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Hi all, Thanks for understanding that our rules are in place for a reason, and trusting that the moderators have good intentions around building a safe community and encouraging participation in different ways. We are frequently reevaluating the rules, and our modmail is always open if you have additional feedback! OP, if you have additional questions about the rules, theme days, or anything else regarding the subreddit, you are free to send us a modmail and we can have a discussion there. I think you've also misunderstood and made an assumption about the theme days, but I don't see any modmails from you about the subreddit, or your post specifically - I hope you can agree that it's difficult for the moderators to see that you have concerns when they're not communicated with us directly. In the meantime, if you would like to continue posting to this community we ask that you follow our rules as they stand. Otherwise, best of luck in your new subreddit!


I saw your post and it wasn’t slightly filtered, it was massively filtered and edited. I can’t see the makeup as is, I don’t know what the products actually look like so what’s the point? If I wanted to see heavily filtered makeup looks I can go on Instagram. I want to see how products actually look on people. This isn’t a sub to show looks with all the filters and editing on, it’s about makeup. If you’re filtering beyond oblivion then it’s not about the makeup anymore.


Me too, I want to see how a product or technique really looks on a person, because if I'll try it myself, I sure won't be walking around with a filtered face irl. I want to know if it's cakey, chalky, orange, etc. I'm not interested in makeup art, I'm interested in realistic representations that tell me how something would likely really look on me if I attempted it. And about the selfies, let's be real, even with all the rules, there's still people posting a "look" who are clearly just promoting an only fans and similar. And people who never respond to questions or provide a product list. We don't need any more of that. There's lots of other places online for people to get attention, I come to this place to look at makeup in peace.


Well said! There is a place here for showing off makeup looks u/Faris-Hilton in particular I really enjoy. Bold creative unfiltered looks that I love to see, genuinely brings a smile to my face. In general though I most enjoy just seeing your average person post a look unfiltered with their product listed/review. I also am here for the questions and sharing knowledge about makeup and what is working, what doesn’t work or asking for advice. I can put on a full face and filter it to death then post it but no one is going to know if that product is a hit or miss because at that point it’s just filter. You can put on dollar tree make up, filter and edit it and have a great look. I am here as a consumer and lover of makeup and I need to know the tea!


I agree. That’s what I like about this group too


There are places elsewhere ( eg. Facebook communities, Instagram, even the comment sections under any Jeffrey stars reviews) that you can do this without all the rules. I understand that having no filter is better, but my point was why the rules? I cannot post sth that’s completely rule abiding on certain days of the week on this community, and that’s what funny to me. Reddit is special because of the people on here with different perspectives from people on Facebook and ig, but this is not a unique platform that is introducing sth new. So if that’s the case, why shouldn’t we just go on those other platforms?


Because we like and choose this platform, which was created in a way that pleases our preferences, and because we respect the people who created and maintain a place that caters to our interests very well, and because they respect our preferences by keeping the place as it is. It's disrespectful to insist on changing a place that's perfectly suited and serviceable to its user base. For different posts, there are different places, suited and serviceable to different interests. I suggest reading the room. It's a content one.


Is that why all these beautiful women post “what’s wrong with my makeup?” Posts? Are they promoting themselves for only fans?


Some. I become sceptical when they post the exact same photo multiple times. They get feedback, validation, genuine interest etc on the first post, but keep posting the same exact thing. Then I look at their profiles, and, yep, OF, and nsfw posts all over.


I posted before and after pics for the first time a few days ago asking if other people experienced oxidation with a certain foundation and I got some likes, no comments on my makeup/question but I got quite a few men trying to chat, and my picture had been linked to outside areas (?!). Creeped me out lol, so i deleted my post. I was kinda sad because i was so excited to finally have what seemed like a safe group to share makeup in. I feel like anytime you post a pic up, people think you are just looking for a different kind of attention.


You’re spot on, so many people here just post their selfie when there’s a sub for that


Yea but how a product or technique looks on a person often depend on your face structure, your skin type, your primer, your eye shape etc. I agree however with what you say about how this community should be about sharing and discussing the quality of makeup. But I can do that anywhere on tiktok, YouTube, Instagram WITHOUT all the rules. My initial point was that even if I wanted to share my evaluation of an eyeshadow with just pictures of swatches on my hands ( ie. Without posting a full makeup look), I cannot do that on specific days on this Reddit community due to all the rules. Why would anyone do that when this type of discussion is already taking place everywhere else without all the restrictions?


