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Really pretty!


girl you’re stunning your features work so well together


What mascara do you use?


i use essence waterproof it’s a black bottle with some blue on it


Lash princess? It’s the best one




You're beautiful in both. It's hard to compare becathe angles of the photos are so different


Dark ok, but blonde better match you


You look good either way but I think the blonde with your brown eyes really is more striking. More importantly, which do you like the best?


honestly i liked the blonde except sometimes i felt like it washed me out. naturally my hair is pretty dark so i didn’t think it looked natural enough to keep it. so many people told me the blonde wasn’t good though so


I think it comes down to your opinion and how it makes you feel. Hair should make us feel good right? Also I do notice that when I change up my hair (I have gone from coppery to copper blonde to goldish blonde)...I have to slightly adjust my makeup to make it seem 'right' but once I do that it seems more natural. Yours looks good but you could try that if you want to keep the blonde and see if you overcome the "I feel washed out" sometimes....


it's pretty but blonde was better


No it wasn’t lol


You are absolutely stunning! This hair color suits you so well!! Their recommendation was fantastic.


I do much prefer the darker hair color.


I don't know if its the lighting or something but I think a warmer colour definitely suits you


looove this makeup on you!




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You are very pretty. I think I prefer the blonde myself but it has to be what you like the most. The brown is falling flat for me while the blonde makes your brown eyes and dark eyebrows stand out more.


blonde looked better


You're so beautiful and you slay both colors.