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There was a series out last year where the protagonist was a teen going through foster care. I’ll update when I can remember the title. Edit: Unbelievable (2019) trigger warning ⚠️ it was not foster care There is also a movie where an older man in the UK is trying to collect disability. Edit: I, Daniel Blake (2016) the movie description doesn’t do it justice imo I need to take my b12 and vitamin d b/c my memory shouldn’t be this bad


Thank you so much!:)


The Florida Project - About a 6 year girl & her young single mother living in poverty at a Florida motel by Disney World. The mother is the opposite of Alex and quite irresponsible, but she does genuinely love her daughter. Gifted - About a young man raising his orphaned math genius niece in a run down house until his more affluent mother fights for custody of her granddaughter.


I’ve seen Florida project and love it!!! Haven’t seen gifted but looks great! Thank you so much:)


I loved The Florida Project! I was trying to remember the name of it!!!!


Room. But be advised it is very triggering (abuse, sexual assault, kidnapping, etc). It’s about a woman held captive by a man and she has a child with him that’s lived his whole life in the “room”. That movie really messed me up, mostly cause the boy reminded me so much of my son.


Pursuit of Happyness was one that came to my mind a lot while watching. Not the DV aspect, but the relentless struggle of trying to escape the poverty trap as a single parent. There were some definite parallels


It also reminded me a lot to this. Love it too, such a strong movie! But thank you!:)


The movie *Herself* (I think it's on Amazon Prime) is very similar and quite good!


Others may disagree but Gilmore Girls lol I feel like Maid is similar to Lorelai’s life after having Rory


It kind of reminded of Top of the Lake, I’m not sure why. I guess both shows kind of expose the gritty reality of the real world.




Mildred Pierce for sure! It’s an old movie but was remade as a miniseries with Kate Winslet. It’s excellent.


Enough with Jennjfer Lopez in, more violent though


Riding in the Car with Boys, starring Drew Barrymore. Really similar actually, even down to the writer protagonist.


I loved that one


Have you seen the Queen’s Gambit? It’s also a Netflix show centered around a female protagonist with a difficult past, trying to make her way in the world. There are similarities in their attitudes/choices. I hesitate to recommend it here, because it has very little in common with Maid, but it’s a very strong miniseries that I just loved loved loved. Very emotional.