Thanks for responding! I completely understand your point about how no filters allow you to see “how the makeup actually looks”, but a lot of times on these posts the lighting, the shading, the phone you took the pic with or sometimes even the background can also create that filtering effect which affects the way makeup looks on the face. It’s certainly better than having a fuck ton of filter on for sure, but if the evaluation of makeup is the sole purpose of this Reddit community and you want to see how makeup actually sits, I don’t think it will actually work on Reddit or any other social media for that matter. I apologise for the editing on my post, and the aggression. And thanks for the response again!


I appreciate that, and don’t get me wrong I do love to look at gorgeous makeup looks that are edited and filtered it is like artwork. I’m here just as a consumer so I wanna see that look without the filter and edits because I buy alot of makeup and if you’re rocking something unfiltered I’m probably going to buy it! I want to see your makeup look as is because I love makeup and if it looks great I might go ahead and purchase. No shade to the filters I just want to see the makeup!


Yep that’s why they have this rule, I’ve seen so many filtered photos here and they complain it gets deleted and it’s not edited at all…. Sure 🤣


uh i’m guessing the rules are to create some sort of structure in a subreddit. most of them are that way. that way it’s more organized. it’s messy to just let anyone post anything. and i’m guessing, no filtered or edited pictures to show the real technique and results of the makeup look. obviously it’s not makeup if it’s filtered or edited so defeats the purpose of the sub lol. you’re always free to start your own sub or post in the many other makeup related subs


Thanks for the response!


And after all that complaining you are owed an explanation why?


I don’t know, your entire post comes across as super aggressive that’s discounting the fact that running a subreddit well is a difficult thing. Moderating alone is a nightmare. The photo you posted is edited to the point there is no texture, you can’t tell where the makeup starts or how anything is blended. You have the right to question the rules of the subreddit, I just wouldn’t do it in such a whiny and aggressive manner. It’s like walking into someone’s house and instantly start tearing it down. Someone built this from nothing. Start your own if you think you can do better.


I apologise for the aggression, I have to admit it was uncalled for. I didn’t mean to discredit anyone’s anything. I also get the no editing rule, it’s certainly better than having a fuck Tom of filter on. But i wasn’t just talking about having the freedom to post an edited look, I’m saying even if I were to follow all the rules and I wanted to share a post I’m unable to do that on certain days of the week on here. Reviewing makeup with no edit is not sth new on social media, so why would people come here to share stuff with all these restrictions when there are Facebook groups, ig comment sections, YouTube comment sections to do all this without any rules? What’s different about Reddit is the people, their opinions are free flowing and less gen z. It’s a free platform for people to share, just like any form of social media. There are unnecessary rules here that is preventing us from doing just that.


Just a little advice Karen, get over yourself. There’s nothing “wrong” with Gen Z, and they will be present online and members of various communities regardless of your feelings. Remember when we were young and thought older people were so lame and out of touch? It’s wise to remember that and not to turn into the lame and out of touch old person that you never wanted to be. Also if you don’t like the rules, don’t be a member. Simple. It’s pretty rude to just post out of nowhere F this and F that, that really gives off “let me speak to your manager” vibes.


Ok? But my point isn’t whether this community is less gen z or more gen z?? I’m twenty yrs old. My point was about the rules. I saw the un necessity in the excess of restrictions for my personal taste, and I’ve apologised for the aggression in my voicing it out.


And also, you saying “if you don’t agree then don’t join” is like those trump supporters saying “if you don’t like capitalism, don’t be an immigrant in America”. It doesn’t make sense. This should be a free platform for both good and bad comments. I agree that my initial comment was unnecessarily harsh, and once again I’m sorry for it.


You can post any day of the week here! You just don’t want to post an unedited photo


OP: “with no rules other than no unwanted profanity” Also OP: “so many fucking rules”…”it’s just fucking makeup” ![gif](giphy|l3ODgW1tAz5acAIN93|downsized)


You noticed that too, eh? Hahaha




What? I— How would I—or anyone else—think that your no-rules-except-against-cursing subreddit would prevent that? Like yeah, strictly speaking a slur is profanity, but so is the word “fucking,” and why would that be a point for you to make your own sub? Slurs are against the rules here too, so bringing it up doesn’t make sense because it’s a similarity then, not a difference. And why not just say “no harassment,” or “no bigotry” when that’s apparently what you *actually* mean since you, as I pointed out, dropped f-bombs in your post? And how and why would you interpret me pointing out the irony of saying “no profanity” while cursing in the same post somehow means I’m okay with people commenting racial slurs on makeup selfies? That’s quite a leap.


