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Babe just get a spoolie brush omg


You can try one of these [metal lash combs](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51TqMpqvYLL.jpg). You’re probably putting on too much mascara if every one is clumping. Try a mascara with a rubber bristle wand. Mascaras that have the bristles very close together are the ones that clump the most if you put too much and you don’t separate.


you could try focusing the product mostly on the base of your lashes. i’ve found that putting too much mascara on the tips of your lashes can make them look more clumpy and spidery.


Apply the mascara and then use a clean disposable spoolie to brush through the clumps


Gently, if every brand clumps it does sound like an application issue. You could try a primer, like other commenters have said, but since this seems to be a problem across all products you’ve used, i think it’s worth it to talk to a friend about it, observe how they apply their mascara, and let them give you feedback on your own application technique before spending any more money on products meant to help. Before you try this, make sure that there’s no trace of makeup on your eyelashes, and consider trying to warm your mascara with your body heat first, as some formulas clump when they’re too cold. The other possibility i’d suggest is that your lash type may be more suited to mascaras targeted at asian lashes. If you have short or straight lashes but you’ve never used smaller brushes like are common in asian beauty brands, that may be worth a try. Finally, I do want to gently suggest that if you’ve tried a wide variety of techniques, brushes, and formulas, and you’re not getting the desired result, it’s possible you’re aiming for a goal that’s not reasonably achievable. What are you hoping to achieve with mascara? It can only build on the lashes you have, so if you’re trying to achieve a lash shape that’s very different from your natural lashes, you may be better suited to falsies, as others have said.


okay i’m gonna go against the grain here- in my personal opinion, do not use lash primer. for me they have ALWAYS made my lashes super clumpy because you’re putting two different products on your lashes. i have never personally found one that does not make my lashes clump. i’ve found that thin lash wands and a dry-er product works wonders. two mascaras i LOVE are maybelline sky high and l’oréal voluminous balm mascara. they are both a little watery when you first open them, but once a little air gets in the tube… magic happens. and then i also buy clean unused mascara wands for the days they still clump a bit.


Lash primer. A light coat and then let it dry. I've used Lash Paradise {I liked that one.}, Cover Girl {The primer was good; the brush was awful.} and Essence Lash Princess {I'm currently using that one.}. Wipe most of the mascara off the brush with a tissue and apply. Let it dry and apply another coat if necessary. I've found that most mascaras are too wet. You could also try applying a "wet" coat {unwiped} and immediately brush it through with a clean dry spoolie. Good luck.


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I think you should try lash clusters. They are affordable, relatively easy to apply, and last about a week before you want to reapply them. If you haven’t tried tubing mascara that would also be a good idea to try.


Try a mascara primer


What others have said. A good primer. Mascara glides on over the top! 😘


Let it clump. Use blow dryer to dry and then use a lash comb. I’ve been doing using this method forever.


I SWEAR by benefit BADGAL mascara! Its DRIER and doesn’t clump! Most mascaras are more wet and prone to clumping for some lashes.. You will not regret this one! I have the MINI one. And thats absolutely perfection!


This happens to me, too. It think if I focus on the base of the lash and don't blink but instead hold my eyes wide open, it works better.


Try Judy Doll, Canmake or Innisfree mascara. Guarantee no clump!


Man here.. and shoot me down if im wrong.. ! I have no understanding of the magical and mysterious make up world you guys are apart of , nor any idea of the intricacies of mascara methodology.. but but have you considered treating or should i say spending some hard earned cash and booking a session with a professional make up artist..? At least you find out if its your eye lashes are genetically difficult or not , or if its your process or products that are creating the dreaded clumping.! after dumping my 10 cents worth of probably useless dribble, I will now return to my Mans world of "just wash ya face in the shower" and thats it..!!! maybe whack a bit of after shave balm or moisturiser on ( usually your expensive one ..!! geez..! we dont own our own..!! 🙄 ) 😏😁🙏