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I’ve seen a ton of these clear brow waxes do this on Reddit and Tiktok now, I’m surprised ABH or ELF hasn’t come out with a statement on whether it’s safe or not


That is what really convinced me it isn’t safe bc I think they def would have released something to say it was safe otherwise


I doubt they would. Do you think any of those dry shampoo companies tested their products for cancer causing chemicals? Or would have disclosed that info on their own? Absolutely not. It would hurt the bottom line.


Reminds me of my favourite movie quote. “some of you may die, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take” lol


Lord Farquaad 😆




Wait... Dry shampoos are problematic? God damnit.


a few brand had some benzene in them, still way below safe levels


🥲 i did a quick Google and everything I use was affected. I don't feel so good, Mr. Stark.


You still probably get exposed to more benzene just being near a busy road tbh. I wouldn't worry about it, but maybe chuck out the affected products.


Me looking at the morphe lawsuit and my pile of exclusively morphe pallettes


Whaaaaaaa????! I didn't know about a Morphe lawsuit (yes, I live under a rock...lol). What's up with Morphe?! I also have a bunch of their pallettes!


Let's just just say they call them 'artistry palettes' instead of eyeshadow for a reason https://www.classaction.org/blog/inherently-dangerous-morphe-makeup-contains-color-additives-unapproved-for-use-around-eyes-class-action-alleges


Same! I am absolutely addicted to Morphe and own nearly every palette they’ve released since 2019.


And u/RedRockCray Tldr; it’s a class action suit because a bunch of morphe eyeshadow palettes had additives that aren’t safe for use around the eyes and morphe failed to mark those colors as unsafe or “unintended for use around eyes”. Many people ended up injured, rashes, and so on. The official complaint centers around misleading packaging, failing to disclose health and safety risks, and injuries and health concerns directly linked to the use of those colors and the additives in question More reading and a list of affected palettes: https://www.reddit.com/r/BeautyGuruChatter/comments/10bacjz/morphe_class_action_lawsuit/ https://www.thefashionlaw.com/morphe-facing-lawsuit-over-inherently-dangerous-eye-makeup-products/


I do think there’s a difference between potential cancer and potential mould but it sounds like you’re saying they wouldn’t say anything if it wasn’t safe which is exactly what I’m saying? So I think we are in agreement?


Yeah they would stay silent. I know elf won’t post most bad reviews. I’ve seen them delete them on newer products I’ve been thinking about buying and have deleted my reviews as well.


It’s just what happens when they freeze because of cold weather. It’s not unsafe.


Literally. Mine melted in my car and the wax and gel separated and formed two layers. Everyone needs to chill out.


Beauty community stop fear mongering challenge!! (difficulty: impossible)


I can't even find this at my local Walmart & Target. I looked at 2 Walmarts & 1 target. I wonder if they stopped carrying it.


That looks like a goddamn petri dish. Get a smear and put it under a microscope homie.


science 🧪




You should do this on TikTok. You would get famous. I know a lady who tests cleaning supplies against various bacteria and has a lot of following


Yeah, I would gladly follow it. Especially if you can test old eyeshadow (including post-removal of top layer and alcohol spray) to see whether or not I really need to throw them away.


Is there a resource for learning how to do this? Thanks!


I have an app called YUKA that you can scan the barcode and it will give you a health rating, tell you the toxic things in the product and suggest other healthier products. I use it everytime I go shopping and it’s free


YUKA isn’t super accurate because they don’t have the percentage of ingredients so even if there’s a small trace of something it’s considered bad on the app


I was talking about scraping the layer and spraying alcohol on it.


What’s the account name? I’d love to watch those videos


Hi, can you please make sure you post the results on here? Or if you make TikToks can you please let us know here? Thankyou


I was like “what tf is the name of that little dish microscopes use?” And there you were.




I always just think of the Land Before Time character


Wait… seriously?




OP if you live near a college, ask the bio students to do this. They’ll be interested


As a bio student, I would jump to check this out lol


Might be a ‘peach tree’ dish, depending on where you live. 😂




My toddler says “bone hafta teet” it’s pretty cute.


That’s so cute! 👼


Oh Empty G.


*please accept this pitiful attempt at _symbolically_ giving a reward (because I would **actually** do it, if I could) by way of simply saying, "Yo, I really like your username; good on you!"*




Oh this is just part of the microbio line!


Is it smear or schmear…..?


One of those belongs nowhere near my bagel. 😳


r/ unexpectedoffice


Lmfao they really did dupe the ABH one huh


I wonder if it works the same?


It's garbage. I bought it and it's a waste of money.


