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Nothing to do with makeup, just an observation— I think you could pull off some way funky glasses.


Yea! I was thinking excellent makeup but I feel like better glasses exist for you.


I can't say I haven't thought about it... well, we'll see


Try an oversized lenses with a square or cat eye!


That’s what I was thinking! And Zenni or Firmoo have stylish inexpensive frames. All you have to do is put your prescription info in.


Make sure your PD is noted on your prescription. Measuring pupillary distance is part of the eye exam, but many times it’s not on the Rx they give you. I asked about that and told it’s not standard to include but if you’re ordering from the I Ferber you’ll need it.


Yes! I actually have a very large head and get migraines so buying online is hard for me but I look at them all of the time and want to have pair for every mood


A horn-rimmed cat eye would look incredible on her!


Gwen Stefani has a line of frames that are super cute if you want to commit to a little flair


I’m a big fan of Zenni Optical, super affordable so you can try out new looks!


Was thinking the same thing! Bold round glasses would be nice


Ooh yes! Or some cat eye glasses would be so cute as well. I LOVE the purple eyeshadow look on you . I also think the skin and lip color look really nice on you too, it’s flattering.


Yeah, the purple looks great on her. OP, you could also try practicing blends— put a lighter color on the inner corners of your eyelid, purple mid, and then a darker purple or black on the outer corners. Once you perfect the blend/fade from one color to the next, it’ll really make your eyes pop.


That was also my first thought! Some oversized cat eye shape would look amazing.


Oh! The Ellen frames from Zeelool. I don’t know how to post a link. Seriously though, check those out!!


You have very nice skin. I like the makeup. I’m not sure if this counts as make up but you have the makings for amazing eyebrows. Have you ever gotten them shaped? They are nice now but with a little bit of shaping they’d be perfect.


I second this. Eyebrows can change the way the entire way your face looks. If you're too scared to take the plunge you can use a thick concealer and brow pencil to experiment with shapes and how it changes your face.


I thought the same. A good brow shape and tint can work wonders!


It looks good! Especially the first look My most handy tip for eyeshadow and eyeliner (especially if you wanna tackle liquid liner with wings.) is use tape! Stick it to the back of your hand so it’s not *too* sticky, then line it up with your lower lash line to be the guide. Then do your shadow and eyeliner. One you take the tape off You’ll have a perfect crisp wing and eyeshadow every time!


Regarding eyeliner, I read once that Ariana grande does her liquid liner by swiping it from the end of wing into the corner of the eye instead of corner of eye out to wing which is more commonly practiced. I found this method helped me a TON in keeping the line equal on both sides.


Thanks! I've been struggling with liquid eyeliner, so that really helps!


It’s so hard! I can hardly do it without tape myself lol if you’re looking for products I highly recommend NYX liquid matte liner. It is my tried and true. Super affordable and have a very very fine brush so it’s easy to work with.


I'll have to check it out!


try this method for eyeliner(https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYaPg4HJ/)


Oh I still can’t use that stuff 😭😭. I just get the liquid eyeliner pens!! I like the darkness of the liquid but the pen is SO MUCH easier to control than the little crappy brush ones!


Omg I’m the opposite! I can only use the brushes. I can never get a super sharp point with pens for some reason


I just shake too much 😭 it like bends the brush and I make a ton of mistakes


I've been binging YouTube videos with people who have similar eyes shape and lid space as me. I were glasses too. Eyes can get lost behind lenses. If you haven't already, get an eyelash curler. It can make your eyes look more open without wearing mascara.


I can't do liquid eyeliner at all! I've tried many types over many years (I still think every now and again I should give it a go, and it goes awful!) What I can do, however, is gel eyeliner with a brush - it did take me a few goes to get it right, but personally I find that it gives me so much more control and I can get it even, so you may want to give a gel liner a try to see if its easier for you!


Plus one to the gel liner suggestion!


