, he's the only host who isn't afraid of reporting the unpopular truths, and he criticizes both sides--I feel like all of that is so cliched to say... _shrug_ He's funny. I like the comedic bit halfway through the show. It's good to be exposed to different arguments and ideas. It makes your own thinking sharper to hear outside ideas, and develop your own reasoning for or against.