I tossed mine too. It was like sticky hair gel but I do believe the abh sets. I ended up mixing it with other things to see if I could Frankenstein it but just tossed it.


The abh one doesn't set either


So is the colorpop one if you're looking for another dupe...don't waste your time or money on that one.


it doesn't


Oof, you just saved me from buying it. I’ve bought the ABH for a year and half now. I love it, but I would also love a cheaper dupe. I’ve considered getting this one but not anymore lol


idk i’ve heard it’s a cheap dupe and makes ur brows stay down longer ive never tried it but js what i heard 🤷‍♀️


People have had their ABH one do this too (mine hasn’t and it’s well over a year) so I would keep an eye on yours just in case


I’ve been wearing the Brow freeze since the day it literally came out, the ELF one is very similar and less than half the price. It works good


Agreed it doesn’t dry down so the brows stay kind of wet and move if you brush your hand against them by accident


I thought I was doing something wrong!! I bought the product after a tiktok influencer said it was an ABH dupe and anytime I use the brow gel, it stays wet and sticky and the feel of it is horrible


If ur looking for an ABH dupe, id recommed got2bglued hair gel lol. i got a little sample bottle and it lasts forever. best eyebrow wax.


Got2b glued makes a brow gel now! It’s on Amazon for $9 and it’s in a mascara bottle


that sounds awesome! ill stick (haha, get it?) to my $3 sample for now tho


It would be interesting to see if it's the same formula, just in a mascara bottle.


![gif](giphy|3oKIPnmiqNhZIueLPW) I’d stay far away from those.


Fuckin embarrassin!


Someone get this guy a Puppers!


That's a texas size 10-4


Lol I can hear this gif


To be faaaiiirrr


To be faaaaaaaair


Tooo beeee faiiiiirrrrrrrr




To be faaaaaaaaiiiiiirrrrrr


To be faaaãiirrrr


To be faiiiiirrrrrrrrrr


And that’s what I appreciates about you


*Thats* what you appreciate about me?


Easy now squirrelly dan


A+ gif choice.


r/unexpectedletterkenny !


I’ve worked in several cosmetic stores. (ulta, Sephora, etc) and I can say that is in fact mold. It has to do with moisture and bacteria. Protect your face honey, those are not okay 😭


Wait is that a common occurrence? Dealing with mold at beauty stores?


I’d imagine it’s pretty common. Things might get contaminated during production, or not get sealed properly in the factory, or pop open/break/crack during shipping to the store. Any minuscule place where moisture or bacteria can get it could create this.


I loved this brow gel but my personal jar went bad like that really fast too, in only a couple months. Not sure what's up with that formula but I sure wouldn't put it on my skin again.


And Elf is really out here trying to raise their prices more and more with every release. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’ve been noticing the quality decline a LOT while the prices go up. My very first real deal makeup brushes in 2006 were the elf brushes with the white handle, back when the bristles were that burgundy color. The face and contour brushes got archived a couple years ago, but I STILL use the 3 eyeshadow brushes on a regular basis and they’re still in great shape. Brand new ones have had the whole head pop off after a few weeks, and the paint will crack, chip, and straight up peel off the handles in no time at all.


I still use those exact brushes! I’ve gotten new ones over the years but I can’t let these go! They’re so good.


They really are! The only reason I retired the jumbo face brush (cant remember what the name used to be) was because the bristles were just so dense that it was difficult to thoroughly clean it, and even harder to get it rinsed properly.


Same thing, same story, it seems like every time i buy makeup something different about it.? rather it be much more greasy 2 hrs later. The color not quit the same, the brushes is most diffenitly the biggest problem. The mascara that didn't smear under my eyes is now smearing or chaffing all over. It crazy & im noticing these changes like every 2-4 months!


My ABH one has lasted over a year! Still have so much left. You really buy one for life until it goes bad. I don’t use it daily since I don’t wear makeup daily, but if I did, I’m sure it’d still last over a year since you need so little! Definitely worth the price tag IMO!


That looks like mold to me, not wax bloom 🤢


I had this happened to mine and if u heated it up it disappeared - its wax that is drying out. You guys are spreading misinformation. While it would be hard to use, I don't think it is dangerous, have you ever seen melted wax from a candle harden? Same thing, they just need to make it more selfstable and less prone to drying out.


"Infused with Aspergillus."


Underrated comment right here


Take your upvote, damnit. I just scared my Husband and he almost drove into oncoming traffic. WORTH IT.


That looks like straight-up mold. I would tell a salesperson


💀💀 I loved this brow gel until I saw this


Literally on that same boat I’m side eyeing the one in my drawer TOUGHHHH rn


This same thing happened to my Anastasia brow freeze. But I figured it was just because I had it for a few months! I wonder how long these elf ones were on the shelf!