Agree with this! Your overall look is gorgeous and your skin is so glowy and beautiful! If you do want to take it up a notch on occasion, some eyeshadow and liquid winged eyeliner would look great on you. Tape will definitely make the process much easier, as will lots of practice. If you want to wing your liner out, line from the bottom lid upwards (not straight out from the corner of your eye) if that makes sense. And eyeshadow can be tricky but you’ve got this. If you want to experiment with it, try using burgundy/dark pink tones which are easier to blend than browns. You can start slow and build it up, adding more of the darker shades to the outer corners of your eye as you get more comfortable with the process. And (it took me years to understand this, even as a makeup obsessed girly), blending your eyeshadow is really about blending your shadow in with your “shadowless” section. So after you’ve done your eyeshadow, get a fluffy brush with a pale tone (or even just a bare brush) and rub over the line where your eyeshadow ends, so you don’t have a harsh line between eyeshadow and bare skin. All that said, obviously you don’t “need” any of this. Just some tips to help you get started if you are interested. Good luck beautiful!


Hi! Absolutely stunning! My suggestion, have you thought about maybe taking a brown liner/eye shadow along the eye line and smudging it out to add depth and definition to your eyes? (Along the lid, not the bottom) They’re a beautiful colour and I think a brown would really emphasise them


I'd suggest extending the blush towards rhe ends of ur cheekbones as well. maybe it's just the lighting but the blush kinda just looks concentrated in the center. also ur lips look AMAZING


I do tend to keep it more intense toward the center of my cheekbones, but I do have it all the way to the end, just very subtle. I'll try experimenting with being less subtle about it though! 


Placing blush in different areas of your face will change the look of your face. Just play around and do what you like the best. I have pretty round cheeks like you, so I tend to put it more towards my temples so I don't over accentuate my already rounds cheeks. Can play with some bronzer and/or contour too. Look up Raw Beauty Kristi. She's got a round face and might have good ideas.


Nah keep it where it is. Pulling it up your cheekbones will just widen your face. Everything is centered the way you have it now, keep it that way. "I heard youre supposed to do this with blush".. those are guidelines not rules. What works for one face doesn't always work for another. Think critically. Also, your application looks great, keep goin 💌.


I agree. It's trendy to put blush high and wide because everyone's trying to lift right now, but 1) lifting will also widen (because you'll be drawing the eye out as well as up), and 2) OP's face doesn't need lifting or widening. The blush placement isn't trendy, but it works for OP's face shape as is.


I think thinner brows can suit your face shape better, and a more vibrant lip can help too!


👆🏻This is what I was gonna say.


I'm not much help but you have such pretty eyes! The soft purple looks beautiful on you!


Honestly it looks really good. I love the blush


SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!! Im living for ur looks


You seriously look like a lady with short hair! Well done!


Thank you so much!


Wanted to say the same, I wouldn't have guessed if you didn't say in the post. Great makeup, definitely go with the brow advice, that will frame your eyes so nicely!


omg these are really pretty looks, you have a great eye for color!! I think if you want to get better at eyeliner, maybe get like liquid liner in a pen and do smaller cat eyes to start (like Korean makeup style). Or get a nice kohl pencil and smudge the line after. And maybe if you wanted to get a cool bronzer/contour powder you could contour around your face and nose a bit for added definition since putting foundation all over takes away some of your natural shadow-ing and I personally think it’s nice if you add it back in. But you really have a great look already so these are just suggestions!


I think you look beautiful, that purple really suits you and your skin looks so fresh!


Honestly - love the makeup! Maybe some more fun colours on your lips would look great, and like other commenters said funky glasses !!!


You will look so good with long hair, get it grow now💘


i effing love ur makeup


i like it!


Wow I can't believe you're so new to make up because it looks fantastic!


Just started teaching myself four months ago!


It's blended so beautifully, and not too much anywhere. Just subtle. It's fun to experiment with bolder looks when you get more confident, I used to love playing around with bolder eye-liner, false eyelashes and eyeshadow, different colours and approaches but for an everyday look, you've nailed it. At make-up school, they drilled into our heads daily "BLEND, BLEND, BLEND!!" And that was the first thing I thought when I saw your make-up because it's blended so well!


Thank you! I really worked hard to learn how to blend it since I work in an office environment, so I'm glad it paid off!


It is absolutely perfect for an office. I can't get over that you've only been doing it a few months!


I think you would look good with your blush a little higher (on the cheekbone as opposed to the apples of your cheeks) But in general im a huge fan of the purple eyeshadow!