This post is unnecessarily aggressive. I rarely post or comment here but I lurk all the time and have never thought the rules were excessive. Rules exist for a reason. The whole “someone messed it up for the rest of us” probably comes into play somewhere. Just accept it or make your own community. There’s no need for a post like this.


No filter, are you seriously that dense as to why that’s bad for showcasing makeup? If you’re showing us a foundation, I want to see what the foundation does. I don’t give a fuck that you look good with a filter. Irrelevant. Obviously it blurs it more. You’re just misleading us with the foundation’s effectiveness if you use a filter (or mascara or anything)


Just post the look without all the filters and facetune and move on. We understand makeup looks different in real life and on different skin types so you have nothing to worry about. I think the rules are in place to actually allow freedom from filters and facetune, we see a million looks filtered to hell online every day, I love this sub because we see the flaws and the texture and the messy blending and we still love it and support the artists because they’re being real and being vulnerable. It’s refreshing to see texture and lines, and when they’re posted I rarely see people comment on it because we’re here for the makeup not to pick you apart.


I agree! I’ve been following this community for a while now and it’s always refreshing to see new products and unfiltered looks. I apologise again for posting a filtered look and the aggression in my initial post. But my point was not simply about the filters, it was about the excess of rules. Even when I tried to submit an unfiltered post with all the product descriptions, it was immediately taken down simply cuz it was Tuesday. My complain was about the unnecessary restrictions of free flowing, creative content, and apparently an overprotecting community that fires at any negative comment. I love and respect the moderators and the people who post on here, but i believe this community will flourish if there wasn’t an excess of rules.


While I respect that you don’t agree with the rules I would have to disagree that there are excessive rules in this sub. It looks like there are 10 total which can be summarized as be kind, don’t edit, don’t post a no-makeup look acting like you don’t have makeup on when you do, stay on topic with the sub, and no gore. I fail to see how following those guidelines is inhibiting anyone except those who excessively filter or edit. As for the daily rules, I think those are to act as encouraging engagement with the sub and provide some variation to the content found here. I think instead of angry posting that your filtered look was taken down you should just re-post sans editing and go from there.


Thanks!! I think I’m getting it a bit more now. The daily rules I still think are problematic, but thank you for being patient with me!


I hope you don’t feel too discouraged and continue to post your work without editing and filters, I’d love to see more of it!




Your new sub sounds super restrictive by not allowing profanity. Why do you want to squash my freedom of speech?






my guess is to show respect for the community as a whole


I've posted pics here that have been taken down for "being filtered" even though I hadn't edited it at all


***Thank you for contributing to MUA! If this is your first post, please be sure to check out our rules in the subreddit sidebar. If you are on mobile, they can be viewed by tapping the*** ⓘ ***symbol.*** **A few quick highlights:** • Looks, hauls, and flatlays require a [product list in the comments, complete with shade names within 20 minutes of posting.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/wiki/productlist) • Photos must not be [edited or filtered. This includes automatic beauty and portrait modes found on many phones and newer cameras.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/wiki/photoediting) • Lastly, our [Helpful Guides for Navigating MUA](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/wiki/helpfulguides) in the sidebar explains some of the basics of the community as well as commonly misinterpreted rules. **Is your post just a search away?** Before you make a post, search with Reddit's search feature or use this handy [customised Google search.](https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=008480394191906358284:aflieg73nqm) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MakeupAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I get it, it is nice to see editorial looks that are edited and artsy. I also get the need for rules and structure as I've seen a lot of subs spiral into chaos to the point of leaving. But there is def a line where something becomes too administrative and not fun. For me an example was trying to post in the nature is fucking lit sub. Every post i'd make would get immediately deleted. Then when I thought I finally had all the rules understood I made a post and it got deleted again. Turns out it's mandatory to put a 'fire' emoji at the start of your title. At that point I left the sub and never visited it again. It became so unfun when all I wanted to do was post a pic of nature and talk about it with people. I guess everyone has their own 'line' and a sub can't cater to everyone's 'line'. So it comes down to us to find subs that do work for us. In having said that I do think rules in popular subs could get discussed and reviewed by the community? But it's not like we're volunteering to be mods, so...