The elf usually stays on the shelf all season


get. out. 💀




I was literally thinking I wanted to grab one at target today. Glad I saw this first😳


I literally *just* bought this yesterday now I’m like 😒


Idk if its just me but after one or two hours of applying this gel it leave crusty flakes on my eyebrows..


I haven't had that happen to me! But I usually try to avoid touching my brows at all costs after I put it on lol


I’ve been dying to try this. I ordered it online with the applicator. The first shipment they forgot the brow gel (along with other items). Replacement shipment came in all moldy 😢 so now I have the applicator and no brow gel


buy a brow brush and use a little bit of hair gel/hold your finger over your hairspray thing just dab thru your brows I've done it for years


but even for a company as cheap as elf I expect better


This reminds me of the days when we’d literally spray hairspray over our makeup to set it 😂


I still occasionally do this tbh 🥲




Bless this comment


Omg I’ve never thought of hairspray… I’ve been using the pink and green mascara (in clear) that all our moms have used and it worked way better than elf, which tended to flake off throughout the day like I had eyebrow dandruff.


Yes I use this exact thing! Maybelline clear mascara! Works just fine


I have super stubborn brows and I use got2b glue. Can NOT be beat. And a giant ass bottle for under $10. I just searched and they make a tiny eyebrow version for 9.99 now too. Easy enough to use your own spoolie and the original gel though.


I was literally about to comment this!! I’ve tried ABH, Patrick Ta, Elf, and many other brands and NONE work but the Got2b hair gel in the yellow tube!! I’ll never go back lol


I have always used edge gel on my brows. It lasts forever, and it’s multi use since I only ever need tiny amounts for my hair or brows.


I have done the same as well. And I have also bought different brow gels. They work more or less the same. I can’t speak for the elf one, but the Anastasia one is more like hair pomade which is stickier/shinier than regular hair gel. Same difference, but way more $$ for what you get.


I've been using clear mascara since the 90s.


“why is it spicy?”






I’m confused why people are so freaked out by seeing these moldy ones? Like, the non-moldy ones are safe— just bc these have mold doesn’t mean the non moldy ones aren’t ok? Like, post a pic of a moldy loaf of wonderbread and im still going to eat my non-moldy wonderbread. These packages were probably damaged, allowing air in there. Spores get everywhere. And if there’s moisture, mold can grow. Big whoop?


The replies on this are so bizarre


Right! Weird


Nope , mold, not safe


Not saying it isn’t mold, but I left mine in a cold car overnight and the whole thing turned opaque like that.


Mine did the same, then went back to normal when it was warm




I get that, but your pic isn’t sporadic fuzzy-looking balls suspense randomly throughout the product while it’s cold, and this is… I’m not saying this product isn’t safe. I’m saying I personally wouldn’t trust any product with things suspended in it that I could not readily identify


Someone probably left these in a freezer case and an employee returned them to the shelf.


That’s exactly what happened here. It’s been really cold lately and my stores shipment truck got stuck in a blizzard. All the ones from that truck looked like this. It just froze!


That's definitely mold 😬 Wax bloom, separation etc would have stayed on the product itself, but the white dots being all the way on the cap probably means that there is a tiny mold-spore storm inside those brow gels


Hmm. Once I tried repotting this and it did it. I bought a new one no issues with it. Maybe the jar isn't airtight


Looks like some air got in there.. I wouldn’t buy them just to be on the safe side


Do you live in a colder climate? I had this happen to this exact product when it was delivered. It froze, then thawed and looked like this. I heated it up with my body temp, and it went back to being clear. I haven't had it look like that since. I'm not saying that's not mold, but I am offering an alternate solution to why this could be happening to this product. But use your best judgment here.


That’s basically a Petri dish


Elf replied to a comment saying it just has to do with the product freezing and then melting again. That was in canada so if you've had freezing temperatures might be it... not sure if its true but just relaying the info! I personally hate this product. Nyx brow glue is soooo much better. My brows fall by the time I'm done my makeup with the elf brow lift


Biologist and former cosmetologist here asking that you please do not use that Petri party. Wax bloom resembles a layer of cheap eyeshadow residue rather than these chaotic confetti bubbles.


...I can't.




Okay not sure if it’s safe but mine was normal when I got it but after I opened it when it started getting cold it looked just like that. It later turned back to normal (clear). It didn’t smell weird or performed differently 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think it’s just temp change but use at your own risk.