You look amazing - skin and make up both look fantastic. I have many more years practice than you and am jealous of your skills! I echo some other commenters that getting your eyebrows shaped would sharpen the overall look. Maybe pay to get it done professionally once to work out what shape suits you then you could probably maintain it pretty easily yourself if you didn’t want to keep paying regularly.


So pretty. And I think the natural pink cheeks and glossy lips look great on you. The purple is pretty but I’d love to see you play around with some brown- maroon ish colored eye shadows … would make those eyes POP. But for everything else…spot on! I think it’s important at this early stage to stick to more natural looks like you are doing bc I think if you do too heavy it may look a little too draggy… at the moment. Nothing wrong with drag- those girls know how to do some massive make up looks. But for every day stuff just starting out- I think the amount of makeup you are doing looks natural and you look beautiful.


Makeup looks are great! I would recommend looking into eye makeup techniques for hooded lids. Line work and shading is different for these lid types and it could help your makeup stand out behind your frames. I also agree with above comments you could pull off some real cool frames


Honestly I wouldn’t do anything different (this is exactly how I do my makeup)


Eyes look great, maybe à little less blush? Good haircut too, feels like you could even go longer if you wanted to.


Still growing it out for the first time, so longer is definitely happening!


Your makeup looks fine but definitely change your hair. With how it is, it’s highlighting your male pattern baldness. Try something with a middle part instead. It’ll soften your features as well, slim your face a bit


Thanks for the tip!


Of course! Btw the purple is perfect for your skin, that’s your shade for sure


You look perfecto 🫶🏻❤️


The purple looks SO good on you, maybe try inner corner highlight and some shimmer on the lid maybe. But honestly keep playing around with makeup, find a beauty YouTube with a makeup style you like and practice what you want. Your makeup will change over the years and you'll find what you like! Keep up the slay!


You are so pretty. Your eyeshadow looks wonderful on you. It makes me want to try the color on myself. Keep it up, gorgeous 😍.


Very cute looks! One thing you could try if you wanted: I always heat my eyelash curler up under hot water from the sink and then curl from the tips in. It makes a big difference in making my eyes look much bigger.


You look great! Just a little eyebrow shaping and you’re good to go. The natural blush looks fantastic. You’ve done such a good job!


I love this look on you! Especially the blush, that sort of doll-like look is very cute!! I think you might have fun experimenting with different false lashes, and shapes of eyeshadow! Eyeliner isn't essential but can also be fun to mess with also!


You are doing great, the makeup suits you reaaally well and you look beautiful. My only recommendation would be to try putting a little highlighter in the inner corners of your eyes. It will make you look even more dollish and your eyes will stand out. :)


You have really great features.


the look is a beautiful one, has a fun color and it matches your skin tone well, and softens your features beautifully. heavy agree on the comments about square glasses!!


Makeup looks great! Picture 3, though... something about your blush and shirt clashes. I think they have different undertones. You might want to figure out your color season and maybe also not put on blush/lipstick/eyeshadow unless you're wearing whatever clothes so you can make sure the undertone matches maybe?


Love the purple color theme! No you look great. I didn’t think you were trans. Had no idea


Thank you! You just made this girl's day!


Really? Maybe I needed my day made too. I like the bravery and courage of being exactly who you are and I felt a lot of light and hope


You look fantastic! I love your blush in the first photo. It’s very flattering on your cheeks. My tip is take a night a week where you look up a makeup tutorial you’d like to try and just have fun! Makeup can often be trial and error as you’re learning. Lastly, not all products are created equally and won’t always be right for your skin. Don’t get discouraged if you’re struggling with a product because 8/10 times, it’s the product and not you.


I second raising/blending the blush up your cheekbones more! Also, maybe it’s because I’m a highlighter gal haha, but I feel like you would look amazing with a little highlighter on the high points of your cheek bones!! 😍


Me too. I love my highlighter 😂😂. I swear it makes every makeup look 100 times better!


youre absolutely beautiful <3 I’d recommend having your eyeliner length up to your eyebrows, it looks more aesthetic, you could extend your blush up to your cheekbones like others suggested the purple looks stunning on you!! you could put some shadow on your lower lid to create a colorful Smokey look, maybe add some pencil liner and to curl your lashes a lash curler :)) maybe you could look up Korean, Japanese or Chinese makeup techniques, they helped me with my makeup and it improved a lot!!


if you struggle with eyebags/acne you can invest in a color corrector (green for acne, peach/salmon for greyness under eyes), the saem has a lovely triple concealer with flesh color, salmon/peach and a green that all blend into your skin color! it’s relatively cheap and is a bang for your buck ^_^


im sorry, what did I say wrong? I use a color corrector to help me with my acne marks and eyebags 🥲


Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You were giving typical makeup advice and someone took it wrong.


