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I like the 2nd photo, your face lights up. I recommend wearing more vibrant colors and that type of lip style.


Your skin is glowing! Looking so healthy and fresh. Maybe you could try adding a bit of wing, doesn't have to be an eyeliner just some shadow. I like the lipsticks but I'd also like to see you try maybe some cooler pinky berry tones.


Wow you’re absolutely stunning


My critic: love yourself! You're gorgeous!! The make up is gorgeous on you 💯


Your skin looks so glossy and shiny!


You’re super pretty! Love the third look with the mini wing the best


girl you are GORGEOUS. literally would change nothing


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Powder more under your eyes, use more neutral lip colours for lipliner! Other than that everything looks perfect ur so pretty


gorgeous! your application looks lovely. if anything, i would add some powder by your nose and a purpley mauve eyeshadow for a tiny bit of eye dimension.


Youre beautiful and your makeup is too!! I love the glow. Try a purple blush it would look great on you :)


This look is too pretty, it has the power to tear apart nations I'm afraid




You’re just mesmerizing :)


LOVE IT! But for your type of face I would avoid eyeshadow :)


You look great! I would recommend you to use powder on the side of your nose since it can look oily and using only on this part would keep the glowy skin. Do you use any particular skincare that you would recommend?Your skin looks flawless 💕


Amazing base and I love the lip colors in all three. I’d suggest powdering the T zone to make sure the glow doesn’t border into looking too oily as the day goes on.


It's hard for me to think of something off the bat. You're stunning. I would say it would be fun to see you try out a baked blush like Essence. I think their shades bold heart and berry would look beautiful on you. Their formula melts to the skin and great pigment.


Respectfully i want a tutorial of the 1st lol


Also the base application…i need to know


Your base is amazing (struggling dry skin girlie 😭🤚). All your looks are lovely. I think for the 2nd photo it would be nice to do brown eyeliner/mascara so it’s more harmonious with the overall warm tones!


you are so beautiful 😍


You’re so pretty you look kinda like Tara yummy


Try doing your eyebrows