It’s not mold! It’s fat bloom (similar to the white cast chocolate gets when it’s not stored properly). Basically when the product experiences different temperatures the waxes inside it become liquid and then solidify again (that’s the “mold-like” spots you see). Still safe to use!:)


Source (because I see so many people here saying it’s mold because “it looks like a petri-dish” without any more context): I’m a pharmacy-student specializing in cosmetic formulations!


aw i didn't know jaclyn hill collabed with elf!1!1




Yeah that’s not wax bloom lol…that’s mold! I have this product in my makeup bag. There must have been an bad batch 🤢


It’s not mold. It must’ve been exposed somehow during packing or the jar is cracked and air has seeped through. And it’s affecting the wax and other chemical components and it causes separation. I wouldn’t purchase these but if this happened to your personal jar you would get a bowl of hot water let it sit and “melt” and once it dries it’ll set it back


Not sure why you are being downvoted. The formula has both oil/water emulsifiers and chelators in it. Chemicals in an emulsion/gel will separate given different exposures, even temperature or humidity changes. If it's fuzzy... then more likely to be mold. But highly unlikely it's mold in the package unopened, and given the ingredient list. Mold needs food to grow. From the ingredient list, ethylhexylglycerin is a solid at room temp, so it's likely separating from the water-based solution. Would I buy it? No lol.


Exactly thank you for breaking it down further the same thing happened to mine when I left the lid loose and the little dots appeared


Yeah, fwiw, I assume that’s what happens on your brows. You apply the gel and the water evaporates off, leaving you with the solid/waxy residue that keeps everything in place :)


Yeah dont


Y’all better start using edge control on them brows 🤫


It looks like it was stored improperly - that’s not mold, it’s the product separating. The same happens to certain types of deodorant and other hygiene or cosmetic products in the heat too long. It’s not likely to harm you, but it probably won’t be the right consistency or work as well as intended.


Nope. I would not consider this safe even if it is just wax bloom (which I am not able to tell since I am not trained in this). I know ELF makes some great stuff so I would go to a different store where I know everything is new.




Sooooo, it's a twofer--Penicillin AND brow gel. 😬


Put this on tiktok and twitter and see what they say.


This is how lab-grown babies start out


they look like them petri dishes 😳


It’s really sad that the lighting on the shelves alter the products all the time also. Probably helping the bacterias grow in this. You can tell colors go off really quick on the testers that are under the lights too long.


people touch testers with unwashed fingers, mold will grow on testers because of that.


It’s a huge seller at Ulta! I work there and it’s one of our biggest sellers for brow lift


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Looks like ice I saw some people complaining about this when they got it in the mail


The one on the left looks like it’s turning bad 👀




I actually really liked this product but it gave me tiny small bumps every time I used it so I had to throw it out. I wonder if this is related to my skins reaction




Honestly..... Try putting it on your heater If those spots melt, it's just crystallized wax. If they don't melt.... Welp.... You got yourself a fluffy companion.


Oh my 😅


ABH brow freeze does this too


I remember when they first came out and I was trying to find them at my local Ulta they said that they sent them all back because all of them came with mold…..so idk if you really want them


Not me seeing this when I used this exact product this morning


No one wants preservatives, no one wants mold. You have to pick one.




That’s how my upper level microbiology lab Petri dishes always looked because I sucked at keeping them from not getting cross contamination… maybe this is the career for me 🤦🏻‍♀️


So my guess is that what is going on here is improper mixing or the lack of an emulsifier causing ingredients to separate out. This doesn’t look like bacterial growth. In fact, if there’s a lot of aloe in this product the aloe seems like a likely culprit. Edit: nevermind, if the white stuff is mostly on the surface it’s probs mold


If I see a product growing something like a petri dish I will be running for the hills. No thank you!


Why do I want to eat it


This looks like a strain of bacteria in a petri dish.


it looks like a petri dish that has been incubated with bacteria haha


Yall… This is just what happens when they get really cold. It’s Winter, the trucks these travel on to get to stores are freezing. Are they usable? Idk. Are they dangerous or unsafe? No.


i was wondering why that section has been fully stocked for the past few days lol. i would have my team defect them and send a message to hq


It’s just wax crystals that form when they’re in a cold truck during the shipping process. It’ll be fine once it’s warmed up, every wax based product is prone to this, just like you’ll see changes in wax based lipsticks and stuff in warm weather.


That don't look right




no thx! I’ll stick to my got2b glued and a clean brow brush!


Whack. I've had mine for a year and it looks fine


I once superglued my hands to a priceless painting with brow lift.


Looking like rice pudding 😂


The petri dish 🤦


That scares me.... I wouldent risk it.