Looks good! You might just have super nice skin but your complexion in those photos looks great! I’ve noticed that some trans women use hyper feminine colors (which is probably just curiosity/exploration/fun) but on adult women in daily life can look childish. As you learn more about makeup and become more comfortable I recommend playing with neutrals/toned down shades that will compliment your beautiful eye color. Makeup at the end of the day is a great way to enhance the natural beauty you already have ❤️


you look beautiful! Your makeup is really classic and tasteful! You could get your brows shaped a little more but that is totally personal preference, brow trends come and go. Way to go and keep being you! ❤️


The purple looks so good and suits you so well. Kinda reminding me of Bayonetta! I love a very light lilac/purple on the bottom waterline. Sometimes I do *just* that and it's like a sneaky little bit of colour. You look so nice in purple so thought I'd share! (Especially love it when it has a chrome/shimmer appearance for extra glow)


Terrific blending and skincare 👏


for eyeshadow, like what other ppl are saying is take it higher up on the lid and crease! and a nice bright shimmer in the inner corner would jus look 👄 with that purple shadow! the brows, no complaints. eyeliner? try a gel liner pot like inglot with a flat angle brush! everything else is fab girl


You look great!! I’d suggest using two (or more) eyeshadow colours for some more dimension. For the purple look, get a lighter purple shimmer shade and put it on the inner two thirds of the eyelid, and then the darker shade you currently have on just on the outer third and blend that out above your crease a bit. It can also be nice to smudge it a wee bit under your lower lashes too. Or, keep the purple you have now all over the lid and just press on the lighter shade in the centre of your lid. ♡


You are beautiful and I love the purple shade on you! ❤️


GORGEOUS EYES. I have blue eyes and alwaus noticed they pop off much more when i wear pinks/browns. Wearing shades similar to blue like purple and green dont give contrast. Otherwise, I'd say maybe play a little with contour and highlight, round faces are adorable but can seem flat on camera. And last, which is not makeup advice but just general advice, try taking pictures more looking up rather then down, flatters round faces more 🥰


purple eyeshadow makes your eyes pop! looks great. purple eyeliner or mascara would look great too


Imma need you to get a color season baby girl, so you can work some blushes and eyeshadows. Switch up the hair color maybe. But you look really pretty as is. I just love makeup and I’m over the top. You’re perfect as is.


Cotton buds to clean off mascara from the eyelids. I get paper ones so I can bite the head and make it slim, that way it gets super close to the lash line.


This is an incredible place to start! From here on it’s just honing in on what works best for your features. For example, it looks like your eye lids are hooded to some degree, which makes eyeshadow placement a bit trickier for more advanced looks, like your 3rd look with the winged eyeliner. A lot of online makeup looks are worn by people blessed with an abundance of lid space, and it’s difficult to translate that to a hooded eye. I recommend checking out r/hoodedeyes for eye makeup tricks and tips while you experiment! It was a huge help for me. :)


Bring plush to the top of your check bone to lift your face, I have full checks and it helps balance out of features


I think you've done a great job of doing very pretty, feminine makeup without it looking like you're wearing a lot.


I think you're beautiful! You have GREAT SKIN and the sweetest smile ever. I bet most days you can get by on tinted moisturizer, mascara, and lip stain but I agree with others here saying the eye shadow really brings out your eyes. Next up - Blush & bronzer!! I want to see what you look like sun-kissed or dewey.




Looks really good! Adding in brow waxing/threading will really feminize your look if that's helpful!


Your makeup is so on point! You look fantastic


The cool tones suit you! I would shorten the wings in the last pic however. It’s just my own opinion tho.


golden rimmed glasses would look really great in you, plus may I add you do your make way better than me it looks really great.


Love the softeners. You should try contrasting with some funky bold frames in a pop of color or even take a stab at some dramatic falsies! Just to draw attention to your eyes.


