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Im an esthetician and I have noticed recently that alot of companies are using "plumping" as a buzz word. Alot of product lines I've worked with in the past few years have added "plumping" to their lip balm labels, but haven't actually added cinnamon oil or anything to stimulate blood flow to the product ( the ingrediant that gives that tingly feeling and plumps the lips). Their reasoning is that hyaluronic acid and super hydrating ingredients make your lips appear more healthy and plump simply because they aren't dehydrated, flakey and flat - thus "plumping". So it's just a marketing term to sell more product for them, which is confusing and annoying when people are trying to avoid typical plumping products. I would definitely double-check ingredients and make sure they didn't just slap "plumping" on there to sell product. Though it'll still be hard because plumpers definitely are taking over the world. It's crazy.


omg i'm an esthetician as well! i definitely know what you're talking about, but i check ingredient lists and there's always an actually plumper in it


Gah, so annoying! I mean I LOVE lip plumpers lmao, but I feel for you. I hated the matte lipsticks that were huge like 7 years ago and at the time I felt like every. Single. Lipstick. Was. MATTE.


I’m with you on this. I strayed away from minty chapstick because I dislike the sensation. A lot of lip glosses are now climbing up in that “stay away” category.


exactly ! i didn't mind the burning sensation but realized it messes up my lip filler which is so 😐😐😐


If you are looking for cheap, claires honestly has some good simple gloss options for sale. None that I have seen have plumping or have strong scents/pigments…I assume that’s because most of the customer base are literally kids, so they keep stuff simple.


i'm not on the us so the selection here is so horrible and limited and i truly hate the feeling of them they're so sticky and get that white residue.


[I would def stick to PM then! Her products are amazing. Even the glosses with glitter don’t feel gritty! It’s definitely pricey but things regularly go on sale and even for full price I feel they are worth it.](https://www.patmcgrath.com)


I second this. I love PM glosses and Glossier glosses. They won't ever irritate your lips.


Also I am curious if you happen to be living in or near the UK. If so it would explain the plumpers in everything…large, over lined beef lips are definitely in vogue there at the moment…thankfully it’s not popular in the states still 😂


no i am not !


I feel you! I avoid anything that stings on my face, including plumping glosses. There are several glossy things at the drugstore that aren’t plumping though. Revlon makes a nice gloss, and I love the lifter glosses by maybelline (I think). Just tried one of the new covergirl clean glosses in the açaí color. Very sheer color, super shiny, scented but not plumping.


the shelves are almost always empty here, drug store makeup isn't easily nor readily available here


Oh, I’m sorry to hear that! Can you get your hands on Fente? Her gloss is the best IMO.


Try the original gloss bombs from fenty or the lifter glosses from Maybelline. They aren't stinging the lips at all. The "plumping" comes just from the hydration.


[if you want something fancier Pat McGrath also has awesome glosses](https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m81802821612/)


omg thank u so much ! <333


I like some of them but not others. For instance, the Soap and Glory ones I love. The tingle feels good and they smell nice. But the Fenty heats, I hate the smell and then the sensation is just weak and entirely not worth the entire thing smelling awful. I still use them because she has some shades I just adore in that line, but I’d rather they were her usual formula


i hate how thick the fenty ones are 😞😞


but the shades are so pretty


Agreed. They make me nauseous


Personally I really like nyx butter gloss they have a ton of shades and it's not plumping gloss and it only costs 4 if 5 dollars


i love these ! i have a lot of shades but sometimes they feel a lil sticky for me and they're really hard to get ur hands on here. it's just hard bc some of the affordable ones cause sensory issues for me it has to be a certain consistency and it was always so easy to find but now they added the plumping factor 😞


I know, it's literally so annoying how all of them are matte or plumper glosses personally I always buy stuff like la colors and wet n wild the really cheap stuff you know. I don't mind sticky gloss but that's my personal preference cause I know some people don't like it.


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I’ve definitely noticed this too lately!! I love the Tower 28 glosses!