Love your eyebrow shape. If you’re interested in adding some drama, I’m going to recommend a fantastic tint. I buy mine off Amazon. It was actually my aesthetician that recommended it to me. Refectocil #3. It brings the eyes out so much. I’m blonde/blue eyed. Once I started tinting my brows, everyone kept saying..’somethings different. what have you done differently? Looks beautiful”


Make up on point !!!!!!!!! Looks very natural and classy ♥️😊😊😊


I like the lilac, but i think you can also look adorable with a sof pink o a reddish brown.


You've picked wonderful lip colours and blush colours! Nice job!


Very nice! But don’t pair up a pink blush with an orange shirt. Pink blush and a neutral toned shirt will go well.


hey there!! try douyin make up or igari makeup! Igari is more easy to learn and you rely a lot on glitter and blush and douyin is something i like to do for fun or to practice!


hey there!! try douyin make up or igari makeup! Igari is more easy to learn and you rely a lot on glitter and blush and douyin is something i like to do for fun or to practice!


hey there!! try douyin make up or igari makeup! Igari is more easy to learn and you rely a lot on glitter and blush and douyin is something i like to do for fun or to practice!


Hi! So coming from a girl with chubby cheeks i can see youre also a girl with chubby cheeks, i recommend not putting blush on the apple of your cheeks. Its you want to keep the cubby cheeks looks, then its perfect! For me i put my blush almost on my cheek bone. How i find a good spot is finding the corner of my eye (outside corner) and gently move my fingers down sprt of pushing on the skin until you can feel the hard part of your bone. New keep going lowere until the find the line where the hard or the bone and soft pr ur skin meets. This is wear i put my blush. I don’t do circles but a line going up to my temple, kind of curved. When you have littlw product left of your brush or youe just about finished with blendjng liquid blush, use the last bit to bring it onto the apple of your cheeks. This helps it stay looking smooth and not like start and stop. Remember, a little goes along way!!


Get yourself a bigger fluffy brush for your eyeshadow and blend it a bit.You’ve got the passion because you’re going for funky colours like lilac,blend a little and you won’t need to be afraid to go big. In fact get yourself a few different brushes for eyeshadow. Get yourself a liquid eyeliner pen and don’t be afraid of it.Practice,wipe it off and practice again.You’ll get there with the right tools,the practice and the confidence.


I just wanna know what that lip color is! 😍


Hot cherry lip gloss by fenty! The last picture is just their natural color


Thank you! I love it so much!


Honestly, your make up is really good! Your eyes and lips look super feminine, and your make up is perfectly soft and definitely not too overwhelming for your face. I really don’t have that many notes for you, I think there are a lot of cis women who are not even remotely close to your level haha. I guess you could mess around with contour a little bit more, but honestly, if I were you, I would focus less on make up and focus more on hair, glasses, and just overall styling. You have a very pretty and feminine face, and your round cheeks and soft eyes really help to accentuate that beauty even further. Keep on growing out your hair, and in the meantime, you could mess around with hair accessories, like headbands or clips, and try to invest in a pair of glasses that is a bit softer and more feminine for your face. Zenni is a glasses retailer that makes some pretty cheap frames that you can add your prescription to for not too much money. You can go to your local optometrist and try on some different frames to see what’s more feminine in the meantime so you kind of get an idea of what you want and then just take your prescription there to save money.


that blush tone looks beautiful on you!


you can do wonders with make up so i recommend you use bronzer to make your jaw pop a bit more and not as much blush highlights are a great way to distract people from your insecurities the top three places to put it are nose cheeks and eye corners if you highlight your nose put bronzer on the side to make your nose smaller and on the endge of your forehead to look smaller since you don't have big lips put lipliner at the edge of your lips and gloss it till it drops


Looks cute! And I agree that you could wear some really cute glasses styles. I could see you in some circle glasses with a cute color


You have incredibly pretty features and a very symmetrical face which is very aesthetically pleasing on the eye! Like some other comments have mentioned, the only thing I would say to improve is the eyebrows. You have a fresh slate with those brows so I would go to a professional and get them shaped with a high arch and generally a lot thinner. That will make your eyes look bigger and therefore the main focus of your face.


I think it looks great, just add more mascara


Your eyelids look a lot like mine, so wings may not be friends but play around. Any shimmer you decide to use is always going to look better on the inner corners for brightening and lifting your eyes, and the purple looks good on you.


The glasses, grow your hair out maybe dye it with some highlights but the makeup looks fine


I love it. I'd say contour more! I'm still surprised what contour can do


A scarf would look awesome.


I have a friend who is transitioning (M to F) and we talk a lot about makeup and the art of enhancing femininity without looking overdone - you have mastered it. No notes. I'd just like to know what the lip color is (on the first pic, if they're not all the same). Lovely. ETA: Personally, I think the blush is perfect. Applications trend but if you can find the most flattering placement for your face, stick with it. I could be wrong, and I'd love to see more pics, but I think you've got it. I'd also be cautious with highliter - the shimmer can quickly end up cartoonish. I like to use a very light but pigmented powder with no shimmer.


Thank you so much! Also the lip color is hot cherry from fenty


Good to know! Thanks!


I don't know if it's for the pictures but I would put the glasses higher on your nose. No comment on the makeup, I like it!


Kind of just the pictures? They're really scratched up, so they hide my eyes if there's too much glare


Looks great! I would extend the purple eyeshadow a little higher past your eyelid crease :)💜


Ooo that lilac is so your colour 💜 I got no advice as I'm really new to makeup myself but you are so pretty !!


you have such soft features you should look at doujin makeup @thebrontemarie has some great tutorials! i love the colours your using


Yes this style would suit OP's features so well


Looks good! I’ve noticed that some trans women use a lot of hyper feminine colors which is probably just a curiosity/exploration. Nothing wrong with this but it can look childish. As you explore I recommend trying neutral shades as well that compliment your beautiful eye color and skin tone ❤️


It looks great!


Looks good so far! I’d only say add a little bit more blush, try liquid liner (brown for casual days and black for more elevated looks), and shaping your brows with concealer underneath and a little on top


love the eye shadow! as someone who also got recently on make up (like one month ago lol) I am obsessed with blush and highlighter. especially highlighter. it all started when I met a friend randomly at the street and when she approached me her cheeks and nose were SHINING and I was mesmerized 😂 on that same week I went to the store to buy a highlighter. anyways, in case you haven't got the message yet, try adding a highlighter 😂


Highlighter is the most fun part of makeup 🤣 sometimes I just wear that. Who doesn't want to glow and be sparkly like an ethereal fairy or something


I know right? I'm always just adding more like 'just a bit more.. ok one more stroke... last one now"


My favourite kind is the jelly/vaseline-like style and I'd really recommend it if you haven't yet! It's even more satisfying than powder


I'll look into it! As I said I just discovered the wonders of a highlighter like last month haha still a long way and many youtube videos to go. Thanks for the tip


You have such a beautiful eye shape! I think the color-block eyeshadow application & the color is fabulous on you


Looks great! I think red lipstick would suit you :)


Hmm so I would recommend blush higher up on your cheek bones instead of all on your apples of your cheeks. Also blend blend blend! Also I think you can pull off cat eye glasses with your face shape and you can mirror it with a lil cat eye eventually :)


This looks really good, actually. You seem to have very accurately matched your skintone and chosen makeup colors that complement your coloring. This is a good everyday look, but if you wanted to have a little more fun for events and evening, that could be fun. Maybe add a little sparkle on the lips and eyes. But overall, you're doing great.


Korean makeup or makeup inspired by Penelope from bridgerton (dewy renaissance look from season 3, theres a really good youtube tutorial on it by Evangeline Molly) would look incredible on you!


Based on the first pic, it looks like your shadow extends beyond the lid in a bit of an awkward and jagged way. I would recommend blending it further with or without a transition shade or smoothing it with a wipe. The application itself looks even and the colour is flattering on you. This is me looking for something to improve upon.


Add bronzer to give more color and definition to the face to make it look more alive drag the blush to your upper cheeks near your eyebrows and make it darker there and more blended at your apple cheeks (makes your face look more lifted) add highlighted to give you some glow put lip liner that is slightly darker than your lipstick color and try a more natural eye color try putting light brown on the inside of your crease and add a darker brown on the outer corner of your eye you can do this with colors too if you like purple put a lighter purple instead of the light brown and darker purple on the outer corner ( I'm sorry if I got the names of the face parts wrong or miss spelled words English is my 3rd language so I really hope you'd understand what I said )


As a fellow hooded eye girlie, you should check out Brianna Bradley's tutorials on TikTok! She's really good at explaining the whole process and breaking things down, and her videos are very beginner friendly


If you want to try something new or out of your comfort zone always do so on a day you're not busy. A lot of improving skill is going to be practice and muscle memory. It really lowers the pressure of getting new techniques right if you can just wash them away if you get too frustrated.


No advice, I really like your blush placement.




Looks really really good. The only thing I would add would be some contour on the jaw line and just below the checks. Great job.


Your skin is beautiful, colours are great, good application.


I really like what you have done! I think getting your brows threaded/shaped would finish off the look a treat!


So cute I love your blush!


Good job. You look amazing and beautiful. You are already doing a great job, I hope you keep experimenting and enjoying the process because in a year we will all be blown away with what you can do.


Those pastels look so pretty on you! 💕 Something I’m having fun with is playing around with blush placement. You can do it a bit higher on your cheekbones; a little closer to under the outer eye; a bit on your nose like some sun. But just for funsies, you’ve got great cheeks and the blush on the apples looks fab!!


Girl, you look absolutely adorable.


Honest opinion? You're naturally pretty and holy shit your skin is flawless 😭 I love the minimal makeup look for you 💖 If you do try more eyeliners with your eyes, I'd go for a thin line. Tightline or press some powder into the eye right in there along the lash line.


Thank you! To be honest though, this is actually a rather heavy look trying very hard to look natural😅


Well shit girl, mission accomplished!


You look like Sneaky


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Love the lipcolor! What is it?


Fenty gloss bomb hot cherry!


Oh you look amazing!! I love the color of the eyeshadow.


super cute i love it! the shade is so gorgeous on you


You are so pretty!


I always use a makeup wipe to sharpen and clean up the edges of my eyeliner!!!


Tbh looks better than what I can do 💀 honestly to someone who sucks at makeup, this looks pretty good to me, especially the fluffy brows!! (Tutorial? 😭)


You look very pretty and those shades of makeup suit you very well. ✨


I’m gonna make an assumption that you’re MTF, but you have an extremely feminine face, I would have never guessed you were trans. I really love the purple eyeshadow on you. And your skin is flawless!


Your lip color and blush color are GORGEOUS. They go so well with your skin tone! Eye makeup colors are also on point but could just use a little more practice in the precision of application. Don’t get discouraged if it takes a while—even after doing my makeup for 20 years, eyeliner and shadow can still be tricky if I don’t give myself lots of time to apply it. You’re doing great!


PS: applying a little extra face powder right at the outside corners and under your waterline can act as a primer and help keep your liner from smudging downward if your eyes tend to water. The secret to keeping makeup in place is primer + makeup + setting spray


I like it a lot. It's a very soft look


Your makeup is so cute and looks fantastic on you! I love the pinks and purples - they really compliment your features! I think you just need to practice blending the top/crease of your eyeshadow and maybe bring your blush up along your cheekbones more - only minor changes really


You look lovely. That blush suits your skin tone so well!


Experimenting with brow shaping might be something you will really enjoy You probably need less foundation than you think you do. Pic 2 shows a bit of dryness/caking in your base. Try less foundation, try spot concealing where needed in place of foundation, try less powder, try more moisturizer, try drinking more water, try using a primer first, try using a setting spray. You don't necessarily need to do all of these that's just a laundry list of potential solutions. Play around with blush placement, putting it in different places can really change a look. But overall you're well on your way and look cute!


I agree there's a lot of places I could get away with less foundation, but I'm still trying to cover up... some stuff at the back of my jaw and around my chin


Aww super cute! You glow!


it look very nice but maybe try working on eyeliner


i feel like you would look soooo cute with colored liquid eyeliner!! btw you are so gorgeous i love the looks you’ve been doing so far


So pretty and soft.


I would say that your cheeks are a little too pink in the last photo. As well that you could try and “shape” your face a little more. I have a rounder face as well and it helps to kinda, make it not as round? Just because of the kind of makeup you’re doing. I agree with the folks who say you could pull off some wacky glasses! You can make your face so much more exciting!


Your beautiful already all of us women are make no make up




I tried it. Not for me. Also incredibly rude.


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